I Completely Blame Rick for What Happened to The Prison.
Now, Before you all throw up your pitch forks, I just want to say something, When has rick found Reasoning with a Psychopath to be smart?
He was a Cop for years, and I bet it had happened to him tons. And Another thing, He had Dealt with Shane Before, He had ALREADY dealt with Governor once, So what made him think He could do it right this time?
First of all. If Rick saw that attack coming, It'd be smart to Get some of His MANY MANY People living in the prison, Up on the roof, Maybe even sneaking around Behind them, People clearly could have taken that shot, The clearly could have attack, Hell, The Tank driver was even sitting, RIGHT. THERE! Carl is an EXCELLENT shot, and He had Carl aiming up there, He could have taken The Governor Out.
Second, It's his Fault they even got to that point, Micchone killed his daughter, and Rick led the attack. Micchone had NO right, Because that was Phillip's thing to work out. Now, Most of all, Daryl stopped Carl from Shooting Phillip, so it's Kinda Daryl and Micchone's fault too.
And No one Give me that, "It wasn't cannon to the comics" Bullshit. In the comics Is Judith Still alive? Does Rick still have a hand? Is Andrea dead? Is Carol Alive? Is Daryl IN The Comics? Did Terminus Exist? No, No, No, No, No and NO. So The comics had NO SAY in this. Boom, Argument posted. Lol
thats the thing he didn't see it coming he saw the first one coming thats it
the second any of them shot all hell would have broke loose that is what rick was trying to avoid you don't go guns blazing when the other side has two hostages and a tank
lol no one would mention the comics canon if we are talking about the tv show that is when we talk about the game stuff happening
Okay, You got me on your first argument, Second, I guess you have a point, but as I said, they could lead people out into the woods behind them all, and get a stealth kill. and Third, yeah, i guess so.
Because the Governor was giving them a chance to leave, a completely different approach to his season 3 mindset which was, "Let's kill everybody because reasons!!!"
Most of them were sick and weak. That group he had out there that had run outside? That was all they had in the way of defense. Anyone left who wasn't sick were children.
Was there a way up there? I certainly didn't see it. The other option would be the watchtower, and the tank blew up the nearest one. There was one other one, I think, but it seemed to be pretty far, and wouldn't lend itself to a proper killing shot of the Governor. But then, I'm not certain of the prison layout.
That's a dumb plan. Michonne and Tyreese gave it a shot in the comics, and Tyreese got his head chopped off for it. All it takes is one thing going wrong, and whoever tries to sneak up on them gets shot to pieces.
Mitch wasn't operating it alone.
Because Glenn and Maggie were kidnapped, and the Governor had no intention of letting them go and was planning to execute them, even if Merle committed the kidnapping. And even if he hadn't, the Governor still would have gone to the prison and killed everybody there for absolutely no reason. He said it to Merle. He wanted to kill everyone and "let the biters move back in", which makes no sense and just comes back to the shitty writing of season 3.
A better argument would be that it's partially Rick's fault because he didn't shoot the Governor in the face at the peace summit.
Yeah, let's all just sweep the whole "Governor sending thugs to kill Michonne for NO REASON" under the rug, shall we?
Carl took his shot, and hit the Governor on the arm. There's no way the Governor moved completely out of the line of fire that Carl thought he had him in in two seconds. Rick takes a shot, and Carl fires immediately after, and it ends up not being a fatal shot. Had he tried that before, it would have escalated into a war, and Michonne and Hershel are dead.
And that's the main thing that these arguments are not addressing. Rick tried to talk down the Governor primarily because Michonne and Hershel had guns pointed to their heads. One botched murder attempt, and they die, and the prison falls into war anyway.
In the end, the only ones truly to blame are the Governor himself for being the piece of crap that he was, and the idiotic people (except for Tara) that followed him into battle even after he sliced off an old man's head.
I blame the governor for what happened at the prison
Touche... Looks like you're the science guy now. You were pretty much right on all of this, I guess Season 3 and 4 are kind of a blur to me anyway.
Dude, You should fucking work at CinemaSins, this was EXCELLENT.
the prison battle in the comics was a'lot better and had the most character deaths in all of the walking dead
I know right? God, I wish scott took more Inspiration from the comics than he does.
I would have just handed over Michonne and have been done with it. It wasn't worth Merle, Axel and Alan's lives
Meh, Michonne is a great character, and Tbh, Merle would have gotten daryl killed... But I will miss Axel and his beautiful stache.
