A new type of Choice? Season 3 Choices, what do you want to see?

The situation is, two characters in no way situations, and you can only put one out of their misery, before the other receives the most gruesome death imaginable. Either way the main protagonist gets blamed no matter what they do.
What kind of choices would you like to see in the game for season 3? Describe your scenario like the ie the one above.
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Nothing... Like... This...
whoever doesn't choose give everything is a monster, a monster I tell you :P
P.S. that picture is adorable
A determinant character that will actually survive the entirety of the season, and still continues to play a role in the story. For example: give all the scenes where another character would normally save you from a walker/etc to the determinant character instead. Imagine if Nick survived S2 and was the guy to save you from the ice lake rather than Jane, or if Alvin somehow ended up being the guy that took the beatdown over the walkie-talkie instead of Kenny.
A choice where a determinant character actually determines the fate of a completely separate character. A determinant inside of a determinant.
If you save Person A, then they'll be alive for the story. Person B ends up getting attacked later on, and if Person A is alive, they save Person B. If Person A is dead, Person B gets killed since Person A isn't there to help. Bonus points if Person A was a character people didn't really like, but Person B was a fan favorite.
Also going with the above example, a determinant character that affects the (physical) well-being of another character. Again, Person B gets attacked, this time by a guy with a knife. If Person A is alive, he kills the attacker before Person B is injured. If Person A was dead, Person B gets stabbed in the shoulder, but manages to kill the attacker. Person B now spends the rest of the season with an injured arm which actually effects how they do things. For example: if they weren't injured, they'd be seen carrying a rifle around with both hands, while if they were injured, they'd be carrying a pistol in their other hand instead. They'd also do more things one-handed if they were injured, such as picking things up, gesturing to people, and whatever else.
I liked some of the main choices in The Wolf Among Us which led to different main choices with different stats attached to them.
I'd like to see more options to choose which location you go to first, like we did during Wolf Among Us, Amid the Ruins, and Tales Ep2
Couldn't agree more. I love these games, but the way they handle choices bug the hell out of me.
I agree, for example in wolf, if you don't go to that one guy's apartment first, he is dead when you go there the second time. Little things imo like that need to be in the next season.
Having the option to kill Jane