Who would you rather bring back? Shane or The Governor? (Tv show)

Who would it be? I would bring back Shane because he is my second favorite character in the tv show. He was way better than his comic character. Talking bout the show btw


  • The Governor is the best character in the history of The Walking Dead. He should have his own spin-off series about him.

    One thing the show did better at then the comics.

    Comic Governor < Show Governor.

    Comic Shane < Show Shane.

  • The governor is a great character! Its really hard to choose between the two

    The Governor is the best character in the history of The Walking Dead. He should have his own spin-off series about him. One thing the show did better at then the comics. Comic Governor < Show Governor. Comic Shane < Show Shane.

  • Spoiler

    The Governor. He was the best, most interesting character on the show and one of the best in the whole franchise, in my opinion. It hasn't been the same since he died. :(

  • The Governor

  • Shane hands down

  • The Governor!!!

  • Shane! Shane! Shane! Shane! Shane! Shane! Shane! Shane! Shane!

  • Neither. I'd bring back Tyreese. Or Bob. Or Hershel. Hell, I'd even take that idiot Merle if it meant getting Daryl out of there.

    Shane and Governor were alright and had their moments, but are SERIOUSLY overblown characters by the fanbase. Shane's "depth" consisted of repeating the same boring shit to Rick every two seconds and just being a constant contrary voice to everything he did or said. Well, when he wasn't whining like a jealous, drunken ex-boyfriend type to Lori. "You know it was real, Looooori..." Ugh. Maybe I'm just not as affected as I used to be by that whole "do the hard thing to survive" crap, which has become so goddamn tiring, in the show and in the game. I feel like most of Shane's depth is mainly a hindsight thing, seeing Rick progress after his death. Except Rick is not and will never be Shane; Shane was an idiot who succumbed to a world he couldn't handle despite his own proclamations. I can see the tragedy in that, but it's not enough to make me revere the moron.

    I liked the Governor better because he was relatively more interesting (in season 4, anyway), though it doesn't help his character in hindsight that he was a part of the worst season (3) and worst arc in the history of the show, and that his character sucked in the third season. The prison/Woodbury conflict should have been the best part of the story; it failed in every way. Season 4 was what redeemed the Governor slightly because it was more interesting seeing his rise from his last fall and the possibilities of being a better person (rather than a one-dimensional "Imma kill everyone because reasons!" villain), only to watch him slowly but surely undo all of that and tragically pave the way to his second and final defeat.

    However, the Governor was nevertheless kept around for way too long thanks to Glen Mazzara's utter stupidity, so I would most certainly not want to ever bring him back. He was fairly interesting in his last run, but not that interesting.

  • Shane. Rick needs a friend that isn't an emo. Plus the series seems to be at the point of what Shane's mindset was at.

  • Yeah, Shane was such a great friend to Rick, remember when he tried to kill him so he could steal Lori from him.

    DoubleJump posted: »

    Shane. Rick needs a friend that isn't an emo. Plus the series seems to be at the point of what Shane's mindset was at.

  • Hey if they brought him back (technically it would make sense if he never died for this hypothetical to happen) it's like that whole trying to kill Rick thing never happened.

    Yeah, Shane was such a great friend to Rick, remember when he tried to kill him so he could steal Lori from him.

  • Shane. I can understand why he's pissed off constantly his life is shit and Lori and Carl were the only good things he had

  • get em

    damkylan posted: »

    Neither. I'd bring back Tyreese. Or Bob. Or Hershel. Hell, I'd even take that idiot Merle if it meant getting Daryl out of there. Shane a

  • great point but are you referring to daryl as an emo??

    DoubleJump posted: »

    Shane. Rick needs a friend that isn't an emo. Plus the series seems to be at the point of what Shane's mindset was at.

  • Spoiler

    Yup.Cuz neither of them had developement in the comics.I think there are like 3+ novels about the governor's story tho,not sure.Shane goes full inShane in the comic in the first days and carl kills him.The governor is an ass in the first time that we meet him(cutting off rick's hand and also torturing/raping(?) Michonne)The show showed both Shane's and Governor's side of viewing things and made most of us(including me) sympathize them.(Meh,only the Governor.Never really liked Shane)

    The governor is a great character! Its really hard to choose between the two

  • Shane, he was my 2nd favorite character.

