The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • That looks like a pretty nice view to have.

    What a great day for baseball. Yankees vs Mets, doesn't get much better than that.

  • Most of the people wouldn't be like that if it wasn't filmed in L.A., and I'm not surprised at all, there were dicks and there were kind people. Way more of them were douchebags than kind, but it really depends on the local population. It's still gross to see though.

    What is wrong with people? People don't have to take the money if they don't want to, but

  • Is it supposed to be that empty, or did the game not start yet?

    What a great day for baseball. Yankees vs Mets, doesn't get much better than that.

  • yeah i know well good thing i didnt smoke today so clean and still going!
    And yeah i got unconscious 1 time when i had migraine and it was so bad i decided to just OD
    But i hated that shit, always had the feeling FBI was after me, people we're trying to kill me, sometimes i didnt even feel my own body it felt like it wasnt even their, so i advise you all stay off that shit. but thanks for the support guys

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    It's quite possible to OD on that shit. Be careful.

  • Either 2 and a half hours, or 5 hours. You never know.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    looks awesome How long do baseball games last?

  • r u high

    papai46 posted: »

    Bitch plz, Spider-Man 3 was godly.

  • They probably see it as if he's fucking with them or something, because they don't realize how it's possible to give out money like this.

  • "If you deprive your cats or dogs of meat, you are actively killing your companion in the slowest way."

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  • Like the guy that was offering him water suddenly gets angry and takes his money either way... Like, what? Makes no sense.

  • I'm ready for tournaments!

    Green613 posted: »

    Not bad, your Robin is pretty dank honestly.

  • Not bad, your Robin is pretty dank honestly.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »


  • I don't think anyone hosts Smash 3DS tourneys anymore :P

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    I'm ready for tournaments!

  • I think it's bullcrap that they focus more on the Attack On Titan movie than season 2. I couldn't give a titans ass about the movie I'd rather have season 2.

  • The teams are just practicing, Not everyone has arrived yet and the game hasn't started.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Is it supposed to be that empty, or did the game not start yet?

  • Those aren't Germans...

    ButterfIy posted: »

    I think it's bullcrap that they focus more on the Attack On Titan movie than season 2. I couldn't give a titans ass about the movie I'd rather have season 2.

  • Where's Armin tho

    ButterfIy posted: »

    I think it's bullcrap that they focus more on the Attack On Titan movie than season 2. I couldn't give a titans ass about the movie I'd rather have season 2.

  • I'm sure they have their reasons, and they're already producing season 2 :)

    ButterfIy posted: »

    I think it's bullcrap that they focus more on the Attack On Titan movie than season 2. I couldn't give a titans ass about the movie I'd rather have season 2.

  • All I need is a gamecube controller.

    Green613 posted: »

    I don't think anyone hosts Smash 3DS tourneys anymore :P

  • YES!!!! Don't know if any of you guys watch this but about a month ago, with only one season it ended with a complete cliffhanger and it seemed like the show wasn't gonna continue however I found out today that 3 MORE EPISODES confirmed to wrap up the story, so the questions of the last episode will finally be answered...

    Will the Hispanic Dude (I forgot his name) survive his wound?

    Will the obsessive and psychopathic killer Ray finally be stopped?

    And will the real life couple of Maggie Q and Dylan McDermott's characters finally hook up?

    Good that they're gonna wrap it up properly.

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  • This was taken around 2:00 pm., the game wasn't until 4:05 pm. Trust me, when the game got started, there wan't an empty seat in the house.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Is it supposed to be that empty, or did the game not start yet?

  • A typical 9 inning game can last usually between 3-4 hours.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    looks awesome How long do baseball games last?

  • edited April 2015

    "Let me give you something you see that? Thats a benz. Gatta earn your way up pal."

    If I was the person with the sign and I was a man, I would pull my junk out and piss on his car right in front of him.

    What is wrong with people? People don't have to take the money if they don't want to, but

  • Lmao

    That guy started off tolerable but quickly turned into an ass when he told him what was on the sign, even put on his douche glasses before telling him that line too.

    "Let me give you something you see that? Thats a benz. Gatta earn your way up pal." If I was the person with the sign and I was a man, I would pull my junk out and piss on his car right in front of him.

  • 1 How grave was the wound?

    2 Probably

    3 About 90% of all shows HAVE to have romance so i would guess yes

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    YES!!!! Don't know if any of you guys watch this but about a month ago, with only one season it ended with a complete cliffhanger and it see

  • Also:

    Good that they're gonna wrap it up properly.

    Wasn't that what fans said when Lost season 6 was confirmed to be the last season........................................................................................

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    YES!!!! Don't know if any of you guys watch this but about a month ago, with only one season it ended with a complete cliffhanger and it see

  • Haha, ok :) I was never in a baseball game, I wonder what it's like..

    This was taken around 2:00 pm., the game wasn't until 4:05 pm. Trust me, when the game got started, there wan't an empty seat in the house.

  • He's right there.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Where's Armin tho

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    This video was truly amazing.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

  • Question of the Day: Which is your sleeping position?

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  • I think I use all of those every night. Is that an option?

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Question of the Day: Which is your sleeping position?

  • Sure.

    Green613 posted: »

    I think I use all of those every night. Is that an option?

  • The Fetus and the Yearner, but more on my stomach for the latter.

    Now, what do you plan on doing with this information?

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Question of the Day: Which is your sleeping position?

  • Now, what do you plan on doing with this information?

    He's one step closer to finding everyone in their sleep now that knows what position we sleep in.

    The Fetus and the Yearner, but more on my stomach for the latter. Now, what do you plan on doing with this information?

  • Wut.

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    Green613 posted: »

    Now, what do you plan on doing with this information? He's one step closer to finding everyone in their sleep now that knows what position we sleep in.

  • People are disgusting.

    What is wrong with people? People don't have to take the money if they don't want to, but

  • Like a mixture of the starfish and the freefaller, except if the starfish was on its stomach instead of its back. I sleep on my stomach a lot with my hands protecting my head like I'm in a gun fight. It's pretty weird.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Question of the Day: Which is your sleeping position?

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