Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Rhys smiled as he read Poogers555's post.

    "Yes...yes, I like this post. But then again," he started, waving a finger in front of the screen, "she never left in the first place."

    He raised his eyebrows smugly.

    "Rivals just try and make it look like she did."

    Poogers555 posted: »

    "To bring Fiona back to me!"

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    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Rhys smiled as he read Poogers555's post. "Yes...yes, I like this post. But then again," he started, waving a finger in front of the scre

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    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Anything pro Rhyiona related is good.

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    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Sequel to the other story? Yes. - Fiona felt a bit dizzy and held her head in her hands trying to get back to normal. What had happene

  • Exclusive picture of Rhys not being able to get Fiona out of his head.

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    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Aw shucks.

  • That implies that he wants too though.

    He's trying to rid her because he wants to see his true love, Sasha.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Exclusive picture of Rhys not being able to get Fiona out of his head.

  • Leluch123Leluch123 Banned
    edited April 2015

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    That's bro bro!

    That implies that he wants too though. He's trying to rid her because he wants to see his true love, Sasha.

  • edited April 2015

    He wants her out because he's a big fat tsundere. ;)

    That implies that he wants too though. He's trying to rid her because he wants to see his true love, Sasha.

  • What about Fiona? What kind of dere is she?

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    He wants her out because he's a big fat tsundere.

  • Dafaq?

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    He wants her out because he's a big fat tsundere.

  • She punched Rhys. Definitely tsundere too.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    What about Fiona? What kind of dere is she?

  • edited April 2015

    I have a confession to make...I...I actually wouldn't be bothered if Rhys and Fiona didn't hook up by the end. I mean good friends, sparks flying? Defiiinitely! But if they're not making out or their beautiful baby Loaderbot Jr. isn't around by the end, I'm cool with it >.> sometimes things are just nice being left subtle.

    Although like that one thread went, I still think Rhys' totally gonna get dat pussycat next episode.

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    Come at me bros!

  • W-what? They even have a baby to take care of, Lilac...think of the Gortys baby. :(

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    I have a confession to make...I...I actually wouldn't be bothered if Rhys and Fiona didn't hook up by the end. I mean good friends, sparks f

  • It makes me happy to see how well this thread is doing and how big our Rhyiona express got. Makes me even more proud to be Team Rhyiona.

  • You know it's officially the best thing ever when people start hating on it lol (coughs) InGen_Nate_Kenny, Leluch123 (coughs)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    It makes me happy to see how well this thread is doing and how big our Rhyiona express got. Makes me even more proud to be Team Rhyiona.

  • I don't think anyone is seriously hating. The jabs are fun to reply to anyway.

    But still, damn, this thread became massive and it makes me very happy. It's fun to be here.

    -XYAB- posted: »

    You know it's officially the best thing ever when people start hating on it lol (coughs) InGen_Nate_Kenny, Leluch123 (coughs)

  • I know nobody I seriously hating, I was kidding lol But yeah this thread is massive and that's awesome!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I don't think anyone is seriously hating. The jabs are fun to reply to anyway. But still, damn, this thread became massive and it makes me very happy. It's fun to be here.

  • It has our lord and saviour Rhyiona, too, so it's the perfect thread.

    -XYAB- posted: »

    I know nobody I seriously hating, I was kidding lol But yeah this thread is massive and that's awesome!

  • edited April 2015

    over 1k comments and 20k views.


  • Gorty, widdle Gorty...that cute-no! NO! It won't have a happy ending ;_; Gorty will probably turn out to be the next Omen kid or something.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    W-what? They even have a baby to take care of, Lilac...think of the Gortys baby.

  • Give the little one a chance at a happy ending with its parents...its brother...its auntie...

    Don't take that away from an innocent baby. :(

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Gorty, widdle Gorty...that cute-no! NO! It won't have a happy ending ;_; Gorty will probably turn out to be the next Omen kid or something.

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    Poogers555 posted: »

    over 1k comments and 20k views. .-.

  • 2k? More like 20k.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    over 1k comments and 20k views. .-.

  • oopsies I fixies

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    2k? More like 20k.

  • Actually you can have a peek :) (could help me improve, i'm no professional)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »


  • Outside jokes now, being a professional or not doesn't really matter...what matters is the dedication you put into your works so even if it was a stick figure it's still valuable.

    Damn I'm being cheesy. :P

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    Actually you can have a peek (could help me improve, i'm no professional)

  • You love her yet you have not put her.

    Why you do this?

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I'll edit something when I'm off this tablet. I actually love Sasha.

  • I am gonna put her but I need to get off this tablet. Tablets suck.

    You love her yet you have not put her. Why you do this?

  • How long, how long must I wait this song. How longggggg

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I am gonna put her but I need to get off this tablet. Tablets suck.

  • At least an hour...I think.

    How long, how long must I wait this song. How longggggg

  • TalesOfTheBestFamily

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    But will Sasha realise that her family does love her? Stay tuned for the next episode.


  • edited April 2015

    "Because it´s you."
    Sweetest confession ever. It causes me diabetes.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Sequel to the other story? Yes. - Fiona felt a bit dizzy and held her head in her hands trying to get back to normal. What had happene

  • Cavities are also a side effect. :)

    tessie0713 posted: »

    "Because it´s you." Sweetest confession ever. It causes me diabetes.

  • edited April 2015

    Nah, he is just agreeing whatever Fiona says because he does not want to ruin this romantic moment, but Fiona takes that too seriously as it relates to her sister. Period.

    Leluch123 posted: »


  • I´m not Telltale so when I say "SOON", I mean it.

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    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    TalesOfTheBestFamily Extra But will Sasha realise that her family does love her? Stay tuned for the next episode. Soon.

  • dis realtiy tv sho shit iz goin 2 far 4 me, 2 dramticc im gun di

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    TalesOfTheBestFamily Extra But will Sasha realise that her family does love her? Stay tuned for the next episode. Soon.

  • edited April 2015

    will Sasha get fed up with babysitting? is her family using her?

    No, but please stay tuned for the next episode anyway!

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Pandora Shore

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