[Ignore Hjlagar] Torvin must show his inner Ironborn jackass!
[Leave] Though she could definitely get some info on Butterfly, I don't want her working on the wrong side of this war. Plus I kinda want her working for Hightower or become Terroma's lil apprentice.
“This is going to be lovely”, Harlan smiled, patting Torvin on the back like an old friend. Still, he avoided to look Harmund in t… morehe eyes and Torvin couldn't blame him. Even Harren Hoare's eyes were simply an unusually dark shade of brown. But he wasn't so sure if the same applied to Harmund. Staring too long in eyes like these couldn't be healthy in any way. People say that there is always a bigger predator. But in Harmund's case, it was hardly imaginable.
He forced himself to give Harlan a smile. “I'm sure it will be”, he answered and for a moment he asked himself what exactly his problem was. That was the Old Way in it's truest form. Raping, killing, taking whatever he wanted... a thousand years ago, Harmund Hoare could have been the greatest king the world had ever seen. But the Old Way was dying ever since Harwyn Hoare carved an empire out of the Riverlands, with blood and iron. The Hoare's were no reavers anymore, they were… [view original content]
[Ignore Hjlagar]
Man I don't give a fuck.
So someone made a character named 'Sasha'. Interesting....
Samantha already has a job to do. That is to fall in love with the charm that is Leonard and protect him for every damn book.
“This is going to be lovely”, Harlan smiled, patting Torvin on the back like an old friend. Still, he avoided to look Harmund in t… morehe eyes and Torvin couldn't blame him. Even Harren Hoare's eyes were simply an unusually dark shade of brown. But he wasn't so sure if the same applied to Harmund. Staring too long in eyes like these couldn't be healthy in any way. People say that there is always a bigger predator. But in Harmund's case, it was hardly imaginable.
He forced himself to give Harlan a smile. “I'm sure it will be”, he answered and for a moment he asked himself what exactly his problem was. That was the Old Way in it's truest form. Raping, killing, taking whatever he wanted... a thousand years ago, Harmund Hoare could have been the greatest king the world had ever seen. But the Old Way was dying ever since Harwyn Hoare carved an empire out of the Riverlands, with blood and iron. The Hoare's were no reavers anymore, they were… [view original content]
Roughly 2/3rd of the new part are written, about 7000 letters are remaining. That's no big deal at all and I can promise that the part will be out today, likely in the next 3 hours. Stay tuned!
Now for today's shout-out I have something special again. You remembered the last shout-out, yes? The shout-out to Crips' brilliant Borderlands fanfiction? Well, I mentioned that there are more of them here on this forum. And there is one story that is also among the longest running stories that ever got a shout-out so far. It's longevity should already be enough to tell you that this is a high-quality story, but if that isn't enough to convince you, the name of the author should. It's @SuperChocoLatte, writer of several awesome stories and his story Forumlands is not only the first interactive Borderlands story the forum has seen, but also one of the first interactive stories that didn't take place in the Walking Dead universe. It remains a matter of debate which universe is worse to live in.
As you can see in the name, Forumlands takes place in Austral... ahem, I meant Pandora of course. Forumlands takes place in Pandora. Following a group of Vault Hunters, the story takes place during the events of Borderlands 2, with some pretty intriguing similarities going on. And, if you thought Chapter 3 of Forum of Thrones was long, notice that Forumlands is currently still in it's first episode of ten, despite frequent updates. Yes, it's going to be a story of enormous scale, it already is. And every single part of it is amazing. Expect guns, expect loot, expect brilliant humour, expect puns, expect and fear your overlord Claptrap and prepare to be his minion when you click on this link!
“Wake up, Jenna”, a voice said softly. She opened her eyes and instantly regretted it as pain flashed through the left side of her head. But she was able to see. It was blurry, it hurt, but she was able to see, that was good... She slightly raised her head, causing her to moan in pain. Out of the corners of her eyes she saw someone approaching, limping forwards to the bed...
“Jenna”, the voice said again and this time Jenna recognized it. She tried to smile but the pain in her left cheek caused her to drop the smile immediately, letting out another pained moan. “Shhh, easy...”, her father said and this time she couldn't help but smile as he gently knelt next to her. She noticed the pain in his face as he went down and she felt tears forming in her eyes. “Father...”, she said. And then she smiled, despite the pain in her face, despite everything that happened, she smiled as he gently hugged her.
“Where have you been?”, she managed to ask, her voice sounding rough, her throat feeling dry. Her left cheek was burning in pain as tears were flowing down her face. “It has been a rough week”, he answered bleakly. “But I'm here now and I promise you, I will not leave again” He smiled, albeit she saw his face darken as he looked at her. “What is it?”, she asked and the sudden realization caused her to look at him in shock. Her face! He was looking at her face. She remembered this... beast attacking her, pushing the knife into her left cheek... she felt panic overcoming her as she was looking past her father and... that wasn't her room! She was still in the castle, but that wasn't her room, that wasn't her bed. It was a different room, not much bigger, but the bed was softer and there were books. A fire was burning in the chimney and it was warm, warmer than the servant's quarters ever were.
“Where am I?”, she asked, looking back at her father, her voice sounding horrified. “In my chambers”, a second voice, deeper and graver answered and her stare fell on the comfortable armchair next to the fireplace. Her eyes widened as Harris stood up, giving her a polite nod. “Good morning, Jenna. How are you feeling?”, he asked with a friendly smile. Oh no, no, no, not him!
Instead of giving him an answer, Jenna looked at her father in shock. He gave her a puzzled look, looking from her to Harris. The acting lord's face gave nothing away as he approached her. Jenna suppressed the urge to flinch as he knelt next to her father. “Why am I here?”, she managed to stutter. Harris pointed at the fireplace. “Mainly because of that”, he explained softly. “It would have been irresponsible to let you recover in the cold servant's quarters. The Lord's tower is heated, so I offered my chamber while I will move to the guard's quarters until you're feeling better”
A worried look fell upon his face. “And after what happened to you... and Halla...” He paused for a moment as he noticed her facial expression. “Ah, of course... you don't know. The same people who attacked you killed Lady Halla and three guardsmen, Brant, Derrick and Bannion” He closed his eyes for a moment. “You survived by a lucky chance. And because of your father” With these words he gave Richard a friendly smile.
Jenna didn't answer him. She looked at her father, noticing that she was about to cry again, this time not only because of the joy to see him alive. Lady Halla was dead. Dead! The housekeeper had tormented her for years. All the beatings, the insults... it was partially her fault that Ser Ilhan was dead. She gave her nightmares, made her weep and suffer. Jenna should feel good now. But she didn't. That wasn't her. Lady Halla was dead...
She noticed a small mirror lying on the table and pointed at it. “I... I need this... I need to see...”, she stuttered weakly. Her father attempted to stand up, but Harris put a hand on his shoulder. “Stay”, he insisted, before standing up himself. “Without a Maester around, I had to send for a healer from the village. Not as good as Eaton, but he sufficed” He grabbed the mirror, holding it gently in his hands. “He said it will fade, eventually” With these words he handed Jenna the mirror and she almost whipped it out of his hands.
Her face... of course it had never been pretty. But at least now everyone had to admit it. Still, it could have been worse. Her face itself wasn't damaged. Her eyes, nose, lips, everything still the dull, far too thin face she knew. But starting on her left temple there was a scar, deep and hideous, narrowly missing her eye, running down her cheek, ending just above her jawline. She had seen worse scars. It looked like the wound it was, a simple cut from a knife. She had seen worse, had expected worse. The lord said it would fade, she was lucky, she was alive and it would fade...
Harris let out a sigh as he looked at her and at her father. “Richard, I know you want to talk to you daughter, but I have a few questions for her”, he said with a polite tone in his voice. Her father gave Harris a curious look and didn't notice her alarmed stare. “That means I need to talk to her alone. I hate to separate you again, but I have to ask you to leave us alone for a few minutes”
“But... m'lord, please, just a few minutes alone with my daughter...”, her father stuttered and Jenna felt her heart beating faster. Alone with Harris! Lady Halla was dead and she was supposed to be dead. And she knew who would gain the most from this... But... could he... He could and he would. He killed Ser Ilhan! Surely, killing the two women who saw him doing it would be nothing for him!
