Official Rhysha Thread (Episode 5 Spoilers)



  • Loader bot and Bigby belong to Rhyiona m8. They did before this thread existed

    House Rhysha: Current Family Tree

  • And Rhysha existed before Rhyiona ship had any solid ground to stand on. ;)

    All hail Rhysha

    Loader bot and Bigby belong to Rhyiona m8. They did before this thread existed

  • Why does everyone always say that? So what if it's first it's got less fans, lamer thread and it's not canon like Rhyiona is. And this has nothing to do with what I said

    armis37 posted: »

    And Rhysha existed before Rhyiona ship had any solid ground to stand on. All hail Rhysha

  • Rhysha's fans are more faithful, better friends and praise Rhysha harder. All I see in your thread representing are Poogers, BigBadWolf and Green.

    Rhyiona is canon ?

    Alt text

    Thanks for making me laugh bro xD

    And it has something to do with what you said - when your ship is not the first, it has no claim on things that were in our ship. Sorry for breaking your heart, pumpkin :)

    Why does everyone always say that? So what if it's first it's got less fans, lamer thread and it's not canon like Rhyiona is. And this has nothing to do with what I said

  • edited April 2015


    Loader bot and Bigby belong to Rhyiona m8. They did before this thread existed

  • Calm down, bro. No need for the insults.

  • So we basically have loader bot ,A Robot, is the bastard son of two humans with a dragon, A Mystical Dangerous Creature, as an adopt son and Bigby THE BIG BAD WOLF as our dire wolf......THIS IS THE BEST SHIP EVER!!!!

    I want to serve house Rhysha in any way I can

    House Rhysha: An Important document Im sorry if its not top notch, professional work but all I was using was my mind, my imagination

  • @GrumpyDof we gotta another one.

    Welcome brother.

    DarkStar34 posted: »

    So we basically have loader bot ,A Robot, is the bastard son of two humans with a dragon, A Mystical Dangerous Creature, as an adopt son and

  • bowing Thank you brother.

    @GrumpyDof we gotta another one. Welcome brother.

  • edited April 2015

    Alt text
    Would we get a scene like this?

    Would we switch to Rhyiona Never! if something were to happen to Sasha she would always stay in Rhys' heart and follow him around...

  • Shit, is this what I'm being associated with?

    Woah Woah WOAH Just looking for something to post and (REMOVED) holy hell Rhysha shippers, this stuff is real. UPDATE: As sugg

  • edited April 2015

    I can dig a little bit of Rhysha action here and there, but this thread has officially begun to scare me. Someone please call for help.

  • Judging by the comments here I'm honestly scared to read it.

    Woah Woah WOAH Just looking for something to post and (REMOVED) holy hell Rhysha shippers, this stuff is real. UPDATE: As sugg

  • So appearently people are getting annoyed by shipping on the forums and I can kinda see why. Shipping wars are now literally everywhere, even in threads that doesn't have to do anything with it. Green advices us to keep shipping in our threads and I agree. No need to turn the whole Telltale community against us, eh? :P

  • edited April 2015

    It's not too umm... traumatic. Just really bad.

    Pipas posted: »

    Judging by the comments here I'm honestly scared to read it.

  • Well... that was certainly an... experience.

    What did you think Fiona?

    Alt text

    Woah Woah WOAH Just looking for something to post and (REMOVED) holy hell Rhysha shippers, this stuff is real. UPDATE: As sugg

  • Well this is in my internet browser history now, thanks for that.

    Woah Woah WOAH Just looking for something to post and (REMOVED) holy hell Rhysha shippers, this stuff is real. UPDATE: As sugg

  • I already read this and I kept it away from you guys so this wouldn't happen....

    Woah Woah WOAH Just looking for something to post and (REMOVED) holy hell Rhysha shippers, this stuff is real. UPDATE: As sugg

  • I can agree with you. Bringing ships anywhere we go is a bit annoying.

    Though if Rhyionians will start flooding the forum, so will we :)

    Pipas posted: »

    So appearently people are getting annoyed by shipping on the forums and I can kinda see why. Shipping wars are now literally everywhere, eve

  • Dude you better take it off, admis might have a problem with that

    Woah Woah WOAH Just looking for something to post and (REMOVED) holy hell Rhysha shippers, this stuff is real. UPDATE: As sugg

  • Leluch123Leluch123 Banned
    edited April 2015


    Alt text

    I embarked on the journey to hone my skills so I might be a better servant of our wonderful thread. I faced many dangers and challenges on my way but I returned as a changed man.
    I hereby present the fruit of my journey...

