Predict the next character death



  • If another person lays hands on another member of the house, it's on. We're already to few, and we've lost three important members without any real payback. Whitehills don't strike me as a strong house. They constantly demand power. This is the North after all. Power is taken.

    Maybe someone will grab Talia and threaten to kill her. *If you play as the badass Rodrik (the one who stood up to Gryff) she will get ki

  • It's Game of Thrones. She will die, whether or not she helps House Forrester it doesn't matter. She, like everyone else, will die.

    and Talia because at the end of Episode 3 she states she's ready to fight for House Forrester, thus an easy target and big foreshadow that she will die. Or it's foreshadowing that she's gonna help House Forrester...?

  • edited April 2015

    Rodrik: Lady Forrester, Ryon, Lord Whitehill.

    Gared: Frost Finger.

    Mira: Sera. I think she'll get blamed for killing that blonde hair guy that Mira/Tom killed.

    Asher: Beskha (determinant) I think we'll choose to either kill her or don't kill her.

  • That's TWDG you're thinking of. GOT at least has the courtesy to develop its characters.

    Barthanax posted: »

    It's Game of Thrones. She will die, whether or not she helps House Forrester it doesn't matter. She, like everyone else, will die.

  • First choices are bolded.

    Rodrik: Lady Forrester, Maester Ortengryn, Ryon, Elaena. Lady Forrester because her husband's already dead and the Whitehills may just take her away to get to Rodrik. Maester because he may be the traitor and if so, he's probably not going to live long. Ryon because I don't think he's going to make it to the end of the season, but I don't think he'll be the very next death. Elaena because it would break Rodrik's heart and the Whitehills need any excuse they can get to break him. My bet's on Elaena for Rodrik.

    Gared: Cotter. If he's not careful, he may end up dying before he even escapes with us. He may just have to tell us while he's lying on the ground dying or something like that.

    Mira: Sera, angry Lannister guard that suspects Mira. I think Sera may be threatened by Cersei to tell her everything she knows about Mira and if she doesn't, she'll die. That'll depend on how much of a friend you are to her. If you kept the knife and the guard attacks you, he may be a dependent death.

    Asher: Malcolm. I have this vibe that he's very close to the end of his rope. I don't know if he'll die immediately, but I don't think he'll make it back home.

    Cookie. Now! :)

  • Yes, but she will die. It is inevitable. But I doubt they'd kill her off without her doing something worthwhile to help.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    That's TWDG you're thinking of. GOT at least has the courtesy to develop its characters.

  • edited April 2015

    I predict, in order, Ser Royland, Maester Otengryn, Coal Boy, Finn, Sera, Frostfinger, Malcolm/Beskha, Ryon(determinant), Cotter, Asher/Rodrik.

    Those are the good guys. Gryff and Ludd will die somewhere along the way. I don't know where though.

  • Asher: Malcolm and beshka could die on a battle, a new character might appear on Asher's story

    Gared: Finn and Denner Frostfinger, Denner might be determinant and cotters status might end up by failing at stealing something valuable I dunno...but his status can be dead/unknown.

    Rodrik:not sure but I think the game has 50% of Rodrik might die, and Duncan or Royland might die,Ryon and taila might live and of course Ramsay might die and ludd,gryff, and Gwyn might die by getting punished by her "father" and lady forrester could live, and there might be...100% chance that maester could end up as dead or unknown.

    Mira: Sera could die by getting threatened to be killed by cersei, and I do have a feeling tyrion might be killed by his "lovely" sister and Margery could be determinated.

  • Holy shit, Ludd dying by Ramsay would be the biggest twist ever.

    LukaszB posted: »

    Someone dies each episode, even if we don't see it. Rodrik's story: Ludd Whitehill at the hands of Ramsay Snow/Bolton. Gared's story:

  • I don't see it happening.

    Barthanax posted: »

    Yes, but she will die. It is inevitable. But I doubt they'd kill her off without her doing something worthwhile to help.

  • edited April 2015

    Talia would die??? Nope I don't think so. why would they kill off a child????????? no just no, and also it doesn't if it's game of thrones.

    Barthanax posted: »

    Yes, but she will die. It is inevitable. But I doubt they'd kill her off without her doing something worthwhile to help.

  • Stupid stereotype. Do people die a lot in this franchise? Yes. But that doesn't mean she will or that she won't do something before she dies.

    Barthanax posted: »

    It's Game of Thrones. She will die, whether or not she helps House Forrester it doesn't matter. She, like everyone else, will die.

