'400 Days' Sequel as DLC?

Many people seemed disappointed at the lack of involvement with the 400 Days characters, that went with Tavia and (as we know) were in Carver's camp. As Telltale have hinted that there may be some DLC approaching before Season 3 of The Walking Dead, could we perhaps see this new DLC as a direct sequel to 400 Days.

As we know, it was Day 854 (Night) when Clementine escaped and Carver's camp fell. Therefore a DLC titled 'Day 900' or '855 Days Onward' or even simply '900 Days', could be released.

The story picks up from the perspectives of those in the camp as it falls. You have to play as Shel, Vince, Russell, or Wyatt from their perspective if they are in the camp and shows how they escape (and go their separate ways) and surviving in the wilderness before reuniting.

The story will also show the perspectives of those who didn't stay at the camp, how they survive and come across Carver's camp and how they reunite with those who went into the camp/stayed behind (it would be implied those who stayed behind, were split up after they encountered the same herd that attacked Carver's camp). As a side note one of the characters (whether they went with Tavia or not), will encounter Christa, and Bonnie who have been surviving together after (it's implied) Mike and Arvo betrayed her (it could be revealed she brought up the idea of leaving Clementine, and the fact that Clementine was shot may make her at fault for the situation), and left her.

Eventually the epilogue 'Day 900' will feature how these characters have changed, and how they treat each other after reuniting. However the ending would be a cliffhanger as they encounter Clementine either alone (If she was alone), with Jane (scavenging for Howe's), with Kenny (coming back from Wellington) or with Edith (scavenging for Wellington). Clementine will be shocked to see Christa and Bonnie (as well as Kenny - Edith/Jane would question who Christa was), yet it ends there, just as they encounter one another with no words being said between the two groups.

Season 3 would continue on featuring the 400 Days characters as the main group, and their relationship with Clementine will depend on whether they were at Carver's camp when Clementine caused the herd to take it down, who she's with (Arguments would be made against Kenny/Jane but not against Edith) and how she acts and treats them throughout the season.

What do you think? Is this a good idea? Any thing you would change? I'd love some feedback.


  • How do you know it was day 854?

  • There's a video game timeline here.

    How do you know it was day 854?

  • I really like this idea, I also hope telltale will bring back Nate and Eddie too. I liked them and their character got potential

  • edited April 2015

    I think that all the playable characters of 400 Days (as well as Becca, Leland, Justin and others) are too determinant to ever show up again (or if they do probably just as a cameo alive or dead).

    Good thing that I found some clossure for some of those characters somewhere else...

  • I'd like that, though honestly I'd prefer a Cabin Group DLC

  • I'd like that, though honestly I'd prefer a Cabin Group DLC

    Alt text

    Me too bro, me too.

    I'd like that, though honestly I'd prefer a Cabin Group DLC

  • I've been asking for this since the end of S2, but also, I wouldn't mind Cabin Group or Carver's DLC.

  • Eh, I would love to see more of the Cabin Group (more or less how they met together, perhaps in a style similar to 400 Days), but I want Telltale to set up more things for Season 3 rather than go back to the past.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    I'd like that, though honestly I'd prefer a Cabin Group DLC Me too bro, me too.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Who's to say it can't set up season 3?

    HarjKS posted: »

    Eh, I would love to see more of the Cabin Group (more or less how they met together, perhaps in a style similar to 400 Days), but I want Telltale to set up more things for Season 3 rather than go back to the past.

  • Well...If it were to be my idea, which is we follow the perspectives of each of the members/small groups of The Cabin Group until they meet one another and escape, it would more or less set up Season 2 rather than Season 3. Since The Cabin Group are dead, and it would have to take place before Season 2, not before Season 3.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Who's to say it can't set up season 3?

  • But it'd be so awesome ;_; and make Season 2 a little more shiny. Don't you want Season 2 to be more shiny?

    HarjKS posted: »

    Well...If it were to be my idea, which is we follow the perspectives of each of the members/small groups of The Cabin Group until they meet

  • I think it'd be good if the DLC showed what happened to some of the characters after we lost contact with them, ie Molly, Christa, Lilly

  • I've been asking for this since the end of S2, but also, I wouldn't mind Cabin Group or Carver's DLC.

    Alt text

    Alt text

    I don't care! Let me vote again damn you!

    fallandir posted: »

    I've been asking for this since the end of S2, but also, I wouldn't mind Cabin Group or Carver's DLC.

  • Thug Life!

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    I've been asking for this since the end of S2, but also, I wouldn't mind Cabin Group or Carver's DLC. I don't care! Let me vote again damn you!

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