In both season 1 & 2 everyone in your group dies,with the
exception of Clem and Kenny or Jane (season 2).
Why does this happen? It's just ridiculous how everyone
you scarified things and made decisions to do what's best
for then then they just...die! WTF!?!?
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Because Telltale for one, won't let us have nice things and it's because of realism.
You know? Everyone dies because it's realistic and further develops Clementine into a badass.
Who needs long term characters anyway? All you need is a little girl destined to watch all of her friends, enemies, all types of animals and people she doesn't know die.
Well to be fair everyone does not die. We got Christa, Omid, and Clementine living on from S1 and some characters that just disappeared and never heard from again. S2 as you said had Jane and Kenny (detriment) living and for sure Clem and AJ. Also even more characters disappearing.
Lets name some. St. John bros. (detriment), Vernon and co., and Molly. Possibly Eddie, Nate, Bonnie's boyfriend (I forgot his name). The hooded black dude who robbed Clem and Christa, possibly Christa, possibly the 400 days crew, Mike, Bonnie (detriment), and Arvo.
I guess the real question...
At this point, does it even matter? Its not like they were trying to be original in S2. They thought if they rehashed S1, it would be a success.
Alright good point
Alright thanks for that explanation
i think he was being sarcastic >.>
Vernon is dead. In 400 Days Joyce says 'We lost Vernon. And Brie. And that goddamn boat."
I kind of disagree but see what you're saying, after episode 2 Lee's group just has this slow decline as members (die/leave etc.) So the decline seemed a lot more slow imo. In Season 2 the group seems to actually grow till the end of Episode 3 and then rapidly decline as shit hits the fan.
You don't think bringing Kenny back, or Lee for that matter was a season 1 rehash.
I was, it was possibly so much sarcasm that it turned serious. :P Also *She
What pissed me off was that Kenny in season 2 HAD THE LITERAL SAME PLOT as in season 1. HE LOSES HIS WIFE IN SEASON 1 EPISODE 3 THEN HE LOOSES HIS 2ND WIFE IN SEASON 2 EPISODE 3 LIKE WTF. Then he goes all crazy
I thought just Vernon ran off with the boat.
Lilly, Molly, Mike, Arvo, and determinantly Bonnie were in your group and didn't die.
Pretty much, Then Clementine making a choice to either kill Kenny with a Gun... Gee where have i seen this before....
If they would of used Carlos like they intended, at least Sarah would still be alive, so we have someone to look forward to, to see how she changed between S2- S3, but no we got a Garbage Rehash of S1, because TTG thought they would cheaply cash in, with that Kenny Fan Plotline. Then they created a character who was anti Kenny in every way, god...
I just don't understand, you have a Lee/Clementine Relationship between Sarah and CLementine, but you they didn't bother using it. This is why Season two was average and not GOTY like S1, because of bad decisions when it came to the general plot/story writing.
Christa could also still be out there, don't forget her.
Because death is one of the main themes of the Walking Dead. That's part of why it's called The Walking DEAD
Actually what they mean by "The Walking Dead
is that the "dead" is walking...like ya know? The zambiez
The relationships are different imo, though Clem does help Sarah they generally have a friendship (if you'd even call it that because Sarah seems to dislike Clem at times). Lee and Clem was a lot more like a father/daughter relationship so I think they were different.
Also (opinion) I dont think Season 2 was average, I thought it was really good (Almost same level as Season 1 for me)
I also think how Kenny loses his mind is different in both seasons, in Season 2 he seems to more or less let go and give up at times. In Season 1 he bottles up his feelings and pretends he isnt bothered.
i apoligize for the misgendering, sorry sorry
"We are the walking dead!"
-Rick Grimes
It's kind of why I can't bring myself to look forward to Season 3, and I hate hearing the 'it's the walking dead, people die' excuse because that's not it at all, given the show has some characters stick around longer than one season and doesn't kill nearly all the cast at the end of each season.
If every season of the game keeps using the same formula of killing nearly everybody by the end, TWDG won't last. Season 2 rehashing Season 1 with the same 'group dead' situation was bad enough; I've actually reached the point where I feel that come Season 3 when new characters get introduced, I'll just be desensitized and I won't care anymore because the deaths are deemed so predictable now, there's no point viewing them as characters, but just non-stationary pixelated objects that spew blood and shout 'ow it hurts!'.
That's why I'm so unwilling to care about the plot baby, because that's all I can see A.J as right now, as something more to die and break Clem's heart for drama. Why should I care if they won't give any characters other than Clem a chance outside of determinant or unknown, or plot babies? No tricks of 'let me tell you about my life story' development is going to work if they all drop dead 5 minutes after.