  • It wouldn't be so much of a twist considering Ludd disobeyed Ramsay.

    Galhaar posted: »

    Holy shit, Ludd dying by Ramsay would be the biggest twist ever.

  • Have patience, it's on the way.

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    choircorgis posted: »

    First choices are bolded. Rodrik: Lady Forrester, Maester Ortengryn, Ryon, Elaena. Lady Forrester because her husband's already dead and

  • why would they kill off a child?????????

    Ethan was the same age and he ... well, you know the rest.

    Killah posted: »

    Talia would die??? Nope I don't think so. why would they kill off a child????????? no just no, and also it doesn't if it's game of thrones.

  • edited April 2015

    Alt text

    rousseau posted: »

    why would they kill off a child????????? Ethan was the same age and he ... well, you know the rest.

  • Nobody expected Ethan to die, and most of us thought Tom was going to die as well. And Mira has come close to dying a few times. What's stopping Telltale from killing Talia before (Or most likely after) she helps House Forrester?

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    I don't see it happening.

  • edited April 2015

    But that doesn't mean she will or that she won't do something before she dies.

    I said that at the end of my sentence...

    And Ethan died. Mira has almost died a few times. Tom almost drowned from Damien. That's just the game, not the show or books. So she will die, and it will most likely happen after she does something important.

    Lastly, you can't say she won't die. Nobody in GoT is immortal (except the White Walkers)

    Stupid stereotype. Do people die a lot in this franchise? Yes. But that doesn't mean she will or that she won't do something before she dies.

  • Determinant characters are never hilarious :[

    Maybe someone will grab Talia and threaten to kill her. *If you play as the badass Rodrik (the one who stood up to Gryff) she will get ki

  • Ramsay can't die.

    Show character.

    Killah posted: »

    Asher: Malcolm and beshka could die on a battle, a new character might appear on Asher's story Gared: Finn and Denner Frostfinger, Denne

  • I still get a what the fuck when I see Ethan die.

    Barthanax posted: »

    Nobody expected Ethan to die, and most of us thought Tom was going to die as well. And Mira has come close to dying a few times. What's stopping Telltale from killing Talia before (Or most likely after) she helps House Forrester?

  • You're really oversimplifying ASOIAF down to "people die just because". That's not what the series is about. Almost every death has a meaning behind it. This isn't 24, where people die solely to either make another character miserable or for shock value.

    Barthanax posted: »

    But that doesn't mean she will or that she won't do something before she dies. I said that at the end of my sentence... And Ethan

  • Neither will Tyrion or Margaery.

    Ramsay can't die. Show character.

  • Shit, I forgot :/

    Ramsay can't die. Show character.

  • I agree with @TabbyLover you're really oversimplifying ASOIAF and the game in particular to "people die just because," which isn't what the series is about. I don't feel like arguing over something as dumb as this, but no. Talia is not confirmed to die just because of the universe this game is set in.

    Barthanax posted: »

    But that doesn't mean she will or that she won't do something before she dies. I said that at the end of my sentence... And Ethan

  • You people can't read. -_-


    Her death will not be pointless.

    She is human. We all die eventually.

    TabbyLover posted: »

    You're really oversimplifying ASOIAF down to "people die just because". That's not what the series is about. Almost every death has a meanin

  • I could what you said perfectly fine. No need to throw a fit over it.

    Besides, you didn't even say that she'd help out until it later, like it was some afterthought. Your first comment was that her saying she wanted to help was some "big foreshadow" even though it's not unless you're using some twisted logic. You only added she'd help after it was pointed out to you.

    And now you say she'll die eventually one way or the other. Well yes, some day. But not today.

    And as for your "White Walkers are immortal" comment, I'd also like to say that's wrong as well. Are you forgetting that Sam killed one?

    Barthanax posted: »

    You people can't read. -_- SHE WILL DIE AFTER DOING SOMETHING USEFUL. Her death will not be pointless. She is human. We all die eventually.

  • Sam is the man. He can slay these kind of things.

    TabbyLover posted: »

    I could what you said perfectly fine. No need to throw a fit over it. Besides, you didn't even say that she'd help out until it later, li

  • edited April 2015

    I sense you are trolling. -_-


    She will obviously have a part to play, although you can't argue she could die for no certain reason other than for the story.

    Westeros is a wonderful world George RR Martin created, but after all they are human. People die, whether from age, disease, hunger, etc.

