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  • I honestly think Gren should be a comedian XD as for Robert the poor guy seems a bit confused, hopefully after a couple of meetings with Frank will set his head. X3 As always the dialogue between Robert and Gren makes me laugh to no end! And I wonder what will happen between Frank and Robert :)

    Glad to hear you had fun man! I've been going to parties here at my university and have been learning how to make all sorts of drinks XD Dang if I came home that early from a night I think I'd sleep for a whole day just to function tomorrow XD

    Can't wait for more man! :D

    JJwolf posted: »

    Robert had nothing to say once he and Gren left the restaurant. Frank, good on his word, paid for their meal. Gren had the largest smile and

  • JJwolfJJwolf Banned

    Gren comes off as that one sibling that means well but has a funn sense of putting it. :3 As for Robert, he's still learning to be 'himself' in a world he was told to act a certain way. He needs to get out, the poor guy. :( And I enjoy writing dialouge for Gren and Robert. It just seems like something they'd do, you know?

    You're going to become a mixologist one day, I can sense it in my gut. ^-^ Glad to hear you've been having so fun, too, Tetra. I may end up going to sleep early tonight but for now, coffee and music is keeping me awake. :3

    Awesome, dude! :D Can't wait to add more!!

    Tetra posted: »

    I honestly think Gren should be a comedian XD as for Robert the poor guy seems a bit confused, hopefully after a couple of meetings with Fra

  • JJwolfJJwolf Banned

    Protecting his woman with this awesome weapon is the best thing Kieron could ever do. Bet those Vamps won't see this coming! >:D

    Hopefully Kieron gets the much needed help he needs to battle against Claire's father and all his little asshole friends. I mean, 'minions'. Excuse me, how rude. XD This poor kid needs a break. Needs a vaca. Go to Cancun, Mexico or something. lol I'm waiting for asshole to capture Claire and use to bring Kieron down. I've watched too many sap movies, I know.

    Can't wait to see what happens with Claire, Kieron and the others! Great going, dude! :D

    Tetra posted: »

    Summer Knight's Part: Three Claire watched Kieron reach out and try to speak words but she sat there not being able to move it was like h

  • Exactly! XD He does! Hopefully Frank can introduce him to some people and then Robert will be able to do so himself :) I know exactly what you mean! :D

    Thanks man! :D We've all gotta start having fun at some point! :) Ah I haven't had coffee in a long time! Although I do want to try Starbucks again, last time I got one of their iced teas and I didn't really like it, but Pie and my Family told me to try another one. Music is definitely a life saver, I listen to music probably about 18 hours a day XD

    No problem man! :D

    JJwolf posted: »

    Gren comes off as that one sibling that means well but has a funn sense of putting it. As for Robert, he's still learning to be 'himself' i

  • JJwolfJJwolf Banned

    Or maybe Robert will take a turn on the Jersey turnpike. ;) OH God, that was horrible! XD And cheesy! lol

    I totally agree with you and you're still young. Enjoy it! I regret not doing it right away but I wasn't the 'cool' kid. XD Ugh eww! I agree! Their iced coffees are shit. I like the white chocolate and Java chip frapp. :3 I hear you on the music, Tetra but I bet my headphones are nothing compared to yours and Kierons. :3

    Tetra posted: »

    Exactly! XD He does! Hopefully Frank can introduce him to some people and then Robert will be able to do so himself I know exactly what you

  • Nope, a nice double incendiary round will make them run in fear! >:D

    He'll definitely need a lot of help busting out of this prison, and with the help of Bigby, The Tremeres, and when Claire fixes his sword it'll be all out war! >:) Kieron and Claire will hopefully be able to rest and enjoy life a little better when all is said and done :3 I wouldn't put it past Maximillian to do so XD We'll just have to wait and see :3

    Thanks man! :D

    JJwolf posted: »

    Protecting his woman with this awesome weapon is the best thing Kieron could ever do. Bet those Vamps won't see this coming! >:D Hopef

  • Ahahaha! XD Oh man! XD

    Oh same here my whole middle school and high school experience was awful to say the least, even now I only get invited to parties because I can make decent drinks and my suite mate invites me XD. The java chip Frapp is what they were saying to try! It must be really good then :3 They take some getting used to, plus people say you have headphones made in the future when in reality they were made in 2005 XD I'm currently waiting on a new pair, they are practically the same as the ones I wear now but with a wooden finish and metal clips :D

    JJwolf posted: »

    Or maybe Robert will take a turn on the Jersey turnpike. OH God, that was horrible! XD And cheesy! lol I totally agree with you and you'

