Name one good trait of a charcter you hate
With all the hating on characters like Arvo, Kenny, Bonnie, Jane, etc, etc. I was wondering if any of us could name a couple of good traits they had.
I'll start.
Carver must've had some really good leadership skills to keep that huge community together and safe.
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Jane: She was actually kind of smart and did come back for Clem.
Larry: He made me laugh
Mike: He never did anything bad really. I can understand why he wanted to leave
Jane: she allowed me to kill Kenny.
Carlos: He was actually a good father to Sarah. . . at least he looked after her, unlike Lori with Carl.
This will always make me laugh
Bonnie: I realized I hate a girl who betrayed us twice more than a guy who shoots little girls.
Uh, how is that a good trait?
It taught me an important lesson for this game in the future, never forgive anyone who hurts you in some way. It may not be a good trait, but it's a good lesson for the future.
Oh okay. But can you think of any good traits?
Arvo - Although his sister wasn't sick, it seemed like he would help her if she was.
The Stranger - Despite being psychotic, he cared about protecting and taking care of Clem.
Lilly: She gave Clem hair thingies.
Jane: She saved Clem from the lake.
Kenny has theoretically good motivations most of the time.
I don't hate any of the characters, so I'll just go with my least favorite.
Kenny has a nice beard.
Vernon probably got all the old ladies.
Of course, he is Capital V after all.
Kenny would have shot Kenny too.
Just face it, Kenny is the biggest Kenny hater of them all.
Kenny knows he's fucked up, and he's okay to doing what keeps Clem safe, like he lets her and AJ go to that place in his ending, even though he cares about Clem and AJ more than anything.
I don't hate any character but the one i dislike the most is Danny (The cannibal not the one from Vince's story)
Danny: He knows how to repair swings, that's the only good thing i can think of XD
Danny St John: He's not alive anymore
Jane: lol
No, I think Lexi takes that spot.
Arvo:, sorry, I've got nothing.
Next up is hatin' order is Carver: ...I guess he...did raise a fairly big community?
Lilly was smart, and knew how to handle a gun well.
It's just to bad she didn't have more compassion for others, not to mention self-control and patience.
Jane was also intelligent.
Must stop myself from making the obvious point about this on a thread where we're supposed to be nice about characters we dislike...argh..
Its you seriously think 'self control', 'patience' etc apply to Ken? Maybe they dont and you dislike him for that but like him for other reasons...idk, seems a bit fishy
The St johns didnt waste anything,....ANYTHING oh and they kept their farm looking nice, the motel, howes etc all looked filthy
I know it defeats the purpose of the thread since he's one of my favorites but I think Nate's comical humanity is his attempt to bring light to a situation but just doesn't come out right and steers off some people. Some have called him a rapist but thats BALDERDASH. See how you would speak to another man if you hadn't seen a single woman that wasn't rotten in over 3 months
Kenny definitely has courage.
Jane was smart and tries to help Sarah if you tell her to at the observation deck.
The Stranger was very family-oriented.
exchange 'hate' for 'don't like':
Bonnie: She tried to act motherly towards Clem, sometimes.
Luke: He ran after Sarah at the end of episode 3.
Jane was actually kind of a good survivor.
Lolol omg.
Danny St. John: Hey one of those bandits we just killed and fended off from the fence--his body is still out there; they must've just left 'im!
Momma St. John (because I can't remember her name): What?! Bring him in, bring him in! I'll make some supper. Don't waste food, Boys! There's kids starving in Africa, goodness!
I don't hate any characters, but i don't really like any of them.
I guess with Larry, despite him being an asshole to pretty much everyone, he was always looking out for Lilly, and Lilly was always looking out for him. Plus, he had charm coming out of his ass.
The Stranger - He kind of reminds of James Woods
Danny St. John - He cares about his family at least.
Season 2 Clem - She used to be Season 1 Clem. If nothing else I'll always have fond memories
Jane - Dat ass. And nothing else.
Luke - He was a nice guy. You just can't count on him to get anything done.