Luke getting shot made no sense...
I already mentioned this but I wanted to go deeper into it. It really bugs me. This is assuming you get the baby first, Clem,the baby and Luke are safe behind cover the dumbass generic Russian guy is aimlessly shooting thin air because of he's pissed that his chrome dome is cold. Kenny was dealing with Vitali, Mike and Bonnie were safe enough. Why not just let the idiot run out of ammo and clap him when he's done. But no Luke says "We can't just sit here safely behind cover because I need to get shot so I can die later simply for emotional shock. Fuck Logic!" I know its determinant but its still terribly executed and obviously setting up for that stupid lake scene.
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Nearly everything in this game makes no sense
Lol "We can't just sit here and let this guy take potshots at us until he runs out of ammo."
Because Luke was scared he would teleport again and kill them
Damn Russian hacker scrub, probably had auto aim and infinite ammo on too.
Reaaaaaalism, is your answer. Annnd I gotta make more of these sometime.
lol, these panels crease me up
Put a smile on my face before work, thank you 
Auto aim? Huh?
Fighting Niko would have been way cooler than fighting those generic wimps
That's just silly, Niko's too busy going bowling with his cousin.
And this is why I'm glad I didn't go for AJ first. At least my Luke wasn't stupid, he was just stupid enough to risk his life for a plot baby, that's all.
But really, I hate how they were just trying to find another way for him to get shot so for some reason they decided to make Luke a moron... -.-
I have a question. When has logic ever been used? Nothing about any of this is logical. Logic is just as rare as common sense.
So you were the one that made that thread
. I'll jump right to it
What thread? XD I have no idea what you're talking about
At 1:42, this sums up
This video speaks to me on so many levels.
Watching this again just makes me wish episode 5 was a dream because that episode was a waste of space. I like all the others but No Going Back tried to jump back into to where A House Divided left off and I'm sorry but no, that's not how it works. The writer for episode 4 was clearly setting up for something big and then Nick Breckon knocked that down and said:
"I'm doing it my way"
And out popped this piece of crap and it is, you can't deny the flaws of this episode and this video proves it.
I'm sorry for this turning into a little rant. XD
Ugh, just let the last 3 episodes be a scary dream and have Season 3 start at the Ski Lodge with Carver nowhere to be found and everybody is just alive. Then they can go to the zooooo! =D
I still can´t get over how bullshit Luke´s whole episode 5 situation was.
Having the last 3 episodes as a scary dream is a bit far. Only episode 5 should be a dream because it's the most illogical of the five.
Wouldn't it be cool if Season 3 started at the shootout? No Russians swapped places and Clementine is pushed up against the wall right in the line of fire. She can make a break for it or she can save Bonnie who has been shot down. Saving her will result in Clementine dragging her behind the wall and putting pressure on the wound (the wound being in her stomach) but before long she bleeds out. If you just go behind the wall without saving her she dies anyway. Luke is lying on the ground, not dead but has been shot in the shoulder and Kenny has a wound on his face from where a bullet grazed him. Mike has been shot in the arm exactly the same. Arvo is still trying to give CPR to Natasha but as Mike is trying to get behind cover Arvo pulls out Natasha's gun and aims it at Mike. Arvo then shoots Mike in the head. Clementine peers around the wall and stares at the dead Mike, she pulls out her gun and shoots Arvo in the head. During all of this AJ is still on Rebecca's lap safe. Buricko is fighting Kenny and Vitali is wounded and he's on the ground (so they didn't swap places), Vitali is about to take a shot at Luke as Luke attempts to get up to his hands and knees. Luke pulls out his machete and throws it at Vital, hitting him right in the chest, Luke stares at Vitali for a moment before running for cover behind the wall. Also at this point regardless if you saved Bonnie or not she turns if you left her, Clementine shoots her in the head and if you saved her she almost bites Clementine but she kills her with her hatchet.
At the current point, Bonnie, Mike, Vitali, Arvo and Natasha are all dead. Luke and Kenny are wounded. Clementine, AJ and Buricko are fine.
Then Buricko sees all of his dead friends, he suddenly stops shooting and makes a run for it into the cover of the trees, Kenny doesn't realise this until he's already gone. He shouts it's safe to come out. Kenny picks up AJ, Clementine looks at all the dead bodies and Luke pulls his machete out of Vitali and pushes it into his head to kill him, Natasha then turns and Kenny kills her.
Job done. And then we get a Kenny vs Luke finale at the town and it isn't a fight it's just a decision of who to go with after a disagreement about AJ and Kenny/Luke become unknown not determinant. What do you think?
Still bitter?
I will never be not bitter about this.
Never? Never is a long time... but I'm the same really, if we've gotten this far I guess, there's no going back
Although I wish I could. I wish someone warned me.
I'm being serious here. There hasn't been a day since Luke's death that I haven't thought about him.
Is that bad? Or am I just insane?
If you´re insane, so am I.
