Why do people like Sarah?
I'm relatively new to this forum and I have noticed that a number of fans have named Sarah as one of their favorite characters from the games.
My question is why? No disrespect to the people who do like her, I'm just curious about the reasons.
Personally, she annoyed the shit out of me. I don't think she deserved to die, but she doesn't even come close to being one of my favorite characters. You bet your sweet ass I took the opportunity to slap some sense into her when escaping the trailer with Luke and Jane.
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My take is most people will jump on someone who is developed into being innocent and defenceless.
Sarah many people feel has a disability and because she was hidden from what the world was by her father, it gives her freedom todo wrong and not pay a price for it.
I think also the way telltale made her in amid the ruins to be hopeless and pretty much inviting the player to kill her or let her die made people like her more.
Personally, I was never a fan. I felt she got away with too much and the harsh reality is that she was excess baggage who didn't want help even though people tried to help her. Despite that she was hidden from the world, she still should've asked for Clementine's help, even when the player can choose to be her friend.
she's like Lisa in the simpsons,people either love her or hate her,because shes not going all out crazy in your face like some of the other characters she's seen as 'different' and 'annoying',it's a shame,theres many layers to Sarahs character
Perhaps "annoying" was a poor word choice. She's frustrating. I understand the depth of Sarah's character: she's innocent, sheltered, frightened, scarred and all this leads to her completely shutting down. Understandable. However, what frustrates me is her refusal to even try. Clementine tries several times to get through to her, but to no avail. Sarah completely gives up to the point where it puts other people in danger. EVERYONE in the game has lost somebody, but they are all able to pull themselves together and adapt. I know that's a lot to ask from a 13ish year old girl who just lost her father, but her breakdown puts herself and others in harm's way. Maybe she would have gotten better over time, but sadly she didn't make it. I guess it goes to show that moments of weakness (and is Sarah's case, extended periods of weakness) usually end badly.
Because she's easily one of the most relatable characters in the season next to Nick, Sarah reacts just as how one would do in a zombie apocalypse and has identifiable problems that some players can relate to.
Sarah didn't give up because she chose to. Carlos' death made her damn near catatonic, and she didn't know what to do from then on. You really can't apply the "everyone's suffered losses" argument to a character like her who had possible disabilities. I get that she frustrated people because of this, but come on. That's what made her more realistic. I know she's just fictional, but when I see comments that celebrate Sarah's death because of how "annoying", "useless", ect. she was, it makes me kinda worried about how real people with problems like Sarah's would be treated by said commentators.
Also, she clearly didn't want to die, seeing as how she calls out for both Clementine and Carlos right before her life ends. She was just... stuck, I guess, without her father to help guide her. I'm still bitter at TellTale for throwing away everything we could've used to help her.
Sarah... my third favorite character in "The Walking Dead".
I SO miss her
I'm not trying to be insensitive to Sarah's situation. She has clearly been through a lot and her breakdown is understandable, but I think her death was inevitable. Whether she chose to or not, Sarah gave up and I don't think there was any way she was coming back, at least not without extensive counseling. Clementine tried several times bring her back to reality, but the condition that Sarah was in prevented any sort of progress. In the world of The Walking Dead, when someone gives up, there's very little chance of survival. Sarah's death was unfortunate, but if she had not died due to the deck falling, her mental and emotional shutdown would likely have gotten her killed later on. She couldn't survive without her dad. I guess Carlos is more to blame for that than Sarah.
Because she's nice and was one of the few good people left in the world? she had a lot of care
Her death was inevitable because everyone decided her fate and abandoned her when she needed them the most, not because she could never learn to overcome the trauma of losing a father barely a day ago.
She helped my Clementine when she was in need of medical attention. Also promised to be and acted like a true friend in a dog eat dog world. Every character had their fair share of problems in this game, so I can't really blame her for having her own. She's one of the good guys...err was one, I can't really hate on that.
Did you guys forget how Sarah found the gun and asked Clem to show her how to use it? Sarah said she wanted to know how to defend herself. She even had wanted to practice shooting on the trees outside, before Carver came. And even after Carlos' death, she wasn't useless. She was the one who warned everyone the walkers were coming, right before AJ was born. Makes her more useful than any of the other blind adults in that scene.
And finally, no one really helps Sarah during her second death, except determinately Clem and Jane.
I don't think she was abandoned (except by maybe Jane). Luke could have easily abandoned Sarah at the trailer park, but he didn't and Clementine also refuses to leaver her behind in the trailer (I know this is determinant). And even when Jane said there is no helping someone who has completely given up, they still try to keep her safe. I think the other characters had no idea how to handle Sarah's unique situation. Carlos had always taken care of Sarah in the past so when he died, nobody knew how to help her. Clementine tried and we saw what that did (nothing). Can you blame the others for not knowing how to handle a pre-teen suffering from a complete mental and emotional breakdown? The group also had quite a bit on their plate at the time. They had just escaped a horde of walkers, lost several people, Rebecca is pretty much going into labor, they need food and water, Kenny is losing it, and they need shelter. I think it's understandable that they don't drop everything to have a counseling session with Sarah.
