Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Deeply emotional. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Poogers555 posted: »

    That story got deep

  • edited April 2015

    Glad you liked it since it could be the last fan art i do for you ^^

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I just noticed the little heart around them. I love even more.

  • Alt text

    Fiona blogging, take 16.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »


  • You know you liked drawing it ;3

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    Glad you liked it since it could be the last fan art i do for you ^^

  • Alt text

    The Rhyiona palace garden.

    Indisputable evidence that shipping Rhyiona is a nature friendly activity.

    Ship Rhyiona and save the planet.

  • edited April 2015


    Canon has 5 letters. Do you know what else has five letters?

    That´s right. Llama.

    Llamas spit on things. Spit rhymes with banana split.

    Banana split is delicious. Strawberries are also delicious.

    Strawberries are red. Do you know who wears red? Fiona.

    Strawberry is a fruit. Tomato is also a fruit.

    Tomato has 6 letters. France also has 6 letters.

    Is it a coincidence that the flag of France has red on it? No.

    Blue is also on the flag of France.

    Rhys´ echo eye is blue.

    Slow down there, do you see the connection?

    Rhyiona is canon confirmed.

  • Rhyiona has 7 letters.

    7 is a lucky number.

    Kenny got Lucky, real lucky.

    Kenny loves his ships.

    Rhyiona confirmed.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Canon. Canon has 5 letters. Do you know what else has five letters? That´s right. Llama. Llamas spit on things. Spit rhymes with ba

  • edited April 2015

    Rhyiona rhymes with Mona.

    Mona Lisa is a painting. Mona Lisa is famous. Do you know who´s also famous?

    Samurai Jack. Samurai Jack has Jack in his name.

    Handsome Jack also has Jack in his name.

    Handsome Jack is the Rhyiona priest. Jack has 4 letters.

    Holy also has 4 letters.

    Rhyiona is paradise confirmed.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Rhyiona has 7 letters. 7 is a lucky number. Kenny got Lucky, real lucky. Kenny loves his ships. Rhyiona confirmed.

  • Rhyiona has an o on it.

    You know what else has an o on it?

    "The best thing in the world."

    Rhyiona is the best thing in the world CONFIRMED.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Perfect is perfect. You know what else is perfect? Rhyiona. Rhyiona confirmed.

  • Perfect is perfect.

    You know what else is perfect?


    Rhyiona confirmed.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Rhyiona rhymes with Mona. Mona Lisa is a painting. Mona Lisa is famous. Do you know who´s also famous? Samurai Jack. Samurai Jack has

  • What the hell was that?!

    :upvotes anyway:

    Poogers555 posted: »

    So I made this in like 5 Mins https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyLsdeJxexs&feature=youtu.be


    Liscariot posted: »

    I swear, Jack looks a lot like a grandpa. I'm so sorry Jack xD

  • Alt text

    Fiona blogging, take 17.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Rhyiona has an o on it. You know what else has an o on it? "The best thing in the world." Rhyiona is the best thing in the world CONFIRMED.

  • edited April 2015

    I read tons of fanfictions, but I never wrote one, and I offer my first time to Rhyiona. I fall in love with the boot and sock and originally just want to write a simple one-shot about them. But I think adding extra plots into the original story maybe fun, so it becomes what it is. This stories will comprise some plots of episode 2. This part is not very Rhyiona so far, but I will keep working on this.

    Evidence - Part 1

    Apart from applying almost all forces pressing the brim and grabbing the edge of the caravan to prevent falling, Fiona was tightly holding a man's boot which was wore merely a few seconds ago. After the caravan resuming to its standard speed, she slowly approached Sasha who was controlling the wheel. There was a half hour of silence before she started to speak.

    "What are you going to do with that?" Clearly, this was not a common question asked right after surviving from moonshots.

    "Do with what?"

    "That...atrocious skag skin shoe...which is still in your hand." Sasha reluctantly described the boot, distinctly showing displeasure.

