TV Show

Well, I have finally started watching the show after putting it off for so long, and I have to admit, I should have watched it from the start. It is amazing. I'm currently up to season 3 and gonna watch the rest before the new season starts. Hopefully there will be many more seasons to come.
My favourite characters are Arya, Jon Snow and Tyrion. What do you guys think of the show? Who are your favourite characters?



  • Arya, Jon Snow and Tyrion

    I also started liking Sansa since season 4.

  • I think the show is great, but not as good as the books. If I'm being honest, I think the game has already surpassed the show for me (though the books reign at top).

    That being said, I like pretty much the same characters as you as well Jaime (post S3), Brienne, Bronn, the Hound, Sansa, Jorah, Sam, Tormund. Extremely long list :P

    You got a day to catch up if you want to catch the season premiere. I suggest you hurry up xD

  • lol I'll get there

    I think the show is great, but not as good as the books. If I'm being honest, I think the game has already surpassed the show for me (though

  • Who are your favourite characters?

    Bronn and Tyrion bruh. Bronn more though, because Bronn is Bronn.

  • Favourite character is Bronn.

    Besides him, Arya and Jon. Honourable mentions to The Hound and Oberyn Martell.

  • edited April 2015


    Tyrion,Arya,, Sansa,Littlefinger,,Roose,,Reek,Tywin,Jamie,Cersei,Pod,Hound,Ygritte,Jorah


    Bronn, Varys, Ramsey, Meera, Osha, Ygritte, Melisandre, Ros, Barristan selmy ,Gendry


    Jon,Sam,Mance,Brienne,Ned,Robb, Jojen,Rickon,Hodor, Oberyn, Asha, Grey worm


    Daneryes, Bran, Catelyn, Walder, Davos, Joffrey, Shae

  • The show is great, it got me in to the franchise. That said, the books are freaking amazing. I just watched a couple episodes from season four, I can't wait for Sunday. Favorites are the usual Arya, Tyrion, Bronn, and also the not as popular Asha(Yara), Brienne, Littlefinger, Varys, Tywin. I could go on and on. I seriously dislike Daenerys, Catelyn, Jamie, and most everyone from Dorne.

  • edited April 2015

    I Like: Cersei, Tywin, Joffrey, Hound, Drogo, Oberyn, Varys, Arya, Ramsay, Daenerys, Bronn, Margarey, Sansa
    Renly Baratheon

    I hate: Tyrion (His actor is great though) Jaime (with a frickin passion), Littlefinger (child murdering, traitor scum), Caetlyn, Ned, Robb,Lady Arryn and her little brat, Loras Tyrell, Stannis, The old Tyrell woman who couldn't stop bitching about Cersei being old

  • Favourites

    Tyrion,Arya,, Sansa,Littlefinger,,Roose,,Reek,Tywin,Jamie,Cersei,Pod,Hound,Ygritte,Jorah

    Alt text

    Favourites Tyrion,Arya,, Sansa,Littlefinger,,Roose,,Reek,Tywin,Jamie,Cersei,Pod,Hound,Ygritte,Jorah Like Bronn, Varys, Ramsey, Meer

  • I wouldnt like them as people but there good characters why dont you like them?

    dinofire posted: »

    Favourites Tyrion,Arya,, Sansa,Littlefinger,,Roose,,Reek,Tywin,Jamie,Cersei,Pod,Hound,Ygritte,Jorah

  • life essence tier

    Jon Snow, Tyrion, Stannis, Davos, Jorah, Hodor, Arya

    pretty cool tier

    Hound, Brienne, Jaime, Theon, Sansa, Petyr, Bran, Bronn, Pod, Oberyn

    meh tier

    Daenerys, Varys, Sam, Ygritte, Mance

    go die in a hole and burn in the flames of the seven hells tier

    Cersei, Ramsey, Joffrey, Shae, Roose

  • Like Stannis, Oberym, Tyrion,Varys, Davos Seaworthy, both Mormonts , Jamie (good in there) Grenn and Tommen

    Hate Littlefinger, All Freys, Catelyn ,Cersie, Gillie and Rask

    Lusts for the Red Priestess

  • Roose and Cersei are great characters, especially Roose.

    dinofire posted: »

    Favourites Tyrion,Arya,, Sansa,Littlefinger,,Roose,,Reek,Tywin,Jamie,Cersei,Pod,Hound,Ygritte,Jorah

  • Favourite characters: Daenerys (especially after S3 Episode 4), Jorah, Tyrion, Tywin, Varys, Renly.

    Meh: Bronn, Oberyn, Jaime, The Hound, Pycelle.

