Did you get back up when ---- knocked you down?



  • edited April 2015

    Completely for that. Her writing is good for a mother in trouble, but it's just the way she's a mother in trouble doesn't make a whole lot of sense. I can understand the fear of being aggressive when your son might get killed in front of you, but at the same time when there's nobody else around she becomes all, ''let's kill everybody who isn't us.'' You would think she'd tell her son to fight and defend the House, not lay down and submit like the Whitewalls want them too.

    choircorgis posted: »

    Thanks. I've actually had a ton of people tell me that it's a ridiculous theory, so I'm glad someone else sees it the same way! She's not co

  • edited April 2015

    Damn that needs to be an edit now. @ReggiesLeftArm might be able to do it. Or @Poogers555, but replace Robb's face with Gryff and Roose's face with Rodrik

    WalkerHH93 posted: »

    I didnt get back up. I am smart. Let them think they won. And when they dont expect it stick a knife in their heart and twist it (Roose Bolton Style). Replace "Lannisters" with "Forresters".

  • edited April 2015

    Alt text

    WalkerHH93 posted: »

    I didnt get back up. I am smart. Let them think they won. And when they dont expect it stick a knife in their heart and twist it (Roose Bolton Style). Replace "Lannisters" with "Forresters".

  • Alt text

    Damn that needs to be an edit now. @ReggiesLeftArm might be able to do it. Or @Poogers555, but replace Robb's face with Gryff and Roose's face with Rodrik

  • Any chance you could put Rodrik's face on Roose and Gryff's face on Robb? Otherwise, nice edit on both this and your other pic :P

  • I tried but i couldnt figure out how... i guess i havent quite reached that great level as an photoshoper or a picture editor :p

    Any chance you could put Rodrik's face on Roose and Gryff's face on Robb? Otherwise, nice edit on both this and your other pic :P

  • I got up, only until Gryff threatened Talia - I thought it would end in bloodshed, so I stayed down.

    If you didn't get back up, you are a pathetic coward. Truth.

  • The Forrestors supported Robb and suffered from his defeat and death.

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    Harian96 posted: »

    The Forrestors supported Robb and suffered from his defeat and death.

  • ^Agreed on everything! I just wonder how her behavior is going to affect the house in the next couple of episodes... I mean, maybe it won't and the theory is totally off, but I'll honestly be disappointed if it isn't her or someone just as shocking.

    Barthanax posted: »

    Completely for that. Her writing is good for a mother in trouble, but it's just the way she's a mother in trouble doesn't make a whole lot o

  • Except that if that was the case, she wouldn't tell Ludd about Asher coming back which would put her family into more danger.

    And she doesn't contradict herself...She says when the time comes to murder them all. The time is not being outnumbered in the courtyard by Whitehill man that can easily kill them all if provoked.

    choircorgis posted: »

    Exactly. That's my point. Lady Forrester will do whatever it is she has to do to keep her kids safe- and I don't think that trading informat

  • I stayed down. Smart lords who strategically plan their attacks live. Those who rely on honor and bravery to carry them often don't.

  • Perhaps she would give them some information, but she'd pick and choose. As far as I remember, they talk about Asher coming back in front of the council in the forest so regardless of who the traitor is, the Whitehills probably already know.

    And actually, she does. I just wrote a mega-post about the scene where you confess to her about the traitor and if you choose to say that you will not stand down, she says "Then don't kneel."

    But in the courtyard scene, if you choose not to stand up to Gryff, she will tell you that submitting it the right thing to do. If you stand up to him and refuse to stay down no matter what, she does not say that you made the wrong choice but she does say "There will be consequences, my son. We both know that." It's possible that she's referring to the discussion you had earlier, but if you chose not to tell her about the traitor, than her saying we both know that isn't necessary. Her dialogue in episode three seems to give out almost too much information, as if she's trying to compensate for something else, and her saying we both know that makes me think that it's possible that she has something going on behind closed doors. Again, I cold be totally wrong and it's just inconsistent character writing, but I'm not leaving it out of the question.

    Except that if that was the case, she wouldn't tell Ludd about Asher coming back which would put her family into more danger. And she doe

  • I got back up ,Bold 'til the end !! ^^

    I stayed down. Smart lords who strategically plan their attacks live. Those who rely on honor and bravery to carry them often don't.

  • Shut up Jamie, don't talk about my Lord Stark like that.

    I continued to get up, but I tell you this, He touches my sister again I'm going to open Gryff from balls to brains and see what Whitehills are made of.

  • Brains over balls, win the Game of Thrones. Also like Cersei said "When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die, there is no middle ground."

    alikir34 posted: »

    I got back up ,Bold 'til the end !! ^^

  • I was willing to take Gwyn's advice, but then those punks started mocking Ethan's death. I wanted to beat the shit outta them with my stick, so striking them with a goblet is close enough.

    Then the asshole pushed Talia to the mud. I'll be damned if I let Gryff walk all over me. It was SO satisfying to watch his smug, arrogant ass become whiny and throw a massive tantrum. I don't care if we'll regret it later. but as far as I care ALL the Whitehills can go fuck themselves.

    (TTGs really bring out the passionate gamer in me. :v i care too much lol)

  • I got up because my Rodrik is a badass but as i was smashing the button to stand i was starting to regret it. I kept standing up though because it was a really powerful scene and i just thought "hey, if Rodrik gets stabbed in the neck ill just replay it" lol.

  • I have a question, and it's on par with this scene so I figured I must as well put it here.

    For Talia to be knocked down in the dirt and get mud smeared all over her face, what do you have to do? I noticed that it's player determinant, but I can't figure out how for the life of me. I think it might have to do with Royland/Duncan and who you choose as Sentinel, but I'm not sure...

    As for the actual topic at hand... yes, I got back up just show I could show that c*** who the real Lord of Ironrath is.

  • For Talia to be knocked down, you have to have chosen Royland as your sentinel. The reason for this is because if you have Duncan as your sentinel, he quickly steps in after Talia aggravates Gryff and protects her whereas Royland sort of adds gasoline to the fire by praising Talia for standing up to Gryff and that leads to him shoving her in the mud.

    I have a question, and it's on par with this scene so I figured I must as well put it here. For Talia to be knocked down in the dirt and

  • edited May 2015

    Be down on the mud? hell no. as Rodrik said: we cant show weakness. And rodrik is serious on my walkthrough i dont give a 2 craps what those whitehills says. When gryff knocked talia down i got mad i was like: ( i wanna kill him so badly) and then i used the cane to strike him, i got back up no doubt.

  • Thanks! That's what I thought, I just wasn't sure.

    Suzy222 posted: »

    For Talia to be knocked down, you have to have chosen Royland as your sentinel. The reason for this is because if you have Duncan as your se

  • I stood up, but I'm thinking of rewinding that scene for once. I do think it was the smart decision to make the Forresters look weak to the point where the Whitehills have their guards down. I just wanted the episode to end on a high, and since I often play the game almost as myself, there's no way I'd stay down in the mud. But I do think that Gwyn's advice was important.

  • of course,rodrik wont stand down!

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