Who would you pick to play Ezekiel,Jesus and Negan in the show?
For Ezekiel I would pick Dave Fennoy! They look exactly alike! Well almost
For Negan I choose Craig Fairbass
I have no clue who would play Jesus!
Who do you guys pick to play these characters?
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I've made an entire thread on:
Fennoy For Ezekiel
i think jon hamm would make a good negan, although theres few more actors that would be good for the role.
Dave Fennoy for Ezekiel is spot on. Negan also does have a few good candidates, but not all actors have or will look exactly like there comic counterparts. Examples are the characters like the Governor, Father Gabriel and Shane. But I think for Jesus the role should go to none other than Jim Caviezel. For he portrayed Christ in the past before and also looks like Jesus, and Jesus from the comic book kind of looks like the stereotypical bible Jesus anyway.
Kevin Durand as Negan
Did anybody ever ask if Dave Fennoy is even comfortable around tigers? Dude could be allergic for all we know and that would ruin everything.
I doubt anyone sane would.
Nicholas Cage!
Perfect psychopath!
Oh god no. I doubt anyone would take him seriously. :P
Digital 3-d tigers it is then.
I think in teh show they will reduce the tiger down to a pitbull or something
as long as their digitial their fine, I would never go near a animal bigger than me unless i had my 357 in my hand. I seen some crazy stuff. Animals are dangerous man, they got wild boars where i live, that get to be huge, that can take your leg off with a single charge.
Genetically engineered tigers? Could be cool.
I would rather see Genetically Altered super Giant Insects. Like a spider the size of a car. That would be sweet.
I'd pick Jon Hamm for Negan, he's perfect for the role IMO. And Dave Fennoy for Ezekiel of course
Ezekiel: Dave Fennoy
Jesus: Jared Leto
Negan: Henry Rollins
I'd say Kevin Durand would make a better Dwight than Negan IMHO.
Ezekiel: Dave Fenoy
Negan: Bruce Campbell
Jesus: Jesus Christ himself