If you had to stay with one? Cabin group or season 1 grouo
Would you stay with Alvin,Rebecca,Sarah,Carlos,Nick,Pete,Luke Or Ben,Lily,Larry,Carley,Duck,Katja,Kenny
I choose the cabin group
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Would you stay with Alvin,Rebecca,Sarah,Carlos,Nick,Pete,Luke Or Ben,Lily,Larry,Carley,Duck,Katja,Kenny
I choose the cabin group
Cabin group.
There was hardly any internal conflict after they accepted Clem in. Seemed like a pretty functional group.
The season 1 group was a complete mess.
The reason is that the Cabin group were with each other because they liked each other and had similar ideals. The season 1 group were with each other because there was no-one else.
As much as I liked the season 1 group better, I feel like the cabin group was a better fit for Clem. They treated her more like an adult, and even though they did rely on her a lot, I feel like she has less restrictions. She might be underestimated at times, but as Clem said, she can use it to her advantage. In season 1, no one agreed on what to do, and Clementine was held back from protecting herself (Thank goodness for Chuck.)
Here's the deal:
Season 1 group had Kenny, Duck, Doug, Katjaa, and Lee (5 people i like a lot)
Season 2 cabin group: Nick and Sarah were the only ones i liked
I would rather stay with people ive known and cared about longer anyways, plus theres more people i like, so season 1 group (though Nick and Sarah really were amazing...)
I LOVE BEN, and i would fight for him forever, depressed Carley too.
Though i do love Carlos and Sarah, but The ben love is just to great.
Cabin Group. They were close knit and were like a family, unlike Season 1 who had a whole lot of problems.
This thread just makes me remember all the wasted character development that the Cabin Group had ;(
Ben would really be the only character that would make me want to stay with the season 1 group, I just think the Cabin Group is a lot better in terms of relationships and working together goes.
The motor inn group has Kenny, but then again, it also has Duck. The cabin group has Pete, but then again, it also has Carlos. Tough choice, but I'd have to go with the cabin group.
I love Ben, Doug, Lilly, and Carley.
But I also love Sarah, Nick, Luke, and Alvin.
I myself would probably stay with the original group, but I think the cabin group is a better fit for Clem. The cabin group works better together, and has less internal conflict than the original group. That being said, I like both groups
Season 1 group for sure. Cabin group were fucking monsters for locking Clementine in that shed and this kind of collective wrongdoing was creepy. And I hated their secretiveness and how they just wouldn’t tell me who Carver was. They were like some Freemason organisation and I was like an unwelcome guest member.
Cabin group. A better group for Clem to stay. I liked the motor inn group too but everyone was always arguing.
What do you mean? When they gave her a bowl of cornflakes? Yes, that was super.
-Luke along with Pete saved Clem in the woods
-Sarah gave Clem peroxide to disinfect her wound
-Nick/Pete stay behind to distract the walkers so Clem can get out
-Carlos saved Clem at the ski lodge
-Alvin stayed behind to give Clem time to escape Carver's community
-Rebecca pulled Clem to not go alone through the herd
It’s not about who saved whom and how often. Most of the lifesaving in this game goes without saying. I neither liked the group dynamics, nor the single group members (except Sarah), nor how they treated Clementine. Motor inn group wasn't perfect of course, but I would prefer them any day.
Btw, this list is not convincing. Seriously, it would be kinda irrational if Carlos wouldn’t shoot a walker that attacks Clementine, yet saves everybody else out there. And Rebecca was a drag. And Luke made up for his rescue action when he dragged Clementine along to that bridge. And ... no, let's just drop it.
Ok, I give up
I prefer the original group, but I'd pick the cabin group because they're more stable, and actually know how to work as a team.