  • I'd do the same thing....XD -looks around- Ahem. I mean....XD

    Sera is indeed the leader of her siblings. It was between either her or Liam but I have other plans for my little Liam. :3 It was actually Chloe that had to pee. Sera was getting hungry but I've been there for both! XD I was laughing as I wrote it! XD

    Emily is hot, what can I say? :3

    Glad you like it, my good man! -brofist-

    Tetra posted: »

    Gren has the right idea XD I would be doing the exact same thing XD Now the story was very interesting. Seraphina has that leadership tra

  • Lmao XD

    Liam is going to do something badass! :D Ah crap! I knew I got something wrong when I previewed my comment XP I bet man XD

    Dude if I ever find a woman that looked like that Tetra begins to daydream I'm not that lucky though XD

    pudding_pie posted: »

    I'd do the same thing....XD -looks around- Ahem. I mean....XD Sera is indeed the leader of her siblings. It was between either her or Lia

  • They are expensive. :3 lmao But they are just something, too. Gremily want a lot of kids. Emily got lucky and had four at once. The wolf gene in her. :) Those kids are something and you never know, man. They have a lot of powerful makeup running in those little bodies. >:)

    I loved writing that part and there is nothing wrong, so chill, my good man! :D Apparently, I did that as a kid, so I had to throw that in there. :P

    Everything is setting into place. Now, onward to the big finale! :D

    Awesome, my good man. -brofist-

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    My Grandfather on my Mother's side (God rest his Southern soul) had many sayings, one of them was "Kid's are expensive, can't afford a stupi

  • edited May 2015

    Liam IS going to be a badass! >:D Nah, it's all good! I've done that before, my good man. It happens. :D

    I'm not that lucky though

    I should throw something at you! Hold on:

    Alt text

    Thanks, Stitch. XD No but serious, Tetra, you will my good man. :)

    Tetra posted: »

    Lmao XD Liam is going to do something badass! Ah crap! I knew I got something wrong when I previewed my comment XP I bet man XD Dude if I ever find a woman that looked like that Tetra begins to daydream I'm not that lucky though XD

  • Yes! :3

    Tetra begins to rub his now bruised chin Dang stitch! XD Someday man! A girl with tattoos, red hair, and an australian accent oh man! Something to look forward to X3

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Liam IS going to be a badass! >:D Nah, it's all good! I've done that before, my good man. It happens. I'm not that lucky though

  • The hell did I just read!? LMFAO!!! XD Robert, stop lying. You want the Jersey D. Just, admit it.

    Fucking love Gren! I love that little greasy bundle of random comments! He has not one fuck to give and it shows! He and Robert, like I mentioned before, are the best sibling duo on this thread. :3 Robert is so 'serious' and Gren is out there.

    I'm happy for Robert and hope things change, now with dear 'ol Frank in the picture! :3 So Kawaii!!! XD And Sushi! XD Love Sushi! :3

    JJwolf posted: »

    Robert had nothing to say once he and Gren left the restaurant. Frank, good on his word, paid for their meal. Gren had the largest smile and

  • I don't think I could handle more than 2 kids, but life is strange, so maybe Hman will have a litter of his own one day :P Gremily are gonna have a football team of kids!!!! XP

    Lol, childhood memories...

    Woo-hoo! XD

    pudding_pie posted: »

    They are expensive. lmao But they are just something, too. Gremily want a lot of kids. Emily got lucky and had four at once. The wolf gene

  • edited May 2015

    (I read this aloud, and I think my voice and accent are perfect for Robert! XP Course, deep voice and British accent aren't what you imagine Robert having, but it worked for me :D)

    This was a really nice chapter, it's great to see Gren and Robert have that Brotherly banter without fists flying and cussing being thrown about maliciously :)

    Robert hoped and prayed a divorce was soon in the making.

    Don't we all...

    I don't think Lyla wants to be reminded EVERY morning of WHO RJ's father is

    This actually broke my heart a little, does Lyla regret what she had with Robert? :O

    Frank and Robert: Have a nice meal, hit the town, get drunk, stumble to a cheap motel, and then decide who's gonna be the bitch that gets the big D!! >:D

    I look forward to more dude! XD

    JJwolf posted: »

    Robert had nothing to say once he and Gren left the restaurant. Frank, good on his word, paid for their meal. Gren had the largest smile and

  • does Lyla regret what she had with Robert? :O

    WTF!? No! Lyla loves her son so freaking much, man! If she hated Robert, she'd be hating that little boy. She loves all her babies! Robert needs to shut the f up! >:( (love you Jacob) lol

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    (I read this aloud, and I think my voice and accent are perfect for Robert! XP Course, deep voice and British accent aren't what you imagine

  • Gren and Robert are the duo of comedy, the banter between them reminded me of and my brothers :)

    Now you and Pie must be having a good time in Sanny Fran. I heard they have some interesting hangout spots there, expensive there too.

