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  • I just finished the second one, the first is my favourite :)

    There are 3 body types: Ectomorphic, Endomorphic and Mesomorphic.

    • Ectomorphic is naturally slim and rarely puts on wieght
    • Endomorphic is soft and round, puts on weight quite easily (this isn't me as it happens, I have stayed the same shape for YEARS)
    • Mesomorphic is naturally athletic, but puts on weight if diet and exercise aren't kept in check, weight is mostly around the stomach (this is me)
    Tetra posted: »

    Oh yeah XD I remember those movies now that you mention them XP Ah that's interesting, I don't know what build I have XD

  • If you want, do something on The Witcher 3 since that's coming out next month.

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Well, if it's as confusing as Infinite's ending then at least it's all out confusing and not just a little. XD As things are, it's unlikely

  • edited April 2015

    So you do sit-ups to keep slim. But you do squats ONLY to show of your body at the gym?! XP

    Man, I look weird at the gym: Big shoulders and arms, huge stomach, sweatpants and whatever t-shirt I have on. I see guys go to my gym in tank shirts and ALL THEY DO is like 2 or 3 reps on a heavy weight, then they admire themselves in the mirror for 10 minutes!

    JJwolf posted: »

    Not the pain! Please, I go to the gym to look cute doing my squats in my sweatpants that say 'juicy' on the butt and my PINK shirt from Victoria Secrets. XD

  • This is the perfect opportunity to post this weird gif I found. :P

    Alt text

    I couldn't really tell you much about exercise since I've been a sort of a chubby dragon lately, but I believe you can do it!

    Be sure to avoid soda when you're eating, drink lots of water with almost every meal from here on out!

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Hey everyone! So, my 2 bets officially begin tomorrow and don't end until June 1st; I cannot buy ANYTHING from SubWay, and I cannot buy a

  • I see that gif... and an image of JJ in his 'Juicy' sweatpants and pink Victoria Secret shirt doing squats pops into my head :/

    I've had issues with weight since High-School, but it gets worse every Xmas...

    I can give up the soda easily enough, and I am starting to prefer water over everything else :)

    This is the perfect opportunity to post this weird gif I found. :P I couldn't really tell you much about exercise since I've been a s

  • edited April 2015

    All I can say is DAMN! That was unexpected. :P

    You can do it this time with the exercise, as you seem like you have a high motivation about it. That's the most important part to a successful workout, imo!

    Great, you're already on your way then.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I see that gif... and an image of JJ in his 'Juicy' sweatpants and pink Victoria Secret shirt doing squats pops into my head I've had is

  • Blame JJ :P

    If you workout often enough, you can eat what you want... I just don't workout often enough :D

    Better to start early and get into the swing of things, every morning I keep trying to put off the exercise, but I tell myself "It'll be over before you know it" and that seems to work XP

    All I can say is DAMN! That was unexpected. :P You can do it this time with the exercise, as you seem like you have a high motivation about it. That's the most important part to a successful workout, imo! Great, you're already on your way then.

  • JJ in his 'Juicy' sweatpants and pink Victoria Secret shirt doing squats pops into my head

    You're welcome! :)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Blame JJ :P If you workout often enough, you can eat what you want... I just don't workout often enough Better to start early and get

  • Pretty much, yes. I gotta look good. Never know who you'll bump into. XD

    You don't look weird! Stop! We are out worse critics, though.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    So you do sit-ups to keep slim. But you do squats ONLY to show of your body at the gym?! XP Man, I look weird at the gym: Big shoulders a

  • This is true.

    Meh, Keisha likes me as I am, guess I can't get too slim :P

    JJwolf posted: »

    Pretty much, yes. I gotta look good. Never know who you'll bump into. XD You don't look weird! Stop! We are out worse critics, though.

