I have a really strange idea about how Season 1 could've ended
I know there were no plans for a season two when season one was being written but I had my own idea of how I would've ended it. We all know what happens to Lee at this point but what if the decision to cut off Lee's arm is actually a vital decision to the rest of the story? If you cut Lee's arm off, you pass out for too long and become sluggish for the rest of the episode and by the time you reach Clementine, you fight the Stranger but Clementine gets killed and Lee survives season one with the guilt of not being able to protect her. Lee would be the main protagonist once more in Season 2 and the story could be relatively the same apart from the setbacks of Clem as a child. Now if you decide not to cut Lee's arm off, the original ending takes place and you play Clem in season 2. Now I know Telltale has a specific story in mind but I think if choice was truly there, this is what I would have preferred. What do you guys think?
How does Clementine get killed?
No thank you i like how it is
Possibly shot during the struggle between Lee and the Stranger. Like I said, this was just sort of an idea to expand upon the idea of choices having actual repercussions in the end.
I remember making a thread about this ages ago. It would have been a good idea, if Lee surviving the bite after cutting off his arm hours after getting bitten made any sense.
Actually, Telltale signed for multiple seasons upfront with Skybound so they already knew there was gonna be a Season 2 when they were writing Season 1.
That's really strange then because they definitely should've kept Lee in for two seasons at least so Clementine can grow up to an age where she can actually act like an adult.
Or maybe the stranger just takes Clementine for Lee to never see her again.
I always Imagined that Clem would get a teddy bear, then the events of the regular game happen, but Lee didn't get bitten looking for clem, and she'd already be dead. so lee comes out with her teddy bear and tells ben to shoot him, while Kenny, Christa, and Omid try to talk him out of it.
I have a fucked up Imagination.