Season 3 is there only way to redeem TellTale
If they fuck up on season 3 it will not be good. But ya know Season 3 will just be like season 2 everybody will die....Edit: Just forget about this post. My head wasnt on straight while making this
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What do you mean "redeem"? A lot of people actually liked S2 and the other games that are being developed right now. One persons thinks it's a fuck up and the other thinks it's a damn good story, all a matter of perspective.
Expect people to die in S3, cause that's what this series is about. Just let Telltale tell the story they want instead of what the fans want.
I am hoping they take the TWDG into a new direction with new characters/choices/ and a new experience, but we will see what we get.
I mean season 2 was good but not great . But still they dont need to reedem themselves
S2 may have been sort of a let down to me, but to others, it was GOTY material. I still enjoyed playing the Season, though,
"Like S2 everybody will die" Because you know S1 barely had any deaths(Sarcasm)
I actually liked season 2 better than 1... I thought it was brilliant. Got and TFTB is incredible as well. The one thing that makes TWD game so awesome is our attachment to Clem, we have seen her become strong and I would be disappointed if we had to play a different character.
IMO they do indeed. They took a great GOTY game, and made it a slightly better than average game. PRetty big dip in Quality if you ask me, but to each their own. Some people enjoy plot holes, or unrealistic situations/characters, because they don't care.
Plot holes ? i dont remeber any but i would like to know because maybe its my bad and i missed it . And yes there were unreliastic scenarios and atitudes like that fucking doctor but still think they dont need to attone for their sins or anything like that i mean i wasnt MAjorly pissed off at them its just like they took a 9.5/10 game and made 7/10 nothing to crucify them about
[Making Season 1]
Telltale: Okay, h-here goes nothing!
[Making Season 2]
Telltale: Oh yeah! OOOH YEAH! We've got this one in the bag people! WOOOOO!
[Making Season 3]
Telltale: Don't heck up! Mustn't heck up! Conceal don't feel! Sacrifice our first borns!
I can only think of one legitamite plot hole in Season Two, but that's it. What's not a plot hole are any of the following:
Too many people on this forum keep confusing these three things for plot holes.
Ya don't say!
In my opinion, they don't have to be redeemed for anything, Season 2 was fantastic. But even for those who didn't like Season 2 and think that Telltale needs to be redeemed, then you need to play TFTBL and GOT immediately.
Ditto. Plenty of people think it was as equally great as S1, or even better in many ways.