  • I must be Ectomorphic because I eat nothing but shit and nothing happens. Which is really weird o.o

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I just finished the second one, the first is my favourite There are 3 body types: Ectomorphic, Endomorphic and Mesomorphic. * Ectom

  • Hehe, I see what you did there with the title. Bold decisions, and the title being bold as a result.

    Alt text

    XD I had to! I'm really looking forward to Jocelyn's training sessions with Callum, though I believe her first time 'hunting' will be quite messy.

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    CHAPTER THREE: BOLD DECISIONS. The line was long. Jocelyn had been lead to Fabletown all the way from Derek's house by his friend Callum,

  • It is good you're staying fit and eating healthy. I can't lean off my junk food just yet, but the heavy lifting I do and will be doing at my new job will keep me in shape. I need to get ready for the summer.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Hey everyone! So, my 2 bets officially begin tomorrow and don't end until June 1st; I cannot buy ANYTHING from SubWay, and I cannot buy a

  • Thnx man :)

    What is your current job? And what will your next job be?

    MasterStone posted: »

    It is good you're staying fit and eating healthy. I can't lean off my junk food just yet, but the heavy lifting I do and will be doing at my new job will keep me in shape. I need to get ready for the summer.

  • Clothing Store, next job will be at USPS. Moving packages off the trucks and preparing them for shipment.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Thnx man What is your current job? And what will your next job be?

  • Moving packages sounds like something I'd be good at tbh :P

    Does USPS by chance stand for 'United States Postal Service'?

    MasterStone posted: »

    Clothing Store, next job will be at USPS. Moving packages off the trucks and preparing them for shipment.

  • Yes more Mythology! And Greek too, which is a win. I enjoyed Emily and Vivian's dialogue in their travels into the underworld, the including the same with Gren and his brothers. Soon, surely Gremily and the quad's will be reunited, but until then, let's just enjoy the madness.

    pudding_pie posted: »

    The three judges were named Minos, Rhadamanthus and Aeacus some time ago during the times of the Greeks and Romans. Over the years, however,

  • Yep that's what it stand for.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Moving packages sounds like something I'd be good at tbh :P Does USPS by chance stand for 'United States Postal Service'?

  • Chapter 2

    Draco drives Marco to his uncles house in the Bronx. He help’s the weakened Vampire up the stairs then begins to knock on the door until someone answers. No one answer, he knocked harder, then after a minute or waiting, Ademar, Marco’s Uncle answers the door. He look’s at his nephew tells Draco to lay him on the couch.

    Ademar then begins to examine the condition of Marco. He reaches into his bag and pulls out a syringe and inject it into Marco’s neck. His pupils return to normal and he immediately leaps up of the couch and attack’s his uncle, then returns to him former self after looking in a nearby mirror.

    “Your condition, it’s worsening..” Ademar said.

    Marco turned away and picked up a pack of cigarette and took a seat at the table blowing the smoke like a train engine in the old west. Draco could see the argument with Marco and Ademar about to go down, so he decide to leave after saying goodbye.

    Soon as the door closed, Ademar slammed his fist on the table cracking the middle and flipping over the ash tray.

    “I found out about the girl you slept with Marco, I’m a paramedic you know.”

    “I don’t care, Ademar.”

    “You’re just as stubborn as your father. I told you countless of times, your condition, you cannot OVERFED as a half-vampire. Something in your blood trigger’s abnormal hunger. If the council find’s out what you were doing, they’re brand you as casanova or worse!”

    Marco puts out his cigarette and get’s out of his seat and walk away from the table toward his room. Before he closes the door behind he have one last word with Ademar.

    “The bastard you’re working with, Obrecht. He killed my father, your brother right in front of you just to get ascend to power. By order of the council, and it’s only a matter of time before they try to order another hit. You should be prepared, uncle.”

    As he slams his door, Ademar look at the picture of his brother and his nephew from long ago, then he looks at the crest of the Vampire Order and take what Marco just said to the heart. He knew he was right. He knew Obrecht was his sworn enemy, and he knew a day would come when they will attempt to take one another’s life. Until that day came, he behaved like a good council hound..