    Great chapter!

    JJwolf posted: »

    Robert had nothing to say once he and Gren left the restaurant. Frank, good on his word, paid for their meal. Gren had the largest smile and

  • Omg lilo and stitch :()

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Liam IS going to be a badass! >:D Nah, it's all good! I've done that before, my good man. It happens. I'm not that lucky though

  • edited May 2015

    How many drawings you have of these two Pie? XD

    Now we're seeing the little ones in action, well Seraphina to be precise. Like the others explained and covered most of it, she is truely a natural born leader. I can imagine the exciting journeys she'll pertake as she get older, if you decide to write more about her. Vivianna still my favorite, but Seraphina is growing on me!

    Great chapter!

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Oh Gren! XD The shadow returned to Rosie's apartment while she and Woody made lunch for us. It slipped past the windows, along the kitche

  • Summer Knight's Finale...

    The next day in the prison...

    Kieron woke up in his cell, his bones have moved back into place and the burn from the voltage torture was starting to fade. He leaned up and let out a small cry of pain. A guard slammed his door.

    "C'mon it's time for another session." The guard said

    Kieron got out of bed, went through the necessary procedures, and was taken outside. Kieron looked at the fire wall around the prison. There would be no way out, only in he has to trust that Claire will come and save him. As he walked through the yard he saw families building weapons, furniture anything. They looked starved and very scared, most looked hopeless. There was a little girl who noticed him, she gave him a look of sadness and despair. It broke Kierons heart to see a child like that. The little girl ran towards her mother.

    "Mommy it's not my turn today is it!?" She said in a frightened tone.

    The mother held the girl close. "No sweet they won't hurt you anymore."

    Kieron smiled knowing that the mother was trying to give the little girl hope. The vampire shoved Kieron into a room, it was the same vampire as last time. The vampire still had that ugly smile. Kieron threw a smirk his way.

    "So are you the only one they have?" Kieron asked

    The vampire searched his tools, he was annoyed since he had few options. "No you just happen to get me." In an annoyed tone

    "Woah didn't you sleep good? I know I slept like a prince." Kieron smiled

    "I see what you're trying to do and I'm sorry, it's not going to work." The Vampire said

    "It was worth a try." Kieron smiled

    The vampire pulled out a blow torch. He took out sheets of steel and began to burn the metal. "I hope you like this!" The vampire laughed

    "You'll go insane trying to break me, you do know this right?" Kieron asked

    "That's what you think fledgling." The Vampire said slamming the sheet of steel on Kierons chest, Kieron screamed in agony. The vampire laughed. "That's music to my ears!" He smiled

    Kieron took a deep breathe. "That really stung....but you're gonna have to do better than that."

    The Vampire looked irritated "That's fine, I have more tools to use anyways."

    Hours later...

    Kieron was being dragged out by the vampire that tortured him, he had bruises and burn marks all over his body, both of his arms were shattered. In his blurry vision he saw the little girl. She began to follow Kieron and the vampire to his cell. The vampire threw Kieron in his cell, Kieron could barely stand.

    "The medics will be down here to ensure you're ready for tomorrow." The Vampire said leaving.

    Kieron was barely conscious, the little girl snuck around the corner. She smiled at Kieron and pulled out some flowers and placed them on his lap.

    "Here you go sir. I grew these flowers secretly, I was going to place them on daddy's grave, but you looked like you needed them more. Remember mister we'll get freedom someday." She smiled and left.

    Kieron still sitting began to cry at the little girls generosity...

    In the woods...

    Makoto and Bigby were almost to where most of the Lycans resided.

    "Man, why do things always have to pick up when I have a kid on the way." Makoto sighed

    Bigby laughed "You're the one who wanted to protect Fabletown kid."

    "Well it's either that or do nothing. I'll take the job any day." Makoto laughed

    "How is Ella doing anyways?" Bigby said

    "She's good, she still seems to smile even when people on the farm make fun of her." Makoto said

    "I'm sorry I can't do anything. I'm not allowed on the farm." Bigby said

    Makoto smiled "It's fine, she'll have a little brother to have fun with soon enough, and maybe then people will see she's a person as well."

    Bigby nodded as they walked into the society for Lycans. The werewolves gave Makoto angry looks as he and Bigby walked by, they met the leader of the pack. Bigby handed the man the envelope.

    "You guys have a job to do, you're going to rescue a vampire." Bigby said

    "What!? You expect us to ally with them!?" The leader said in shock.

    Bigbys look became serious "That's right this whole rivalry bullshit ends tonight."