As a fellow psychopath, i would of killed him first chance i got if he became a threat. If you got Roaches in the Kitchen, they'll get in your food, everywhere man, until you gas them. I agree with you.
Michonne's skills are definitely worth it
Sure, blame the victim instead of the maniac who attacked them.
Axel and Alan's deaths had nothing to do with Michonne, and as for Merle being worth it, that's debatable.
Well if Rick shot the governor in the head like he was supposed to, the attack on the prison wouldn't of happened. I don't know why he didn't when they were just talking, what was that all about. They just let him leave alive.
It was also a hostage situation...you first try to talk down the hostage-taker; Rick wasn't just trying to reason with The Governor. I think he was trying to convince The Governor's crew more than anything--if The Governor's crew joins in with Rick and Brian has to stand alone, maybe he would've back down. Rick was trying avoid anyone having to die.
Rick being a Sheriff would maybe have some knowledge on how to handle hostage situations
We don't know what would have happened. The second in command might have led an attack anyway, after they killed him, Daryl and Hershel. We can't say for sure if that would have solved anything.
So what, they ended up attacking the town or whatever anyways, and Clementine rescuing everyone anyways.
You would think he would know when people are playing him, lying to him. No.
sometimes you have to crack a egg, to make a omelet.
Uhmm.... since when was she part of the show? This has nothing to do with Clementine.
Really think about that. The Governor wouldn't have killed Axel, Merle or Alan. The whole war between the two would have been over if they gave The Governor Michonne
Well, not all hostage negotiations are successful.
will you elaborate a bit more on this point. I don't fully understand what you mean
Are you being ignorant or sarcastic or just ignorant? I can't tell.
Clementine Ending Clementine, is a way of writing the story with a happy ending, IE SEASON 2.
As someone who deals with Criminals, you are able to size up people pretty well, read them, know their body language.
yeah, but I don't think Rick's dealt with a serial mass murderer. He was trying to keep people on both sides from dying, but The Governor was hell bent on destroying the prison; It may have been futile, but even if there's the tiniest chance of Rick being successful, he had to least try. The fight was gonna happen anyway right? Why not give people one last chance to change their minds?
What's with the attitude? Didn't get your drink of beer? Sheesh! I'm just pointing out that no one was even talking about Clementine in the first place and it felt pretty random to even try to bring her up. Sigh, whatever. Can't even discuss here without getting into an argument anymore.
The Gov always planned to attack no matter what. He has said as much. He would have killed everyone in the prison down to baby Judith whether they got Michonne or not and I think Rick figured that out. That's why they decided to stand their ground.
Was it really Rick's fault? If I remember correctly Rick did go down to Woodbury with some of his best fighters to fight the Governor (or do something like that), but he wasn't there. At the same time the Governor and his people were attacking the prison, but failed thanks to Maggie and Glenn strategically placed defense. After that the Governor snapped on his people, killed them, and never came back to Woodbury. Later (months maybe) in the series Michonne is the one still looking for him, while Rick assumes the civilian life. They did all they could, but I don't think they wanted to dedicate their efforts in looking for a dude who's running around zombie filled areas assumedly with no army.
Plus Rick had no control over what Michonne did to the Governor's daughter. She did that before officially joining his people. It was to get her revenge on him, nothing else influenced her.
I'm extremely happy to have you on my side right now. XD You've made better points than I could ever get across.
I know, I blamed Michonne too.
They added the discussion scene as filler in order to make the arc last longer and get more money. I blame the writers for what happened at the prison.
The Governor giving Rick and his group the opportunity to leave without any violence or harm coming to them contradicts that
What would you have them do? Rush through the storyline?
No it doesn't when he says otherwise minutes later.
God, I don't even like arguing when people try assigning blame at Rick. Do people realize he and Carol are like the reason why basically all of them alive? He's not crazy, he's not a psychopath, he's a man who knows what needs to be done and since others don't have the balls to do it, they find him crazy.
Blame the Governor if you wanna blame anyone for the prison. Rick's speech would have swayed almost anyone else over.
Right, because taking a shot from about 25 yards away with a pistol (shooting with your non-dominant hand I may add) is sooooo easy
I blame Obama
You know, You guys are making me see that there are a lot more people to blame, I guess rick's okay.
I'm not going to argue about a television show, but i was referring towards the time he was sitting across from him.
Insult me, then play the victim. Classic Passive Aggressiveness. Its so cute, NT though, does that work with your parents?
Speak for yourself, George.