    The next day

    Marco seemed more calmer than he was yesterday, especially on his way to work. He didn't have an urge to tear out someones throat and drink from then like a fountain. Whatever was injected into him by last night seemed to did the trick. His eye’s and everything else looked normal, he was ready to go to work. He signed in and immediately started working on the car’s in the garage.

    A co worker accidentally cut his hand on a piece of equipment. The smell of blood began to make Marco uneasy. He turned away and continued working while still fighting the urge. He got up and left his work away, then outside to calm down. He grab his pendant and began to pray in his native language; " No te alegres cuando caiga tu enemigo , Y no se alegre tu corazón cuando tropiece ; no sea que el señor lo ve y le desagrade , y su ira lejos de él. "

    The man with the bleeding hand walks out of the garage, and Marco’s Vampiric urges begin to take over once again. He was really close to dragging the man away and draining every last drop of blood as he could from him. This didn't happen unfortunately because a young woman, presumably his age drove up in a blue 1994 Honda, a nice little car. She had nice short blonde hair and green eye’s, and something about her read, “Touch me and I’ll break your face.” which Marco kinda liked.

    “Hey, handsome. Can I get some service?” The woman said.

    Marco immediately went to service her. He asked what the problem was and the girl pointed at the bottom of the car. He went under the car and noticed something was loose, and as he was under it, his shirt was halfway open exposing his ab’s. The woman noticed this and tilted her glasses and peaked just before he got back up. Marco offered to fix it for a reasonable price, and her response was “How reasonable?”.

    Marco replied in a seductive manner, “Your number, and perhaps a date…?”

    The girl was awe after having that pick up line, she couldn't help but smile and pulled out a pen to write down her number. She eased on up towards the mechanic and slide her number into his pocket. Then asked him where to park her car. He pointed with a smile, “Right here..” then she climb by into her car and drove it into her garage.

    As she was about to leave, the woman asked for his name.

    “Marco..” he replied in full sauve.

    “Irene..” the woman said as she walked away adjusting her bonnet from the hot sun ray. Before she leaves, Irene reminded Marco if he takes care of her car properly, he’ll might get that date. He didn't stop watching her until she disappeared around the corner..

  • Summer knight's... Part: One

    Claire woke up that day resting on Kierons lap. She got up and looked outside and then looked at the calendar. Today was the first day of summer, although she wore summer clothes already sh did have clothes that she had specifically for summer at the base where she normally sleeps. She hopped in the shower, got dressed and had a drink of blood. Kieron was still asleep his head leaning back fast asleep, she smiled and felt happiness. She contemplated on waking him up as today seemed to be a cloudy day today, so they could run to the base and see what to do next. Kieron yawned and stretched, Claire laughed because he was trying to tell where Claire went without looking. She walked over and gave him a kiss on his forehead. He opened one eye.

    "Morning, finally found you." He smiled

    "Yup, hey guess what?" She said sitting on Kierons lap.

    "What's up?" He asked

    "Today's the first day of summer, they should be showing Grease in theatres today, wanna go see it and stop by the base so I can grab some things, and while we're there we can go over our next plan." She smiled

    Kieron has never been to the movies before so he looked puzzled. "Sure I've never seen a movie before." He said

    "WHAT!? You've never seen a movie before!? Who are you?" She said

    "Apparently I'm the guy you fell in love with." He smirked

    "Jack Ass. Look this is what a movie is." She said explaining what a movie is to Kieron.

    "Oh okay, sure I'll go. But first I want to go pick out a summer outfit, that trench coat is rediculous in the summer." He said

    "You do know we can't go out in the sunlight right?" She said

    "It gets hot at night too." He laughed

    "Alright but let's stop at the base first then go see the movie and grab some clothes." She said

    Kieron kissed her on the cheek "Sounds good to me."