    "Oh, now that you mention this, I totally forget. Thanks."

    "It seems you were. Don't mention it."

    Looking at the boot in her left hand, Fiona just realized that she had been holding it for so long without her own awareness. She did not know why, but she thought it was her responsibility to keep this thing safe. After all, it was her who grabbed his foot at the first place, and there weren't any other more practical ideas flowing in her head, such as throwing it or reusing its material for her future costumes.

    "Let's just ... hold it for a while." Without any hesitation, she answered.

    "Hold it? Really? Are you thinking of returning it? What if they die? Eh, maybe I should ask, what if HE dies?" Sasha obviously did not approve by asking five questions in succession, which was quite predictable.

    After hearing the last couple of words in the last sentence, Fiona’s heart immediately got a shock which made her speechless. Unlike electric shocks, this one was less painful. However, the pain seemed to last much longer. Also, there were some mysterious emotions starting to swirl in her head, making her felt like being carsick. She could not accurately put them into words to clearly describe what they really were. However, there was one thing that could absolutely be ensured.

    It HURT. Really HURT. HURT like hell.

    It was not surprising to witness people dying on Pandora, especially for locals like her. She had been so used to see people dying right in front of her face since she was just one of the stray kids in Hollow Point. She actually felt a bit sad as they probably could not meet Felix again. Even if they could, things just could not be changed to what they were. However, she would obviously be outraged and depressed if Sasha died since they were family, right? Also, they were really on their own now, and the fact that each other had become the only trustworthy person on this planet just made perfect sense.

    Anyway, she had to admit glasses face did impress her a little. Even now, she still could not believe how a table jockey who probably did not drive a motorcycle in his entire life could stand on a vehicle, jump to another bigger vehicle, steal a gun near a bandit driver and give him a critical shot. Perhaps he was not weak at all, and he might get six pack abs too. Wait? Something went so wrong here. Let's pass this.

    But another guy who looked just like a robotic walking stick? No way. Not even a bit. He was so lame to beg for a deal by crying like a baby. He attempted to work something out by drooling on the floor. He arrogantly spoke out his stupid plan of getting into the Atlas facility. His face was dumb. His mechanical arm was nerdy and silly. His haircut was pompous. He was totally useless, worthless and was a complete moro---

    "Fiona? Fiona!" A loud but far voice was heard not before she felt someone shaking her. "Whoa! What's wrong?" Fiona quickly raised her head and found Sasha's face was just not close enough to strike hers, and her shoulders were grabbed by both of her sister’s hands.

    "That's what I want to ask and you just scared the hell out of me. I had been calling you at least over 10 times." She could tell Sasha was abnormally nervous from her voice.

    "Sorry." Fiona softly massaged her right temple with a few fingers to gather her consciousness. Now, she could clearly hear Sasha’s voice and sense the caravan stopped, and her heart was not in pain anymore. Instead, she was suffering from a light headache.

    "Just worrying. Your face went blank and your eyes just looked like... your soul was out of your body. I never saw you like that before! Are you sick or is there anything bothering you?" Perhaps Sasha was paranoid, but Fiona really needed to worry about herself now. She also had no idea about her own problem.

    Her heart was in pain when she started thinking about HIM. What's worse was that the more she thought about HIM, the more pain she had to bear, and she went lost at last. She was not sure if it was HIM who made her black out as she did not have this kind of bizarre feelings towards someone in her life before. It was illogical to be worried about someone THAT MUCH who had met for only a day. Telling Sasha her “symptoms” now was arbitrary and would probably worsen her anxiousness. Apart from this, it was too dangerous for the Hyperion boys to survive in the desert. What she had to do now was to make up something and solve the most urgent problem first.

    "I am just SO worrying about the vault. Remember? The Gortys core consists of two halves and only I and he can touch them without getting shocked. Therefore, we will possibly fail to get into a vault if they are screwed. He is probably still carrying his piece at present. What we have to do now is to get this van fixed and go rescuing them as soon as possible." Fortunately, this was not a complete lie and Fiona did not need to feel guilty of lying to her only sister.