    Makoto was impressed, Bigby actually wanted to help the Vampires.

    "And if we refuse?" The leader smirked

    Bigby transformed into his wolf form. "Then Makoto and I will have to enforce some laws that you've broken." He growled

    "Okay! But just this once!" The leader said

    The leader walked to his pack. "My fellow brethren! Tonight, we shall save a Vampire and create relations with them! Anyone oppose?"

    None of the Lycans opposed. Bigby and Makoto smiled, this will surely be a grand fight, they began to walk towards the prison with the Lycans.

    Kierons apartment...

    Claire had been fixing Kierons blade. She had attained a more powerful alloy then what Kieron used originally. She had to sacrifice her mother's pendant as Claire didn't have enough money to purchase this metal. She hoped her mother would understand. Claire had been working all day on Kierons blade and it was almost finished, she just had to make the handle again. She felt cold, and then there was a whisper.

    "Claire sweety..." A woman's voice sounded.

    Claire turned. "Mom!?"

    Her mother as a ghost floated in the air behind her. Claires mother smiled.

    "How have you been?" She said

    "I've been better..." Claire looked down.

    "I've been keeping an eye on you, and you're doing a fantastic job." Her mother said

    "But it was my fault that he got captured, and it's my fault he's going through the pain he is going through!" She said sadly

    Claires mother moved to the side of the workbench. "Sweety I'm sure Kieron is very happy you walked into his life. Although not very gracefully, he loves you with all his heart. And he's pulling through to see you again. So I ask you to fight with all your heart, for the people you care about." She smiled

    Claire began to tear up. "But what if he's lost his will to live, what if I have to kill him, what will we do about dad? I...I'm lost mom."

    Her mother moved and held Claire. "Kieron is a strong man. You know how much that man has been through, he won't abandon you now."

    "I have to hold on to that fact then..." She said with small tears falling from her face.

    Her mother kissed her on the forehead. "You're a strong woman Claire, you've achieved so much already, now go finish this." She said

    Claire had just finished Kierons sword. Her mother was already gone, she put the sword on her shoulder. "I will mom..." She began to walk towards the Tremeres house. While she went and gathered the Tremere she began to recall how her mother died...

    Years ago...

    Claire and her mother were playing in the field, they had no worries in their lives. Claire chased her mother with a smile, and Claires mother laughed and jokingly got caught by Claire to keep the fun going. Claires mother picked up Claire and spun her in the air and kissed her on the cheek.

    "Let's go home and get you fed." She said

    Claire remembered her mother had the sweetest smile she has ever seen, it always made her overly happy to see her mother smile. Claire remembered that she got her mother a pretty necklace. So when they went inside she ran to her room and grabbed the necklace. When she got out, she saw that her father was home.

    "Why aren't you happy with the prince?" Maximillian said

    "I just don't think his new rules are fair, the Tremere aren't getting any fair rights!" She said

    Claire walked out, Maximillian began to get angry. Her mother knew what was coming, she turned her head towards Claire. She had a smile and tears began to flow down her face. Her last words to Claire was.

    "Don't look sweety, I want you to remember me like this." She said trying to keep composure.

    Claire however watched in horror as she saw her beautiful mother get mauled by her own father. Claire dropped the present she had for her mother and ran as soon as her father was done. Claire had her mother's blood on her dress, she was traumatized and scared, she ran and ran for what seemed like miles until her father caught up with her and dragged her back home...that was the last time she saw her mother...

    Near the Prison...

    Claire with the Tremere met up with Makoto and Bigby.

    "We all set?" They asked

    Claire nodded.

    "Well we're waiting for you." Makoto smiled

    Claire stood with her army behind her, she began to walk and raised her hand. She gave the command to attack and watched as that army began to charge in front of her. This was the battle that could lead straight to the prince...

    That's it! Any questions or comments or anything else let me know! :D

  • edited May 2015

    Claire has quite a powerful weapon it seems, now I would assume she would make use with and hopefully save one of bullets for Max, if those can harm him.

    Endurance, endurance, endurance. Kieron defines this word, smiling in the face of a guy wielding a sledgehammer. Thought this scene was going to get bloody, but either way it kept on edge of my tablet!

    Good chapter man! Here's to Maximillian's tail whooping.