    Claire got up and finished her cup of blood while Kieron got in the shower and got dressed and left.

    At the Anarchists base

    Kieron and Claire walked up to the base, where it lie in ruins. The base had crumbled to the ground. Claire had horror on her face.

    "WHAT THE FUCK!?" She said

    This can't be good...Kieron thought. "This is probably the works of-" Claire cut him off.

    "My father Maximillian, he is the princes guard and commander for the princes army." She said

    "What!?" This surprised Kieron.

    "That asshole!" She said "Now we are farther back than we were to begin with!" She said

    Kieron tried to look at this in a good way. "Look at it this way, this gives us a chance to recruit new vampires that have loyalty to you, and like the way you want to rule." He said

    "You're's just that this place had people in it and it had my stuff." She said

    Kieron smiled "All the more reason to start a new."

    "I just...never expected my own father to wreck my home..." She said

    Kieron didn't know what to say, but he knew exactly how she felt. He held her close.

    "Alright, let's enjoy today and then start thinking of the next plan at your place." She said

    "Our place you mean?" He said

    She smiled "Right, I'm not used to being with someone is all, I'll get used to it."

    "It's time to put this behind us and rebuild. That throne is as good as ours." He smiled and kissed her on the forehead.

    The two left the collapsed building, they knew they had to avenge the vampires that died while they weren't there...Kieron and Claire went to the movies to see Grease, Kieron didn't mind it he actually liked the music and made him miss his MP3 Player that he threw out. After the movie they went out shopping together and grabbed some summer clothes, Kierons new outfit was a black sleeveless cotton dress vest, a white collared shirt in which he rolled up the sleeves with a loose red tie, he had black pants and black leather gloves on, finally he bought black dress shoes. Claire had bought an assortment of new clothes that cost Kieron a whole salary from his job. He could feel his wallet cry by the time they left the Fable clothes stores.

    "I love your new look Kieron!" Claire said "Although the black leather gloves kinda mess it up."

    "I need the gloves, that's how I access my magic and my sword." He said

    "Oh okay!" She said

    "You don't look half bad yourself, although those shorts are a tease." Kieron smiled

    Claire had on a black beanie, a hoodie with a tank top and short shorts on. She smiled "Who said you could look?" She said

    "Me." He smirked

    They both laughed and began to walk home.

    At the Princes office

    Maximillian walked through the front door, the prince started clapping.

    "Well done my friend, I didn't think you had it in you. Attacking your own daughters home." The prince said

    "She lost that title years ago..." Maximillian said

    "Oh that's right you disowned her when she decided to marry that man." The Prince said

    "Yes. It didn't bother me to hire that assassin to kill him." Maximillian smiled

    "You are evil, that's what I've always loved about you Maximillian. Evil but loyal." The Prince smiled "Now what do you think of her new boyfrind, Um Kieron is his name." He continued

    "He's strong but I will kill him if need be." Maximillian answered.

    "For now we shouldn't need to worry. Also did you hear? Our scientists are coming up with a daywalker vial. We'll be able to walk in the day soon enough." He said

    "Excellent, the nights are going faster and faster as years go on." He said

    "There will be rules though, and that is if we distribute it to anyone not loyal to the masquerade." The Prince said

    "Of course sir." Maximillian said

    "And one more thing. I want you to stalk Kieron and Claire in case they get any ideas. If they do, you report to me unless you get spotted, then you drag them to a safe spot and kill them." The Prince said

    Maximillian bowed. "Of course sir."

    "You are dismissed." The Prince said.

    Kierons apartment...

    Kieron and Claire sat at a table.

    "I know this may sound bad Kieron but I need you to go talk to the Nosferatu leader tomorrow night. While I go and talk to the tremere." She said

    "Is it wise to split up? Surely the prince has our number by now." Kieron said

    "It's dangerous but we need to take the chance." Claire said

    Kieron nodded. "Alright. If that's the plan then I'll follow."

