ISeason 1 proud saving duck feeding the kids Don't kill st jhon tell clementine about my past Don't kill Larry Don't steal the stranger Don't left lilly behind take clementine with me on crofford sticking with benn and save his life having clementine shoot Lee sticking with duck Don't fight keny on the train shoot duck season 1 regrets Don't say keny fuck of season 2 proud Don't kill the dog forgive Nick friend with Sarah help Sarah with her work dont stealing arvo hug with keny sitting with keny saving Sarah save Jane kill kenny protect the baby stay with family on the end season 2 regrets Don't see carver death sarita cutting arm
Saying "shut the fuck up" to Andy (I felt like this was a turning point for my mild-mannered Lee.)
Beating up Andy
Gave water to Katjaa to give to Duck (I don't believe I found the animal crackers in my first playthrough.)
Not saying anything after Kenny asked Lee what he should do after beating Lee up... my mouse is really laggy in the game for some reason, okay? It was like a badass, silent "You know what you need to do."
Saved Omid at the train part
Saying "We're still alive, aren't we?" to Christa. I love my sassy Lee.
Helping Kenny in the meat locker
Confessing that I got bit during the second chance we have.
Killing the Stranger so Clem wouldn't have to.
Leaving Lilly on the side of the road
Told Clem to keep that hair short
Season 1: Embarrassed/Ashamed
"THEN JUST GO!!!!!" Geez, Lee. I didn't mean for it to sound like that.
Not figuring out how to fix the swing. I can always find one item I need, but never the other one. Eventually I just give up.
Dropping Ben. I can explain! Originally, I did save him, but then I remembered that I try to play as realistically to my actual physical abilities as close as possible... and I have zero upper body strength... he would've slipped from my hands before I even got a word out, so I went back and dropped him. I still feel bad about it, especially the "who's going to go find Clem with you" part and then Kenny is totally all for going with me. Originally, he gave me the "Lee... You know I'm a Christian man...." speech. My Lee told him to go fuck himself even though we were friends.
Stealing from the Stranger
Making Clem feel bad at the digging up the dead dog scene. I told her to go somewhere else. Didn't want her to see it.
Not taking Clem to Crawford. In my opinion, it's pretty stupid to leave her at the house with a very sick Omid whether she has the gun or not when we know someone's watching us and has been secretly talking to her on the radio. I still scold myself for this occasionally once I made the realization. At least in Crawford you can keep an eye on her.
Psh, I hated that little fucker. I got to pet him, i played fetch with him, I GAVE HIM ALL OF MY LOVE. and He tried to kill me. I almost left him behind to suffer, But I didn't want the walkers to take my Kill
shooting kenny, not because i like jane that much but i loved him enough to not let him live in pain anymore, also i felt peace when he said that he will see katja and duck again. because thats the ONLY reason i did it.
saving sarah. because i liked her. too bad the writers didnt so they killed her 2 seconds later.
killing the dog and didnt let him suffer anymore
nothing i did i felt ashamed off, because i did everything that made sense to me, as a character or me in real life. but yeah, by doing that it result in so much hatred for characters like (arvo/bonnie) because i was kind to them, and didnt rob arvo, but in return of my kindness they betrayed me and straight up shot me! so yeah, not ashamed by being a kind person, but surely i wont be as naive..... what i meant is that my clem will be more like jane in term of survival and choosing HER first and not anyone else. because for me, my clem lost everyone who she really cared about, the next step is learning and taking care of HERSELF and care a little less about others. yeah. because the person next to you today to help feed you, can be the person to kill you tomorrow. i wont trust anyone anymore.
Before Episode 3 came out for Season 2, I replayed the first two episodes super strictly, that even when characters didn't note they remembered something, I'd cancel and reload to the last checkpoint because I wasn't happy with my decision. I wanted eeeeverything perfect and as a result, I spent what felt like a friggin hour in that cabin with the Carver business x_x
You were born with the allergy, the dog didn't cast a spell on you and create that to happen. No need to hate dogs because of an allergy they or you can't control.
You were born with the allergy, the dog didn't cast a spell on you and create that to happen. No need to hate dogs because of an allergy they or you can't control.
Proud: Getting hooked into The Walking Dead: The Game. I forgot how I found out about it, but after seeing a playthrough, I was sold. January 2014!!!
Regret: Not getting hooked earlier. Better late than ever, I guess.
Season 1: Proud
Season 1:Regrets
Seaosn 2:Proud
Season 2:Regrets
Hell yes, I'm more of a cat person myself, BECAUSE AT LEAST CATS WILL JUST PLAIN CLAW YOU WHEN THEY'RE STARVING... Fucking piece of shit dogs.
ISeason 1 proud saving duck feeding the kids Don't kill st jhon tell clementine about my past Don't kill Larry Don't steal the stranger Don't left lilly behind take clementine with me on crofford sticking with benn and save his life having clementine shoot Lee sticking with duck Don't fight keny on the train shoot duck season 1 regrets Don't say keny fuck of season 2 proud Don't kill the dog forgive Nick friend with Sarah help Sarah with her work dont stealing arvo hug with keny sitting with keny saving Sarah save Jane kill kenny protect the baby stay with family on the end season 2 regrets Don't see carver death sarita cutting arm
I think it comes with a feeling of entitlement. I mean just the other day my nephew asked me to buy him a PS4, I laughed.
Season 1: Proud
Season 1: Embarrassed/Ashamed
You do realize he's a dog.
Dogs do descend from wolves.
Um, Yeah, but that doesn't mean I hate them any less.
I really don't get how the fuck anyone could hate dogs. And this is coming from a full on cat person.
shooting kenny, not because i like jane that much but i loved him enough to not let him live in pain anymore, also i felt peace when he said that he will see katja and duck again. because thats the ONLY reason i did it.
saving sarah. because i liked her. too bad the writers didnt so they killed her 2 seconds later.
killing the dog and didnt let him suffer anymore
nothing i did i felt ashamed off, because i did everything that made sense to me, as a character or me in real life. but yeah, by doing that it result in so much hatred for characters like (arvo/bonnie) because i was kind to them, and didnt rob arvo, but in return of my kindness they betrayed me and straight up shot me! so yeah, not ashamed by being a kind person, but surely i wont be as naive..... what i meant is that my clem will be more like jane in term of survival and choosing HER first and not anyone else.
because for me, my clem lost everyone who she really cared about, the next step is learning and taking care of HERSELF and care a little less about others. yeah. because the person next to you today to help feed you, can be the person to kill you tomorrow. i wont trust anyone anymore. 
It's easy to hate them when you have a life threatening allergy to them like I do. -_-
Before Episode 3 came out for Season 2, I replayed the first two episodes super strictly, that even when characters didn't note they remembered something, I'd cancel and reload to the last checkpoint because I wasn't happy with my decision. I wanted eeeeverything perfect and as a result, I spent what felt like a friggin hour in that cabin with the Carver business x_x
You were born with the allergy, the dog didn't cast a spell on you and create that to happen. No need to hate dogs because of an allergy they or you can't control.
I know the dog didn't cast a spell, But it's my opinion, and I hate dogs, why are you even arguing with me about this?