  • Valid point. It is really out there.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Dude you better take it off, admis might have a problem with that

  • Pretty good man, pretty good.

    Glad to see you're back :)

    Leluch123 posted: »

    RHYSHA! I HAVE RETURNED!!!!! I embarked on the journey to hone my skills so I might be a better servant of our wonderful thread. I fa

  • Thanks glad to be back, I saw that this thread got slightly weird, why the heck you talked about Sasha dying?

    armis37 posted: »

    Pretty good man, pretty good. Glad to see you're back

  • Well, it wasn't me talking :)

    I don't know, I guess people are discussing possible future scenarios :)

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Thanks glad to be back, I saw that this thread got slightly weird, why the heck you talked about Sasha dying?

  • That's depressing it's good that we have A.I Sasha in reserve in case worst happens, btw I saw that there's Anti SHipping thread going on too, looks like it's now three way battle XD

    armis37 posted: »

    Well, it wasn't me talking I don't know, I guess people are discussing possible future scenarios

  • looks like it's now three way battle XD

    Alt text

    I have a mental image of Rhys lying in bed with Fiona and Sasha tugging him, with I don't know who trying to pry them off of him.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    That's depressing it's good that we have A.I Sasha in reserve in case worst happens, btw I saw that there's Anti SHipping thread going on too, looks like it's now three way battle XD

  • This is getting as confusing as Game of Thrones - we have pledged allegiance to Rhysha, we're at war (for now a truce though) with Rhyiona, however we have a new enemy - anti shippers, and we seem to have an alliance with Rhyiona against them, but we're still technically at war...

    Arghhh, this is bloody mind-boggling!

    Leluch123 posted: »

    That's depressing it's good that we have A.I Sasha in reserve in case worst happens, btw I saw that there's Anti SHipping thread going on too, looks like it's now three way battle XD

  • It's obvious who Van he wants FIona back ;)

    looks like it's now three way battle XD I have a mental image of Rhys lying in bed with Fiona and Sasha tugging him, with I don't know who trying to pry them off of him.

  • It's not alliance dude it's just common enemy. THe Antishippers are simply much more dangerous than Rhyiona

    armis37 posted: »

    This is getting as confusing as Game of Thrones - we have pledged allegiance to Rhysha, we're at war (for now a truce though) with Rhyiona,

  • Actually i find it interesting x)

    Woah Woah WOAH Just looking for something to post and (REMOVED) holy hell Rhysha shippers, this stuff is real. UPDATE: As sugg

  • Or are they ?.. After all, Rhyionians are our main enemy, has and always will be.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    It's not alliance dude it's just common enemy. THe Antishippers are simply much more dangerous than Rhyiona

  • By the power of Rhysha I summon you @GrumpyDof

    Maybe August too. Someone needs to make art of this. PLEASE

  • Maybe August too.

    Someone needs to make art of this.


    Leluch123 posted: »

    It's obvious who Van he wants FIona back

  • We have to watch our backs now very carefully. Rhyionians were bad enough, now anti-shippers emerged. Imagine if another major ship came out? It'd be a chaos!

    Leluch123 posted: »

    I agree but they at the least ship* SOMETHING* the anti ones are against our very existence, so yeah.

  • I agree but they at the least ship* SOMETHING* the anti ones are against our very existence, so yeah.

    armis37 posted: »

    Or are they ?.. After all, Rhyionians are our main enemy, has and always will be.

  • I get what you're saying, man. But I still say Rhyiona is our nemesis. Anti-shippers can still be turned to the right path, whereas Rhyionians will never abandon their beliefs (stubborn bastards, that folk).

    The enemy of my enemy is my friend These heretics do not want Rhyiona or Rhysha to happen. To tell the truth, I'd rather have Rhyiona over no ship. Of course I'd choose Rhysha over Rhyiona and well yeah, but you know.

  • The enemy of my enemy is my friend

    These heretics do not want Rhyiona or Rhysha to happen. To tell the truth, I'd rather have Rhyiona over no ship. Of course I'd choose Rhysha over Rhyiona and well yeah, but you know.

    armis37 posted: »

    We have to watch our backs now very carefully. Rhyionians were bad enough, now anti-shippers emerged. Imagine if another major ship came out? It'd be a chaos!

  • Leluch123Leluch123 Banned
    edited April 2015

    Then we'll need to fight even harder, and have our enemies destroy themselves

    armis37 posted: »

    We have to watch our backs now very carefully. Rhyionians were bad enough, now anti-shippers emerged. Imagine if another major ship came out? It'd be a chaos!

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