    "Good, now my father will be the one following one of us. If he is for that matter. If you see him run. You're strong but he's like me, antediluvian so his strength is overpowering even for you." She said in a worried voice.

    Kieron nodded and smiled. "You do the same alright?"

    "Gotcha, if everything goes alright we'll have a large army." She said

    Kieron stretched. "I'm exhausted, ready for bed?" He asked

    "I'll be in, in a bit." She said

    "Alright." He said lifting her chin and kissed her. "We'll survive." He said

    Claire nodded. "I know. I just worry, I haven't been this scared in years." She said

    "Then use that fear to turn it into strength so you won't feel that way anymore." Kieron said

    "Since when did you become such a motivational speaker?" She smirked

    Kieron shrugged. "I'm heading to bed now." He waved.

    Claire nodded. "Alright."

    Tomorrow could be a very bad day if it goes wrong, Claire feared the worst...

    That's it! Any questions or comments or anything else let me know! :D

  • Thanks, my good man. I always invisioned the Underworld, Heaven or Hell like that. Don't ask me why, it just happens. Same with the people 'stuck' or 'limbo' as we Catholics like to call it. XD Anyways, those feels, man. You know me. :P Gren and Robert's relationship will mend but for right there, there is and will always be that little slice of tension. Looking back now that was a bit but I still can't blame the guy; he just witnessed his wife die in his arms, thinks his unborn children are dead, too and the thought of losing one of the quads...yeesh. Don't wanna think about that. :(

    Awesome, man! -brofist- :D

    Tetra posted: »

    This was so good! The underworld part was very interesting, like Emily I too hope Viviana doesn't go to Hades. And the feels hit again, Gren

  • I love Greek Mythology, if no one has caught on. :P lol Gotta add humor to them for the time being, seeing as they're there until Gren finds them. Gremily and all will be reunited soon but yes, madness lurks around every corner it seems! >:D

    MasterStone posted: »

    Yes more Mythology! And Greek too, which is a win. I enjoyed Emily and Vivian's dialogue in their travels into the underworld, the including

  • edited April 2015

    Does this particular chapter still take place after Rose and Robert got 'together' again? I remember you leaving the story off during that scene - correct me if I'm wrong.

    JJwolf posted: »

    Before I begin I want to apologies for my selfish ways and being so inconsiderate but alas, I had my reasons. I shall not go into detail but

  • Alt text

    JJwolf posted: »

    JJ in his 'Juicy' sweatpants and pink Victoria Secret shirt doing squats pops into my head You're welcome!

  • I love how Ademar just sticks Marco in the neck as he answers the door. XD But in all seriousness, I can understand why, considering he's half vampire and feeding more then he should. I'm always one to jump to conclusion but Ademar seems a bit sketchy to me. Perhaps it was the final sentence, seeing how he must listen and obey the council. He's warned Marco already it seems about this but I'll have to wait and see.

    Irene and Marco. :) Nice to see how these two became one. Plus, Marco has a lot of restraint for his co-worker slicing open his hand at work. Nice touch with the language, too. I liked that. :)

    He didn't stop watching her until she disappeared around the corner..

    Sure you're not already a Cassanova, Marco? ;)

    MasterStone posted: »

    Chapter 2 Draco drives Marco to his uncles house in the Bronx. He help’s the weakened Vampire up the stairs then begins to knock on the d

  • Grease is a good movie, so Claire, you've officially stole my heart! She's so cute and bubbly, what with her first day of spring, movies and her interactions with Kieorn. He does not seem to mind, though and that's how a great relationship should be.

