Guns n Weapons
I like how in the TV Series a lot of Main Characters have their signature weapons that they carry troughout the seasons... I also like how characters adopt guns and weapons from other characters, for example how most of the characters carry guns from The Claimers...
But I was kinda disappointed how they handled it in the game... It was nice how in S1Ep2 they were all armed but the rifles that they had kept changing beetween the 3 models that Telltale had, every second beetween scenes...
I liked that Lee adopted Charlotte from Danny:
But when Lee gave it back to Lilly it changed models again:
From this:
To this:
Couple more problems that I had were:
-Janes knife model kept changing.
-They didnt take the guns from the Russians.
And almost every character hade a same pistol:
Did I go on too long? Im sorry, im done ranting...
Model swapping is a fairly common mistake in a lot of games. Almost every game has at least one moment where a gun model gets swapped out by mistake. It's an easy (and forgivable) mistake: you take a quick glance at whatever weapon a character's using, then use a model that looks similar to it. It's one of those things that just goes over your head at the time. With all the hours people spend on everything else, I can't really blame anyone for letting one little model mistake slip through. I've seen it happen so much that I've pretty much learned to tune it out. If you had someone managing to replace a knife with a giant ass scythe however, then yeah, it would be a pretty big problem.
Also, to be fair, Kenny did take the AK-47 from the one guy... but then Luke's AK spontaneously disappeared to compensate. Some serious highlander shit going on here.
But I do agree that Telltale really limited themselves in terms of weapons. The entire armory of the game is pretty much: pistol (either a glock, revolver, or a beretta or whatever it is), shotgun, rifle, AK-47, and the elusive crossbow that keeps disappearing after every time it's used.
They seriously need to make more weapon models for S3. They started to make a lot more unique and updated zombie models for S2, they should focus on the firearms this time around.
This is what confuses me, Kenny picks up the AK-47 and gives it to Luke (well he throws it but whatever) but then why would Kenny give Luke another AK if he already had one, I mean the only reason I can think of is Luke saying 'Hey Kenny, my AK is out of ammo. Can I have that one?' but then again Luke did say he couldn't just sit there and let the other guy take shots at them until he runs out of ammo which makes me confused because that AK must have less ammo compared to Luke's AK. Ahhh, I'm so confused.
Why would Carver use a AK -47 to begin with in America? Does TTG know anything about guns? That was really unbelievable.
I'm sorry but If you don't know AR-15 > AK-47. AR-15s are everywhere in America, you might once in a while run into a Russian AK, but most of the time, you deal with chinese garbage knockoffs.
I'm pretty sure Luke had his machete, but I didn't see him use it too often.
Part of me thinks Telltale has no idea what they're doing with guns half the time. They got gun shot sounds that range from being loud as hell to quite, like a small bang. That and they could never keep track of ammunition even though the game constantly states they are almost out of ammo in every other scene using a gun, but still uses ammo like crazy. Weapon switching/disappearing is also an issue that constantly happens as well. This all harbors back to S1 going all the way to S2.
I guess Telltale just wants weapons to be there for cinematic purposes only, only when it's convenient for the plot. Which is fine I think, but it'll get you scratching your head when you just stop and take a look at what's really going on.
Maybe Carver had a fetish for AK-47's... I guess Telltale didn't do research, maybe they use an AK-47 instead because it's more well known? I have no idea, I know nothing about guns. XD
I also wanted to mention the Carvers Colt Python that Rebecca picked up after he died:
Which also magically disappeared and was never again used or mentioned...
He used it in episodes 1 and 2, then he carried it on his back for the rest of the season.
That is why they should hire someone that knows about Guns, Kojima has been doing it for years. How would he of gotten the ammo, that is my thing. 7.62×39mm is hard to find in America, however .223 is a lot easier to find in America.
He used it in every episode apart from episode 5.
In episode 1 he uses it to save Clem
In episode 2 he uses it if you go with Nick. He kills two walkers outside of the shed. Then he kills the walker before the bridge (whether it is the big or small one)
In episode 3 he uses it when everyone is covering them selves in walker guts. He pulls it out and walks away with it but we don't see him actually use it.
In episode 4 he uses it or more holds it when Clem and Jane find him. He uses it on the deck once they all have to hold the gate shut and you have to find something to block it.
So... I think that's often enough.
Gun sounds is another big problem
Almost every time someone fires that glock, it uses a completely different sound. Sometimes it uses an actual handgun sound, then other times it uses a shotgun sound, sometimes it uses revolver sounds, sometimes it uses the rifle sounds, and sometimes even the AK sounds
I was reffering when he actually did something with it not just held it, but I guess I forgot about when he uses it on the deck... Speaking of when he uses it on the deck, its really weird... He just stupidly hacks and does nothing and if you take longer he stabs one walker in the head but it doesnt die (maybe just a glitch)...
I agree that they made some new zombie models, and I understand that there needs to be some duplicates for the big herds in the backgrounds even tho some werent that subtle, but they could have made a unique one for EVERY time Clem interacted closely with a zombie or make less of those moments because they repeated quite a bit...
For example this lady zombie (on the left side) that was also in season 1 got a bit annoying:
Also Clems and Lees constant re-used groaning sounds...
yeah wtf
Maybe he was a Vietnam veteran.
Why would he use a inferior gun, a M4 > Chinese AK -47??