Your top 3 characters you forgot about
What are 3 characters you just forgot that were in the game They have to be main characters so no Chet,Hershal,Glenn,Shawn ETC
Mine are
3: Carlos (Its like he only talked once)
2: Vernon (I only remember him cuz I replayed season 1)
1: Duck (Lol he was so useless and annoying)
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3) 400 Days characters (Everyone except Bonnie)
2) Reggie
1) Brenda from the St. John's Dairy farm
Chet - The fat Luke.
Brie - "Brie will remember that" lol no she won't.
Stephanie - She was pretty cool and pretty.
I think everybody chose the dialogue option when talking to Vernon about Brie "We dont need her"
I don't think he's forgotten but Lee seems to be left out of threads he should be talked about in sometimes
Andre - who was this guy
Chet - who the fuck was this guy
Travis - seriously who in the shitting fuck is this
I would tell you but I forgot.