  • yes, burning yourself with a lit cigarrete to make the pain blah blah blah was the final straw in my book.

    kingofSD posted: »

    great point but are you referring to daryl as an emo??

  • I don't know, I thought the Governor had a likable arc. He loses everything, starts from scratch, and just when you think he's on the path to some sort of redemption you realize he's incapable of being a team player and has to lead his new team of "friends" into battle against the prison...his need for revenge so great.

    I mean, he's definitely comic book, but not BAD comic book. :)

    damkylan posted: »

    Neither. I'd bring back Tyreese. Or Bob. Or Hershel. Hell, I'd even take that idiot Merle if it meant getting Daryl out of there. Shane a

  • Shane

    Only good character on the show. Once he died i stopped watching after that episode where rick talks to his dead wife on the phone. It started getting to feel like a soap opera.

    I aint interested in the "days of our lives."

  • You say you stopped watching yet in other threads you can recount events that happened in Season 3.5, 4, and 5? Also, it's not a soap opera, it's more realistic. Lots of people suffering from loss go through stuff like that

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Shane Only good character on the show. Once he died i stopped watching after that episode where rick talks to his dead wife on the phone. It started getting to feel like a soap opera. I aint interested in the "days of our lives."

  • Shane. Now that Lori is gone, he and Rick can be the best duo ever.

  • You say you stopped watching yet in other threads you can recount events that happened in Season 3.5, 4, and 5?

    By reading this forum , pretty much everything has been spoiled...

    ? Also, it's not a soap opera, it's more realistic

    How is it more realistic than a soap oprah. Explain that, i want to hear that.

    You say you stopped watching yet in other threads you can recount events that happened in Season 3.5, 4, and 5? Also, it's not a soap opera, it's more realistic. Lots of people suffering from loss go through stuff like that

  • I literally just explained it. It's more realistic because most people suffering from a loss suffer from those kind of stuff, they don't all just bounce back.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    You say you stopped watching yet in other threads you can recount events that happened in Season 3.5, 4, and 5? By reading this foru

  • edited April 2015

    The Governor, by a million nautical miles.

  • It's more realistic

    You do realize its a zombie apocalypse story right?

    I literally just explained it. It's more realistic because most people suffering from a loss suffer from those kind of stuff, they don't all just bounce back.

  • Shane. The dude was honestly smart and is kinda like Rick in the present.

  • The Governor! Shane was just super annoying.

  • And you do realize that their goal with the franchise was to create realistic situations in a situation like this?

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    It's more realistic You do realize its a zombie apocalypse story right?

  • What are you talking about, you said a soap Oprah wasn't as realistic , as the TWD. I don't even know how to respond to that. LOST ANIKAN.

    And you do realize that their goal with the franchise was to create realistic situations in a situation like this?

  • 1) There's no such thing as a soap Oprah

    2) I said that the fact Rick was talking to dead Lori is realistic and not like a soap opera

    3) Then don't respond, because I'm tired of arguing.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    What are you talking about, you said a soap Oprah wasn't as realistic , as the TWD. I don't even know how to respond to that. LOST ANIKAN.

  • Ah, the two characters I liked the most. So i'd have to go with my favourite, Shane. They are both brilliant and complex characters, plus Shane was basically right most of the time.

  • Alt text

    1) There's no such thing as a soap Oprah 2) I said that the fact Rick was talking to dead Lori is realistic and not like a soap opera 3) Then don't respond, because I'm tired of arguing.

  • The Governor, for sure.

  • lol your trying now to deflect by use of a "Soap Oprah" Doesn't work on me.

    Cute , so you don't have a reason/response.

    1) There's no such thing as a soap Oprah 2) I said that the fact Rick was talking to dead Lori is realistic and not like a soap opera 3) Then don't respond, because I'm tired of arguing.

  • Cute, you think you had one in the first place. I've stated mine multiple times, I don't know what else to say to get it into your skull

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    lol your trying now to deflect by use of a "Soap Oprah" Doesn't work on me. Cute , so you don't have a reason/response.

  • Guys stop arguing

    Cute, you think you had one in the first place. I've stated mine multiple times, I don't know what else to say to get it into your skull

  • The Governor!!!!!

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