Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about Tales From The Borderlands



  • Gah, there's some absolute gold in there! And it's good to conclusively know that the AI is pure-Jack (though it was pretty obvious), instead of some creepy Frankenstein's monster-esque Nakayama version - still would love to know where his memories officially cut off, though.

    And I'm glad somebody else is having issues with Tumblr's audio player not working in Chrome - it's been driving me insane!

    Also, I just realised that's from Nukey-Pookie's Tumblr (who I can't tag because of the dash).

  • I still have a feeling that his memories go all the way to his death. I think he's just repressing the memory at the moment, but we'll see!

    And yup, that's her tumblr!

    Gah, there's some absolute gold in there! And it's good to conclusively know that the AI is pure-Jack (though it was pretty obvious), instea

  • Well, looks like Jack has reactions to Gortys, Im also a little curious on whos name he said Rhys knew

  • It's apparently Sasha's, he pretends to forget her name to appear smooth/disinterested and Jack calls him out on it.

    (sorry Rhyiona shippers!)

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Well, looks like Jack has reactions to Gortys, Im also a little curious on whos name he said Rhys knew

  • Now this is a silly thing and it might just be me, but at the end of Ep2 when Vasquez sucker punches Rhys it actually looks as if Jack was trying to grab Rhys' arm to keep him from falling... which would be uncharacteristically nice of him, so maybe he's just waving his digital arms around.

    Anyway, you can squint and see it here from 6:50 if anyone cares :P

  • It looks more like he was just backing up

    Now this is a silly thing and it might just be me, but at the end of Ep2 when Vasquez sucker punches Rhys it actually looks as if Jack was t

  • Yep, could very well be. I was just going by my first impression which was 'wow is Jack actually trying to help?!', but I agree it's unlikely, since it's, well, Jack. Probably just the weird angle.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    It looks more like he was just backing up

  • huh.

    Pipas posted: »

    I guess nobody died? Just me? Well then. I died as Fiona during the race and when the game over screen popped up, the interrogator said t

  • If you fail to catch the gun with Fiona in the caravan, you get this gem;

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  • Lol.

    It's actually Sasha trying to 'rid' herself of a 'problem', just between you and me. :)

    If you fail to catch the gun with Fiona in the caravan, you get this gem;

  • Alt text

    Lol. It's actually Sasha trying to 'rid' herself of a 'problem', just between you and me.

  • Fiona at her finest

    If you fail to catch the gun with Fiona in the caravan, you get this gem;

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Technically it's not conclusive since it isn't in the game (yet).

    Gah, there's some absolute gold in there! And it's good to conclusively know that the AI is pure-Jack (though it was pretty obvious), instea

  • Oh yeah, I have a gif.

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    If you fail to catch the gun with Fiona in the caravan, you get this gem;

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

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    CarL_J posted: »

    Yeah, I got this in my first playthrough, I took some screenshots:

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited May 2015

    Whoops nvm

  • edited May 2015

    Nvm whoops

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Whoops nvm

  • Oh, yeah. I sort of just interpreted that as Jack thinking that, since Rhys had one robotic arm, he also "might" have one robotic leg, or, I didn't think about his crotch possibly being robotic. =)

    Okay, do I just have a dirty mind or is Jack implying that Rhys' cybernetics extend to his genitals? O_O

  • edited May 2015

    Sorry. I haven't read through all the comments on this thread, so it might have already been mentioned but Rhys seems to be able to react differently to walking through Jack when Jack is pointing and laughing at Vasquez near the end of Ep 2. In most versions, he seems averse to walking into Jack's pointing finger and then walks through him and just sort of checks the front of his clothes in a "I didn't get anything on me, did I?" sort of way. But in this one playthrough (AFGuidesHD), he actually tries to brush Jack's hand away and deeply shudders after walking through him. I just wonder what makes the difference.

    "Normal" (at 5:27):

    Shudder (at 9:10):

  • edited May 2015

    Yeah, the first time I saw that, I did actually interpret it as a sympathetic response. I didn't think of it as Jack trying to catch Rhys, but it did seem like Jack was knocked back a little just by seeing Rhys get violently knocked back. But then, I realized that not even Rhys seems to yet grasp that Jack has no physical presence (Rhys is still uncomfortable walking through Jack when Jack is pointing and laughing at "Wallethead"). So, Jack probably hasn't grasped the fact that he has no physical presence either, and he was probably just trying to get out of the way of the falling Rhys when he got punched.....which is a little disappointing to be honest, but it makes sense. I mean, I've never played the Borderlands games, but from what I've read, Jack is a really bad person and not at all sympathetic.

    I just now grasped the irony of "Through me, his legacy carries on" and then Rhys and Jack looking at each other and shrugging. Because, sure, Vasquez may have just meant that he was about to punch Rhys, like Jack used to punch Vasquez, but wouldn't he be so jealous if he knew that Jack's actual, like, BRAIN is being carried on through Rhys? Lol =D

    Now this is a silly thing and it might just be me, but at the end of Ep2 when Vasquez sucker punches Rhys it actually looks as if Jack was t

  • Jack is a really bad person and not at all sympathetic

    What are you saying, Jack is a hero, and heroes occasionally have to make sacrifices (of other people). :P

    But in all honesty, he does attempt to make some semi-friendly gestures towards Rhys, if only because of the whole 'if you go I go' deal, so it's not entirely improbable that he'd try to keep him from harm... somewhat.

