Your favorite song from the walking dead?
It can be from the tv show,Comic (somehow) or Video game
Mine is take me back
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It can be from the tv show,Comic (somehow) or Video game
Mine is take me back
Salty Seas, from Amid The Ruins.
Everytime I listen that song I cry ç_ç
Most beautiful soundtracks I've ever heard. For the first video, my favorite part is at 50 seconds. For the second video, my favorite part is at 3:04
I always cry when i hear this beautiful music...
Same as my one LuckY97
For me the song that makes me feel happy is when Lee goes all badass in Savannah, Even though it is completely unrealistic in the walking dead universe it gives me satisfaction that he makes it to the Marsh House and ultimately Clementine,
The Gauntlet
My next favourite song is Bitter Revenge when we are on the dairy farm. To me it encapsulates that moment quite nicely, in that it truly feels like the St.John's dairy has fallen, figuratively and literally, and feels like it it is judging Lee in that moment.
Bitter Revenge
As for which songs really have me feeling sad, I need to think about that one some more, as there are quite a few songs that really get to you sometimes, and as I have only played both season 1 and 2 all the way through properly once each, I need to choose carefully hehe
I will post later my favourite "sad" songs from season 1 and 2.
This song sets the tone of the game so perfectly imo -
Practically the entire soundtrack for this game is fantastic, but I can try to pick a few favorites I suppose
Fast and Loose
Click here
Salty Seas because it reminds me of Sarah.
The Outro song to The Walking Dead Show Episode 513, Take Us Back, Salty Seas, and In The Pines.
The dubstep in that episode with Aiden and Noah.
I love the Clementine suite. So beautiful and haunting. Also, Take Us Back and In The Water.
There are too many but I narrowed it down to three.
Clementine's Suite: This is one of the greatest pieces of music I have ever heard...Alive Inside is actually just an extended version of this. Many the songs in the game are variations of moments in this Suite.
Clementine's Suite
What a View: This plays when you reach the roof of the hospital in Episode 5 of Season 1. Took my breath away, something so simple and calming about it.
What a View
Devics - Salty Seas: Although not composed by Jared. This song is just incredible.
Devics - Salty Seas
Good thread btw
Okay. . . so this wasn't part of the soundtrack, but I thought it worked out since. . . well, you know. Just listen and you'll see.
Don't worry, if your ears bleed, just remember that it's only one minute long.
Take us back has got to be my favorite. Its over would probably be my second ( the one from the game, not the show).
I've listed my game favorites many times, so I'll give the TV show score some love this time around. I'll keep it at my top 10, though I could seriously do a top 30 and still have to make some hard choices. Credit to YouTube user "B. Claimed" for the track names. No particular order.
scine nobody's done the tv show yet...
I literally listen to this song when I'm studying
Does anyone have a link to the song that plays during the credits of Episode 1 in Season 2? Started a new playthrough last night and I realized what a great song it is, really sets a good tone to the game.
i shed tears to take us back.....
btw how long has it been since yall played the game???
me too :,( :,)
beautiful.... just beautiful..
I WANT S3 NOW!!!!!!
IDK the name of it, but the song that always makes me "feel" when i hear it, is the soundtrack that plays in S2 EP4, when clementine leaves the observation deck.
WHEN is TT gonna make this music purchasable??? i really love it and i know i can just download it but i want to give TT my support, well more...
i bought the TLOU soundtrack, now i want to buy TWDG soundtrack.
Do you mean "In the Water" By Anadel? I love that song so much, here ya go. Tell me if it's not the right song.
See? It matches:
There's also track from the show that deserves some serious love: the music during Tyreese's final moments/death, from escaping from Shirewilt to the end of the episode
It manages to be this perfect mix of haunting, peaceful and sad all at the same time
Seriously, the music alone during those scenes was enough to make me tear up
Sun Kill Moon Among The Leaves
This song is my feelings about Sarah. Everytime i listen to it, i think of her now.
Click here
I don't know, but i like this one the best.
Yes, it's awesome.
Once I wanted to used that for TWD trailer but I've found something better and more fitting so it's still considered.
Hm... I think I'll go with this one. It's pretty amazing.
The music that plays when Kenny is dying or trying to convince Clementine to go into Wellington.
Amid The Ruins had the best music.
The trailer music was great, and the credit music was amazing.
Well, it isn't to me. Salty Seas definetly reminds me about her more than this song.
A couple I've added to my favs since my last post.
This has become an instant favorite of mine from the show, probably a new addition to my top 3. Everything about this track is so melancholy, which fits the conclusion of "Spend" really well, and ties all the scenes together. "Satan disguises himself as the angel of light..."
Very calming and sad track, especially since the last few notes are a repetition of Tyreese's death leitmotif from "What Happened And What's Going On", echoing the sense of loss Sasha feels. It also reminds me a lot of music from "No Going Back", although ironically not the track that's been dubbed "At Peace".
Needs no explanation, really. The climax of the episode and the entire season, and the music matches that climactic feel while keeping it subtle and tense.
I loved this song so much when I heard it I named my username after one of the verses.
Click here
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Remember Me, because it was the track that made me finally check out Anadel's music and fell in love; their song Beneath the Tree is just [drools]
That said I do love the original version of Remember Me.
I took the music/sounds of all game parts like Season 1 & 2 and 400 Days.
Especially, I love the Nutcracker soundtrack (Kenny Reunion) it plays when the group enters the ski lodge from Season 2 - Episode 2.
Season 2 - The Walking Dead Game:
Season 1 - 400 Days - The Walking Dead Game:
Season 1 - The Walking Dead Game:
Music saves my Soul