    I'm not saying Talia will die from another person. She could, for all purposes, die of sickness, an accident, anything at all. But it will advance the story if she does or not no matter what. Telltale is making a story, but main characters in GoT are not immortal. You cannot say Talia will live, nor Rodrick, Asher, or anybody else. Unless they turn into White Walkers, they will DIE. They are HUMAN. NOT IMMORTALS.

    So read what I say and not the first goddamn sentence. I'm not saying she will just drop dead. But these are people who live and die like any other person. If she dies, she dies. If she lives, she'll live and die of something we may never know about, old age even. But I AM NOT saying she'll die without a purpose.

    Ethan was killed. Advanced the story.

    Gregor was killed. Kinda pointless, but still advanced the story.

    Damien died (preferably by the knife) His death makes it even harder to survive as Mira in King's Landing.

    Britt died. Sweet revenge, but it still advances the story.

    Ned Stark died, as did Robert Baratheon. Their deaths only made Robb have more reason to fight the Lannisters. He died. Tywinn, dead.

    Nonetheless, all the characters in the show, books and games will die. We may not see or hear about it, but it is a Game of Thrones. You win or you die. There is no middle ground (except for George RR Martin and his typewriter)

    I agree with @TabbyLover you're really oversimplifying ASOIAF and the game in particular to "people die just because," which isn't what the

  • God I think you're the troll. Will she die at some point? Yes, because she is human. But her role in the game is to not just be there to eventually die. I'm done arguing with someone trying to argue a pointless case.

    Barthanax posted: »

    I sense you are trolling. -_- SHE WILL DIE. SHE IS HUMAN. She will obviously have a part to play, although you can't argue she could d

  • edited April 2015

    I meant White Walkers can't die from age, disease, that sort of stuff.

    Immortality is eternal life or the ability to live forever.

    Physical trauma would remain as a threat to perpetual physical life, as an otherwise immortal person would still be subject to unforeseen accidents or catastrophes

    That's from Wikipedia.

    As for Talia, I thought her helping the House was implied. However, the topic discusses who will be NEXT to die. I think she will because up to this point she was a side character, but now she's stepping out to help her family, and that foreshadows a huge, ''this person is going to die horrifically,'' especially since she attacked one of Gryff's men. Admittingly I hit a soldier as well, but Rodrick is in a point of power. Killing him does nothing but fuel the hatred to the Whitehills. Killing Talia however will mess with everybody, especially the already unstable Lady Forrester.

    TabbyLover posted: »

    I could what you said perfectly fine. No need to throw a fit over it. Besides, you didn't even say that she'd help out until it later, li

  • edited April 2015

    You're arguing with somebody who thinks she will die. That's the topic. It's about who we THINK will die next, not who WILL die. I think she will die. You don't. Why we are arguing over who we THINK will die next dumbfounds me.

    In my mind, she is now foeshadowed to die horribly in order to drive House Forrester into the ground. Lady Forreter is already unstable, and killing Talia, Rodrick and Ryon will destroy her. And if you're going to fight me over why I think Ryon will die? If I were Ludd Whitehill, I'd invite my enemies to my castle and slowly torture their brother/son horribly and force them to watch. After that, kill Rodrick and Talia to drive Lady Forrester even deeper into madness, thus leaving her no way to think straight (and most likely commit suicide.) And without a male to lead House Forrester (Asher excluded since being exiled), Gryff would own the House for himself. BUT this is GoT, a book in a medieval setting. So...

    You know that random Lord who talked to Mira in King's Landing? Well he serves Lord Whitehill. So kidnap her, kill her family and force her to marry Gryff, thus securing his own House to rule.

    Now if you think that is stupid or even useless for a large amount of deaths, I call upon the Red Wedding and King's Landing politics.

    Red Wedding: Robb didn't marry any of Walter Frey's daughters. Big mistake because if he did, he'd own the Twins by right of marriage and yes, one of Walter Frey's sons would succeed him, but he would have to swear loyalty to House Stark because of said marriage.

    King's Landing politics: A nest of snakes is true. But as for marriages? Margery to Joeffry, then to Tommen. The Tyrells's would be one of the most powerful houses in Westeros because of that marriage, second only to the Lannisters. This ignores the Baratheons because Renly is dead and Stannis may be the brother, but the son succeeds instead (excluding the incest thing)

    So with those facts, killing Talia, Ryon, Rodrick and Lady Forrester takes out all claims to that House, leaving only Mira being forced to marry Gryff, making the Whitehills much more powerful because they would control all ironwood trade.

    So, does me thinking Talia dying make sense now?

    God I think you're the troll. Will she die at some point? Yes, because she is human. But her role in the game is to not just be there to eventually die. I'm done arguing with someone trying to argue a pointless case.