I wouldn't be so sure about that. If she had more time, she might have been able to improve. But we all know how sloppy the writing of season 2 was, so TT probably wanted Sarah gone for good regardless.
I definitely don't hate Sarah. I get why she acted they way she did (and so does Clementine), but that doesn't make her any less frustrating. I know she was a good person, but Carlos allowed her to remain weak in a world where people have to be strong.
Shooting trees is a little bit different to shooting walkers coming at you and every time she was near walker(s) she freaked out or she froze. That puts others in extreme danger having to not only worry about their lifes, but hers as well.
And what about when Clementine is begging her to climb up and she's just sitting there like an idiot? If she knows about walkers coming, why doesn't she care that she's about to get eaten by them? Again, excess baggage.
It doesn't matter, there is still a possibility people can help her and it's far more better then her first death, just acting like a baby while walkers are coming while your friends are pleading you to come up. Don't you remember what Chuck said to Lee on the train?
I really wish people would understand what catatonia is. Sarah was in a state of shock, she didn't choose to "act like a baby" and stop moving. She simply couldn't. With Carlos gone, she didn't know how to go on. Of course she didn't want to die, but she could only do so much in her grief and PTSD-riddled state. It wasn't her fault she was so sheltered. The fact that people are more frustrated with Sarah herself and not Carlos baffles me.
If you consider her a liability or extra baggage, whatever. But I disagree; all life is precious, even in the ZA. I know that I, for one, would rather die saving someone else than live long enough to see myself become a cold-hearted cynic of a survivor. Sarah needed guidance, even if it was in the form of a slap. Real people with problems similar to hers do not and cannot just snap out of it.
It's definitely possible she could have recovered, but it would have taken a very long time and I think her state would have prevented her from surviving much longer.
I think the deck collapsing was the wrong way to kill her character. I think it should have been a result of her choices (or lack of choices) later on in the game.
I can't blame everyone for not knowing how to comfort and secure a teenager with anxiety issues, suffering from PTSD, and having just lost her father, but they're still responsible for her as a group. Their decision to break out of Carver's camp did indirectly get Carlos and possibly Sarita killed in the hoard after all, which was due to gambling with everyone's lives by wading through the hoard with their captivators shooting from the rooftop at them. Had they simply bided their time and took a better opportunity to escape, Amid the Ruins wouldn't have occurred.
Ironically, Sarah was actually safer by herself until Luke came along to rescue her. His clumsy way of helping her recover by shouting at her ended up attracting the attention of the walkers that may end up killing Sarah in the first place.
IMO she was a realistic portrayal how a 15 year old girl would cope with the ZA, unlike Clementine who is as realistic as the easter bunny.
Man, it really wasn't my intention to start a "Hate on Sarah" thread. I had just noticed that some fans on these forums were listing her among their favorite characters and I was just curious as to why. I get her situation and that she can't just snap out of it and I agree that life is precious, that's why I had Clementine save her in the trailer and Jane try to save her at the observation deck. Sarah's actions may have been justified and understandable, but I think it's just as justifiable and understandable to be frustrated with her, even if she can't help it.
I think Sarah and Clementine are both products of their protectors. Carlos sheltered Sarah and kept the harsh realities of the world away from her, while Lee taught Clementine to survive and be strong, but also be compassionate. That's why they're polar opposites. Kids are shaped by those closest to them.
Well it was confirmed that she had PTSD right? I think Carlos wasn't exactly keeping her weak, more like guarding her against any more traumatizing things. He probably realized that she couldn't handle the ZA, some people aren't built to be the survivor type, but he also didn't want to lose his little girl, so keep her safe and tucked away from anything that would represent danger so she wouldn't freak out and absolutely lose it (multiple reasons why that is bad).
It would also make sense why Carlos would choose to leave Carver's camp. Carver would have pushed her to confront her trauma episodes and if failed she would be considered weak and we all know what he thinks/does to weak people. Also it's why he disliked Clementine as well. Could be a scout for Carver and if not a new potential danger to his daughter, since Clem doesn't know about her condition. Saying or doing anything reckless/dangerous could set her off.
Basically after understanding all of that I tolerated why Sarah did the things she did and was less annoyed by her.
Clementine knew Lee for three months, she isn't realistic portrayal of a eleven year old girl or however old she is. If you didn't know Clementine's age you would think she suffered from Dwarfism.
I know you mean well, but I just can't bring myself to agree with this last bit. If you understand that she can't help it, then why get frustrated? It's not worth it, like getting angry at a toddler. I can sympathize with feeling pity for her because she doesn't know any better, but not so much irritation.
I repeat, I don't get why more people aren't taking their frustrations out on Carlos, not her.
