Michelle Defense thread

I feel that Michelle Pictured below.
Was given a bum rap and people hate her unjustly. She was used as a obvious plot device, and tossed away by TTG, she deserved better. Sure she omided Omid, but we all knew that was going to happen. He caught determinitis, and had to be put down. They had to get rid of the old cast somehow, and Michelle aka Episode one Arvo [pictured below]
came and played the role. Her voice actor was convincing of sassy young sport who lost her way. A older version of Clementine perhaps. She was used as a plot device, to initiate the ben effect. The ben effect is when TTG blames all the world's troubles on one person, and constantly makes them to be a complete and utter failure, to the point of the failure actually starts rubbing off on people. They don't see it at first, but then they get immersed in it like Miasma. An example of the ben effect would be when Ben took out the axe from the school door.
Arvo was a plot device pictured above, he played his purpose to demonstrate Kenny's instabilities, and to justify janes point of view. Michelle didn't even have that, she was killed for no reason other than revenge. Is that the message Christa wants to send to Clementine, to show her that Murder is justifiable.
I don't know , i'm not asking her to come back alive or anything stupid. I just think maybe we shouldn't hate her so much, do you hate the gun or do you hate the person pulling the trigger.
I dont dislike her really, she was just a little annoying, all 4 of the intro characters i don't give many shits about. When the cabin group came in is when i actually started to care about the characters in season 2.
That way to argument it, tough. Inmediate +1
A lot of characters wereplot devices though:
Ben's 2 friends
At least they served the plot properly. I don't know about Michelle though where would her character go?
Bonnie kinda acted as a plot device: It's main purposse in A House Divided was to scout the place for Carver and in In Harm's Way was to get the group out of Howe's... after that she didn't do much.
Most other characters in 400 Days didn't even reach that status. I guess that Vince was there to give us a parallel to Lee and Becca was there to bring us a parallel for an older Clementine guess you can call that a "character device" :P.
Sarita could also be considered a plot device she truelly was there just so Kenny wasn't alone.
I like pot device characters there always so good for the plot. :P
No kill her
Is this serious? I hope it isn't. She only existed to kill Omid. No point in looking into her character past that.
What a guy that DoubleJump!
What about Sam?
snaps neck