I hate to play the devil's advocate here, but...

edited July 2014 in The Walking Dead

Do you think Clem might die in Season 2's Finale?

In season 1, the main character (Lee) died.
In season 2, Clem is the main character.
In Ep4 of Season 2, Jane says, "I'm not gonna stick around and watch it happen to you too."

I can only see 2 possible endings for Season 2 - (1) a happy one, or (2) something more heartbreaking than the First Season. (But then again, don't you think it would be very much predictable if Clem died, -like a been there done that feeling)


  • I don't think so. I mean if they kill everyone off again it will a repeat of season 1. I am hoping at least 2 people make it out alive.

  • No way they're going to do it, like someone had said in another discussion, it would crap on all the development that Clem has been through over the course of the two seasons, as a character.

  • To be honest, I think that Clementine was the main character in Season 1, but we just played as Lee to get her prepared for the long road ahead.

  • 3-4 people in our group made it out of Season 1 anyways. Omid, Christa, Kenny, and Lilly (we don't know her fate, but she IS a major group member we have yet to see die).

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    I don't think so. I mean if they kill everyone off again it will a repeat of season 1. I am hoping at least 2 people make it out alive.

  • There is no walking dead without Clementine and I'm sure telltale isn't willing to kill off one of the reasons we play Twd just yet.

  • I really want Kenny and Mike to make it. If Clementine makes it, that's great but i don't want to lose Mike. After that line with the raccoon, i was in love.

    3-4 people in our group made it out of Season 1 anyways. Omid, Christa, Kenny, and Lilly (we don't know her fate, but she IS a major group member we have yet to see die).

  • I don't think so but there's always that possibility.

    I have this crazy theory (and if it happened, it might be repetitive of TT) that in the ending scene, Clem gets bit by a walker. She stares at the bite in horror and we cut to black.

    I doubt it and hope TT can come up with a better ending but youneverknow...

  • Clem survives the shootout.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    I really want Kenny and Mike to make it. If Clementine makes it, that's great but i don't want to lose Mike. After that line with the raccoon, i was in love.

  • edited July 2014
    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    I don't think so. I mean if they kill everyone off again it will a repeat of season 1. I am hoping at least 2 people make it out alive.

  • Well, if you describe it THAT vague, then yes. But that post is a joke really..

    Scarlette posted: »

    They've already pretty much repeated season one. http://www.telltalegames.com/community/discussion/77696/season-2-is-just-like-season-1-in-the-sense-that

  • I can see Clementine committing suicide in episode 5.

  • edited April 2015

    It makes sense if you look into it. In episode one, Lee and Clementine ends up fainting. Lee injured his leg from a car crash, which then Hershel helps him out with it and Clem injures her arm from a dog bite, and sneaks into the house to get supplies (these both happened before getting to know each other). Episode two, Lee and the group meets the St.Johns, to find out that they're cannibals at dinner time and Clem reunites with Kenny, with Carver later ruining this little "reunion". Trust issues come up. Episode 3, Clementine and the group are captured by Carver. Alvin gets beaten to hell, and the group is separated from Luke for the majority of the episode. With Lee's group, they had to escape due to bandits, and Duck is bit, Kenny and Kat are devastated (family broken apart). And finally, in episode 4, a previous group member who has disappeared and is found dead is Chuck (Lee's group), and Nick (Clem's present group). The groups get to a meetup point (Lee's group at a house, and Clem's group at Parker's Run), and then attends to the present matter (getting into the house, Rebecca's baby/finding the others). That's pretty much it.

    remorse667 posted: »

    Well, if you describe it THAT vague, then yes. But that post is a joke really..

  • If it's vague enough, anything is equal.

  • edited April 2015


    remorse667 posted: »

    If it's vague enough, anything is equal.

  • god dammit.

    remorse667 posted: »

    I can see Clementine committing suicide in episode 5.

  • You're cherry-picking small details of each episode.. lol, you're kidding, right?

    If you can't see that, I can't help you.

    Scarlette posted: »


  • You know what occurred to me? If Bloody Mary was dead, why doesn't Bigby say Bloody Mary 5 times in front of a mirror in a dark room?

    god dammit.

  • edited July 2014

    I think she has too much buildup just to die off. I can see the ending as very sad and possibly Clem dying but who knows.

    I'm really scared

  • If Clem dies, then the "pizza or ice cream" choice that Telltale has been hyping up won't matter.

    I'm betting that the season will end with either Clem/Luke/baby or Clem/Kenny/baby.

  • I would of liked the season 2 finale to be something like this:

    Sarah and Clem run into the sunset and live happily ever after.

  • edited April 2015

    What? I just want to end the conversation, that's it. Lol. So what am I "kidding" about? xD If you don't see it, then okay. All I'm saying is that there's a pattern here.

    remorse667 posted: »

    You're cherry-picking small details of each episode.. lol, you're kidding, right? If you can't see that, I can't help you.

  • It repeated itself. ;_ ;

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    I don't think so. I mean if they kill everyone off again it will a repeat of season 1. I am hoping at least 2 people make it out alive.

  • Arise dead thread.

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