Harris shook his head. “I'm afraid I have to insist, good man. Please, wait outside. Only ten minutes and then I'll leave you alone”, he said with a friendly smile. But Jenna saw something else in his eyes. Harris looked tired, not only physically. And for the first time she noticed the grey hairs in his red beard.
Her father gave him a nod. “If you wish it, m'lord. Ten minutes”, he said reluctantly, before hugging Jenna again. Jenna had her eyes opened as he hugged her, resting her head on his shoulder, looking at Harris, who gave her an indifferent look, towering over her and her father. The lord even helped her father getting to his feet again. Jenna noticed that her father was limping heavily as he walked out of the room and Harris followed her stare.
“Your father loves you”, he said as the door was closed and they were alone. “Your wounds weren't life-threatening, but his leg was in poor shape. From what he told me, the Lord of Bridges patched it up, rather crudely as I have to say. Still, he insisted that you'll get the healer's attention first and only allowed medical treatment on himself when I mentioned that he could loose his leg” He sat down in the armchair again. “Him rescuing you made it worse. It will be a while until he will walk without a limp again” Harris raised a small cup. “Do you want some wine? I managed to claim some Arbor Red from the kitchen” He attempted to give her a kind smile, but was cut off when she only gave him a frightened glare.
“No, m'lord”, she answered and Harris let out a sigh. “You think I have killed Lady Halla, right?”, he asked. Jenna closed her eyes and noticed something unusual. Right now, in this moment, she wasn't afraid of Harris. She had thought he was the monster, just as she had thought Lady Halla was a monster. And then she met the man who attacked her.
“Do I, m'lord?”, she asked again with a toneless voice. Harris put the cup down again and shook his head. “It wasn't me”, he insisted. “Do you think I am capable of killing Lady Halla? I've known her for almost forty years!”
Jenna shook her head. “I don't know what you are capable of, m'lord”, she answered, still avoiding to look him in the eyes. Still, she noticed the sad look he gave her. “Listen, Jenna, I am sorry for Ilhan. I know you liked him” Sorry! He was sorry! After all he did, he was sorry!
“I did what I had to do, for the good of Raylansfair”, he insisted again and this time Jenna looked up to him, with hatred in her eyes. She wasn't afraid of him anymore! “Did you, m'lord?”, she asked, her voice trembling with rage. As Harris answered, his voice got sharper too. “Yes. Then. Now. Always”, he hissed. “I know it must be hard to see the good in what I did. But it was necessary. In that moment, it was necessary”
He sighed and shook his head. “You think I am some kind of cold-blooded killer, right?”, he asked. Jenna suppressed the urge to give him a nod. Instead she didn't answer at first. Just as Harris opened his mouth again, she cut him off. “Are you, m'lord?”, she simply asked. Harris closed his mouth again, before grabbing the cup of wine, pouring it into a small glass. He grabbed the glass with his hand, looking at it, before taking a deep gulp. “No”, he answered. “Or at least that's what I like to think”
He put the glass down again. “His face haunts my dreams. His dying face, the blood. I am not a monster, Jenna. We weren't friends, but we respected each other. I never wanted to kill him”, he said, his voice slightly trembling. Jenna had no pity for him. Not in the slightest! “Why have you done it?”, she asked coldly and was surprised how easy this was without the fear.
Harris looked at her again, albeit this time she noticed that he avoided looking her in the eyes. “Because he had more honour than me. Because his loyalty differed from mine. Because he found something out I tried my best to hide. Something that would have destroyed this city if anyone would ever find out about it”, he explained. “He wanted to contact the king! Mern Gardener is a good man, but blind to the smallfolk's struggle”
“But you aren't?”, Jenna asked again, causing him to shiver. “I care for this city, Jenna, more than you could ever imagine”, he answered. “Without it I would be nothing but a knight's bastard. People would despise me, they would look at me and see a bastard”, he said and this time he looked her in the eyes again. “Tell me, Jenna, what do you see when you look at me? A killer? A monster?”
She saw a man close to breaking down, a tired warrior. She saw the regret in his eyes, but she felt no pity, no sympathy. Not for him, never! “What do you want me to see, m'lord?”, she asked bleakly. This caused him to make a sudden handwave, pushing the glass down to the ground where it shattered. “Seven fucking Hells!”, he hissed. “Ser Ilhan was my brother-in-arms! It wasn't easy for me and I regret it. I lie awake for hours every night, thinking about how it could have been. He would have informed the king and he would have appointed a new lord. Manfred Hightower, to be precise”
Harris paused for a moment, looking out of the small window in his room. “He and Robert hated each other, and Hightower is a man who knows how to hold a grudge. The smallfolk would have suffered for it. People like your father, good and honest men and women. When two lords have a quarrel, it's always the poor who have to pay the price for it. I wasn't willing to let that happen. I made a hard decision, perhaps even a mistake. But it prevented something that would have been even worse. With Hightower, a third of our population would be dead by next spring. The poorest of the poor, of course. Maybe even your father”
He raised from his chair, walking closer, but stopped as Jenna backed off, pressing her back against the wall behind Harris' bed. “I had to kill a good man to save many. I regret killing him, but it was necessary”, he explained, looking at her urgently. She knew he hoped for... Forgiveness? “If you think so, m'lord”, she answered and saw Harris' face dropping as he sat down in his chair again.
“I know you hate me for Ser Ilhan and I expect nothing else. I don't expect forgiveness. The best outcome I am aiming for is that everything will stay as it is for Raylansfair, for you, for your father. If my plans work, nothing will change and you will never even know what I did for you”, he muttered bleakly. Jenna closed her eyes. Was he lying to her? Was he deserving her forgiveness?
He seemed to wait for an answer, but as she remained silent, he continued. “Regardless of what you think of me, I haven't ordered the deaths of you or Lady Halla, I never did it and I never will” She noticed the sadness in his eyes. “You are a wonderful young woman, Jenna, and I have nothing but respect for you. And I knew Lady Halla for most of my life. We've been through a lot, you know?” He paused for a moment and Jenna noticed tears in Harris' eyes. “Once she was like you. A pretty young girl with hopes and dreams and fears. Trystane Raylan put a bastard in her and left to fight the Ironborn shortly afterwards. When Halleck Hoare sent his head back to Raylansfair, she lost the child in grief. She was alone in her bitterness and it changed her” He paused for a moment as he noticed Jenna's stare.
“Why are you telling me that, m'lord?”, she asked. Harris closed his eyes. “Because I want to show you that I was unable to hurt her. You think we call her 'Lady' out of fear? It was a sign of respect, because in a different world, a world in which Trystane survived, she could have been a lady. She was my friend and seeing her face when I killed Ser Ilhan hurt me almost as much as the deaths of Robert and Eaton”
He paused again and blinked a tear away. The old Jenna would have forgiven him. The old Jenna would have spoken softly to him and would have been afraid of him. “I would have never hurt her, nor you”, he urged her. Jenna's cold stare came back as she remembered him, bloody, beaten, shortly after he killed Ilhan. “And what would you do when I tell my father, m'lord?”, she asked, with a voice as cold as ice. Was that really her asking all these questions? Harris, strong Harris, noble Harris, a knight, a nobleman, a monster, reduced to a pitiful mess, because she wouldn't forgive him, because she refused to consider his arguments? Was that really her?
Harris shook his head. “I would have never hurt you. I am a knight, Jenna. I am sworn to protect the weak. And that was what I did that day. I protected the weak from Hightower's wrath”, he insisted again. Jenna gave him a nod and saw how his face got an expression of hope again. “If you say so, m'lord”, she answered and watched the hopeful look in his eyes vanishing.
“I haven't hired these people to kill you or Lady Halla. And these guardsmen, I knew them. Derrick fought side by side with me in Blackhaven. Brent leaves a pregnant wife and a young daughter behind. Bannion was eighteen years old and dreamed of becoming my squire. They were my people and I could never do anything to hurt them”, he said slowly and she saw that he was trying to believe himself. But she had no mercy for him.
“And if anyone of them would pose a threat for this city?”, she asked. Harris shook his head. “You're clever, Jenna. An admirable trait. The answer is, I don't know what I would do. I like to think that I wouldn't do anything to them, but after Ilhan there are days where I don't trust myself anymore”, he admitted. “I won't be remembered as the hero when history get's written and I don't strive to be a hero. I just strive to protect my people from the tempers of the mighty. And there is no sacrifice I am not willing to take. But I am not responsible for the deaths of Halla, Brent, Derrick and Bannion. I am not responsible for the attack on you”
This time, Jenna believed him. The look in his eyes... she knew she was naive, but she knew Harris for years. Up until that evening, he had been a true knight in her eyes. Maybe he still was, albeit in a dark and twisted way. And a true knight wouldn't order her death, right?