    Tetra posted: »

    Summer Knight's Part: Three Claire watched Kieron reach out and try to speak words but she sat there not being able to move it was like h

  • Oh yes! It most certainly will be put to use! :D

    Kieron indeed has a lot of it! He's been through a lot and this will only make the man stronger. For torture I wanted to include it but Kieron is able to use blood to his advantage so I had to improvise a little bit ;)

    Thanks man! He'll get it soon enough! >:)

    MasterStone posted: »

    Claire has quite a powerful weapon it seems, now I would assume she would make use with and hopefully save one of bullets for Max, if those

  • I blame my girl and countless people on my Deviantart. :3 lol

    Each of the quads will have a moment in this! Seraphina is the leader and will guide her siblings to battle. >:) I love each of the quads but she has a special place in my heart. I have something exciting for all of them at the end of this story that will surely please everyone. Viviana is the shit. XD They all are, though.

    Thanks, my good man! -brofist-

    MasterStone posted: »

    How many drawings you have of these two Pie? XD Now we're seeing the little ones in action, well Seraphina to be precise. Like the other

  • edited May 2015

    I feel more and more sorry for Robert with every new chapter JJ posts :P

    Oh and I meant does Lyla regret the relationship she had with Robert! Obviously she loves RJ, they have shared custody of him...

    pudding_pie posted: »

    does Lyla regret what she had with Robert? :O WTF!? No! Lyla loves her son so freaking much, man! If she hated Robert, she'd be hating that little boy. She loves all her babies! Robert needs to shut the f up! >:( (love you Jacob) lol

  • Damn, Kieron is a persistent sonofabitch, even when his hope is currently lost :/ What that little girl did for him, with the flowers, was very sweet as well :)

    Claire remade the sword! Woo-hoo!!! And Jesus Christ is Maximillion a wanker! He killed his own wife for not abiding to the regime set forth by the Prince?! I don't believe that a man can be that evil of his own accord, something else must be at work here... If not, then Maximillion just outright scares me >:(

    The Lycans came around in the end (cuz no one says no to Bigby and gets away with it) and now the great battle begins.

    I await more! XD

    Tetra posted: »

    Summer Knight's Finale... The next day in the prison... Kieron woke up in his cell, his bones have moved back into place and the burn

  • Brief comment (I promise! I know I can ramble a bit much sometimes.):

    I've been absent most of this week again, mostly because of school and responsibilities, and things I've been doing. For one, I went to my Junior Cruise last night, and I'm also working on getting a pic of me in my dress on here (Haha, maybe, if I can gather the confidence once more XD) But I've also seen that there were some...issues? I don't think I should call them that. There's been a problem with commenting, and I said sorry on the PM, but I also want to make a 'public' apology. I've never meant to make anyone feel lesser because I never really reviewed their stories as much as others. To be honest, at this point in my life, I've been so on the run and worn down by the end of the day, I only have the energy to focus on my own stuff. That being said I DO read everyones stuff. I don't comment as often, unless someone REALLY wants feedback. I just can't always do it. I wish I could. I really do. So I'm sorry for making anyone feel less, feel like their stuff doesn't matter. Because it does. We're all writers here, varying in talent and ability, but we're also friends. We stick up for each other and appreciate eachother. I'll let you know that I DO like every post I see when I log on here, to make sure each story gets the likes it deserves.


  • I need to stop by and see what wonders you have this time!

    Can't wait to see what you have in store!

    pudding_pie posted: »

    I blame my girl and countless people on my Deviantart. lol Each of the quads will have a moment in this! Seraphina is the leader and wil

  • Kieron takes the beatings to look forward to a brighter day, he could be at the verge of death and still push on till his soul no longer resides in his body. :3 That little girl whoever she is, is indeed very sweet! :)

    Claire has! And it's more durable, and has more damage output as well >:D Well you're about to stare fear in the face because old Max here, he's the worst :(

    Bigby is the man! :D The first battle to find the prince does begin! :D

    Awesome man! :D

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Damn, Kieron is a persistent sonofabitch, even when his hope is currently lost What that little girl did for him, with the flowers, was ver

  • Well you're about to stare fear in the face because old Max here, he's the worst

    Saying that to me, when I have an OC such as Nick around... It doesn't carry any weight >:) Max is still a scary guy though!

    Tetra posted: »

    Kieron takes the beatings to look forward to a brighter day, he could be at the verge of death and still push on till his soul no longer res

  • Glad to see you around again EMMY! :)

    I could go ask the women next door to me and ask for a dress, put it on and post it on here if that'll help! XP JK There was a bit of an upset but we seemed to have addressed it and got it set! Hopefully you had a fun time on the cruise! :D All we needed was a bit of a group huddle and questionaire to get our heads straight and things seem better here than before! :D Hope everything other than that is going well EMMY :)

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Brief comment (I promise! I know I can ramble a bit much sometimes.): I've been absent most of this week again, mostly because of school

  • I'm so sorry for getting back to this so late T-T Been running around like crazy getting shit done and doing that thing called 'life' or whatever XD

