Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • That's true. I couldn't have said it better myself. :)

    But what if.. Rhys actually becomes the antogonist in Borderlands 3?? Gasp!

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    buntingsir posted: »

    I'm torn between the fear of loosing him and the desire of seeing how he would struggle to get rid of Jack's AI. And what everyone else in t

  • You know I just realized... this thread is the most popular one... 100+ likes k's of comments and 90+ pages... damn... Telltale must be like "Damn this is turning into something bigger than anything". It seems like until this game, no other ships where ever made.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Daily reminder that Rhyiona is love, Rhyiona is life.

  • I'll be like

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    Seriously, I'm afraid of that more than of death. Or not... I don't know, It would be interesting to see Rhys in BL3 and interact with him.

    But If it won't be the actual Rhys...? It'll be so sad. I don't know, I can't tell, TTG what've you done to me?!

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    That's true. I couldn't have said it better myself. But what if.. Rhys actually becomes the antogonist in Borderlands 3?? Gasp!

  • Yeah, I can't tell if it's a good or a bad idea. I mean it would be damn cool but also sad. ;(

    buntingsir posted: »

    I'll be like Seriously, I'm afraid of that more than of death. Or not... I don't know, It would be interesting to see Rhys in BL3 and

  • I can just imagine their face expressions if/when they read these comments.. (They look hilarious!)

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    You know I just realized... this thread is the most popular one... 100+ likes k's of comments and 90+ pages... damn... Telltale must be like

  • Ugh why Fiona's future outfit is so hard to draw?


  • They'll be like "Omg... we started a cult" XD

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    I can just imagine their face expressions if/when they read these comments.. (They look hilarious!)

  • Yup, this thread became massive in a short amount of time. One of the most active threads in the whole community.

    Something to be proud of. :D

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    You know I just realized... this thread is the most popular one... 100+ likes k's of comments and 90+ pages... damn... Telltale must be like

  • edited May 2015

    you said it.. It's hard to draw her past outfit already... such complex, much laziness...

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    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Ugh why Fiona's future outfit is so hard to draw? collapses

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    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Ugh why Fiona's future outfit is so hard to draw? collapses

  • continues drawing aggressively

  • This thread: "Notice us Telltale senpaaaiii!!!~~"


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    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Yup, this thread became massive in a short amount of time. One of the most active threads in the whole community. Something to be proud of.

  • If there won't be any Rhyiona moments in Ep 3 after all of this I'm gonna be pissed.

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    XDJulieXD posted: »

    You know I just realized... this thread is the most popular one... 100+ likes k's of comments and 90+ pages... damn... Telltale must be like

  • Psh, they´ve seen this thread and know it exists. ;P

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    This thread: "Notice us Telltale senpaaaiii!!!~~" Telltale:

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    buntingsir posted: »

    If there won't be any Rhyiona moments in Ep 3 after all of this I'm gonna be pissed.

  • Armis, please, everyone wants to be like this guy.

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    armis37 posted: »

    Question for you, all Rhyiona shippers: Which Vault Hunters do Rhys and Fiona like the most? Why?

  • Eh just joking around, still forgot to mention we have two senpais... telltale and Rhyiona.OH! Let's go full anime senpaism, we already have the fanart and fanfics... hmm...we need altars... someone bring me the GLUE!!!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Psh, they´ve seen this thread and know it exists. ;P

  • And then I realize that they'll probably make fun of us all.

  • Telltale is the senpai that never notices anyone.

    That´s why the episodes take so long. :P

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    Eh just joking around, still forgot to mention we have two senpais... telltale and Rhyiona.OH! Let's go full anime senpaism, we already have the fanart and fanfics... hmm...we need altars... someone bring me the GLUE!!!

  • Telltale: "U wan' gud epsodes? Gotta wait m8."

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Telltale is the senpai that never notices anyone. That´s why the episodes take so long. :P

  • Telltale:

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    buntingsir posted: »

    And then I realize that they'll probably make fun of us all.

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    XDJulieXD posted: »

    Telltale: "U wan' gud epsodes? Gotta wait m8."

  • Alt text

    "Do you have a name?"

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    "You already know my name."

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    "Because I´d rather call you mine."

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  • I agree with you.

    He's a higher number than all of us xD

    buntingsir posted: »

    Armis, please, everyone wants to be like this guy.

  • There´s always space for more smoothness.

    buntingsir posted: »

    And there I thought he can't be more smooth than he already is. But nope.

  • That doesn´t have to mean GoT comes out first. TftB is already in the steam db so as soon as the classification is out it´s good to go. GoT isn´t as far as I know.

    I wanna see who´s the traitor. :P

  • edited May 2015

    well apparently GOT ep 4 got rated... so we get that first then TFTB ep 3... It truly isn't fair whispers thou' I'm actually looking forward to GOT... really want to see what happens to Garred

  • And there I thought he can't be more smooth than he already is. But nope.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    "Do you have a name?" "You already know my name." "Because I´d rather call you mine." "!!!"