“I believe you, m'lord”, she answered and saw Harris surprised stare. “You... you do?”, he answered and a kind smile formed on his face. “Thank you” This time he sounded close to tears. “I had hoped you would stay away from the castle, you know? When I gave you a day off, I had hoped you would leave for good. That you would go somewhere safe”
Now it was up to Jenna to give him a surprised look. “M'lord?”, she asked. Harris sighed again. “I had already suspected it, but now I know it for sure. We're at war, Jenna. I am not entirely sure who the enemy is. Hightower maybe, maybe Harren Hoare, maybe someone else. We're at war, but it's not a war between soldiers. Knives at night, dead housekeepers and dead servants, threats, intimidation... our enemy is cunning at planned this for a long time. Whoever it is, I believe he is behind the deaths of Robert and Eaton. And that means, I am on your side”, he answered, his voice getting stronger again.
Jenna wasn't sure if she could believe him. He was on her side? Was she on any side? She had done nothing in this ominous war, right? And then she remembered... she had told Septon Corbin the truth. He had sent a raven to Oldtown. What if someone caught the message? Was that enough to silence her?
“I had hoped that you would go. Somewhere where your knowledge can't hurt anyone. Any where your life is not at stake”, Harris said again. “It would have been the best. For you, for me, for Raylansfair. But now... I am afraid I can't let you leave anymore”
And there it was again. Fear. Now she was afraid again. She gulped, forcing herself to look at Harris. “M'lord?”, she asked with a shivering voice. Harris gave her a smile that was meant to be friendly. But right now it looked like a grimace for her. “These men who attacked you, they won't give up, you know? They will chase you, to the end of the world if they have to”, he answered and Jenna felt panic as she was breathing faster. She knew he was right. But... but what would he do? Killing her before they would do it?
“That's why I have to keep you here, where I have a chance of catching them before they get you. I know, I am not in a position to speak of justice, but I intend to stop them. I will protect my people, as always, I will find those responsible and I will make them pay. If the gods have mercy, I will make them pay”, he explained and Jenna noticed that she was shivering. “You and your father will live in the castle. We will protect you. And when they strike again, we will be prepared. They think we are defenceless and I intend to show them that we're not. They gave us a heavy blow, but we're not defeated, not even close” Jenna noticed that his confidence was back. His voice was stronger, he looked her in the eyes again.
“But I will need your help. I know you hate me and you have a good reason for it. I know you won't forgive me and I'm not asking for it. I'm asking for your help. There are a few things you can do for me, for this city”, he said and looked her straight in the eyes again. “I won't force you to work with me, but if you want to make them pay for what they did, you should consider it”
And Jenna considered it indeed. Justice... a strong word for him. That he even dared to speak of it made her almost sick. But he had a point. If he wasn't the enemy, she could work with him. But there was one more thing...
“M'lord... I was attacked, my father was attacked... will it be dangerous for us?”, she asked and noticed that her voice sounded meek again. Her father... she had thought he was dead. Could she endanger him, regardless of the stakes? Could she endanger herself?
Harris gave her a sad nod. “I'm afraid it could be very dangerous. I will do my best to protect you from harm, regardless of your help. But I can't promise that you'll stay safe. And I know it must be hard to work with me, considering all that happened... But I have to ask. Please, Jenna, work with me and we might be able to bring them to justice”
“Wake up, Jenna”, a voice said softly. She opened her eyes and instantly regretted it as pain flashed through the left side of her … morehead. But she was able to see. It was blurry, it hurt, but she was able to see, that was good... She slightly raised her head, causing her to moan in pain. Out of the corners of her eyes she saw someone approaching, limping forwards to the bed...
“Jenna”, the voice said again and this time Jenna recognized it. She tried to smile but the pain in her left cheek caused her to drop the smile immediately, letting out another pained moan. “Shhh, easy...”, her father said and this time she couldn't help but smile as he gently knelt next to her. She noticed the pain in his face as he went down and she felt tears forming in her eyes. “Father...”, she said. And then she smiled, despite the pain in her face, despite everything that happened, she smiled as he gently hugged her.
“Where have you been?”, she manag… [view original content]
Raylansfair has 4 knights. With the master-of-arms dead, the maester dead, the lord dead with no heirs, the 'lady' as this chapter pointed out is now dead, only the castellan remains. Why do I bring this up? If Harris dies, wouldn't be knights the next in command? That means Lucas and Leonard. And Harris is the 3rd knight. Now. I've forgotten the fourth, but it doesn't matter. Leonard has a chance of becoming lord. Because of this, we must not cooperate with. Harris.
Also, fuck Jenna.
And you said in 'likely 3 hours' and you did exactly. Bravo!
“Wake up, Jenna”, a voice said softly. She opened her eyes and instantly regretted it as pain flashed through the left side of her … morehead. But she was able to see. It was blurry, it hurt, but she was able to see, that was good... She slightly raised her head, causing her to moan in pain. Out of the corners of her eyes she saw someone approaching, limping forwards to the bed...
“Jenna”, the voice said again and this time Jenna recognized it. She tried to smile but the pain in her left cheek caused her to drop the smile immediately, letting out another pained moan. “Shhh, easy...”, her father said and this time she couldn't help but smile as he gently knelt next to her. She noticed the pain in his face as he went down and she felt tears forming in her eyes. “Father...”, she said. And then she smiled, despite the pain in her face, despite everything that happened, she smiled as he gently hugged her.
“Where have you been?”, she manag… [view original content]
“Wake up, Jenna”, a voice said softly. She opened her eyes and instantly regretted it as pain flashed through the left side of her … morehead. But she was able to see. It was blurry, it hurt, but she was able to see, that was good... She slightly raised her head, causing her to moan in pain. Out of the corners of her eyes she saw someone approaching, limping forwards to the bed...
“Jenna”, the voice said again and this time Jenna recognized it. She tried to smile but the pain in her left cheek caused her to drop the smile immediately, letting out another pained moan. “Shhh, easy...”, her father said and this time she couldn't help but smile as he gently knelt next to her. She noticed the pain in his face as he went down and she felt tears forming in her eyes. “Father...”, she said. And then she smiled, despite the pain in her face, despite everything that happened, she smiled as he gently hugged her.
“Where have you been?”, she manag… [view original content]
The 4th knight is Ser Ilhan. Everyone who speaks of 4 knights wasn't informed about his death yet. Technically, Raylansfair has only one knight now, with Lucas and Leonard being absent.
If Harris dies, wouldn't be knights the next in command?
The absent knights who may or may not return from their roadtrip to Oldtown, yes, they would probably be in charge. Other options would be a neighbouring Lord or maybe even the Septon if things get dire. Either way, it'll probably be someone on Wolfius' list.
Also, fuck Jenna.
You really don't like her XD But I'm curious, why do you pick the option that is apparently less dangerous for her if you don't like her?
And you said in 'likely 3 hours' and you did exactly. Bravo!
Now... that's pretty great, hadn't even realized it until now
[Don't work with Harris]
Reason why? I'll tell ya.
Raylansfair has 4 knights. With the master-of-arms dead, the maester dead, the lord… more dead with no heirs, the 'lady' as this chapter pointed out is now dead, only the castellan remains. Why do I bring this up? If Harris dies, wouldn't be knights the next in command? That means Lucas and Leonard. And Harris is the 3rd knight. Now. I've forgotten the fourth, but it doesn't matter. Leonard has a chance of becoming lord. Because of this, we must not cooperate with. Harris.
Also, fuck Jenna.
And you said in 'likely 3 hours' and you did exactly. Bravo!
“Wake up, Jenna”, a voice said softly. She opened her eyes and instantly regretted it as pain flashed through the left side of her … morehead. But she was able to see. It was blurry, it hurt, but she was able to see, that was good... She slightly raised her head, causing her to moan in pain. Out of the corners of her eyes she saw someone approaching, limping forwards to the bed...