    Anyway, I LOVE this idea that Hazza and JJ thought up. I love answering questions that pertain to characters, it's like the most awesomest thing ever XD

    1. His eyes. They made eye contact, and she notice how clear and blue and beautiful they were right off the bat. She basically fell in love with him there, even if they didn't call it 'love' in the particular moment XD

    2. That's a good question! I've considered it myself; I mean, they've got nine! That's a lot of birthdays, plus grandbabies to think about. Maybe they'd have one more (and I mean ONE) but, that might not happen for a long, long time. Actually... hmm. I'm really undecided XD But most likely, they will probably stick to the ones they have at this point. Tim would LOVE more children; the more the merrier. Harmony...she'll have to be persuaded, I think XD

    3. Freakin' AWESOME! How could it not be? XD Snow is the ultimate role model for both Harmony, and for her brood of children. Bigby is the greatest granddad XD He'd be the kind of grandpa that's grumpy on the outside but has a soft core for his grandchildren, and teaches them valuable lessons. They visit a little more often than Harmony's mother, only because Winter has to manage the North Wind Castle most of the time. Everyone loved them, and views them as the head of the family almost :)

    4. She's afraid of loosing her family. Family is her absolute number one concern in every situation, and she makes sure to be the one to bear the burden of keeping them safe, even if it harms her in the end. She's also afraid of accidentally burning the cookies she bakes, but you know, that one's not as important I think.

    5. She's into easy-going tunes, but can easily listen to any other kind of songs. She particularly likes songs with a lot of melody to them, and sings rather harmoniously to them ;)

    6. She would learn to scrapbook. Might as well, with all those munchkins running around and causing picture-worthy scenarios. She also likes writing, and does that when she has minute to spare.

    7. Harmony believes that people are inherently good. It's the corruptions of the universe that turns them sour, and she doesn't believe that people are hopeless. But in some circumstances, there is only so much you can do, and sometimes it's better to make the hard decision instead of trying to reason and help. She's too kind hearted to blindly destroy someone with out thinking of what their side of the story might be, you know? Basically, she never kills someone with out feeling sorry for them.

    8. Haha, this is another good one. Her biggest personal challenge was when she was practicing with Morgan, and they were working on combining her swordsmanship with her ability to fly, AND produce magic. She's still working on it, but soon enough she'll be a master as battle and defending herself, as well as showing off to friends and family XD

    9. Mary is her best friend, by far. Absolutely. Best. Friend. They're practically sisters. Mary was her first friend, and for a while, one of her only friends. A person she can stand.... Well, there are very few of those. She dislikes her half-brother Jack to an extent, and doesn't really contact him anymore, but still loves him for the fact that he's technically part of her family. I really can't think of anyone else she might hate, other than people against her and major villains. Yep.

    10. She wishes people knew her inner struggles. She's very relaxed, always happy, always nice. But no one sees her struggle. Why is that? It's because she doesn't let people see it. Tim is her stress reliever, he's her rock, but she wishes others could help her along, because most times, she's everyone else's rock, counselor, and advice giver. There's so much she has to juggle with every day, and sometimes she just wishes she could go back to simpler times, when all she did was work at a restaurant and tend a bar and occasionally watch movies in footsie pajamas with Mary. Still, she would never trade any of her children or family for the world, ever. Things just weigh down on her sometimes, you know?

    You asked awesome questions man! I'm so glad I had the opportunity to do this :) If you have any more questions like this, you can PM me, lol XD

    pudding_pie posted: »

    AND @EMMYPESS This is for Harmony. * What was the first thing Harmony noticed about Tim? * Would she ever consider having more chi

  • Thanks Tetra :) I appreciate it.

    Haha, yeah XD It's all good. I'll probably post one tomorrow hopefully, and I think I might share some other stuff or whatever too, and write another chapter hopefully, before the sun goes down. I want to catch up on things, but when that happens, I cannot say, because I have no idea XD I've had a LOT of recent ideas for more stories I can write, and one in particular for the challenge. Suffice to say, it'll be good. I hope XD

    Tetra posted: »

    Glad to see you around again EMMY! I could go ask the women next door to me and ask for a dress, put it on and post it on here if that'l

  • Haha, this reply is FAR too late XD I apologize. Bigby certainly is the impatient type. But it's true, we do love him <3 Callum's great XD Definitely the man you wanna be with when you go out to have a beer and do cool stuff together.

    Derek is conflicted with both loyalty issues, and whether things SHOULD be different now that Jocelyn is different. It's a mess, really, but it'll get sorted out. As for a Lycan v. Vampire war....well, I have better plans than that.

    Good to hear! Hopefully tomorrow I can get a chapter up :) Thanks!