    I had a feeling Max was not a good man but to know that was Claire's father. Wow....and he destroyed his daughter's life and is the reason she suffers with nightmares and terrible thoughts, all because she did ONE thing he did not like. Man. Vampires are harsh creatures. :(

    Also, this is just humor for me but maybe you might get a kick. I read the word 'Anarchist' wrong. For a moment, I thought you said the 'Antichrist' base and I had to go back for a minute. XD That's just my fault. Got back from work not too long ago so my brain is a bit all over the place. XD

    AYE and this prince character! Shoo! Go away! The whole shadow bit from earlier, peeling off of Kieron like that comes back every time and the reasons these two have in store for claire and Kieron! I hope nothing too serious happens but that would be too easy. XD

    Tetra posted: »

    Summer knight's... Part: One Claire woke up that day resting on Kierons lap. She got up and looked outside and then looked at the calenda

  • Ademar seems a bit interesting to me, the whole talk of councils of vampires reminds me of the masquerade! I wonder what his whole deal about obeying the order is though. So like Pie I find him a bit sketchy...

    The Spanish was a nice touch. Translating it was a bit hard since I know little Spanish XD. Oh man that dude almost got it if it wasn't for Irene! I already like her from her dialogue. Dang it's like Marco was born to be a Casanova! XD

    Can't wait for more man! :)

    MasterStone posted: »

    Chapter 2 Draco drives Marco to his uncles house in the Bronx. He help’s the weakened Vampire up the stairs then begins to knock on the d

  • Finally got down to reading this! :)

    One little correction:

    Emily's crossbow glims against the fire

    It's a bow dude :P

    Anyways, Emily's gonna have more than one baby?! WOO-HOO!!! I'm loving the old Greek/Roman mythology, the sisters of fate share that mysterious eye between them right? I'm glad Vivian is still there, I've also grown to like her character...

    Now that moment between Robert and Gren was tense, Robert had no right to say those things, then again he was angry, people do all kinds of crazy and stupid stuff when they're angry :/

    I await more from you dude! XD

    pudding_pie posted: »

    The three judges were named Minos, Rhadamanthus and Aeacus some time ago during the times of the Greeks and Romans. Over the years, however,

  • Grease was one of the only musicals I could stand, just because I loved most of the music and some of its characters :3 Kieron goes with the flow, he doesn't much care about most things but when it comes down to things that he does care about...well you'll see! ;)

    Max is a really bad person, which will be revealed later on into the story. Vampires are indeed harsh creatures :(

    Ahahahaha! XD I can see how you would do that as these past couple of days I've been doing the same thing, my head has been racing like cars at a race car track and I don't know why. XP But that definitely made my day! XD

    Oh the prince will get what's coming to him as well ;) Ah yes it would be far too easy to just leave Claire and Kieron be now wouldn't it, especially when they're going to be interfering with The Princes plans, and I think there is one question, who will Maximillian go after? ;)

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Grease is a good movie, so Claire, you've officially stole my heart! She's so cute and bubbly, what with her first day of spring, movies and

  • Ah I see! That's very cool! :3 And right when I woke up as well man! XD Oh man, I hope Gren can do this quick so he doesn't have to lose more and then lose Emily for real :(


    pudding_pie posted: »

    Thanks, my good man. I always invisioned the Underworld, Heaven or Hell like that. Don't ask me why, it just happens. Same with the people '

  • Ademar had a edgy life ever since his so called "partner" Obrecht executed his brother. He is also one of the councils enforcers and is under the watch of the head, Count Dadi Doku. You'll find out more later about him and Obrecht.

    Marco has heritage from Spain and Italy, so you might also see some of theselanguages.

    As for Irene and Marco, thier relationship start out sweet, but it will begin to shuffle when Marco loses himself.

    pudding_pie posted: »

    I love how Ademar just sticks Marco in the neck as he answers the door. XD But in all seriousness, I can understand why, considering he's ha

  • I knew the name Irene sounded familiar! Referring back to the PM archive proved it for me. Anyway, it's interesting to see Marco as a mechanic.

    Besides, isn't Irene short in stature? I'm wondering now considering her background.

    MasterStone posted: »

    Chapter 2 Draco drives Marco to his uncles house in the Bronx. He help’s the weakened Vampire up the stairs then begins to knock on the d

  • Loving this chapter!