“Jenna”, the voice said again and this time Jenna recognized it. She tried to smile but the pain in her left cheek caused her to drop the smile immediately, letting out another pained moan. “Shhh, easy...”, her father said and this time she couldn't help but smile as he gently knelt next to her. She noticed the pain in his face as he went down and she felt tears forming in her eyes. “Father...”, she said. And then she smiled, despite the pain in her face, despite everything that happened, she smiled as he gently hugged her.
“Where have you been?”, she manag… [view original content]
The Voting is closed!
Torvin will try to be nice to Hjalgar
Samantha will stay with Sasha and Jaylon
Roughly 2/3rd of the new part … moreare written, about 7000 letters are remaining. That's no big deal at all and I can promise that the part will be out today, likely in the next 3 hours. Stay tuned!
Now for today's shout-out I have something special again. You remembered the last shout-out, yes? The shout-out to Crips' brilliant Borderlands fanfiction? Well, I mentioned that there are more of them here on this forum. And there is one story that is also among the longest running stories that ever got a shout-out so far. It's longevity should already be enough to tell you that this is a high-quality story, but if that isn't enough to convince you, the name of the author should. It's @SuperChocoLatte, writer of several awesome stories and his story Forumlands is not only the first interactive Borderlands story the forum has seen, but als… [view original content]
I've forgotten the fourth, but it doesn't matter.
The 4th knight is Ser Ilhan. Everyone who speaks of 4 knights wasn't informed abou… moret his death yet. Technically, Raylansfair has only one knight now, with Lucas and Leonard being absent.
If Harris dies, wouldn't be knights the next in command?
The absent knights who may or may not return from their roadtrip to Oldtown, yes, they would probably be in charge. Other options would be a neighbouring Lord or maybe even the Septon if things get dire. Either way, it'll probably be someone on Wolfius' list.
Also, fuck Jenna.
You really don't like her XD But I'm curious, why do you pick the option that is apparently less dangerous for her if you don't like her?
And you said in 'likely 3 hours' and you did exactly. Bravo!
Now... that's pretty great, hadn't even realized it until now
“Wake up, Jenna”, a voice said softly. She opened her eyes and instantly regretted it as pain flashed through the left side of her … morehead. But she was able to see. It was blurry, it hurt, but she was able to see, that was good... She slightly raised her head, causing her to moan in pain. Out of the corners of her eyes she saw someone approaching, limping forwards to the bed...
“Jenna”, the voice said again and this time Jenna recognized it. She tried to smile but the pain in her left cheek caused her to drop the smile immediately, letting out another pained moan. “Shhh, easy...”, her father said and this time she couldn't help but smile as he gently knelt next to her. She noticed the pain in his face as he went down and she felt tears forming in her eyes. “Father...”, she said. And then she smiled, despite the pain in her face, despite everything that happened, she smiled as he gently hugged her.
“Where have you been?”, she manag… [view original content]
I like the Harris development though why he needs her help I have no idea? Information? A spy?
And Oh Jenna, it mus be terrible that the scar you got while coming back to the castle for next to no reason cant be used as an excuse for why you feel your ugly.
........ I am trying to like her I promise.
Hmmmm that's a hard one right there but I say [Don't work with Harris]
Now when are we going to read about some dead Hoares?... preferably with lots of blood and screams and by a Kraken if it's possible (and I mean the kind that walks on 2 legs though the monster would do just fine too )
The absent knights who may or may not return from their road trip to Oldtown, yes, they would probably be in charge. Other options would be a neighbouring Lord or maybe even the Septon if things get dire. Either way, it'll probably be someone on Wolfius' list.
Well, considering how far Oldtown is from Raylansfair, I say they are pretty safe. Plus Wolfius added a whole lot more people to that list.
You really don't like her XD But I'm curious, why do you pick the option that is apparently less dangerous for her if you don't like her?
Because I also hate Harris. But if it is really more dangerous for Jenna,
I've forgotten the fourth, but it doesn't matter.
The 4th knight is Ser Ilhan. Everyone who speaks of 4 knights wasn't informed abou… moret his death yet. Technically, Raylansfair has only one knight now, with Lucas and Leonard being absent.
If Harris dies, wouldn't be knights the next in command?
The absent knights who may or may not return from their roadtrip to Oldtown, yes, they would probably be in charge. Other options would be a neighbouring Lord or maybe even the Septon if things get dire. Either way, it'll probably be someone on Wolfius' list.
Also, fuck Jenna.
You really don't like her XD But I'm curious, why do you pick the option that is apparently less dangerous for her if you don't like her?
And you said in 'likely 3 hours' and you did exactly. Bravo!
Now... that's pretty great, hadn't even realized it until now
I like the Harris development though why he needs her help I have no idea? Information? A spy?
Glad you liked it, that was kinda what I was aiming at with this part. Harris has a few things in mind where he could use her help but hasn't really specified it in their talk yet. He won't force it, because he apparently wants to keep her safe, but I can confirm that at least he thinks that helping him could endanger her.
{Don't work with Harris}
I like the Harris development though why he needs her help I have no idea? Information? A spy?
And Oh Jenna, … moreit mus be terrible that the scar you got while coming back to the castle for next to no reason cant be used as an excuse for why you feel your ugly.
........ I am trying to like her I promise.
“Wake up, Jenna”, a voice said softly. She opened her eyes and instantly regretted it as pain flashed through the left side of her … morehead. But she was able to see. It was blurry, it hurt, but she was able to see, that was good... She slightly raised her head, causing her to moan in pain. Out of the corners of her eyes she saw someone approaching, limping forwards to the bed...
“Jenna”, the voice said again and this time Jenna recognized it. She tried to smile but the pain in her left cheek caused her to drop the smile immediately, letting out another pained moan. “Shhh, easy...”, her father said and this time she couldn't help but smile as he gently knelt next to her. She noticed the pain in his face as he went down and she felt tears forming in her eyes. “Father...”, she said. And then she smiled, despite the pain in her face, despite everything that happened, she smiled as he gently hugged her.
“Where have you been?”, she manag… [view original content]
Hmmmm that's a hard one right there but I say [Don't work with Harris]
Now when are we going to read about some dead Hoares?... preferabl… morey with lots of blood and screams and by a Kraken if it's possible (and I mean the kind that walks on 2 legs though the monster would do just fine too )
I think the physical changes to her face is actually good development for her character. GRRM once said that he wanted his characters to go through both emotional and physical changes as in medieval Westeros every wound could cost you a limb or worse (and we all know they fight a lot). So it sort of reminded me of Jaime losing his hand or Tyrion his nose and how it effected their lives(I did hope her scars would make her disfigured because of the emotional stuff that comes with it).
Makes sense? probably not so much haha but after this chapter I actually started to like her and now I do care if she lives or die...
Hmmmm that's a hard one right there
That makes me reliefed. Seeing the inambiguity of this choice made me fear I made it too easy. T… morehat choice was meant to be hard.
Now when are we going to read about some dead Hoares?
Dead Hoares? I don't know why you have such blasphemous ideas! Don't you like your benevolent Hoare overlords?
“Wake up, Jenna”, a voice said softly. She opened her eyes and instantly regretted it as pain flashed through the left side of her … morehead. But she was able to see. It was blurry, it hurt, but she was able to see, that was good... She slightly raised her head, causing her to moan in pain. Out of the corners of her eyes she saw someone approaching, limping forwards to the bed...
“Jenna”, the voice said again and this time Jenna recognized it. She tried to smile but the pain in her left cheek caused her to drop the smile immediately, letting out another pained moan. “Shhh, easy...”, her father said and this time she couldn't help but smile as he gently knelt next to her. She noticed the pain in his face as he went down and she felt tears forming in her eyes. “Father...”, she said. And then she smiled, despite the pain in her face, despite everything that happened, she smiled as he gently hugged her.
“Where have you been?”, she manag… [view original content]
So we know Clayton's crew works for Butterfly (not surprised here, seems everyone who is awful in the world works for him), why does Butterfly want Lady Halla dead? Or even Jenna? I mean does Butterfly assume with the murder of someone close to Harris, like Lady Halla, get Harris riled up and attack Harren Hoare? This seems... Interesting.
“Wake up, Jenna”, a voice said softly. She opened her eyes and instantly regretted it as pain flashed through the left side of her … morehead. But she was able to see. It was blurry, it hurt, but she was able to see, that was good... She slightly raised her head, causing her to moan in pain. Out of the corners of her eyes she saw someone approaching, limping forwards to the bed...
