The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Mel Gibson isn't even really the main character (Despite him being on all the posters) :P

    It is an Australian movie. Mel Gibson is, however, American

  • Is that a fact? Well, then...

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Mel Gibson isn't even really the main character (Despite him being on all the posters) :P

  • You keep on insisting that it isn't bad so I will take your word for it and give it a shot. I just can't help but feel skeptical.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    If anyone else has seen this feel free to tell Rammstein how it wasn't bad.

  • Right but he lived in Australia for like 15 years before making this movie and Mad Max.

    It is an Australian movie. Mel Gibson is, however, American

  • Ice cream sandwiches are going to end up killing me.

  • edited May 2015

    You know, I don't think I'm going to be alive when this Atheist vs Christian war ends, I just kind of wished things weren't so grim and horrible ESPECIALLY when it comes to internet discussions and I'm probably going to die of old age not knowing the world moved on from these fights to something greater than that.

    edited May 2015

    It'll never go away as long as people will have the freedom to believe what they'd like to believe, some people will never change their minds, but that's ok. Just need to learn to coexist.

    J-Master posted: »

    You know, I don't think I'm going to be alive when this Atheist vs Christian war ends, I just kind of wished things weren't so grim and horr

  • edited May 2015


    The hype train is about to depart! ALL ABOARD!!!

  • How can people still get hyped for that series after the absolute disaster that Unity was?

    YES!!!! The hype train is about to depart! ALL ABOARD!!!

  • That was but one game. The next one might redeem the series, you never know.

    Besides, I am an enthusiast of history, and I like it when fiction intertwins elements of history.

    kaleion posted: »

    How can people still get hyped for that series after the absolute disaster that Unity was?

  • Well yes, but it wasn't but 1 in Ubisoft's catalogue and to be honest I'm really doubting their capabilities at this point, in any case I'm really surprised most people aren't as burnt out on that series as I am considering they release like one a year, to be honest I was absolutely sick of it by Revelations and none of the other have changed my mind.

    I think they should do it like Splinter Cell and just release one every 3 or 4 years rather than every single year, the games will get more polished and more focus will be given to each element of it since there'll be more time and that way they won't feel as samey as they do.

    That was but one game. The next one might redeem the series, you never know. Besides, I am an enthusiast of history, and I like it when fiction intertwins elements of history.

  • Speaking of "samey" games, at least it is not AS blatent and dumb as Call of Duty.

    kaleion posted: »

    Well yes, but it wasn't but 1 in Ubisoft's catalogue and to be honest I'm really doubting their capabilities at this point, in any case I'm

  • edited May 2015

    What are you talking about?

    They are about as blatantly samey as CoD by this point, there haven't even been any major changes since 2, well maybe the naval combat in 4, but that's the most different thing that's been done, not much considering that there are 8 games in the main series alone, they are as samey as they can possibly get I mean there's also what like 12 spin-offs too? A lot of which also play the exact same way.

    BTW that's roughly about the same amount of games that CoD has except CoD has been running for much longer than AS (First CoD was in 2003 while first AS was in 2007, also Cod has 22 games and AS has 21 games), so if anything is stagnant at this point is most definitely AS, I mean also CoD but considering how long they've both been around AS has definitely been milked more.

    Speaking of "samey" games, at least it is not AS blatent and dumb as Call of Duty.

  • edited May 2015

    You misunderstood my meaning.

    I meant that the Call of Duty games mostly consist of shooting galleries and offer little to no freedom most of the time. While Assassin's Creed at this point may not be the most intelligent or thought over game, I find Assassin's Creed to be more engaging, thought provoking and entertaining than ANY Call of Duty title (but that is just me).

    You do raise some good points, though. I will give you credit for that.

    kaleion posted: »

    What are you talking about? They are about as blatantly samey as CoD by this point, there haven't even been any major changes since 2, we

  • I get what you mean I really liked the idea of AS but I really don't think it should be a yearly franchise, I think it would be better off as a normal franchise with instalments every 3-6 years, they leave no room for innovation and to be honest all that freedom gets really boring if you keep playing every game since there isn't enough variation, to be honest it's not like innovation is really needed in every franchise but considering how many AS games there are there really should be something by this point.