  • Oefff.. Things are getting heated.. ;p

    And also: YAY~ AT 100 LIKES! AND OMG ALMOST 100 PAGES!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    "Do you have a name?" "You already know my name." "Because I´d rather call you mine." "!!!"

  • Just 4 more pages.

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    Linsepins posted: »

    Oefff.. Things are getting heated.. ;p And also: YAY~ AT 100 LIKES! AND OMG ALMOST 100 PAGES!

  • Oh... seems logical... Yeah I know! I'm suspecting the maester he's too neutral in all this. Sir Royland is too hotheaded and seems very loyal despite his character, also in my play-through I made Duncan my sentinel, so he's definitely off the list, I mean even if he wasn't he's still the castelan AND Lord Gregor really trusted the guy (north grove and all). The mother is too weak and cares too much for the family... sooo yep maester!! (it's like the cliché "the butler did it"). Also can't wait to play more of Asher, he's the cool one XD. Still my love for Garred's story won't change.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    That doesn´t have to mean GoT comes out first. TftB is already in the steam db so as soon as the classification is out it´s good to go. GoT isn´t as far as I know. I wanna see who´s the traitor. :P

  • I actually suspect the maester the most too. I just really don´t want it to be Lady Forrester. Part of it is because I revealed that there was a traitor to her so ouch. And I like her, she´s been nice so far so...

    People say the maester is too obvious but in TWD there was a traitor at one point and it was the most obvious person so I don´t think Telltale cares.

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    Oh... seems logical... Yeah I know! I'm suspecting the maester he's too neutral in all this. Sir Royland is too hotheaded and seems very loy

  • Rhys doesn´t play around.

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    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    "Do you have a name?" "You already know my name." "Because I´d rather call you mine." "!!!"

  • edited May 2015

    Well I don't remember if I did tell Lady Forrester... I think I didn't because I was afraid she'll freak out and scare the traitor or something... like saying it out loud "I'll kill that traitor myself!" then everyone's like "wha??" , Rodrik facepalm Then they all die, THE END. Ok jokes aside, I was thinking of her mental state she lost Gregor and Ethan, Rodrik is in a bad condition and Ryon is with the Whitehills very close to death,also she doesn't know anything about Asher. Well I'll be damned is she's not gonna snap.

    PS Forgot to mention Mira... that girl is in a lot of trouble and if she finds out about her too...damn

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I actually suspect the maester the most too. I just really don´t want it to be Lady Forrester. Part of it is because I revealed that there w

  • I told her because I thought she deserved to know about the house´s current situation. I never even considered her as the traitor until I came here and saw people throwing it around so I dunno... She´s already snapping though we saw that at the end of episode 2.

    Mira´s fun to play but damn if her story isn´t difficult.

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    Well I don't remember if I did tell Lady Forrester... I think I didn't because I was afraid she'll freak out and scare the traitor or somet

  • ikr? Mira's like fucked over by Margery... on my 2nd play-through I didn't ask her to talk to Joffrey, and ask about forging the letter and I be damned, the sass in her "Dunno, gotta talk to ma granny, k?" Then I was like fuck it I'm forging this letter, after that she told me not to talk to Tyrion, at that moment I had enough of her bs, (first she gets angry that I kissed Cercei's ass, then getting angry if I don't) I was like b*tch I do what I want, and went to talk to Tyrion (at first thou I didn't, then that little damn dwarf started talking in front of Margery, I was like DUDE NOT COOL), by the way, did you destroy the decree or kept it?

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I told her because I thought she deserved to know about the house´s current situation. I never even considered her as the traitor until I ca

  • Just a heads up, you should probably edit your first GoT post with a spoiler tag since not everyone has played it yet ^-^

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    ikr? Mira's like fucked over by Margery... on my 2nd play-through I didn't ask her to talk to Joffrey, and ask about forging the letter and

  • Rhyiona... Rhyiona has 7 letters.

    Youtube also has seven letters.

    "LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE" is on youtube.

    Britney. Is it a coincidence that this name also has 7 letters? No, of course not.

    Britney Spears. Spear. A spear has five letters. Just like the name Fiona.

    But let´s go deeper.

    Spears can be weapons. Hammers can also weapons.

    Do you know who uses a hammer?

    Yes. Thor.

    Thor has four letters. Just like the name Rhys.

    If you don´t admit Rhyiona is confirmed after this then I don´t know what to tell you.

    Rhyiona CONFIRMED.

  • I´ve been getting angry at her too. I literally did everything she asked; I didn´t even go talk to Tyrion after she told me not to and she STILL talked about replacing me. Seriously, what the hell does she want?

    I kept the decree, feel like it could be useful somehow.

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    ikr? Mira's like fucked over by Margery... on my 2nd play-through I didn't ask her to talk to Joffrey, and ask about forging the letter and

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