“Jenna”, the voice said again and this time Jenna recognized it. She tried to smile but the pain in her left cheek caused her to drop the smile immediately, letting out another pained moan. “Shhh, easy...”, her father said and this time she couldn't help but smile as he gently knelt next to her. She noticed the pain in his face as he went down and she felt tears forming in her eyes. “Father...”, she said. And then she smiled, despite the pain in her face, despite everything that happened, she smiled as he gently hugged her.
“Where have you been?”, she manag… [view original content]
Isn't M'aiq known to have a rather unique definition of the term 'truth'? Does that mean that you want Jenna to live a long and wonderful life? This confuses me greatly.
Though if you want Jenna (or any other character by the way) to die, you have be careful with the choices. Most of the characters have potential deaths planned for them somewhere in the story. In some cases, like Jenna, her choice-determinant survival in Chapter 3 does not mean she's safe at any time. I can confirm that everyone can die sooner or later, including Jenna. However, it also goes the other way round. Very few people are doomed from the beginning as well.
I managed to change an opinion about a character? That pleases me greatly. The thing with Jenna and her new scar is, she isn't too upset about it because she never defined herself through her looks. Other stuff that happened and will happen will affect her far more. However, as a result of that attack she is currently undergoing a change in her personality. For example, she isn't afraid of Harris anymore and as a result she managed to ask him questions that made him very uncomfortable.
I think the physical changes to her face is actually good development for her character. GRRM once said that he wanted his characters to go … morethrough both emotional and physical changes as in medieval Westeros every wound could cost you a limb or worse (and we all know they fight a lot). So it sort of reminded me of Jaime losing his hand or Tyrion his nose and how it effected their lives(I did hope her scars would make her disfigured because of the emotional stuff that comes with it).
Makes sense? probably not so much haha but after this chapter I actually started to like her and now I do care if she lives or die...
“Wake up, Jenna”, a voice said softly. She opened her eyes and instantly regretted it as pain flashed through the left side of her … morehead. But she was able to see. It was blurry, it hurt, but she was able to see, that was good... She slightly raised her head, causing her to moan in pain. Out of the corners of her eyes she saw someone approaching, limping forwards to the bed...
“Jenna”, the voice said again and this time Jenna recognized it. She tried to smile but the pain in her left cheek caused her to drop the smile immediately, letting out another pained moan. “Shhh, easy...”, her father said and this time she couldn't help but smile as he gently knelt next to her. She noticed the pain in his face as he went down and she felt tears forming in her eyes. “Father...”, she said. And then she smiled, despite the pain in her face, despite everything that happened, she smiled as he gently hugged her.
“Where have you been?”, she manag… [view original content]
“Wake up, Jenna”, a voice said softly. She opened her eyes and instantly regretted it as pain flashed through the left side of her … morehead. But she was able to see. It was blurry, it hurt, but she was able to see, that was good... She slightly raised her head, causing her to moan in pain. Out of the corners of her eyes she saw someone approaching, limping forwards to the bed...
“Jenna”, the voice said again and this time Jenna recognized it. She tried to smile but the pain in her left cheek caused her to drop the smile immediately, letting out another pained moan. “Shhh, easy...”, her father said and this time she couldn't help but smile as he gently knelt next to her. She noticed the pain in his face as he went down and she felt tears forming in her eyes. “Father...”, she said. And then she smiled, despite the pain in her face, despite everything that happened, she smiled as he gently hugged her.
“Where have you been?”, she manag… [view original content]
This was a really good chapter and has a choice that has divided a lot of people! I'll choose to work with Harris because I think it could be more beneficial in the grand scheme of things. I also think of Harris as less of an ass now, so good work with that!
“Wake up, Jenna”, a voice said softly. She opened her eyes and instantly regretted it as pain flashed through the left side of her … morehead. But she was able to see. It was blurry, it hurt, but she was able to see, that was good... She slightly raised her head, causing her to moan in pain. Out of the corners of her eyes she saw someone approaching, limping forwards to the bed...
“Jenna”, the voice said again and this time Jenna recognized it. She tried to smile but the pain in her left cheek caused her to drop the smile immediately, letting out another pained moan. “Shhh, easy...”, her father said and this time she couldn't help but smile as he gently knelt next to her. She noticed the pain in his face as he went down and she felt tears forming in her eyes. “Father...”, she said. And then she smiled, despite the pain in her face, despite everything that happened, she smiled as he gently hugged her.
“Where have you been?”, she manag… [view original content]
“Wake up, Jenna”, a voice said softly. She opened her eyes and instantly regretted it as pain flashed through the left side of her … morehead. But she was able to see. It was blurry, it hurt, but she was able to see, that was good... She slightly raised her head, causing her to moan in pain. Out of the corners of her eyes she saw someone approaching, limping forwards to the bed...
“Jenna”, the voice said again and this time Jenna recognized it. She tried to smile but the pain in her left cheek caused her to drop the smile immediately, letting out another pained moan. “Shhh, easy...”, her father said and this time she couldn't help but smile as he gently knelt next to her. She noticed the pain in his face as he went down and she felt tears forming in her eyes. “Father...”, she said. And then she smiled, despite the pain in her face, despite everything that happened, she smiled as he gently hugged her.
“Where have you been?”, she manag… [view original content]
“Wake up, Jenna”, a voice said softly. She opened her eyes and instantly regretted it as pain flashed through the left side of her … morehead. But she was able to see. It was blurry, it hurt, but she was able to see, that was good... She slightly raised her head, causing her to moan in pain. Out of the corners of her eyes she saw someone approaching, limping forwards to the bed...
“Jenna”, the voice said again and this time Jenna recognized it. She tried to smile but the pain in her left cheek caused her to drop the smile immediately, letting out another pained moan. “Shhh, easy...”, her father said and this time she couldn't help but smile as he gently knelt next to her. She noticed the pain in his face as he went down and she felt tears forming in her eyes. “Father...”, she said. And then she smiled, despite the pain in her face, despite everything that happened, she smiled as he gently hugged her.
“Where have you been?”, she manag… [view original content]
“Wake up, Jenna”, a voice said softly. She opened her eyes and instantly regretted it as pain flashed through the left side of her … morehead. But she was able to see. It was blurry, it hurt, but she was able to see, that was good... She slightly raised her head, causing her to moan in pain. Out of the corners of her eyes she saw someone approaching, limping forwards to the bed...
“Jenna”, the voice said again and this time Jenna recognized it. She tried to smile but the pain in her left cheek caused her to drop the smile immediately, letting out another pained moan. “Shhh, easy...”, her father said and this time she couldn't help but smile as he gently knelt next to her. She noticed the pain in his face as he went down and she felt tears forming in her eyes. “Father...”, she said. And then she smiled, despite the pain in her face, despite everything that happened, she smiled as he gently hugged her.
“Where have you been?”, she manag… [view original content]
“Wake up, Jenna”, a voice said softly. She opened her eyes and instantly regretted it as pain flashed through the left side of her … morehead. But she was able to see. It was blurry, it hurt, but she was able to see, that was good... She slightly raised her head, causing her to moan in pain. Out of the corners of her eyes she saw someone approaching, limping forwards to the bed...
“Jenna”, the voice said again and this time Jenna recognized it. She tried to smile but the pain in her left cheek caused her to drop the smile immediately, letting out another pained moan. “Shhh, easy...”, her father said and this time she couldn't help but smile as he gently knelt next to her. She noticed the pain in his face as he went down and she felt tears forming in her eyes. “Father...”, she said. And then she smiled, despite the pain in her face, despite everything that happened, she smiled as he gently hugged her.
“Where have you been?”, she manag… [view original content]
“Wake up, Jenna”, a voice said softly. She opened her eyes and instantly regretted it as pain flashed through the left side of her … morehead. But she was able to see. It was blurry, it hurt, but she was able to see, that was good... She slightly raised her head, causing her to moan in pain. Out of the corners of her eyes she saw someone approaching, limping forwards to the bed...
“Jenna”, the voice said again and this time Jenna recognized it. She tried to smile but the pain in her left cheek caused her to drop the smile immediately, letting out another pained moan. “Shhh, easy...”, her father said and this time she couldn't help but smile as he gently knelt next to her. She noticed the pain in his face as he went down and she felt tears forming in her eyes. “Father...”, she said. And then she smiled, despite the pain in her face, despite everything that happened, she smiled as he gently hugged her.
