Should they have made Doug the reporter instead?

I'm going back and playing both seasons, and I'm playing the first episode, and it really does seem like the writers favored Carley way more than Doug. They made her the the shooter, they made her a part of the motel sequence, and they gave her the storyline of being the reporter who knew about your past. Meanwhile, Doug's just there, the only thing he has is you're with him when searching outside the drugstore. They gave Carley so much, and Doug so little, it's evident they showed nepotism towards Carley. I was just wondering if they should have given Doug a bit more, make his character a lot more interesting, like make him the reporter instead. Carley would still be the one with the gun, but if they gave Doug the reporter storyline, it could have made him a better character and, maybe, more people would have chosen him. That's just my thought, what do you guys think?


  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    There was actually a scrapped subquest with Doug at one point:

    Doug once had his own subquest in early development, in which Lee had to knock the pole onto his brother while Doug attracted the walkers away with Kenny’s truck. Lee had to cut the electricity before cutting the pole with a fire axe.

  • I didn't know that, they should have kept it in.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    There was actually a scrapped subquest with Doug at one point: Doug once had his own subquest in early development, in which Lee had t

  • I believe that how much more development Carley got than Doug was unintentional I think the reporter storyline is best for Carley I do however wish they did more with Doug even more so because I liked him more than Carley but I felt like I was missing out on content because I saved Doug, for example in Episode 3: Long Road Ahead you don't get to tell any of the characters about how Lee killed somebody before the outbreak if you saved Doug instead of Carley, you do however get to mention to everybody about Doug's recent depression I really wish there was a way to tell Doug because I'm curious about how he would react.

  • I know they should've kept this in the game:

    Click here

  • That would have been awesome, it might have actually made some people feel guilty about leaving Doug

    fallandir posted: »

    I know they should've kept this in the game: Click here

  • I completely agree, this would have been cool.

    fallandir posted: »

    I know they should've kept this in the game: Click here

  • They should have cut glenn out and just given his role to doug, would have made it much harder

  • I wish Doug wasn't presented so poorly before the save Doug/Carley choice. I understand that Carley is a popular character at the time considering that around 75% saved her, but considering how the two were handled together in one episode, Doug definitely got shafted in comparison.

    He gets a lacklustre side-mission to Carley's rescue mission, he has no connection to Lee and thus has no reason to know that he's an escaped convict, and he's designed to be less visually attractive than Carley is. Hell, the splash screen of Episode 1 shows Carley, while Doug is nowhere in sight. Even the game tells you to save her over him, when it's supposed to be an unbiased choice.

    Looking at two playthroughs that changes depending on who was rescued in Episode 1, I found myself liking Doug more. His character development is a little underdeveloped, but he appears to have some interesting quirks over the 'pretty girl with a gun and is a romantic interest' character in most playthroughs. He's tech savvy and invents a burglar alarm system that alerts the group of Andy and Danny's arrival. He's insecure and self-conscious, but he's shown to be brave and selfless when it came to the bandit attack, and was even able to use a gun to kill a human in self-defence for the first time, something that Luke wasn't even able to do since his debut.

  • Believe I read somewhere that telltale was surprised so many more people picked Carly to save, and then after going back they realized they should have given Doug more story to make the decision harder.

  • Yeah, I read about that.

    I'm more surprised that the play testers didn't mention that Doug was practically invisible until he introduced himself.

    Kennyftw posted: »

    Believe I read somewhere that telltale was surprised so many more people picked Carly to save, and then after going back they realized they should have given Doug more story to make the decision harder.

  • I thought it was weird that just before you had to choose between them Doug said to Lee he though he was a "great guy". Don't know how he would know considering they had literally like 3 lines of dialogue together.

  • Yeah that has always confused me too, I always assumed it was a last ditch effort by the writer to make Doug more likable and get more people to save him. It just kind of feels out of the blue since we knew him for a very short time and barely talked to him at all.

    Michael21 posted: »

    I thought it was weird that just before you had to choose between them Doug said to Lee he though he was a "great guy". Don't know how he would know considering they had literally like 3 lines of dialogue together.

  • Yeah, it was strange. It basically came across as Doug saying "Please don't let me die in a minute Lee".

    Yeah that has always confused me too, I always assumed it was a last ditch effort by the writer to make Doug more likable and get more peopl

  • he should have bin her camera man i could see doug as that

  • No, I'd prefer a TWD original over a character who's determinate in the first episode.

    They should have cut glenn out and just given his role to doug, would have made it much harder

  • "Did you choose to kill Sam?"

    Senator's name or his wife's name?

    fallandir posted: »

    I know they should've kept this in the game: Click here

  • Yeah, reason I picked Doug was I thought everyone would go for Carley, and I was right heh. But yeah, I wish Doug had a bit bigger scene, possibly something like him and Lee get separated from the group while outside, and somehow Doug saves Lee's life. maybe...while Lee sees his brother as a Walker, horrified, he starts sayings hes sorry he wasn't there for them. He starts backing up from his Brother (who can walk) and slips, right as hes about to get grabbed Doug comes in and saves the day, they notice hes got the keys and go back inside.

  • edited May 2015

    Perhaps they should've made Doug a Hunter, or perhaps a Doctor.
    So that along with his smarts, he would've had something more to bring to the table, and in the process make him more colorful.
    Doug had a good heart, but he was as dull as dish-water!

    To bad they didn't show Doug's social skills improving as S1 progressed.
    The more time a person spends with others, the greater their social skills become.
    And yet, he was pretty much the exact same guy he was when we first met him.

