Who would win in a fight? Carl (tv show) VS Clementine (game)
Clementine from season 2 VS Carl from season 5.
They both have pistols
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Clementine from season 2 VS Carl from season 5.
They both have pistols
I would say my Clementine could beat Carl. She seems way more active in S2 and has proven she got the skills in hand to hand and pistol combat. Carl on the other hand hasn't really done that much recently, except hide in a tree.
Plus I imagine that Clementine is smarter than Carl. She shut off a turbine by herself
Season 5 Carl is damn near as tall as Rick. And he actually has more shooting experience than Clem, just from his time in the prison alone. I'm gonna have to go with Carl.
Well to be fair it was just putting a key into a hole and pushing a big red button, anyone could do that, it's just they needed a light source and Clementine was the one with the lighter. Carl does have his moments of stupidity every now and then, but it hasn't gotten him killed, just wiser.
Clem is faster than Carl
I think Clementine may be faster
I think that Clementine would win with Carl. Maybe she's younger but Clementine seems like a smart person and while Carl had his family or the rest of the group, Clem really had to learn how to take care by herself at some point. Also I'd imagine that Carl wouldn't think of Clementine as threat which would be a mistake. I noticed that's one of her advantages in dealing with a hostile humans.
Bullets are faster than Clem.
I think that Clem would win, because she's been more out in the wild. Carl has also been in the wilderness too, but he has Rick to look after him, and Michonne. So that does make him safer. Clem in the beginning of season 2 was alone, and she held out well. Even though Carl has more shooting skills, Clem could easily escape and run faster. She's also emotionally stronger, since she's lost her parents, babysitter, and . . . Lee. . .
. But overall, I think that Clementine would win.
^^^What he said.
Clementine. Carl is a skinny little shit
doesn't matter, Clementine is immune to death, she got shot, and it went "right through." without surgery, first aid, or anything.
Clementine probably , because she wins every encounter she ever been in, even if the odds are against her. She took out a grown man spiderman style. Carl aint got shit on that.
I think Carl would win. Clem can certainly hold her own, but I still think Carl has a better chance.
Clemmy hands down. Hell, Season 1 Clem can beat Carl.
lel tv show carl is a pussy clem would win, if we were talking about comic carl then it would be a fair fight
Carl would win
Clem would win, no other outcome. Plus, why would they be fighting in the first place. Clem could just pretend to be nice then stab him in the back whilst he's not looking (at least that's what my Clem would do
Comic Carl could probably beat Clementine up, but as for his TV show incarnation... well, I'd say the scales would be tipped more in Clem's favour, as long as she plays it smart.
Clementine killed Winston so yes if she can kill winston im pretty sure she can kill carl
Goddammit. . .
Clementine would annihilate Carl.
Sorry Clementine but Carl would destroy you
Comic Carl>>>>>>>Both
Exactly, i don't remember Carl ever fighting off a grown man, how many has Clem killed so far? Plus she has plot armor, where Carl is just a secondary character , unlike Clementine, who is the star of the game.
Clem is also far more likable than Carl, whose just plain annoying and sometimes brooding.