“Where have you been?”, she manag… [view original content]
“Wake up, Jenna”, a voice said softly. She opened her eyes and instantly regretted it as pain flashed through the left side of her … morehead. But she was able to see. It was blurry, it hurt, but she was able to see, that was good... She slightly raised her head, causing her to moan in pain. Out of the corners of her eyes she saw someone approaching, limping forwards to the bed...
“Jenna”, the voice said again and this time Jenna recognized it. She tried to smile but the pain in her left cheek caused her to drop the smile immediately, letting out another pained moan. “Shhh, easy...”, her father said and this time she couldn't help but smile as he gently knelt next to her. She noticed the pain in his face as he went down and she felt tears forming in her eyes. “Father...”, she said. And then she smiled, despite the pain in her face, despite everything that happened, she smiled as he gently hugged her.
“Where have you been?”, she manag… [view original content]
[Ignore Hjlagar] Torvin must show his inner Ironborn jackass!
[Leave] Though she could definitely get some info on Butterfly, I don't want her working on the wrong side of this war. Plus I kinda want her working for Hightower or become Terroma's lil apprentice.
[Try to be nice to Hjalgar]
[Try to be nice to Hjalgar]
Really good chapter! I liked this one a lot.
The Voting is closed!
Torvin will try to be nice to Hjalgar
Samantha will stay with Sasha and Jaylon
Roughly 2/3rd of the new part are written, about 7000 letters are remaining. That's no big deal at all and I can promise that the part will be out today, likely in the next 3 hours. Stay tuned!
Now for today's shout-out I have something special again. You remembered the last shout-out, yes? The shout-out to Crips' brilliant Borderlands fanfiction? Well, I mentioned that there are more of them here on this forum. And there is one story that is also among the longest running stories that ever got a shout-out so far. It's longevity should already be enough to tell you that this is a high-quality story, but if that isn't enough to convince you, the name of the author should. It's @SuperChocoLatte, writer of several awesome stories and his story Forumlands is not only the first interactive Borderlands story the forum has seen, but also one of the first interactive stories that didn't take place in the Walking Dead universe. It remains a matter of debate which universe is worse to live in.
As you can see in the name, Forumlands takes place in Austral... ahem, I meant Pandora of course. Forumlands takes place in Pandora. Following a group of Vault Hunters, the story takes place during the events of Borderlands 2, with some pretty intriguing similarities going on. And, if you thought Chapter 3 of Forum of Thrones was long, notice that Forumlands is currently still in it's first episode of ten, despite frequent updates. Yes, it's going to be a story of enormous scale, it already is. And every single part of it is amazing. Expect guns, expect loot, expect brilliant humour, expect puns, expect and fear your overlord Claptrap and prepare to be his minion when you click on this link!
“Wake up, Jenna”, a voice said softly. She opened her eyes and instantly regretted it as pain flashed through the left side of her head. But she was able to see. It was blurry, it hurt, but she was able to see, that was good... She slightly raised her head, causing her to moan in pain. Out of the corners of her eyes she saw someone approaching, limping forwards to the bed...
“Jenna”, the voice said again and this time Jenna recognized it. She tried to smile but the pain in her left cheek caused her to drop the smile immediately, letting out another pained moan. “Shhh, easy...”, her father said and this time she couldn't help but smile as he gently knelt next to her. She noticed the pain in his face as he went down and she felt tears forming in her eyes. “Father...”, she said. And then she smiled, despite the pain in her face, despite everything that happened, she smiled as he gently hugged her.
“Where have you been?”, she managed to ask, her voice sounding rough, her throat feeling dry. Her left cheek was burning in pain as tears were flowing down her face. “It has been a rough week”, he answered bleakly. “But I'm here now and I promise you, I will not leave again” He smiled, albeit she saw his face darken as he looked at her. “What is it?”, she asked and the sudden realization caused her to look at him in shock. Her face! He was looking at her face. She remembered this... beast attacking her, pushing the knife into her left cheek... she felt panic overcoming her as she was looking past her father and... that wasn't her room! She was still in the castle, but that wasn't her room, that wasn't her bed. It was a different room, not much bigger, but the bed was softer and there were books. A fire was burning in the chimney and it was warm, warmer than the servant's quarters ever were.
“Where am I?”, she asked, looking back at her father, her voice sounding horrified. “In my chambers”, a second voice, deeper and graver answered and her stare fell on the comfortable armchair next to the fireplace. Her eyes widened as Harris stood up, giving her a polite nod. “Good morning, Jenna. How are you feeling?”, he asked with a friendly smile. Oh no, no, no, not him!
Instead of giving him an answer, Jenna looked at her father in shock. He gave her a puzzled look, looking from her to Harris. The acting lord's face gave nothing away as he approached her. Jenna suppressed the urge to flinch as he knelt next to her father. “Why am I here?”, she managed to stutter. Harris pointed at the fireplace. “Mainly because of that”, he explained softly. “It would have been irresponsible to let you recover in the cold servant's quarters. The Lord's tower is heated, so I offered my chamber while I will move to the guard's quarters until you're feeling better”
A worried look fell upon his face. “And after what happened to you... and Halla...” He paused for a moment as he noticed her facial expression. “Ah, of course... you don't know. The same people who attacked you killed Lady Halla and three guardsmen, Brant, Derrick and Bannion” He closed his eyes for a moment. “You survived by a lucky chance. And because of your father” With these words he gave Richard a friendly smile.
Jenna didn't answer him. She looked at her father, noticing that she was about to cry again, this time not only because of the joy to see him alive. Lady Halla was dead. Dead! The housekeeper had tormented her for years. All the beatings, the insults... it was partially her fault that Ser Ilhan was dead. She gave her nightmares, made her weep and suffer. Jenna should feel good now. But she didn't. That wasn't her. Lady Halla was dead...
She noticed a small mirror lying on the table and pointed at it. “I... I need this... I need to see...”, she stuttered weakly. Her father attempted to stand up, but Harris put a hand on his shoulder. “Stay”, he insisted, before standing up himself. “Without a Maester around, I had to send for a healer from the village. Not as good as Eaton, but he sufficed” He grabbed the mirror, holding it gently in his hands. “He said it will fade, eventually” With these words he handed Jenna the mirror and she almost whipped it out of his hands.
Her face... of course it had never been pretty. But at least now everyone had to admit it. Still, it could have been worse. Her face itself wasn't damaged. Her eyes, nose, lips, everything still the dull, far too thin face she knew. But starting on her left temple there was a scar, deep and hideous, narrowly missing her eye, running down her cheek, ending just above her jawline. She had seen worse scars. It looked like the wound it was, a simple cut from a knife. She had seen worse, had expected worse. The lord said it would fade, she was lucky, she was alive and it would fade...
Harris let out a sigh as he looked at her and at her father. “Richard, I know you want to talk to you daughter, but I have a few questions for her”, he said with a polite tone in his voice. Her father gave Harris a curious look and didn't notice her alarmed stare. “That means I need to talk to her alone. I hate to separate you again, but I have to ask you to leave us alone for a few minutes”
“But... m'lord, please, just a few minutes alone with my daughter...”, her father stuttered and Jenna felt her heart beating faster. Alone with Harris! Lady Halla was dead and she was supposed to be dead. And she knew who would gain the most from this... But... could he... He could and he would. He killed Ser Ilhan! Surely, killing the two women who saw him doing it would be nothing for him!
Harris shook his head. “I'm afraid I have to insist, good man. Please, wait outside. Only ten minutes and then I'll leave you alone”, he said with a friendly smile. But Jenna saw something else in his eyes. Harris looked tired, not only physically. And for the first time she noticed the grey hairs in his red beard.
Her father gave him a nod. “If you wish it, m'lord. Ten minutes”, he said reluctantly, before hugging Jenna again. Jenna had her eyes opened as he hugged her, resting her head on his shoulder, looking at Harris, who gave her an indifferent look, towering over her and her father. The lord even helped her father getting to his feet again. Jenna noticed that her father was limping heavily as he walked out of the room and Harris followed her stare.