  • It's because the game needs to have the illusion of choice. Carley is really the one you should pick because she allows you to talk about your past. Doug is thrown in there to give players alternative that has repercussions on the story, like not being able to tell about your past, but ultimately the story plays out the same regardless of who you save.

    Same with Kenny and Lilly. Kenny is the one players are supposed to side with, because it's ultimately the relationship with Kenny that matters later in S1, but we have the choice of siding with Lilly temporarily for the players that didn't like Kenny.

    I think they just needed to make Douglas a more present member of the group

  • I think I've read somewhere that his wife's name was Sam.

    "Did you choose to kill Sam?" Senator's name or his wife's name?

  • Heard that too.

    fallandir posted: »

    I think I've read somewhere that his wife's name was Sam.

  • They should have. They should make the game a lot darker, and bring back Lee Everett as protagonist. I don't care if he is dead. You can always rewrite a new storyline IE ALIEN 3 ALIEN 4. Stop saying he is dead, he is the best protagonist in this game, and to subjugate me to another Clementine storyline, is cruelty in its most purest forms, like the rack, leather straps left dangling, it just invites you to hop on, but forces you to stay and endure every torturous moment. of plot.

    fallandir posted: »

    I know they should've kept this in the game: Click here

  • edited May 2015

    I saved Doug in my first blind play-through of the game too. The reason I did was because Carley appeared to have more of a chance to survive. She only had one walker with no legs and like one arm grabbing at her heel. While Doug had at least 3 trying to pull him by the shoulders through a window. I also thought Carley might somehow later on work against Lee.. by blackmailing him with the rest of the group about alerting others of his past to get everyone against him. I knew before I looked at the stats that nearly everyone else most likely had saved Carley so.... I immediately did the opposite, because saving the hot female to later get romantic with, is kind of cliche and predictable.

    She was portrayed as the attractive woman in distress in the game, even kind of better looking than any other female of season 1 I guess to make it seem like she would be Lee's next romantic interest after his wife. Many could have even thought they'd somehow "score" with Carley later on if they saved her vs. Doug.... only to get that ruined by Lilly anyway. haha No wonder so many left Lilly on the side of the road after that... Even the Stranger calls Lee/player out for saving Carley over Doug but I doubt the Stranger says the opposite if you saved Doug at the end of the game. Stranger says something like "You let a innocent boy get pulled into the night to save the pretty girl with a gun".

    AGentlman posted: »

    Yeah, reason I picked Doug was I thought everyone would go for Carley, and I was right heh. But yeah, I wish Doug had a bit bigger scene, po

  • Actually, he does. He says that something like "you let a woman get eaten just to protect your secret"

    Also, not everybody here saved Carley just for romance, like me for example. I saved her because she seemed trustworthy, she knew about Lee's secret and decided to keep it as a secret and saved Lee a bunch of times like when they first arrived at Macon, the walker from the bathroom(she can determinantly save Clem if you don't grab the walker from the bathroom in time), plus to get more info about Lee's past.

    And another reason that not many people saved Doug is because he din't have enough development and screen time IMO.

    Ladariel posted: »

    I saved Doug in my first blind play-through of the game too. The reason I did was because Carley appeared to have more of a chance to surviv

  • edited May 2015

    Yes I remember the stranger saying that now. Thanks for reminding me of that.. but I do not recall *specifically or exactly ***saying that everyone ONLY saved Carley for the **sole purpose of Lee getting a romantic partner. Rather than me implying that the** majority **(not ALL because I knew some folks like you whom were in the minority were waiting and icthing to pop up in rebuttal and say how you weren't thinking that way in the slightest) probably saved her to see a possible romantic relationship between Carley and Lee.

    Yes Carley did I'll admit have a more noticeable development time than Doug but not an overwhelming amount. To the point it should landslide the chioces in Carley's favor so drastically, Doug contributed to the group in different ways than Carley such as inventions and saving Ben from Lilly. I mentioned in another thread that this same theory I had, is what could of possibly happened when it came down to the Jane or Kenny decision at the end of season 2. Like would the stats had changed or remained similar if Jane was the person with the knife about to kill Kenny?..and how many would have shot Jane? A little food for thought..

    Actually, he does. He says that something like "you let a woman get eaten just to protect your secret" Also, not everybody here saved Car

  • Carver would see him as a competent technician.

  • edited May 2015

    They definitely did too little with Doug. Not only was he less interesting, but the situation he was in at the end of the episode seemed like less of a crisis. He's a strong guy getting held against a boarded window by only some hands grabbing his shoulders, while Carley was defenseless and inches away from a walker's mouth reaching her foot while another walker was coming straight for her. Plus, they unintentionally made Doug kind of seem rude in how he didn't know about your brother, saying it could be anyone, just rotting out there, and hurrying you up while you say goodbye. Meanwhile, Carley gives you the opportunity to trust her with your past and you're even with her when you have to decide whether you should kill a girl out of mercy. Not to mention she's a good shot.

    They really could've done so much more with Doug, and I even remember reading somewhere that the writers felt the same way after seeing how many more people saved Carley over Doug.

    P.S. On a side note, as sad as it is, while it wasn't the case for me, I have this sinking feeling that more people might've saved Doug if he was the pretty girl and Carley was the parent's basement looking guy. Sad, but from what I've read apparently true for at least a few people..... =.=;

  • WTF

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    They should have. They should make the game a lot darker, and bring back Lee Everett as protagonist. I don't care if he is dead. You can a

  • edited May 2015

    Woah ..... what the...

    fallandir posted: »

    I know they should've kept this in the game: Click here

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