Who do you like better? Pete or Doug?
Why these two? Well they both were picked less by players.
I like Doug better. He reminds me of myself
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Why these two? Well they both were picked less by players.
I like Doug better. He reminds me of myself
Pete, and last I checked, he was picked by the majority of players.
When I played most people chose Nick
When did you take this?
Like 2 minutes ago.
People chose Nick cause Pete was going to die anyways. . . he was bitten. I also felt like Nick had a better chance
this. I'm actually very surprised that the stats are so split on Pete/Nick, it wasn't really a choice.
Unlike Doug/Carley.
When I first played S2, I chose to go with Nick because Pete was bitten.. Now to answer the question of Pete or Doug? I would choose Pete because he would have a better chance to survive being smart and able with a gun. While I liked Doug and how clever he was, one would still need to be capable to fend off walkers.. Of course as I say this I remind myself that Pete did fail to fend off a walker that bit him, but Doug died too.. However if you look at it like this, after the start of the zombie apocalypse, Pete did manage to survive into season 2..
Don't know why people didn't go with Pete, I mean you people do know cutting off the limb could save that bit person.
he was one of the most entertaining characters
Even though Pete's got a very little amount of the screentime and like, seven minutes of total dialogue, he's my favourite character from Cabin Group. He's like a good uncle, comforting, perceptive and honest. And he has a bullshit detector, you can't stand a chance against that.
R.I.P. The bald old man with one-shot crossbow. Damn you, random walker.
Uncle Pete
I vote for Uncle Pete
Uncle Pete is one of my favorite characters in all of The Walking Dead. Not exaggerating in the slightest.
(?) Unce Pete will remember that you replaced him with Loaderbot.
Dammit, Luke.
And people "liked" Luke....What about Uncle Pete?
He's my fav character after the Season 1 trio of Clem, Lee and Kenny. I've made like 5 "Uncle Pete Apprectiation" threads in the past, He deserves more recognition....
Doug, though I still love a respect the mighty Pete.
Sorry, but
Loader Bot > everyone
But still, Pete's my favourite TWD character which is a great achievement considering the fact he died almost immediately after we met him.
(?) Uncle Pete will remember that you called him unce.
Pete, for sure. The guy was a legend. I did, however, like Doug. He reminds me a lot of myself.
Some players might, but Clem definitely wouldn't.
She either didn't see it attempted or, even worse, she saw it fail, depending on your S1 choice. She has to wait for Episode 4 to see the first hint that cutting bitten limbs works, and in the meanwhile, it's a fair assumption that bitten="it's over for you".
Pete actually holds that exact same spot on my favorite character list. The best character, after Lee, Clem, and Kenny.
I'm ashamed.
It wasn't a choice? Based on that "choice" we had different beginning at the start of episode 2 and some other things (though not that important I guess)
Good choice...You wouldn't want the beginning of your Mod time to get Saltay...
Wait, what did I just say?
Pete was bit, therefore already dead, Nick was fine. That's why, to me at least, the choice was so obvious it might as well not have been one.
Although thinking about it, now I can see how a less rational/more emotional Clementine might have tried to do something for the person she likes more...
Proof that Pete lives!...plus a bunch of other randomness...sometimes I seriously question my sanity...
Pete lives!
Most useful site ever created.
Team Doug!! But I still love the epic Pete
She'd have to cut her leg off and stop the bleeding all by herself
I guess I'd have to go with Pete. I found him to be more useful (all things equal I gotta with utility and Pete was more useful)
Pete. I didn't like anything about Doug. Except the fact he saved Carley's ass.
Pete. He had grown to be my favorite character in Season 2 just within the first episode, so you can imagine my reaction when he had such an early death