“Your father loves you”, he said as the door was closed and they were alone. “Your wounds weren't life-threatening, but his leg was in poor shape. From what he told me, the Lord of Bridges patched it up, rather crudely as I have to say. Still, he insisted that you'll get the healer's attention first and only allowed medical treatment on himself when I mentioned that he could loose his leg” He sat down in the armchair again. “Him rescuing you made it worse. It will be a while until he will walk without a limp again” Harris raised a small cup. “Do you want some wine? I managed to claim some Arbor Red from the kitchen” He attempted to give her a kind smile, but was cut off when she only gave him a frightened glare.
“No, m'lord”, she answered and Harris let out a sigh. “You think I have killed Lady Halla, right?”, he asked. Jenna closed her eyes and noticed something unusual. Right now, in this moment, she wasn't afraid of Harris. She had thought he was the monster, just as she had thought Lady Halla was a monster. And then she met the man who attacked her.
“Do I, m'lord?”, she asked again with a toneless voice. Harris put the cup down again and shook his head. “It wasn't me”, he insisted. “Do you think I am capable of killing Lady Halla? I've known her for almost forty years!”
Jenna shook her head. “I don't know what you are capable of, m'lord”, she answered, still avoiding to look him in the eyes. Still, she noticed the sad look he gave her. “Listen, Jenna, I am sorry for Ilhan. I know you liked him” Sorry! He was sorry! After all he did, he was sorry!
“I did what I had to do, for the good of Raylansfair”, he insisted again and this time Jenna looked up to him, with hatred in her eyes. She wasn't afraid of him anymore! “Did you, m'lord?”, she asked, her voice trembling with rage. As Harris answered, his voice got sharper too. “Yes. Then. Now. Always”, he hissed. “I know it must be hard to see the good in what I did. But it was necessary. In that moment, it was necessary”
He sighed and shook his head. “You think I am some kind of cold-blooded killer, right?”, he asked. Jenna suppressed the urge to give him a nod. Instead she didn't answer at first. Just as Harris opened his mouth again, she cut him off. “Are you, m'lord?”, she simply asked. Harris closed his mouth again, before grabbing the cup of wine, pouring it into a small glass. He grabbed the glass with his hand, looking at it, before taking a deep gulp. “No”, he answered. “Or at least that's what I like to think”
He put the glass down again. “His face haunts my dreams. His dying face, the blood. I am not a monster, Jenna. We weren't friends, but we respected each other. I never wanted to kill him”, he said, his voice slightly trembling. Jenna had no pity for him. Not in the slightest! “Why have you done it?”, she asked coldly and was surprised how easy this was without the fear.
Harris looked at her again, albeit this time she noticed that he avoided looking her in the eyes. “Because he had more honour than me. Because his loyalty differed from mine. Because he found something out I tried my best to hide. Something that would have destroyed this city if anyone would ever find out about it”, he explained. “He wanted to contact the king! Mern Gardener is a good man, but blind to the smallfolk's struggle”
“But you aren't?”, Jenna asked again, causing him to shiver. “I care for this city, Jenna, more than you could ever imagine”, he answered. “Without it I would be nothing but a knight's bastard. People would despise me, they would look at me and see a bastard”, he said and this time he looked her in the eyes again. “Tell me, Jenna, what do you see when you look at me? A killer? A monster?”
She saw a man close to breaking down, a tired warrior. She saw the regret in his eyes, but she felt no pity, no sympathy. Not for him, never! “What do you want me to see, m'lord?”, she asked bleakly. This caused him to make a sudden handwave, pushing the glass down to the ground where it shattered. “Seven fucking Hells!”, he hissed. “Ser Ilhan was my brother-in-arms! It wasn't easy for me and I regret it. I lie awake for hours every night, thinking about how it could have been. He would have informed the king and he would have appointed a new lord. Manfred Hightower, to be precise”
Harris paused for a moment, looking out of the small window in his room. “He and Robert hated each other, and Hightower is a man who knows how to hold a grudge. The smallfolk would have suffered for it. People like your father, good and honest men and women. When two lords have a quarrel, it's always the poor who have to pay the price for it. I wasn't willing to let that happen. I made a hard decision, perhaps even a mistake. But it prevented something that would have been even worse. With Hightower, a third of our population would be dead by next spring. The poorest of the poor, of course. Maybe even your father”
He raised from his chair, walking closer, but stopped as Jenna backed off, pressing her back against the wall behind Harris' bed. “I had to kill a good man to save many. I regret killing him, but it was necessary”, he explained, looking at her urgently. She knew he hoped for... Forgiveness? “If you think so, m'lord”, she answered and saw Harris' face dropping as he sat down in his chair again.
“I know you hate me for Ser Ilhan and I expect nothing else. I don't expect forgiveness. The best outcome I am aiming for is that everything will stay as it is for Raylansfair, for you, for your father. If my plans work, nothing will change and you will never even know what I did for you”, he muttered bleakly. Jenna closed her eyes. Was he lying to her? Was he deserving her forgiveness?
He seemed to wait for an answer, but as she remained silent, he continued. “Regardless of what you think of me, I haven't ordered the deaths of you or Lady Halla, I never did it and I never will” She noticed the sadness in his eyes. “You are a wonderful young woman, Jenna, and I have nothing but respect for you. And I knew Lady Halla for most of my life. We've been through a lot, you know?” He paused for a moment and Jenna noticed tears in Harris' eyes. “Once she was like you. A pretty young girl with hopes and dreams and fears. Trystane Raylan put a bastard in her and left to fight the Ironborn shortly afterwards. When Halleck Hoare sent his head back to Raylansfair, she lost the child in grief. She was alone in her bitterness and it changed her” He paused for a moment as he noticed Jenna's stare.
“Why are you telling me that, m'lord?”, she asked. Harris closed his eyes. “Because I want to show you that I was unable to hurt her. You think we call her 'Lady' out of fear? It was a sign of respect, because in a different world, a world in which Trystane survived, she could have been a lady. She was my friend and seeing her face when I killed Ser Ilhan hurt me almost as much as the deaths of Robert and Eaton”
He paused again and blinked a tear away. The old Jenna would have forgiven him. The old Jenna would have spoken softly to him and would have been afraid of him. “I would have never hurt her, nor you”, he urged her. Jenna's cold stare came back as she remembered him, bloody, beaten, shortly after he killed Ilhan. “And what would you do when I tell my father, m'lord?”, she asked, with a voice as cold as ice. Was that really her asking all these questions? Harris, strong Harris, noble Harris, a knight, a nobleman, a monster, reduced to a pitiful mess, because she wouldn't forgive him, because she refused to consider his arguments? Was that really her?
Harris shook his head. “I would have never hurt you. I am a knight, Jenna. I am sworn to protect the weak. And that was what I did that day. I protected the weak from Hightower's wrath”, he insisted again. Jenna gave him a nod and saw how his face got an expression of hope again. “If you say so, m'lord”, she answered and watched the hopeful look in his eyes vanishing.
“I haven't hired these people to kill you or Lady Halla. And these guardsmen, I knew them. Derrick fought side by side with me in Blackhaven. Brent leaves a pregnant wife and a young daughter behind. Bannion was eighteen years old and dreamed of becoming my squire. They were my people and I could never do anything to hurt them”, he said slowly and she saw that he was trying to believe himself. But she had no mercy for him.
“And if anyone of them would pose a threat for this city?”, she asked. Harris shook his head. “You're clever, Jenna. An admirable trait. The answer is, I don't know what I would do. I like to think that I wouldn't do anything to them, but after Ilhan there are days where I don't trust myself anymore”, he admitted. “I won't be remembered as the hero when history get's written and I don't strive to be a hero. I just strive to protect my people from the tempers of the mighty. And there is no sacrifice I am not willing to take. But I am not responsible for the deaths of Halla, Brent, Derrick and Bannion. I am not responsible for the attack on you”
This time, Jenna believed him. The look in his eyes... she knew she was naive, but she knew Harris for years. Up until that evening, he had been a true knight in her eyes. Maybe he still was, albeit in a dark and twisted way. And a true knight wouldn't order her death, right?