If I'm not writing my fics, I start to have writing withdrawl ;_; and then I start missing Luke and think 'what the hell was the deal with that stupid laaaake!? it's so stupid!'
Bitter still? Damn right I am too; I'm not forgetting this shit in a hurry!
I think writing just makes it worse, I dunno. I mean, I enjoy writing but what´s the point if it´s just gonna reminds me of that crap again?
Like I said, I´ll be 80 and bitter. ;_;
RIDDLE ME THIS, Would you of rather Luke be shot dead there, or fall through the ice. I wonder if he was supposed to die there, determinately if you save the plot device or not, and they changed it due to Kenny Khronicles rewrite.
Luke be shot there.
No, die in the lake.
No, shot dead.
AHHH, I don't know!!!!!!!!!! If he dies at the lake he has a chance A VERY SMALL CHANCE TO LIVE. If he's shot dead then he dies..... I'm gonna go cry now.
Wait you have as well!
I'm glad I'm not the only one. My friend actually thinks I'm insane at this point. Because... I have made so many tributes I've lost count, I cry quite a lot, I keep listening to his death music, I keep editing his lines to make him say things like "I'm coming back", I am addicted to writing a fanfiction about him surviving the lake, I played the game again just to get screenshots of him, I have so much fan art saved of him and edited pictures that it's over 500 now, I also kept going back on the fan art thread to get as much Luke fan art as I could when I first joined the forums, I have made him on the sims 4 (along with other characters) and I am currently playing as him and have done ever since the September and in the sims 4 he has 3 kids (one with Jane two with his wife) and finally I sometimes say he's alive and then say he's dead and I do that over and over in the space of a few minutes...
I'm crazy.
But, both options equally suck. I'd rather pick my nose than those!
And I heard it was meant to be some decision in a storm between him and Kenny, and not in some dumb fight.
Luke is my favourite character in the game besides Lee/Clem. I can´t just forget that he died in such a bullshit way to add to shock factor. I can´t forget it.
That´s not crazy, it´s dedication!
I´ve repeated this a thousand times already in this forum but god damn it Luke deserved better.
Luke is my favourite character. I can't, I won't, I will never, I just am not able to forget.
I'm in such a mood right now, I'm so angry and sad and done and why did Luke die?
Um... I lost it a little there. You see, I'm raging right now and his thread will probably be the end of the last bit of sanity I have...
Poor Luke, i went fishing last week, and saw him hanging out.
Nah, it´s cool, I get it. I was pretty damn moody for the next few days after the episode came out. I´m a little better but it doesn´t sting any less that all that bonding with him was for absolutely nothing.
The funny thing is, I was fine for the first week and then slowly but surely it got worse and worse.
You just broke my heart... that hurt.
This is actually the exact way that I saw No Going Back. And quite honestly, I don't think it's a bad thing. I mean, when you think about it, this is practically what Pierre Shorette did with episode 3. He took all the stuff Breckon was building towards and said "nope, I'm gonna write this episode and the characters my way" and helped veer all kinds of things off course. Episode 4 didn't exactly help fix these problems either.
To be completely honest, what solid, conclusive proof did we ever have for a Kenny v Luke situation? The choice of who to sit with is the closest the game came to insinuating it within the first two episodes, and to say that choice was truly between Luke and Kenny is a bit far-fetched; given the direction of that episode, that choice is more closely interpreted as choosing between the cabin and lodge group, using Luke and Kenny as the respective 'mascots' of their groups, so to speak. It was only with episodes 3 and 4 that this conflict was even built upon. And I feel that's the problem in itself: Kenny and Luke actually wasn't destined to happen, but the writers for episodes 3 and 4 decided to make it happen anyways.
My working theory is that it was always meant for the season to be building towards Kenny and Jane, and Breckon intended that Jane and Kenny be explored and built upon for a final conflict, but the writers never got that memo, and instead took the time to create conflict between Luke and Kenny, instead of putting Jane at odds with Kenny, veering completely away from this intended destination. I feel that there was a floor-plan and projected direction for the season, where Breckon pretty much said "okay, this is what I want to happen in episodes 3 and 4 in order to set up for episode 5. Just try and hit all of the key points", but Pierre Shorette and the rest didn't fully adhere to it, instead injecting a bit too much of their own narratives and ideas into the episodes. Then when episode 5 comes along, it feels awkward and unnatural because episode 3 and 4 completely turned against the plan. And now you have two choices: do you re-write your own story in order to continue from where was led astray, or do you continue to write your intended story the way you intended it to be, at the cost of going against the direction that the other episodes led in? Neither of these options are fun, and neither is a clear 'win' in this situation. I don't think you can truly fault Breckon either way for making this choice. I'd say its more respectable that he wanted to adhere to his original idea, but of course that comes at the cost of causing a whole new slew of problems (IE undoing everything episodes 3 and 4 did). It's kind of a lose-lose situation no matter what.