    He reaches into his bag and pulls out a syringe and inject it into Marco’s neck. His pupils return to normal and he immediately leaps up of the couch and attack’s his uncle,

    This reminds me of Sherlock Holmes: Game of Shadows when they inject Holmes with his prototype adrenaline syringe, except he just shoots up and sprints into the wall :P

    This Irene girl is very much to my liking, she doesn't let just anyone flirt with her it would seem :) Marco better take good care of that car, then she'll take very good 'care' of him ;)

    I look forward to more! XD

    MasterStone posted: »

    Chapter 2 Draco drives Marco to his uncles house in the Bronx. He help’s the weakened Vampire up the stairs then begins to knock on the d

  • I'm with Claire concerning Kieron not seeing a single movie. Like, what the hell? :P I'm going to rage if he hasn't heard of Ghostbusters either. XD XD (jk)

    Claire's father wrecking the place was definitely a twist. Though she still oddly seems calm about everything, all things considering.

    Tetra posted: »

    Summer knight's... Part: One Claire woke up that day resting on Kierons lap. She got up and looked outside and then looked at the calenda

  • Great chapter dude :D

    He could feel his wallet cry by the time they left the Fable clothes stores.

    I know that feeling, and I'm not with anyone! XP

    Maximillion is an interesting one, to feel so heartless about his own daughter's well-being... No Father can hate their child that much... I hope he gets his ass kicked though :)

    Kieron rocking a new set of threads along with his girl!! And Grease is a great movie! The second one, not so great :/

    I'm slightly confused by the time period of this challenge dude, what year is it set in?

    Either way, I look forward to more! XD

    Tetra posted: »

    Summer knight's... Part: One Claire woke up that day resting on Kierons lap. She got up and looked outside and then looked at the calenda

  • Okay, so it's one of those situations where Emily and Vivian are still alive in another world, but are currently dead in the Mundy one, right?

    Obviously, everything is getting really hectic right now, and I hope things will unfold more in the meantime - such as Michelle's true power, and seeing if the two Grendels' relationship will get better or worse. Where is their dad in all this, btw?

    pudding_pie posted: »

    The three judges were named Minos, Rhadamanthus and Aeacus some time ago during the times of the Greeks and Romans. Over the years, however,

  • As I mentioned with Pie, being as he is forced in partnership with the man or vampire who killed his brother changed him. Also being under close watch of the council. He is quite sketchy, but he likes to be unpredictable at the same time.


    Now you might expect to see these two take things to the next level later on, but not to explicit... maybe. lol

    Also I still need to read you other chapter.

    Tetra posted: »

    Ademar seems a bit interesting to me, the whole talk of councils of vampires reminds me of the masquerade! I wonder what his whole deal abou

  • Yeah that'd do it. Reminds me of Holmes XD

    De nada :)

    Ah I am interested to see these two become a thing :3

    Take your time man no rush :)

    MasterStone posted: »

    As I mentioned with Pie, being as he is forced in partnership with the man or vampire who killed his brother changed him. Also being under c

  • Well considering Grease is his first movie I'd imagine he's never heard of Ghostbusters either! XD lol! XD

    One thing about Claire is very rarely will she let her emotions cry out, she keeps a level head in most situations. But you are right to have suspicions even I would XD

    I'm with Claire concerning Kieron not seeing a single movie. Like, what the hell? :P I'm going to rage if he hasn't heard of Ghostbusters ei

  • Thanks man! :D

    Hahaha! Same man same XD

    Oh there will be fights and words soon ;) If you think he's heartless now wait till later my friend he gets worse.

    I figured with summer around the corner I'd have it be summer and give Kieron a new outfit. :3 I didn't even know they made a second one XD

    Time period is 1992 :)

    Awesome man! :D

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Great chapter dude He could feel his wallet cry by the time they left the Fable clothes stores. I know that feeling, and I'm

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