  • So in essence, killing her would do nothing but make the other Forresters miserable? They're already miserable enough as it is. First Gregor, then Ethan, Ryon is a ward of the Whitehills, their rivals have occupied their house, their ironwood is gone, and there's a traitor among them. They're already plenty miserable. Killing Talia serves no purpose - none whatsoever - aside from causing further misery.

    What would the result of it be? Let me tell you. Ludd would brag about how much better he is, the Forresters would be sad, but unable to do anything more. Unless the Whitehills killed her in front of her family, and I don't even think that Ludd, as dull as he's shown himself to be, is witless enough to do that without Ramsay holding his hand.

    Nothing meaningful would arise from killing her. She's not going to be killed solely because of the world she lives in. Maybe she will at some point, but I'm not going to speculate. I personally don't think she'll be killed. As others have said, she can be a Clementine-like protagonist if Telltale wants to continue with the Forresters for Season 2.

    Barthanax posted: »

    I meant White Walkers can't die from age, disease, that sort of stuff. Immortality is eternal life or the ability to live forever.

  • edited April 2015

    I'll be very surprised if they do get to Season 2.

    And Talia is a cunning Arya type character. Killing her, Ryon and/or Rodrick would drive Lady Forrester to kill herself because she has no children left to protect, and as we've seen she's a very protective mother character. Personally I would want to kill every Forrester except for Asher and Mira. Why? Asher is exiled and thus has no claim to House Forrester. As for Mira, marry her to Gryff and he'll have his own House. Now you might ask why not Talia AND Mira? Talia, like said, is an Arya type character. She's more likely to kill Gryff then to marry him, and even if they could she would find a kill him no matter how long it took. Mira is more like Sansa, useless for politics and very obedient. She would be a perfect wife for Gryff as she will not fight back. However, unlike Sansa she doesn't have a Littlefinger to make her dangerous and better in politics.

    So killing Talia and all the other Forresters makes sense in that respect. Her death isn't useless in my eyes, unless you are looking at her for the ''good'' side, then yes it's pointless. Yeah, House Forrester at this point is gone unless Rodrick starts fighting again, then there is a tiny glimmer of hope for the House in my mind.

    TabbyLover posted: »

    So in essence, killing her would do nothing but make the other Forresters miserable? They're already miserable enough as it is. First Gregor

  • So you are saying Ludd Whitehill is dumb. That would give Ramsay Bolton an excuse to kill all the Whitehills.

    Barthanax posted: »

    I'll be very surprised if they do get to Season 2. And Talia is a cunning Arya type character. Killing her, Ryon and/or Rodrick would dri

  • I never said Ludd was dumb.

    LukaszB posted: »

    So you are saying Ludd Whitehill is dumb. That would give Ramsay Bolton an excuse to kill all the Whitehills.

  • No, but you did imply it.

    Barthanax posted: »

    I never said Ludd was dumb.

  • Not exactly on topic, but I gotta say, Tom is definitely the Whitehill spy in King's Landing, right? Morgryn is too obvious, and Tom is the only other one IN King's Landing with anything valuable to say.

  • You may find this amusing because you seem to be insistent on the "This is GoT, so evil always wins" tract even though it isn't true, but what would the purpose of any of that be? Do you really think that the Whitehills are just going to completely dominate the Forresters? With nothing ever coming of it in the end? You point to the Red Wedding as an example, but yet you don't realize how bad a thing that was to do in the short term. Sure, the Northern rebellion was destroyed and the Starks exiled, but everyone who benefited from that is hardly better off. Tywin is dead, everyone hates the Freys, and the Northern lords who still love the Starks are planning vengeance against the Boltons. It won't happen immediately, but do you expect the parties involved to never face the consequences for what they did?

    What you describe would have no purpose other than to infuriate everyone. It's pointless tragedy for the sake of it, nothing more. Martin never did pointless tragedy. Everything had a point. Robert's death, Ned's death, Renly's, the Red Wedding, the Purple Wedding, and much more. He never wrote things like that with the sole purpose of "Why not?" Everyone will sooner or later get what's coming to them, and maybe the entire Whitehill line won't be destroyed, but they won't be celebrating a flawless victory either. Not unless you secretly think they're a family of cunning players who rival the actual players, which they don't even come close to being.

    Barthanax posted: »

    You're arguing with somebody who thinks she will die. That's the topic. It's about who we THINK will die next, not who WILL die. I think she

  • Alt text

    rousseau posted: »

    Have patience, it's on the way.

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