I've got no hope for Season 3 currently, and that's just how it is. Not even seeing how good Games of Thrones or Tales from the Borderlands is doing has got me the least bit excited
even for The Walking Dead, this slaughter business is becoming a joke. If this is how each season carries on I'm not buying, I'll just watch them online.
Finally! Someone understands!! Thanks for your opinions
I never felt the entire Cabin group should have died. The gloomy depressing end that season 1 wrapped up with along with nearly all the group having died or went missing worked well for that season alone, as well as loosing the main character was masterfully executed. However had they kept Lee until maybe the end of season 2 it might have worked even better. And Lee dying at the finale of season 2 in the same fashion might of proven to have a even stronger impact to everyone since Lee would have had more time invested into his character assuming he remained a likeable protagonist by the end of season 2 and the writers didn't change him drastically. I would of liked to see how the older more hardened Clem interacts with season 2 Lee whom no doubt would have become even tougher than season 1 Lee by that point and what their relationship would had evolved into.
Sometimes keeping certain familiar characters for the long term.. can really work out better than constantly creating new ones to murder. Like I don't see anything having been wrong with keeping Sarah and Clem together as possible best friends until season 3. Then after they create a strong friendship bond then Sarah's death by the walkers would had hurt a lot more Clementine and the player rather than simply feeling indifferent about it. I feel they should had kind of pushed the friendship plot with Sarah more so than all the other things they forced on the player such as Clem automatically being fond of Kenny and or automatically taking a liking to Jane. Sarah and Clem should have been pals and I believe the true Clementine that behaves in character would have been overjoyed to have some sort of female best friend in the apocalypse. Maybe she would feel a little closer to normal.
Telltale have forgotten her so I might as well do so.
Why does anyone feel it is right to have a say in who dies or not? This is a story. Do you ring up an author of a best-selling novel and say, "Bad plot point, if you keep him alive everyone will be happy." The Walking Dead, The Wolf Among Us, GoT, they are all fictional stories created in the mind of the writer, enjoy it for what it is. If you look back on it openly, sure, it sounds dumb that every character dies and you are the only one to survive...but on your play through, where you actually thinking that? I doubt it. Every death was legitimate and 'deserved' for each character depending on how the story turned. I honestly don't believe anyone should have a say in the matter of how the story should turn out, because it turned out pretty awesome...but, opinions.
Games, films, books, audio dramas, people are allowed to say if they liked something or not, so long as they're not being offensive to anybody or telling the creators to go stuff themselves, that nobody in this thread is saying, because we're all fans. We complain because we care. That is the entire point of these forums, to discuss the games openly and with honesty over what we enjoyed and what we didn't, and just in general have fun.
So yes Chilled, opinions; respect them and we'll respect yours.
It could of been amazing, to see Clementine play Lee's role as protector, and teacher to Sarah, a girl who everyone who thought is worthless, no we didn't get that story. After Carlos died, she became a depressed little girl who didn't think she would make it, but Clementine gave her inspiration to believe, now she much stronger than ever been. She just smiled the other day, for the first time since Carlos died. Its a start.
NO we didn't get that.
Fact Season 1 GOTY
Fact Season 2 Not GOTY
The average metascore i believe for season was 2 in the high seventies, don't quote me on that, but it wasn't something spectacular, it went down in quality from season one to season two.
I think its fair to say anyone would lose their mind going through what he did.
I dont really care about reviews, they don't decide how much I like or dislike games. Sometimes I hate games that have reviews in the high nineties, other times I love games in the fifties. Reviews dont depict how much all individuals like or dislike a game.
But using your logic wouldnt that be a rehash? Because you were just talking about how rehashes made Season Two average.
And TellTale hasn't forgotten about Lilly? Molly?
You're honesty making me hate Nick.
He's dead. He's almost guaranteed to be never coming back. Accept it.
The only hope you got is a cabin group DLC, so campaign that instead.
Fair enough.
Neither do i, if i believed Reviews, i would of never played Silent Hill Home Coming/Downpour, i think IGN gave them both a average score of five. However reviews do generate sales if favorable. People will go out and buy a game based on the rating, i know i have.
No, because it would be done through Clementine, she and Lee aren't the same person. They both have different experiences, choices, thoughts, feelings, and both would handle situations differently, so no it wouldn't be a Rehash. Clementine would have perspective, to know what Sarah has been through, going through. It would be a continuation of a theme, that worked so well in the first season .