GamingSins The Walking Dead - Season 2 - Episode 5: No Going Back

edited May 2015 in The Walking Dead

I thought i would bring this to the attention of the forum community and hopefully the game development team.


  • I personally really like the series but it has suffered from severe problems like stated in the video i posted made by GCN

  • I really dont like gaming sins, they are way to personal. They try to copy cinemasins but fail miserably. Also i've yet to laugh once in any of their videos.

    Cinemasins does damn near the same thing but is hilarious as they add a slight bit of opinion to tons of factual flaws

  • you sound very prejudged, i dont find it personal as he basicly states what i have been thinking about season 2.

    He also explains himself near the end of the video..

    I really dont like gaming sins, they are way to personal. They try to copy cinemasins but fail miserably. Also i've yet to laugh once in any

  • very prejudged

    No I hate him and his videos for a reason, a logical one which he can control.There is nothing prejudiced about that.

    There way too long for one thing, full of nonsense that isnt sins and bad jokes. Feel free to like it but I dont, and this is after letting them off for basically stealing someone else's concept. I guess I can dream that the real sins creators make a gaming version (they made a music and brand version).

    Tweeky posted: »

    you sound very prejudged, i dont find it personal as he basicly states what i have been thinking about season 2. He also explains himself near the end of the video..

  • Its about the game here not about the people making a video pointing out the flaws and ways to improve said game...
    i will not defend or accept people assaulting people for silly reasons

    Constructive criticism

  • Okay, which criticisms in the 30 minute video are you pertaining to

    Tweeky posted: »

    Its about the game here not about the people making a video pointing out the flaws and ways to improve said game... i will not defend or accept people assaulting people for silly reasons Constructive criticism

  • I like to watch it. It is funny and says almost exactly what people on this foruns think about TWD S2.

  • It's been brought up numerous times before, I remember I made the thread when he first released his sins video for No Going Back. I enjoyed his videos, for both Season 1 and Season 2, some of the sins are stupid, but I think it's pretty entertaining. I can't say I agree with his thoughts on the final episode (which I think is one of Telltale's best episodes), but to each his own. I just wish he would finish TWAU, he did Episode 1 and then stopped.

  • He actually said it himself he makes sins about stupid things just to see if people call him out on it.

    very prejudged No I hate him and his videos for a reason, a logical one which he can control.There is nothing prejudiced about that.

  • He says it in the description when he is going to nitpick, meaning he is going to make it unnecessary and being hilarious at the same time. I respect your opinion though. I still don't get how they copy Cinema though

    very prejudged No I hate him and his videos for a reason, a logical one which he can control.There is nothing prejudiced about that.

  • Clem vag in your face


  • Constructive criticism

    It's actually more like nitpicking than being actually constructive.

    Tweeky posted: »

    Its about the game here not about the people making a video pointing out the flaws and ways to improve said game... i will not defend or accept people assaulting people for silly reasons Constructive criticism

  • lol shit game

  • edited May 2015

    I still don't get how they copy Cinema though

    They directly copy what they do, with the sin count and everything to be honest I dont really mind, if it was funny etc. I mean its not even reallu copying if there doing the exact same thing

    He actually said it himself he makes sins about stupid thingsHe actually said it himself he makes sins about stupid things

    Again if it was funny I wouldnt really care, There meant to point out the random things that make it "sinful" not random opinion on a choice in the game. Or not having a certain option in the game.

    Sg190th posted: »

    He says it in the description when he is going to nitpick, meaning he is going to make it unnecessary and being hilarious at the same time. I respect your opinion though. I still don't get how they copy Cinema though

  • I love that video, it made me feel so much better after the finale. I actually agree with about 95% the stuff in it. Who needs glossy reviews when you can have a guy sing his cover of Let It Go with the most perfect timing? XD

    Anyways I'm used to videos like from the Nostalgia Critic reviewing movies. A sense of humor is a good thing to have.

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