    Tetra posted: »

    Oh Bigby XD You never gain patience do you? But that's why we all love you! XD I really like Callum! He's so cheery and great! Derek really

  • No problem! :)

    Cool! :) Do what you gotta do I'm sure everyone here will like what you post here no matter what it is! :D Lol take your time, there's no rush XD That's awesome! I shall wait and see what those ideas are then! :D

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Thanks Tetra I appreciate it. Haha, yeah XD It's all good. I'll probably post one tomorrow hopefully, and I think I might share some oth

  • Aw, little Emily :) Sorry for responding late, by the way. I'm SO behind, it's ridiculous.

    Jocelyn just wants to know what the hell is happening, and why it's got to be this way. She is a bit more curious than the average person, but that's a good characteristic :) I'm actually attempting to touch face with the whole process of being in this sort of community. You get to see the point of view of someone experienced with this stuff, how he deals with it, and then you get to see the point of view of someone completely clueless with what she's facing, and how she deals with it. And plus, there's other characters, and there will be clashing opinions and tons of action, fighting, comedy, even lust thrown around. It'll be great. Bigby can be a bit grumpy, and I was also trying to capture his pre-Fables Comics self, you know? I tried to write him the way Willingham would have, basically XD

    Derek is conflicted, as I've stated to Tetra about it. Maxine certainly will come to play with it all; Things are not always as they seem. Alistair is like a 'dumbledore' to Derek; Gives advice, but still has an air of mystery around himself. As far as I'm planning, he shouldn't be the one you have to worry about.

    Great! I can't wait to write more!

    pudding_pie posted: »

    I read this earlier but had to put Emily down for bed time. Anyways, I love Jocelyn and her naive personality. Wait, naive is a wrong wo

  • Sorry for responding late >.< I was so caught up with stuff, it's crazy! Anyways, yeah, you COULD say it was particularly interesting XD

    Alas, no Snigby in this tale :( I felt that this should take place in the transition period, now that Crane is out and Snow is in his place. So it's not quite yet where they're romantic with each other, but hopefully you enjoyed their interactions :) Callum is a flirt by nature, he's got a wife so Bigby shouldn't have to be worried ;) I just wanted to show Bigby's jealous side XD

    Yeah, it can get petty sometimes watching someone seem so incompetent on things that are considered simple, in the supernatural world. I actually felt that way watching certain characters in the Mortal Instruments Series when they were introduced to the Shadow World (AKA, the supernatural world.). But they tend to learn quickly :) Callum will be a great tutor for Jocelyn, so it should be no problem :)

    Wolves and Vampires hate each other, at least in my story. I assure you though, CallumXJocelyn won't be a thing. There MAY however be someone else, introduced later on...

    Oh yeah. I did my research, man XD I wanted him to be able to do something lethal, especially if he has to watch his back (you'll be finding the reasons WHY Magnus is after Derek in particular soon; He's going to have to reveal it sooner or later.) And I came across Krav Maga on the internet when researching the most lethal forms of martial arts, and found it fitting for him. He's certainly able to defend himself!

    Good to hear :) I need to catch up on your chapters as well, the ones I've read already have been awesome!

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    This was an interesting chapter. Bigby being gruff as always, I was hoping that he and Snow would already be a thing in this Challenge, a

  • Hehe XD Yep! Very bold, if I do say so myself XD

    It'll certainly be interesting, to say the least. Glad you're looking forward to more!

    Hehe, I see what you did there with the title. Bold decisions, and the title being bold as a result. XD I had to! I'm really looking

  • Oh it's no big deal at all! Hell, if NOBODY commented on my story, I'd still not be offended in any way. It is what it is, ya know? But thanks for taking the time to comment on this one :) I have to work on reading some of your chapters and reviewing them, for sure!

    Jocelyn was unfortunately spun into a world she can never escape now :( She'll transition well enough, though. She's strong :) Bigby did what he had to do. And do you mean Derek? Derek is a Vampire, Callum is his werewolf friend. Also, I have no idea if I stated this, but Vampire and Werewolves can be friendly with each other, but there's still and underlying tension between the races and so love is a very unheard of concept between the two. That's why Derek is afraid of things going terribly wrong, and I have a ton of plans on that. Magnus is a Vampire himself, but uses ghouls as henchmen (They're a little dumber, and more expendable in his area of work.) He's Franklin's father in the future, if you didn't know that.

    As far as I know, Alistair shouldn't be an issue, unless I decide otherwise. Like I said above, he's a mysterious advice giver, being older than Derek and more experienced. There ARE pawns, but no one will truly know until all is revealed.

    Thanks :) Can't wait to write more!

