If you had the choice would you stay with Kenny or leave with the cabin group
I honestly would stay with Kenny because Kenny is awesome! Plus I wouldn't want to die by Carver and stuff.
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I honestly would stay with Kenny because Kenny is awesome! Plus I wouldn't want to die by Carver and stuff.
The Cabin Group because their group works. They're all friends and that means they can easily work things out. Even though they were hesitant towards Clem at first they warmed up to her, saw her as a little girl instead of a threat. The Carver situation was a problem but if you could actually mention the lights were possibly Carver then they would have moved on. So, I wouldn't stay with Kenny because as much as I used to love him (I even sat with him which makes me angry) and the fact that I dislike him now. I just wouldn't stay with a guy I have mixed feelings on. Those mixed feelings being is he a good man or not? <--- that is a rhetorical question please do not answer it.
But really that's ^ me trying to come up with a reason. The real reason is because Luke's there and I love Luke so... Kenny can just go away.
Well nobodys really "good" in the apocalypse
but you bring up a lot of good points. Everybody loves Luke
Cabin group because I actually like them.
Kenny's group has Kenny and Walter, But the cabin group has Nick and Sarah..............
._. im at a blank here
I think i could have reasoned with him, being that i understand people like him.
Kenny. Assuming Carver's only interest was Rebecca and the baby, and that he'd leave the ski lodge group well enough alone should Rebecca already be gone. The ski lodge had food, electricity, and most of all: Walter. It seemed like a good set up. I'm kidnapping Nick from the cabin group though.
The mustache man 4evah
Cabin Group, no contest.
He means just Kenny, not Kenny and his group.
The deal is like, i dont like Luke or Carlos very much, they kinda got on my blegh side, so i dunno if id want to be around them.
im still at a blank
If staying with Kenny meant I got to hang with Walter too, then yeah I'd stay with him
If I could forcefully kidnap Nick and Luke and make them join us as well, then it'd be perfect
Easily the cabin group for me. They were a totally functional group and things were going relatively smoothly until Kenny started being Kenny. I also think there's strength in numbers.
I really like Kenny but I would want to stay witth the cabin group because my favourite member nr. 1 is Sarah.
Well, the only character from the Cabin group that I really liked was Luke, so Id probs still stay with Kenny
Stay with Kenny, not just because of Kenny, but because I wouldn't have to be worried about being followed by Carver.
Cabin group no questions; they functioned okay and nobody had a scary boat fetish.
But Luke does have a fetish for ice.
No no, Telltale has a fetish for ice. Luke was quite happy enough on land and having a fetish for Jane.
hesitant? 2 of them wanted to murder her and another 2 just wanted to leave her to die.
He knows how to break it.
I'd have stayed with Kenny. The dude is loyal to no end (in my playthrough, atleast), was Lee's right-hand-man, put his life on the line for My Clem more than once, and was fully willing to sacrifice his survival so Clem and Aj could live a somewhat normal life behind the Wellington walls.
If the Cabin Group still has Pete in it, then him. If not, then I'd be a little more likely to stay with Kenny than them.
If he's only determinantly loyal then he isn't really loyal, is he? I mean, isn't loyalty about following someone even if you disagree with them? If you disagree with Kenny he refuses to save Clementine from the stranger :P
You beat me to saying this xD, Depends if Pete's in...
The ski lodge group. Simply because, Kenny and Walter are better than Luke and Nick to me. Plus, it's a great spot and lovely. Kenny would protect Clementine at all costs, and Walt would teach Clem stuff. Sarita is nice too so there's that.
I love how you completely disregarded where I said. "In my playthrough, atleast." In my game, he's loyal, so that's what I'm going by. He went to search for My Clementine, and he put down Ben even though he loathed him. To be honest, I seem to remember him being unconditionally loyal to Clem in Season 2 even if you hate him. You can advocate to leave him in Episode 3, or agree with all those who said he was loosing his marbles. Point of the matter is, he was loyal in my game in both seasons, and he put his survival on the line so we could live at Wellington. THAT'S what I'm going by, not because it might be "determinant." It's what happened in MY game, and that's that.
The question is about just Kenny, not including the ski lodge or its group.
TBH it's a question that logically only has one answer, so I figure I'd lay the playing field.
I appreciate that, but it's about the same as saying, "Even though he's a complete asshole to a lot of other players (who don't deserve to be treated that way), he's still nice to me. And I'm fine with that."
I understand, and I respect your viewpoint, but I disagree. The same could be said vice versa. "Even though he's nice to alot of other players, he's a dick to me, and I hate him."
Just because it's determinant, does it really matter? They gave us choices for a reason. So if people are going to harp that he's an unloyal shitbag to those who disagree with him, what about those who are legitimately ON his side? Granted, Kenny being your loyal right-hand-man is determinant, but so is him hating Lees guts.
I would stay with Kenny because at the time the cabin group didn't have a lot of trust in me and also I felt like they didn't care about me, but I knew that Kenny would give his life for me and that the cabin group would be with him so yeah I would go with the cabin group.
Well thanks for understanding. You can have your choices of course; I'm not taking that away from you. But I think you might be missing my point, which to be fair, I didn't state too clearly before. Like imagine--not Kenny, but any person--who is a great friend to you, but is clearly, unfairly a huge jerk to others--other people who clearly do not deserve to be treated that way (I mean your fellow players and fellow forum members, when they played as Lee. Not characters like Arvo or Luke or Jane.) Wouldn't you have a problem with that? 'Cause I sure would.
:shrugs: Idk. Was just curious what you thought.
I would stay with Kenny. Never really felt any attachment to most of the cabin survivors.
I'd say staying with Kenny was the smart decision to make.
Especially given the fact that his group wasn't being chased by a madman.
The only thing about Kenny's plan about finding Wellington that I objected to, and that I wish would've been a dialogue option, was that of leaving the lodge during the middle of winter.
Trying to make a sojourn like that in the middle of winter, especially in an area that gets well below freezing during that time of the year, is foolish.
At the lodge, not only did they have supplies but more importantly they had shelter from the elements.
We had the choice in E2, and I explicitly told Kenny in-game that I was tired of running and would've stayed with him and Walt. Best of luck to the cabin group.
But, yeah, Carver had to fuck it all up, of course. One of the many reasons why I enjoyed watching him die.
This question is legitimately confusing to me
I sincerely don't know. Yes? No? Maybe?
The only reason I'd stay with Kenny is so I could hang with Walter or Sarita. That's it.
such a hard decision..but i would have to choose Kenny and the Moonstar Lodge gang,infact i said to Kenny and Walter i wanted to stay with them in season 2,but leaving Sarah would be hard and the cabin group. But Clem and Kenny are family!