“I believe you, m'lord”, she answered and saw Harris surprised stare. “You... you do?”, he answered and a kind smile formed on his face. “Thank you” This time he sounded close to tears. “I had hoped you would stay away from the castle, you know? When I gave you a day off, I had hoped you would leave for good. That you would go somewhere safe”
Now it was up to Jenna to give him a surprised look. “M'lord?”, she asked. Harris sighed again. “I had already suspected it, but now I know it for sure. We're at war, Jenna. I am not entirely sure who the enemy is. Hightower maybe, maybe Harren Hoare, maybe someone else. We're at war, but it's not a war between soldiers. Knives at night, dead housekeepers and dead servants, threats, intimidation... our enemy is cunning at planned this for a long time. Whoever it is, I believe he is behind the deaths of Robert and Eaton. And that means, I am on your side”, he answered, his voice getting stronger again.
Jenna wasn't sure if she could believe him. He was on her side? Was she on any side? She had done nothing in this ominous war, right? And then she remembered... she had told Septon Corbin the truth. He had sent a raven to Oldtown. What if someone caught the message? Was that enough to silence her?
“I had hoped that you would go. Somewhere where your knowledge can't hurt anyone. Any where your life is not at stake”, Harris said again. “It would have been the best. For you, for me, for Raylansfair. But now... I am afraid I can't let you leave anymore”
And there it was again. Fear. Now she was afraid again. She gulped, forcing herself to look at Harris. “M'lord?”, she asked with a shivering voice. Harris gave her a smile that was meant to be friendly. But right now it looked like a grimace for her. “These men who attacked you, they won't give up, you know? They will chase you, to the end of the world if they have to”, he answered and Jenna felt panic as she was breathing faster. She knew he was right. But... but what would he do? Killing her before they would do it?
“That's why I have to keep you here, where I have a chance of catching them before they get you. I know, I am not in a position to speak of justice, but I intend to stop them. I will protect my people, as always, I will find those responsible and I will make them pay. If the gods have mercy, I will make them pay”, he explained and Jenna noticed that she was shivering. “You and your father will live in the castle. We will protect you. And when they strike again, we will be prepared. They think we are defenceless and I intend to show them that we're not. They gave us a heavy blow, but we're not defeated, not even close” Jenna noticed that his confidence was back. His voice was stronger, he looked her in the eyes again.
“But I will need your help. I know you hate me and you have a good reason for it. I know you won't forgive me and I'm not asking for it. I'm asking for your help. There are a few things you can do for me, for this city”, he said and looked her straight in the eyes again. “I won't force you to work with me, but if you want to make them pay for what they did, you should consider it”
And Jenna considered it indeed. Justice... a strong word for him. That he even dared to speak of it made her almost sick. But he had a point. If he wasn't the enemy, she could work with him. But there was one more thing...
“M'lord... I was attacked, my father was attacked... will it be dangerous for us?”, she asked and noticed that her voice sounded meek again. Her father... she had thought he was dead. Could she endanger him, regardless of the stakes? Could she endanger herself?
Harris gave her a sad nod. “I'm afraid it could be very dangerous. I will do my best to protect you from harm, regardless of your help. But I can't promise that you'll stay safe. And I know it must be hard to work with me, considering all that happened... But I have to ask. Please, Jenna, work with me and we might be able to bring them to justice”
[Work with Harris] [Don't work with Harris]
[Don't work with Harris]
I hope this doesn't cause any unforeseen consequences
[Don't work with Harris]
Reason why? I'll tell ya.
Raylansfair has 4 knights. With the master-of-arms dead, the maester dead, the lord dead with no heirs, the 'lady' as this chapter pointed out is now dead, only the castellan remains. Why do I bring this up? If Harris dies, wouldn't be knights the next in command? That means Lucas and Leonard. And Harris is the 3rd knight. Now. I've forgotten the fourth, but it doesn't matter. Leonard has a chance of becoming lord. Because of this, we must not cooperate with. Harris.
Also, fuck Jenna.
And you said in 'likely 3 hours' and you did exactly. Bravo!
[Work with Harris]
The 4th knight is Ser Ilhan. Everyone who speaks of 4 knights wasn't informed about his death yet. Technically, Raylansfair has only one knight now, with Lucas and Leonard being absent.
The absent knights who may or may not return from their roadtrip to Oldtown, yes, they would probably be in charge. Other options would be a neighbouring Lord or maybe even the Septon if things get dire. Either way, it'll probably be someone on Wolfius' list.
You really don't like her XD But I'm curious, why do you pick the option that is apparently less dangerous for her if you don't like her?
Now... that's pretty great, hadn't even realized it until now
[Don't work with Harris]
Yeah! Fuck Jenna! She should...she should totally die and stuff!
lurks away
Yay! I feel greatly loved!
Such as Lord Jarow lord of bridges ?
( Dont work with Harris)
{Don't work with Harris}
I like the Harris development though why he needs her help I have no idea? Information? A spy?
And Oh Jenna, it mus be terrible that the scar you got while coming back to the castle for next to no reason cant be used as an excuse for why you feel your ugly.
........ I am trying to like her I promise.
Hmmmm that's a hard one right there but I say [Don't work with Harris]
Now when are we going to read about some dead Hoares?... preferably with lots of blood and screams and by a Kraken if it's possible (and I mean the kind that walks on 2 legs though the monster would do just fine too
Well, considering how far Oldtown is from Raylansfair, I say they are pretty safe. Plus Wolfius added a whole lot more people to that list.
Because I also hate Harris. But if it is really more dangerous for Jenna,
[Work with Harris]
Glad you liked it, that was kinda what I was aiming at with this part. Harris has a few things in mind where he could use her help but hasn't really specified it in their talk yet. He won't force it, because he apparently wants to keep her safe, but I can confirm that at least he thinks that helping him could endanger her.
Good to hear it XD
[work with Harris]
That makes me reliefed. Seeing the inambiguity of this choice made me fear I made it too easy. That choice was meant to be hard.
Dead Hoares? I don't know why you have such blasphemous ideas! Don't you like your benevolent Hoare overlords?
M'aiq sincerely wishes that Jenna Harking dies a horrible death.
I think the physical changes to her face is actually good development for her character. GRRM once said that he wanted his characters to go through both emotional and physical changes as in medieval Westeros every wound could cost you a limb or worse (and we all know they fight a lot). So it sort of reminded me of Jaime losing his hand or Tyrion his nose and how it effected their lives(I did hope her scars would make her disfigured because of the emotional stuff that comes with it).
Makes sense? probably not so much haha but after this chapter I actually started to like her and now I do care if she lives or die...
[Work with Harris]
Great chapter!
M'aiq thinks he saw dragon in next post of story. But that's just M'aiq's opinion.
[Work with Harris]
So we know Clayton's crew works for Butterfly (not surprised here, seems everyone who is awful in the world works for him), why does Butterfly want Lady Halla dead? Or even Jenna? I mean does Butterfly assume with the murder of someone close to Harris, like Lady Halla, get Harris riled up and attack Harren Hoare? This seems... Interesting.
Isn't M'aiq known to have a rather unique definition of the term 'truth'? Does that mean that you want Jenna to live a long and wonderful life? This confuses me greatly.
Though if you want Jenna (or any other character by the way) to die, you have be careful with the choices. Most of the characters have potential deaths planned for them somewhere in the story. In some cases, like Jenna, her choice-determinant survival in Chapter 3 does not mean she's safe at any time. I can confirm that everyone can die sooner or later, including Jenna. However, it also goes the other way round. Very few people are doomed from the beginning as well.
I managed to change an opinion about a character? That pleases me greatly. The thing with Jenna and her new scar is, she isn't too upset about it because she never defined herself through her looks. Other stuff that happened and will happen will affect her far more. However, as a result of that attack she is currently undergoing a change in her personality. For example, she isn't afraid of Harris anymore and as a result she managed to ask him questions that made him very uncomfortable.
[Work with Harris]
[Don't work with Harris]
[Work with Harris]
This was a really good chapter and has a choice that has divided a lot of people! I'll choose to work with Harris because I think it could be more beneficial in the grand scheme of things. I also think of Harris as less of an ass now, so good work with that!
[Work with Harris] DIE JENNA DIE
Awesome Chapter!
[Don't work with Harris]
[Work with Harris]
[Don't work With Harris]
[Don't work with Harris]
[Work with Harris]
[Work with Harris]
[Work with Harris]
He's a person I hate, but his speech made me a little hopeful so let's go with it.
YES!!! I finally caught up with the story and I'm loving it and now it's time for my first vote in this story.
[Work with Harris]
I also just caught up with the story but slightly earlier and it's my, um...third vote?
We're so alike xD