@Lahkesis is right; Sarah didn't choose to freeze or freak out when walkers came near. Who would choose to act like that when death is on your front door? Sarah wasn't being selfish when she was in that state of shock; she just couldn't help it.
And yeah, I remember what Chuck said. You could say shooting glass bottles on that train is also "a little bit different to walkers coming at you" but it's the same thing as shooting trees. But Sarah had to start somewhere. The fact is, I would've sat down with her and tried to actually talk to Sarah like Lee talked with Clem after Chuck said to prepare her, but the game wouldn't let me. The most you can do in following Chuck's advice for Sarah is teach her to shoot, though the game didn't even give her a chance to try it once.
I don't know what to tell you man. If your'e caught up in how "realistic" the game is, then you're never going to enjoy it.
But I think a child could be a capable survivor in the ZA. Definitely not at first, but given time and if he/she is surrounded by the right people and taught the right things, I think a kid could make it. I have several younger siblings (one who is 11) and they're a lot more capable then a lot of adults give them credit for. Yes, some things Clementine does a kid couldn't do (kicking in the trailer door), but I think a child could be a competent ZA survivor.
I guess I'm frustrated at her actions (or lack of actions) not Sarah herself.
I understand that their is a level of unrealism to this story, it is based on the ZA. However imo i think they should also strive to keep Clementine to play a realistic protagonist of a eleven year old child. Either semi realistic, like the show, or go XMAN with full fantasy.
I understand where you're coming from.
I still think Clementine is a great character though and I love playing as her.
I am personally not, but i am glad people are still enjoying the game.
Sarah is compassionate haha :P
Yes, but she knew Christa for at least 17 months, and she didn't seem like the sheltering type.
I never understood that appeal of her. Maybe it's because I don't have whatever she does, I dunno.
I don't like her, like at all, but I think what she stands for is what makes her beloved.
True, maybe compassionate isn't the best word to use when pointing out the differences between the two.
I'll say level-headed instead.
Maybe she was born with it.... maybe it's Maybelline.
I don't know, if you see a child being mistreated, it seems like the thing to do. Everyone treated her especially bad after Carlos's death, to the point they wanted her to die.
Oh please, You act like Sarah is the only child who has went through something so traumatic. Clementine wasn't like that when she it happened to her. She was able to find a safe spot and yes this was before she knew anything about walkers. When Lee was attacking those walkers in the train station, Clementine was going to shoot but froze but when there was another walker in with her, she quickly gave Lee the keys, Sarah would've probably just stood there and got eaten.
I never said it was her fault she was sheltered, when did I say that?
Inever said her life wasn't important, you said that, not me. All I was saying was that she was a liability to the group. She got memebers of the group in dangerous situations that could've killed them. Sarah should be able to trust Clementine but she still doesn't. And Clementine was trying to guide her but she still doesn't want to be helped. If people won't help themselves, how are you expected to help them?
So your apparent friend begging you to come with her instead of sitting around and losing your life and possible the other peoples life can be excused? Didn't people get angry because Duck cost Shawn his life? But when Sarah almost does it, or did with Reggie, it's ok? Isn't that being a hypocrite?
I was meaning when he said you have to consider anyone a living thing. Doesn't matter what age, sex, height, weight etc. If you treat them like little girls, they'll die little girls. The point im trying to make is that the game is based on that way. And people still stick up for her yet she doesn't want to be helped. As it was said earlier, she alerts the group that walkers are coming. Now, if she was really suffering from PTSD, then why would she signal walkers coming when in other circumstances, she just freezes and does nothing? Either you're all way off or telltale really fucked up her character.
You've completely missed the point of both Sarah's character and my post. She's not supposed to be anywhere nearly as capable as Clementine, that was the point. Sarah had issues, and no, I'm not just referring to her PTSD (which TellTale confirmed she had). She had pretty bad anxiety and could've been autistic. You really expect someone like that to be brave and confident? Look up catatonia, I mean it.
Stop jumping to conclusions, I didn't accuse you of saying any of those things, I just wanted to put them out there because they needed to be said. Sarah was a nervous reck who relied heavily on her father, so sorry, but I can't exactly blame her for not having complete faith in anyone but him.
"She doesn't want to be helped"? Don't be ridiculous, of course she did. If that were true, she wouldn't have asked about the gun or screamed the way she did before getting eaten. She was tired of being kept in the dark. If you lie to her about where everyone is at the beginning of A House Divided, she says "I know that's not true."
I honestly think you need to take a closer look at Sarah's character before saying anything else, because all you've proven is that you're not bothering to see her as anything more than a helpless idiot.
tl;dr: Blame Carlos, not Sarah.
You never know how someone is going to react when their life is in danger, i seen guys bigger than me, calling for their momma. Shit gets real fast, not everyone can be a hero.
I wonder why TTG chose that disorder, i mean did they research it at all, or did they just label her PTSD for Lucky status.
IMO i think she had normal anxiety a sheltered child would have, i personally don't believe she had any issues other than being a fifteen year old girl who is scared, and upset her dad just died.