I imagine that No Going Back was written with the intent of not having the entire cabin group dead by the start of it, and had the intent of taking the characters of Kenny, Jane, Luke and Clementine in completely different directions. Then along came episode 3, which decided to kill off more of the cabin group, leave Nick and Alvin in the background, kill Carver, barely explore the community, and then get them back on the road. Then episode 4 killed off more people and tied off loose ends, and decided to spend a disproportionate time building Jane and creating needless conflict between Kenny and Luke. In all honesty, I thought it felt awkward that they just started butting heads here. There wasn't any real animosity between the two prior to this. Sure, maybe they didn't fully trust one another, but they never got into a series of verbal spars before it.
And this all loops back to a simple point: the problem isn't that the writing team for S2 were bad, they just weren't connected with one another. They didn't really work off of one another, they inadvertently just wrote their own narratives, causing a bunch of glaring discrepancies that result in the game's story bouncing all over the place. If everyone was in tune, and followed a very clear direction for the season, everything would have worked out for the better.
I guess to sum it up: NGB isn't even a bad episode in essence; it's just the lead writer trying to reclaim his story, even if that comes at the cost of having the story change direction yet again. I feel the biggest problem with season 2 is that none of the episodes (barring the first two) feel like they fit together. 203, 204 and 205 all feel like they're standalone stories/narratives that were mashed together in hopes that it made a cohesive narrative in the end. It's like taking three puzzle pieces and violently jamming them together, hoping that they fit.
From what Tales and GoT have done so far, I definitely think they've learned from the mistakes. I mean, Tales has, what, 4 dedicated season leads credited? There's practically no chance of that story going wrong with a set-up like that. That's the kind of measures that ensure that the game stays stable and cohesive, and doesn't start to pull itself apart as a mish-mash of writers that all have their own ideas begin to split off from the core plan (assuming that S2 had a solid one to begin with. Part of me also thinks that the story of S2 was free-form, with only a vague idea of where it was going to end)
I don't know, I'm practically ranting here, and I'm not even sure if any of what I've typed makes any sense as it stands.
I guess the easiest way to sum this all up is that I don't feel like S2 was a failure because of the quality of the writers or the quality of the writing, but rather in the organization and understanding of the story between the writers. Practically every episode of S2 could stand on it's own as a standalone episode and be fine; it's when you look at them as part of a single narrative that it starts to fall apart. Sure, this doesn't excuse the fact that some dumb decisions were made (faulty logic, stupid things happening for the sake of the plot), but I'd say a majority of this season's problems in the writing department came from the inconsistencies and contradictions that riddled the narrative. They make up what is probably 75% of the season's problems alone. You keep the writers in the loop, and you make sure the season has a clear 'spine' to work off of, and you can't really go wrong.
It´s true though...I sided with him on practially everything. For what?
"lols here have kenny vs jane"
It works for me a little. It cheers me up writing him in funny situations, and him just being alive and well in Wellington as a big bro for Clem. A few weeks ago I wrote this short scene where him and Clem were drawing. Clementine was trying to draw somebody for something important [that I don't want to say about until it's up] but Luke ends up helping her and it's this simple innocent scene of him trying to draw out what this person looks like from what Clem's describing and it's just...j-just...
I'm okay...I'm okay...
Seriously though, it's relaxing just writing, instead of being bitter 24/7. Writing sooths the sooooul...until you remember the lake >.> but then I just try to write in silly ice references just to make yourself feel better. I wrote Luke slipping over on a puddle of ice and somebody shouted 'watch your step man!' and then there was another one of him being grateful for just having air inside his lungs. I got like two more of those things planned I'm such a loser XD
It's weird because in an early idea for season 2's story there was going to be a Zoo.
Because... I don't know. I've given up. To be honest, I think Jane was just a way of saying
'Which psychopath do you want, the one that hides babies and tells you constantly that you can make it on your own or the one that goes crazy, gets mad and doesn't care about what people say, oh and he fights a lot for no reason?'
Then all of us are like. Kenny! Jane! Alone!
Oh my god. I'm getting flashbacks. Anyway, instead of having psychopath or the nice guy who looks like he's losing it, we get psychopath and psychopath. You choose!
I´m glad it helps you with it!
Big brother Luke is everything. ;_;
How do you manage, I´d probably cry trying to make jokes with what killed him.
I'm crying... I'm crying Lilac! Is this what you want? I need Skin-deep... I need it!
Since my fanfiction is about if he survived although now it's turning into it's own thing. I keep making references to the lake and I always make it out to be that Luke hates talking about it because of how traumatic it was.
I actually like Kenny and Jane a lot but it´s definitely not what I wanted as my finale.
I mean, I´d even accept a three way choice as long as we could have Luke. He was there since the beggining and we had so many scenes we could side with him on. Why? Why have that if he doesn´t even have the right to an ending? It´s just so pointless, I felt cheated.