    Hated characters: Stannis, Melisandre, Joffrey, Cersei, Ramsay, Roose, Pyke.

  • Who are your favourite characters?

    Alt text

  • I don't hate any of them as characters, most of them are so interesting that even if you "hate" (=root against) them you still love to watch them. Well I hate Dany a little but I understand that she is still more important for the story/endgame than most my favorites.

    So my favorites: Tyrion, Stannis, Oberyn, Arya, The Hound, Varys, Roose. And I wouldn't be surprised if Prince Doran joins the club after season 5 :)

  • Good to see many people like Arya. She isn't an ordinary girl, and she's definitely not a lady. I think she's a brave, strong, independent young girl.

  • I love the show. I got into GOT show first, then read the books. I think it's a very worthy adaptation of the books.

  • Favourites - Tyrion, Sansa, Littlefinger, Stannis, Tywin, Jamie, Pod, Hound, Jorah, Davos, Ned, Asha Greyjoy

    Meh - Jon, Arya, Roose, Bronn, Sam, Varys, Ramsey, Mance, Osha, Barristan, Gendry, Brienne, Robb, Rickon, Hodor, Oberyn

    Hate - Daenerys, Bran, Catelyn, Walder, Joffrey, Shae, Ygritte, Reek, Cersei, Melisandre, Jojen, Meera

  • Wow, that sounds positive. :) I think she's an emotionally disturbed brat well on the way to becoming a relentless killer, but that doesn't necessarily contradict with your opinion. I'm indifferent about her, but her storyline is entertaining and I wonder what kind of role she's going to play in all this hurly-burly around the Iron Throne.

    Good to see many people like Arya. She isn't an ordinary girl, and she's definitely not a lady. I think she's a brave, strong, independent young girl.

  • I like her better in the show. Book Arya has lost me almost completely.

    Good to see many people like Arya. She isn't an ordinary girl, and she's definitely not a lady. I think she's a brave, strong, independent young girl.

  • I like Arya because she starts turning from being strong to downright cold and its pretty sad to watch but also makes her character great

    Good to see many people like Arya. She isn't an ordinary girl, and she's definitely not a lady. I think she's a brave, strong, independent young girl.

  • Haha... Really not into attempted child murder either.

  • What about Bronn and Arya. Its okay when Arya murders children then? :p Bronn said he'd kill babies at the right price. Jamie also had a price and chose the life of one child, rather than risk the lives of his 3 children who would have been put to death had Robert discovered the incest. Jamie saved lives! Bronn admits money is the only motivation he needs

    Haha... Really not into attempted child murder either.

  • I'm not a Jaime-hater, but I doubt Joff, Tommen and Myrcella were Jaime's motivation in that moment. Or does he say it was/think about it at some point in the books? I don't remember but I've read the books only once (re-reading aGoT atm). In the show he says "I was thinking about us" when Cersei asks why he did it.

    tmsmyth4 posted: »

    What about Bronn and Arya. Its okay when Arya murders children then? Bronn said he'd kill babies at the right price. Jamie also had a price

  • edited April 2015
    • Love: Tyrion, Jon Snow and Daenerys.
    • Like: Arya, Sansa, Oberyn, Varys, Ygritte, Pyp, Grenn, Gendry, Tywin, uncle Edmure (Robb you might be the King in the North but he's your uncle, not your slave. It has been for nothing, anyway...), Stannis, Jorah, Olenna Tyrell.
    • Meh: Cersei, Jaime, King Robert, Bran, Rickon, Ramsay, Margaery, Samwell, Brienne, Melisandre, Reed siblings, Khal Drogo.
    • Hate: Roose Bolton, Theon, Walder Frey, Joffrey, Littlefinger, Viserys.
    • Facepalm: Ned, Robb, Catelyn, Lysa and Renly.
  • Are you talking about the stableboy? Yes, I will look past a child killing another child who is trying to capture her while soldiers are slaughtering everyone she knows. And I dont remember Bronn actually trying to kill any. You're talking about a hypothetical discussion between Bronn and Tyrion. When he actually tries to kill a kid my opinion will most likely change.

    tmsmyth4 posted: »

    What about Bronn and Arya. Its okay when Arya murders children then? Bronn said he'd kill babies at the right price. Jamie also had a price

  • I don't actually believe he was trying to save lives in the heat of the moment, he hardly ever thinks about his 3 children in Storm, even after hearing of Joffs demise. Sure he acted selfishly to preserve his family name but he does try to justify it by considering Roberts wrath. He had no other choice, like Arya had no choice but to kill the Harrenhal guard/stableboy. Ultimately im just a Jamie fanboy, although i can see why that Bran chapter makes him irredeemable to some

    I'm not a Jaime-hater, but I doubt Joff, Tommen and Myrcella were Jaime's motivation in that moment. Or does he say it was/think about it at

  • Btw , how can you like Daenerya and Tywin :)) just asking.

