What if...? :o
What if Lee survived through season 2 and there is a fight to the death between Lee and Kenny at the end? I'd defo pick Lee to kill Kenny but at the same time I'd feel bad as they are both very good friends
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Well considering that if Lee was alive he'd be the playable character, this isn't likely at all.
Either way, I'd pick Lee. No contest
I imagine OP means they switched character perspectives between Season One and Season Two.
1st- My title and emoji

2nd- From the first sentence and I didn't want to imgaine if he lived or not:
He is bit
I shot him from my end sooo.... yeah he is dead 100%
I didn't bother to think of an answer.
(BTW, I was joking about the MINE part
Goodbye Kenny.
Are they? In most people's playthroughs, Kenny dislikes Lee, even to the point of leaving him to die as he's being crushed by a door.
Kenny would receive 0% vote. Unless season 2 they changed Lee into a real jerk, and Kenny into Clementine's savior. I can see it now. Lee: "Damnit I'm tired of protecting this little girl. I just want to move on. She's not my kid". Kenny: "Damnit Lee she's just a little girl. You're lucky to have her in your life"
Given Lee's popularity and how many people hate Kenny's guts, I honestly can't see anyone choosing the latter in this scenario. Kinda seems like a no-brainer, tbh. Even I would go with Lee.
I'll pick Lee.
Yes, but then like 60% of people's play throughs got Kenny to go with Lee to Vernon's to find Clementine.
and didn't kenny try to leave Lee as it depended on your choice if you decided to kill Larry and steal from the car? If the player chose to get on good terms with Kenny from the start, maybe he wouldn't have acted like an asshole sometimes lol
I like Kenny and I couldn't shoot him, but honestly anyone here would pick Kenny? lol
My guess is that if they really wanted it to be a tough decision there would be some major changes that took place in both of them. Kenny becoming more likeable, Lee becoming more unlikeable. It wouldn't be hard to do. Season 1 would have just ended with Clementine somehow becoming separated from both of them. Then a while later she finds them. Kenny has become stronger from his losses, and values life more while Lee has become more jaded, and angry.
Firstly that statistic is bugged in the first place (it didn't update like the others did), secondly Kenny initially refuses to save clementine in the majority of playthroughs. He is only convinced otherwise if you're nice to his family, seemingly ignoring the pure moral fact that there's a fuckin 9 year old girl missing.
He leaves you to die if you don't help him kill Larry. Most people didn't help him kill Larry.
Honestly, I don't know who I'd pick, they're both father figures to Clementine, and I really like Kenny.
"Kick his ass Seabass."-MyClementine
I helped kill Larry and I was mostly nice to him and especially his family and he still wouldn't come with me. I always assumed it was a glitch. .-.
I don't mind Kenny but it's no contest between him and Lee. The man is cool as fuck.
Lee would probably just take Kenny out in one punch.
Remember S1 Ep1 with Larry.
Larry takes Kenny out in one punch, but if Lee stands up to him Larry looks extremely nervous.
But then again... Larry does take Lee out but... shhhhhhh