    TWDGFTW posted: »

    Yeah, the first time I saw that, I did actually interpret it as a sympathetic response. I didn't think of it as Jack trying to catch Rhys, b

  • edited May 2015

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    Loominarty status

    [ ] not confirm

    [X] confirm


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    Green613 posted: »

    Nvm whoops

  • I'm pretty sure it's connected to the insult you hurl at Vasquez. If you chose to call him "Wallethead", you get the first video's response. If you mock his hair implants, you get the shudder in the second.

    TWDGFTW posted: »

    Sorry. I haven't read through all the comments on this thread, so it might have already been mentioned but Rhys seems to be able to react di

  • I asked him about the hair implants and I don't remember the shudder. I might be wrong though, it was a while since I played it.

    SpaceGoat posted: »

    I'm pretty sure it's connected to the insult you hurl at Vasquez. If you chose to call him "Wallethead", you get the first video's response. If you mock his hair implants, you get the shudder in the second.

  • Hmm, I wonder if it may be related to your overall rapport with HJ? I only ever got the 'slight shudder' version, but I've always been respectful towards Jack. Maybe you get the more 'revolted' reaction if you play Rhys as somewhat anti-Jack. Idk tho.

    TWDGFTW posted: »

    Sorry. I haven't read through all the comments on this thread, so it might have already been mentioned but Rhys seems to be able to react di

  • SpaceGoat's right, I got the shudder.

    I remember it because I thought "Wow, HJ must be really creeping you out now, huh?".

    Pipas posted: »

    I asked him about the hair implants and I don't remember the shudder. I might be wrong though, it was a while since I played it.

  • Oh, okay. It just seems weird that Rhys would freak out that much due to that choice. Kinda unrelated.

    buntingsir posted: »

    SpaceGoat's right, I got the shudder. I remember it because I thought "Wow, HJ must be really creeping you out now, huh?".

  • he also broke the time in the waiting thread...

    green613 = max caulfield confirm????

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    Loominarty status [ ] not confirm [X] confirm 3spooky5me

  • In episode 1 Rhys picks up Tediore shield, but in episode 2 in the scene in the desert with Assquez, if you wait long enough Wallethead will figure out how gun works and he will shoot you. Shield is not depleted so it means it is not equipped. It is very, very small detail.

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    CarL_J posted: »

    he also broke the time in the waiting thread... green613 = max caulfield confirm????

  • True! TT could pull a fast one on us and suddenly be like, "actually the Digi-Jack is just an AI of Timothy (or another body double) pretending to be Jack, or is Nakayama's fan-fic/'sona representation of Jack"

    Actually how hilarious would it be if whenever the AI speaks about Nakayama he's nothing but complimentary and lovely? Like, everything else is Jack to a T, but Nakayama manipulated his perception of him - it'd be even funnier if Jack's voice just changed to a bad voice-over from Nakayama:

    :In HJ voice: "Ugh, that Nakayama..." :changes to Nakayama's voice: " a really swell guy, and smart and funny too!"

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Technically it's not conclusive since it isn't in the game (yet).


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    CarL_J posted: »

    he also broke the time in the waiting thread... green613 = max caulfield confirm????

  • It's only within my natural ability since I'm a god of this forum.


  • Yeah, it is possible. I agree.

    Jack is a really bad person and not at all sympathetic What are you saying, Jack is a hero, and heroes occasionally have to make sac

  • You're right. It does seem kinda unrelated. I dunno. Maybe the animators just wanted to mix it up a bit, but now I'm just going to overanalyze it forever. Lol. =)

    Pipas posted: »

    Oh, okay. It just seems weird that Rhys would freak out that much due to that choice. Kinda unrelated.

  • Oh, ok, cool. Thanks. It does seem connected to that.

    SpaceGoat posted: »

    I'm pretty sure it's connected to the insult you hurl at Vasquez. If you chose to call him "Wallethead", you get the first video's response. If you mock his hair implants, you get the shudder in the second.

  • General Pollux was eating with the same spork that Fiona used to take his eye out with.

  • Wow. I think I discovered some stuff to actually participate for once.

    First off, I saw this in the TFBL Wikia. I just wanted to know is their dialog to confirm this? If it is true, then it adds to the backstory of Fiona and Sasha showing that they were surviving together before Felix came into their lives.

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    Second, I saw saw this in a playthough (ignore the creepy face).

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    It is in regards to this picture:

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    That would mean that Fiona was 14 and Sasha was 9 when the photo was taken. Since they are also in the same clothes as this photo below...

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    ...I think it's safe to assume that both were taken around the same time. Provided that all the info that have presented is true, we can estimate about how young Fiona and Sasha were when they met Felix and he took them under his wing. It also make Sasha's statement about Fiona being a better shot kind of weird. C'mon Sasha, she was 5 years older! Off course she could shoot better. You're like a darker Clem; the gun is bigger than your head. Speak of Sasha saying Fiona was the better shot, it's funny how she is the weapon wielder of the two... that is unless there are still skill sets of Fiona's that we have yet to discover.

  • edited May 2015

    So I was playing Episode 1 again and in teaser to episode 2 i noticed this 1 second flash with kitty. I played every Borderlands game, but still can't figure this one out. I don't know if this was mentioned before. Can someone help and tell me who this guy is? I would really appreciate that. Only cat I remember is Birthday cat from PS. Also this kitty looks like backpack to me.

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    So I was doing some research and i found out that this kitty is called Maneki-neko. These are Japan Lucky Cat and based on which paw is raised they mean different stuff. So white cat indicates purity and hapiness. Left paw raised means invites customers or people and bell may relate to protection, as well as wealth and material abundance.

    I also found other cats in Borderlands:

    Cat o' Nine Tails - legendary laser
    Kitten - it reffers to Cheshire Cat from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.
    Cat - common classmode for siren
    Legendary Cat - Legendary classmode for siren

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