    JJwolf posted: »

    I also wanted to apologies to you, EMMY for my selfish ways and know that I have read and liked your stories. No need to explain. Just take

  • edited May 2015

    Chapter 18: Der Krieg ist am Ende. 12th of November, 1918.

    Those few days had been quite eventful for Germany.

    From October 29th to 30th, many within the German Fleet at Wilhelmshaven had chosen to mutiny or completely ignore orders, seeing no reason to risk their lives in what was a doomed struggle. This rebellion by sailors eventually evolved into a revolution throughout Germany, capturing all major coastal cities as well as Munich, Hannover and Brunswick by November 7th. The Emperor had reacted through abdication on the 9th, effectively ending the German Monarchy.

    An armistice had been agreed upon during the morning of the 11th at 5:00 am, coming into effect at 11:00 am, ending the war.

    Today, die stumpfe Klinge, was again empty. The war had not been kind on us, but we still lived in comfort without worry thanks to our immense savings. The same, however, could not be said for others. Tavish, for example, was an ethnic Scotsman and was seen as tantamount to the enemy thus. We were his only customers. In the summer of 1917, His wife became victim to a ferocious fever. Tavish, then sold his business and enlisted to prove himself as German in spite of his ancestry. Never did we hear from him again.

    Gertraud and I sat at one of the tables, quietly eating a brew concocted from whatever meats where still available.

    “Tell me, Traudl. Do you think remaining here was a good choice?”

    She remained still, contemplating how to answer, before setting her spoon down.

    “Hindsight is of no use, Hunter. We made a choice to live here and that is that. Besides, the lives we have led these past few years are a better option to lives of Fugitives in the Nordenland.

    “I suppose so.”

    “And with the way this war has gone, I do not think it could have been much worse. Not in the Mundane Realm anyway.” she added.

    A thought then came to mind.

    “What if we had to move to a rural area?” I asked.

    “Why would you want that?”

    “It would be quieter and we would be safer should a conflict arise on German soil-.” I explained.

    She scoffed. “And throw away 400 years of memories?”

    “I never said I would have us do it on a whim-“

    “I gave up one home because of a war, Alfred; I shan’t another regardless of whom dares to invade!”

    I was taken aback. I knew she had grown attached to the place but not to this extent. I could somewhat empathise. I too had become loving of the place but not to the extent of the utter devotion she had exhibited.

    “This place….” she continued “Is where a new life emerged for me. It is where I became anew. I am not going to throw it away just because a handful of Monarchs have a few tantrums!”

    “I never said that it would be a decision of ease, Traudl.” I said, trying to remain calm. “I merely brought it up as a thought. There is no need to escalate it as we have.”

    “Would you leave, though?” she asked. “After all that has happened here, after thinking it through, would you?”

    I was not sure. “I don’t…I…..”

    “Exactly.” Gertraud said.

    We sat in insufferable silence for the following few minutes, thinking over what had just happened. I had brought it up for the sake of conversation and in an instant it escalated to…..that. She was right though. Our lives had renewed here. We had become who we are today within these walls. We each formed our first friendships, and later, romantic relationships under this roof as well as our….actually, I shall leave it at that. Point is It would be difficult for me to leave such a significant place, even if we were in mortal jeopardy. Besides, Gertraud would never abandon die stumpfe Klinge, rain or shine, and neither would I her.

    “I am sorry.” She said.

    She apologised? “Pardon?” I did not believe my ears. The only time this had happened before was all those years ago in the 1600’s.

    “My reaction was rather unmerited and a apologise.” She said.

    “No need. I have the same sentiments on the subject.”


    “I do not think I would be able to let this place go should we have to leave, and even if I could, I would not leave without you. And we both know you’re not going to.”

    She laughed. “You sound so cheesy.”

    “But it is true.”

    She shrugged her shoulders. “So you say you wouldn’t leave here for my sake?”

    “Of course. What gave you the impression I wouldn’t?” I questioned.

    “Nothing, I just…” she stammered.

    “Have I broken you, Traudl?” I joked.

    “Very funny” she said in a humoured tone of sarcasm.

    “I know.”

    AUTHOR’S NOTE: The armistice was signed at 5:00 in the morning of the 11th of April but did not come into effect until 11:00 that morning, allowing 6 hours of some of the most intense fighting in the First World War.

    Again, I apologise for my absence.

  • I always found you're chapters interesting due to the historical accuracy you have! I presume you will do WWII as well? If so that'd be rather cool. No need to apologize for your absence man, we all get a bit busy!

    I look forward to more of your stuff man!

    Chapter 18: Der Krieg ist am Ende. 12th of November, 1918. Those few days had been quite eventful for Germany. From October 29th to 30

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