Bowen and Norren?

edited April 2015 in Game Of Thrones

I replayed the first episode just to see what Rodrik looked like without all his scabs and stuff, and if you saved Bowens life he and Norren hold them off and they tell Lord Forrester to go ahead of them and they're not seen again. Could Bowen and Norren still be alive or...?


  • Bowen seemed like he would do anything to get to the top so I feel like there's more to him.

  • Who knows they might make a cameo at some point not expecting much more than that though.

  • Yeah but the thing is he's determinant Bowen can die in ep1 I don't see him having a very large role.

    Chastity posted: »

    Bowen seemed like he would do anything to get to the top so I feel like there's more to him.

  • I think I can see Norren in the background sometimes (not sure but I think he stands by the gate when Gared leaves for the Wall, and in the back during the funeral). But yeah Bowen myseriously disappears.

  • They probably both died at the Twins. Chances are, they just reused Norren's model.

    LoseMyHome posted: »

    I think I can see Norren in the background sometimes (not sure but I think he stands by the gate when Gared leaves for the Wall, and in the back during the funeral). But yeah Bowen myseriously disappears.

  • edited April 2015

    I don't know. I found that scene of who I think is Norren at the gate when Gared's leaving.

    Alt text

    They gave him just enough screen time and acknowledgement by Gared that it implies he knows him. If it's not him, there were plently of unamed background characters they could have used instead, if that were the case. Also considering that Norren was already shown to be one of the last survivors at the Twins with Lord Forrester, I don't think it's unreasonabe to believe he made it back alive too.

    They probably both died at the Twins. Chances are, they just reused Norren's model.

  • They must have taken separate routes then, or Norren set out for Ironrath before Gared did.

    LoseMyHome posted: »

    I don't know. I found that scene of who I think is Norren at the gate when Gared's leaving. They gave him just enough screen time and

  • Yeah, I imagine Gared probably took a different path in order to visit his father's farm, so that's a possibility.

    They must have taken separate routes then, or Norren set out for Ironrath before Gared did.

  • Im guessing there dead

  • That's not Norren I can see why you think it's him he has the same hair and a similar beard but it isn't him.

    LoseMyHome posted: »

    I don't know. I found that scene of who I think is Norren at the gate when Gared's leaving. They gave him just enough screen time and

  • *They're

    Alt text

    Im guessing there dead

  • Bowen is the Lord Chet of the game. Character who's determinant status is made in the first few minutes of the game, only for us to never find out what happens otherwise.

    Norren is probably dead as well or else we would have seen him some point in the game.

  • I'm hoping we'll get a dream sequence/flashback as rodrik where we witness what happens to those two or something. Maybe Rodrik actually regains consciousness under the horse for a minute and sees Norren get slaughtered.

  • I actually imagined Rodrik having a flashback of the battle because he has nightmares about it every episode.
    Ep2-He hears Gared shout RODRIK!!! in the middle of his surgery.
    Ep3-he hears several swords clashing.
    So I feel like eventually all his nightmares will be put together creating a whole flashback of his perspective of the battle.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    I'm hoping we'll get a dream sequence/flashback as rodrik where we witness what happens to those two or something. Maybe Rodrik actually regains consciousness under the horse for a minute and sees Norren get slaughtered.

  • edited April 2015

    Huh, I could have sworn that was him.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    That's not Norren I can see why you think it's him he has the same hair and a similar beard but it isn't him.

  • Yea, I'm in my mind like: where the hell is Bowen?????
    Still I don't really miss him,I hope they make him return and have a another small role if saved...

  • Bowen might be a playable character in season two who survives somehow and speaks about gARAD as either a friend or an arse. Playing a squire might be fun.

  • edited April 2015

    Considering he's seen picking up the greatsword in the Ep4 preview, a Red Wedding flashback/nightmare could be used to introduce us to Rodrik's fighting style through a QTE (not that it'll be much different from Gared's or Asher's).

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I actually imagined Rodrik having a flashback of the battle because he has nightmares about it every episode. Ep2-He hears Gared shout RODR

  • I myself wouldn't enjoy playing as Bowen he's a complete and utter porchdick minus the Porch.

    sunfell posted: »

    Bowen might be a playable character in season two who survives somehow and speaks about gARAD as either a friend or an arse. Playing a squire might be fun.

  • Maybe he will be a bit like Rhys in borderlands and be a smarmy but loveable arsehole?

    Chastity posted: »

    I myself wouldn't enjoy playing as Bowen he's a complete and utter porchdick minus the Porch.

  • Bowen can die though.

    sunfell posted: »

    Bowen might be a playable character in season two who survives somehow and speaks about gARAD as either a friend or an arse. Playing a squire might be fun.

  • Read above post

    Pipas posted: »

    Bowen can die though.

  • Knowing Telltale and their "choices" we will never see them again.

  • Hopefully Telltale knows how the people feel about detriment characters by now and will hopefully give Bowen and Norren some screen time that will mean something. It wouldn't be that hard to place him in the story either. Since part of Rodrik's story is to win the hearts of his people and the few remaining soldiers. Hell Bowen can come back as a full fledged soldier since there are so few at Ironrath now. We've also have yet to see the items we can pick up in ep. 1 come into play. There is still time for all of this to play out.

  • Well did say "if" Roderick survived so who knows

  • Having a horse fall on you is a bit different than a sword going through your neck.

    sunfell posted: »

    Well did say "if" Roderick survived so who knows

  • Who's this 'Roderick'? :P

    sunfell posted: »

    Well did say "if" Roderick survived so who knows

  • I realy hate when people call him that -.-'

    Lewsblake23 posted: »

    Who's this 'Roderick'? :P

  • If you choose to save Bowen then he survives and stays with Norren to fight off the traitors I presume.
    They never died on screen so they might have died off screen or they somehow are still alive.

  • edited July 2015

    Well the only one that died from the red wedding wasn't even on the battlefield

    sunfell posted: »

    Bowen might be a playable character in season two who survives somehow and speaks about gARAD as either a friend or an arse. Playing a squire might be fun.

  • even if its just them dying

    DoubleJump posted: »

    Hopefully Telltale knows how the people feel about detriment characters by now and will hopefully give Bowen and Norren some screen time tha

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