    "Fair enough. I am so glad that your head is still clear." Sasha finally released her, and luckily did not follow up the previous questions regarding to HIM.

    "Oh, one last thing." She added with a sweet smile before turning around, "it seems you really care about that shoe. Your hand did not even loosen a bit when you were fainted. Go on, keep it safe just like protecting your prince charming. I will not talk with you about this thing anymore."

    "You better shut up." Fiona tried to smile more brightly than usual to conceal her embarrassment of holding a shoe all the time. Despite Sasha's sarcastic words, she had to face the fact that she was the peculiar one here.

    They got off their van and headed for Scooter's garage.

    Indeed, Fiona brought the boot with her. She looked at it again. This time, an image of HIM smiling like an idiot appeared in her brain. She shook her head hard to get rid of it.

    'Not now.' She thought to herself.

    Not only she did not let go of his boot in her hand, but she also gripped it harder in order to confirm his existence.

    'Please be fine. Please be alright. You HAVE TO BE alright.'

  • edited April 2015

    How do I post screenshots? I have a little something on my desktop

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    The Rhyiona palace garden. Indisputable evidence that shipping Rhyiona is a nature friendly activity. Ship Rhyiona and save the planet.

  • ???

    Quiff posted: »

    How do I post screenshots? I have a little something on my desktop

  • It was an attempt at posting a screenshot.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »


  • This is adorable, Tessie. ;_;

    Can´t wait for the next part!

  • No problem, try it out!

    Quiff posted: »

    Ah okey then I'll do that, thanks!

  • Oh, you have to upload the screenshot to imgur and then copy the url and paste it as you were doing.

    Quiff posted: »

    It was an attempt at posting a screenshot.

  • Ah okey then I'll do that, thanks!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Oh, you have to upload the screenshot to imgur and then copy the url and paste it as you were doing.

  • edited April 2015

    I had to do this.

    Alt text

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    The Rhyiona palace garden. Indisputable evidence that shipping Rhyiona is a nature friendly activity. Ship Rhyiona and save the planet.

  • Alt text

    Quiff posted: »

    I had to do this.



  • Alt textAlt text

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    Whatever Fiona wants Fiona gets.

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    Quiff posted: »

    I had to do this.

  • I love Bigby's, Kenny's and Jack's expressions.
    Kenny is like: 'That's my boy!' (bit proud looking)
    Jack is like: 'Omg d'awww!!'
    And Bigby: "Ugh, again?"

  • Bigby ships them but he´s not a big fan of PDA. :P

    Linsepins posted: »

    I love Bigby's, Kenny's and Jack's expressions. Kenny is like: 'That's my boy!' (bit proud looking) Jack is like: 'Omg d'awww!!' And Bigby: "Ugh, again?"

  • I've really enjoyed this, great job. ^^

    Waiting for the next part, too.

  • This thread has 64 likes.

    Super Mario 64 has a 64 in it.

    Super Rhyiona 64 confirmed.

  • Were you waiting for this to get 64 likes so you could say this?

    Green613 posted: »

    This thread has 64 likes. Super Mario 64 has a 64 in it. Super Rhyiona 64 confirmed.



    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Men make their own destiny. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • Nah, I just happened to notice while I was checking the thread. Doesn't mean it was a coincidence though, obviously it's fate that I would notice and point it out.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Were you waiting for this to get 64 likes so you could say this?

  • Men make their own destiny. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Green613 posted: »

    Nah, I just happened to notice while I was checking the thread. Doesn't mean it was a coincidence though, obviously it's fate that I would notice and point it out.

  • Alt text

    Poogers555 posted: »

    So I made this in like 5 Mins https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyLsdeJxexs&feature=youtu.be

  • This is 2spooks4me

    Green613 posted: »


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