What would happen if Carl and Clem have met? Not saying their gonna fight but whats the outcome?
I imagine it with both of them pulling a gun on each with a brief conversation then it calms. I would assume they need food and water so they tag along with each other. I think they make a great team with their difficult childhood and having many near death experiences unless anyone elses POV is different. I them more then I
my friends. (: (: (: (:
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Depends, which Carl are we talking about, comics or T.V. because they have different personalities. If it was the comic Carl, I feel they would be initially distrustful of each other but eventually get along, while if it was the T.V. Carl, I don't think they would get along at all and would stay away from each other.
T.V carl which sounds bad already. P.S Metallica does rule
If we're talking about comic Carl, i think egos would clash and they'd end up in some kind of conflict since they're both little hard asses. Where as tv Carl is pretty chill and trusting. He's adjusting well in Alexandria, and lets not forget, he was the first one to go running towards gabriel's cries for help. Clem would get along with him i think.
I can't say. I think that after everything both of them witnessed and survived they could be really distrustful towards each other. At first, of course. They'd ask basic questions like "Who are you, what are you doing here, are you alone?" or something like that. Hm... I think if Clementine was alone in that moment then Carl would have eventually decide to bring her to his group. Not necessarly to let her join them but rather to let Rick's group find out if she's really alone and isn't a threat to them.
Btw. I've a question to those of you who read the comics - Clementine is 8 years old when Season 1 started and I remember that Carl was like 6-7 years old at the beginning of the apocalypse. Am I right? I'm just curious because for what I remember comic Carl is younger than Clementine. At the same time tv Carl is older because he was like... 10-12? Something like that, I think.
Yeah, that sounds about right. I'd say 7 and half, because he's got to be about 13 in the comics right now (he's getting laid and everything), and its been 4 - 4.5 years since the turn timeline wise.
I think they'd get along pretty well, both TV show and comic version of Carl and Clem (though comic him might be a bit more distrustful at first).
I don't like Carl in the comic, but in the show he's okay.
It seems as if they'd get along, though.
Did you like Lords of Summer? Are you excited for the new album?
I loved Lords of Summer, and hell yeah I'm excited, like Telltale, they take forever to release something new.
Yeah but unlike TTG, they're in their 50s'. TTG is young, what's their excuse lol.
I like Lords of Summer, but Kirk's solo could've been better IMO.
I can't believe how long they've been on the Magnetic tour, though good lord.
They would swap their hats.
Metallica loves touring, and I wouldn't blame them, they put on a great live show. I went to go see them at the first Orion festival in Atlantic City 3 years ago, both shows were phenomenal. But they really should get back to the studio, it's been almost 7 fucking years.
I think they'd make a great, strong team since they're both skilled survivors and are smarter than a lot of the adults within their groups..
Eat Dogfood and talk about how much they miss their mommies.
They're in the studio, according to Lars.
They came down to Louisiana for VooDoo Fest, but i couldn't go
They always say that but I don't see any work getting done.
What's your favorite album?
Okay, thanks for this confirmation. I was almost certain but I decided to ask.
If Season 2 is happening something like 2 years after world gone to hell then Telltale can make at least another 3-4 year timeskip. I don't think it'll happen for Season 3. I mean, timeskip and even if then maybe just a few months. What I mean is that Clementine in that moment can be at least 13-14 year old. I'm saying that because I heard that they can't go past comics timeline.
Carl is scaring me...
love how he's wearing a vest when its snowingxx
sweet pic
i know so to
Good point but clem is never a threat unless your a walker
but as their teen years settle in young love may be a big problem
i think they would eat dog food and kill walkers
No. She's a threat to a bad people too. Also, Carl wouldn't know if she's good or bad at first.
he's a lil whippersnapper
although i've never been interested in the comics. The comic carl seems a bit of a dick
eventually they'll be holding hands kissing each others neck ya know adult stuff (wink) (wink)
I think you meant pudding lol
mmmmmm sounds good with cake tho haha
people got to take chances i believe in peace and all people are good but i'll know if something wouldnt be right
Y dogfood tho?
For the sake of Clem's virginity, I hope she and comic-Carl don't meet. I know she's going to grow up eventually, but 1) I don't want her grow up * sad face * and 2) I'm still recovering after what happen here a year ago, so I don't trust all the fanbase with an older Clementine yet. Outside of that, it would be cool to see Clem interact with someone her age who knows how to survive. I actually came up with a little plot idea a long while ago that revolved around Clementine and another child survivor and the trust issues that they would face along with clashing survival techniques, provided Clementine is a main cast member of Season 3.