    Grafite posted: »

    Favourite characters: Daenerys (especially after S3 Episode 4), Jorah, Tyrion, Tywin, Varys, Renly. Meh: Bronn, Oberyn, Jaime, The Hound, Pycelle. Hated characters: Stannis, Melisandre, Joffrey, Cersei, Ramsay, Roose, Pyke.

  • I am huge Targaryen fan , so i like Aerys II or Aegon more than other character even one gave away the throne to the whores , and the other made 4 blackfyre rebbelion.
    So ...
    Love : Daenerys
    Better than hate : the Martells
    Hate : everyone else

  • I like your name because it looks like you were interrupted while making it.

    Rhaegar- posted: »

    I am huge Targaryen fan , so i like Aerys II or Aegon more than other character even one gave away the throne to the whores , and the other made 4 blackfyre rebbelion. So ... Love : Daenerys Better than hate : the Martells Hate : everyone else

  • My absolute favorite characters are Tyrion, Jaime, Stannis, Davos, Samwell, Jon Snow, and Jorah.

    Some others worth mentioning are Maester Luwin (RIP), Tormund Giantsbane, Brienne, and Tommen.

  • Daenerys: I'm not going to lie, she's probably my favourite GOT character of all. She fights for justice, she wants no innocent people harmed when she takes the throne (even if it's hard to accomplish), she has managed to free many slaves who were cruelly abused, I really liked the destruction of Astapor where the masters were pain evil and, of course, her dragons also make her better.

    Tywin: It's not just the character I like, but the actor (Charles Dance) is amazing and portrays Tywin marvellously. Tywin is also very intelligent and not just a plain evil villain and tries the best to keep his family honor intact. Hope it answered your question!

    Rhaegar- posted: »

    Btw , how can you like Daenerya and Tywin ) just asking.

  • I was thinking that if you like a targaryen it's practily imposible to like a lionbich...

    Grafite posted: »

    Daenerys: I'm not going to lie, she's probably my favourite GOT character of all. She fights for justice, she wants no innocent people harme

  • Love the show and in my opinion it is the best show on tv and one of the best shows of all time.

    My Favorite characters are: Tyrion, Jaime, The Hound,Jon Snow, Ygritte, Arya, Grenn, Bronn, Ned, Oberyn, LittleFinger, Hodor and Varys.

    Meh Characters: Gilly, Samwell, Sansa, Stannis, Davos, The Mountain, Tommen, Margaery, Daenarys.

    Characters I hate: Joffery, Ramsay, Tywin, Cersei, Allister Thorne, Melisandre, Catelyn, The Frey's, Bran, and Brienne(hate what she did to one of my favorite characters >_<)

    There is probably more, but those are the ones off the top of my head lol.

  • edited April 2015

    Game of Thrones is my favorite show. I have watched every episode and am currently reading the books

    • Favorite Characters: Eddard, Daenerys, Tyrion, Bronn, Jon Snow, The Hound, Arya, Margaery, Olenna

    • Like: Robb Stark, Catelyn Stark, Ygritte, Osha, Varys, Jaime, Oberyn, Davos, Barristan, Tormund

    • Meh: Jorah, Mance, Melisandre, Stannis

    • Hate: Joffrey, Freys, Cersei, Tywin, Meryn Trant, Littlefinger, Pycelle

  • From a production standpoint alone, the show is kind of amazing. I like the books but the quality of the show really blows my mind.

    Faves: Tyrion (I like him better in the show), Arya, Margaery, Oberyn, Davos, Dany, Varys

  • By the way , how strange is that tommen is so cute and non-violenced , but has a big atraction to sex :))

  • Enjoy: Tyrion, Varys, Baelish, Arya, Ned, Oberyn, Tywin, Podrick, Bronn

    Meh: Jon Snow, Robb Stark, Davos, Dany, Mance, Margaery, Lora's

    Annoy: Stannis, Melisandra, Cersei, Jamie, Ramsey, Walder, Theon/Reek, Balon, the wilding with powers like Brandon, Sansa, Catelyn, Lysa & her boy, Viserys, Joffrey

    Indifferent: Brandon, Rickon, Hodor, Gilly, Sam, Hound, Roose, Brienne, Tommen, Khal Drogo

  • Stannis, Little Finger, and Oberyn

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