For all the Sarah fans
The Walking Dead the game - Sarah Tribute, Lost but not forgotten
Enjoy this tribute I made, took me a while to get it right (or at least I hope its right).
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The Walking Dead the game - Sarah Tribute, Lost but not forgotten
Enjoy this tribute I made, took me a while to get it right (or at least I hope its right).
sorted out the embedding problem, much thanks to Mat_Den96 again
helpful fellow he is.
Why did you put Sarah's first death instead her second death?
Because the first death is better..... you really love bumping old threads huh?
No, I don't think so. Clem leaving Sarah like that means she was never her friend. I'm new in this community
Clem knew Sarah for what... a week. They cant have been that close, still it was more the first death at least gives her some mourning from the other characters, the second death has none of that
I used the first death as it shows Clementine's face as she watches her friend die, to which she will shake her head slowly. This was to show she does actually mourn her friends death, and if I remember rightly the next shot is of Clementine sat on the balcony looking sad, which is supposed to represent her reflecting on what she did not do for her friend.
@Firewallcano I understand that they couldn't have gotten that close inside of a week, but Sarah was still the only teenage girl she knew, or someone who was even close to her age. And a pinky swear is a pinky swear. I had that at the end, along with the photo of Sarah showing that Clementine would not forget what happened to Sarah as she will remember her in her heart (like Lee and her parents), and that she pinky swore and ultimately failed in helping Sarah survive.
I didnt pinky swear Sarah or take her picture for that matter, I liked her by the end of episode 3 but really found her annoying in episode 1 and 2
I did the pinky swear, purely because I wanted my Clementine to get the stuff she needed, and felt that was the only way that Sarah would get it. Or at least that is how I remember it. To be fair been a while since I played that bit, I don't remember if we already have what we need by then or not. I am pretty sure we didn't though.
Nice video ::::3
I will never understand how people like sarah -.-
The said could be said about any character in the franchise, i feel the same way about Clementine, Kenny, Jane.
Sucks for you.
Because she meant well and was one of the nicest characters in the entire franchise
Yeah she was I wish she was still alive
You don't have to like a certain character or even understand why someone would, but there's no need to come on a thread meant for Sarah fans and complain about it.
I'd like to think it was a fitting tribute. Both deaths were horrible, especially after showing Sarah how to use a gun at the start of episode 2. I felt there was hope for her when we got to do that, but nope, just TTG trolling again.
Thanks, appreciate the support
DOn't know the half of it.
I actually thought she was not nice at all i remember her talking down to clem about how she was older and from there on i started to hate her
No thread is meant for srah fans only evry thread is for evryone to visit and talk about the topic the topic here was sarah so i expressed my "dislike" for her
I dont like s2 clem and jane but kenny is my brah and i dont really know why i like him either :P
She only says that if you're rude to her. So no offense, but you kinda had that coming.
I dont remember being rude to her i just told her to toughen up i think nothing to harsh it hought and yet she was rude to me just diferent opinions i guess :P
Didn't you see how rude you made Clem?