    Though to be honest I'm a bigger fan of the much more linear Prince of Persia series.

    You misunderstood my meaning. I meant that the Call of Duty games mostly consist of shooting galleries and offer little to no freedom mos

  • I found a Waluigi song

    It's to the tune

    Of hallelujah


    Now I’ve heard there was a secret cart

    That you had played, and it pleased the toads

    But you don’t really care for races, do you?

    It goes like this

    a way I can’t miss

    Lost my best friend, to a plumber prince

    The super bros controlling Waluigi





    Our faith was strong but you needed proof

    You saw Peach dancing on the roof

    Her beauty and the castle overthrew you

    She told you she liked your moustache

    Showed you the throne, and she gave you cash

    From your purple she drew the Waluigi





    You say I never talked to them

    I can’t even name one of Daisy’s gems

    But if I did, well really, what’s it to you?

    There’s not a blaze of light In any word

    It doesn’t matter which you heard

    The Warios or now broken Waluigis





    I did my best, it wasn’t much

    I couldn’t feel, so I tried to touch

    I’ve done the WAH, It didn’t even faze you

    And though you’re driving on the beach

    I’ll stand before the Princess Peach

    With nothing on my tongue but Waluigi

    Waluigi (x17)

  • edited May 2015

    It's just like the Cell Stage in Spore, except better because Spore sucks...

    Well not really, Spore's was technically more complex since you could improve your cell but in this case simpler was better, plus the multiplayer nature of this makes it surprisingly hard and addictive while in Spore the Cell stage was stupidly easy and mostly a tutorial. PLAY IT. PLAY THIS MASTERPIECE OF A GAME.

  • I played this a lot and introduced my school's game club to it. I feel sad to not introduce this here first. PLAY IT. PLAY THIS MASTERPIECE OF A GAME.


  • Because I liked Unity and he entire Assassin's Creed franchise.

    kaleion posted: »

    How can people still get hyped for that series after the absolute disaster that Unity was?

  • edited May 2015

    I'm officially 16 years old. PARTY TIME!!

    Well it was a few days ago but who cares
    Alt text

  • [removed]

  • Happy belated birthday.

    joshua007 posted: »

    I'm officially 16 years old. PARTY TIME!! Well it was a few days ago but who cares

  • Thank you

    Happy belated birthday.

  • Happy birthday! :D

    joshua007 posted: »

    I'm officially 16 years old. PARTY TIME!! Well it was a few days ago but who cares

  • so this girl keeps bringing me in fuckin trouble, sending people after me im fuckin done with it

  • Happy Belated Birthday! :)

    joshua007 posted: »

    I'm officially 16 years old. PARTY TIME!! Well it was a few days ago but who cares

  • Happy birthday.

    joshua007 posted: »

    I'm officially 16 years old. PARTY TIME!! Well it was a few days ago but who cares

  • edited May 2015

    So Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster just came out for the PS4. And I really, REALLY recommend it. It's a great game with an amazing story and an amazing soundtrack. The ending of Final Fantasy X is my favorite ending in any video game ever.

  • Niiiice!

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Also, I found this: Definitely a few spotty moments, but there's only so much you can work with. However there are a few really cool moments in here.

  • Thank you

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Happy birthday!

  • Fair enough, though I don't understand how you can trust them to release a game that actually works considering their track record.

    Because I liked Unity and he entire Assassin's Creed franchise.

  • and Black Widow is just an assassin and nobody complains about them.

    No ones complains about Black Widows Because it's Scarlet Johansson in a Leather Suit, Killing. Robots. Should anyone Really Have a right to complain about this?

    I freakin' Love Hawkeye. Bows and Arrows are Kinda my thing, and In the First Avengers Movie, Every shot they took of him (Pun intended) Was amazing.

    kaleion posted: »

    C'mon, I don't get this complain, the Cap is just a guy with slightly better reflexes, strength an indestructible shield and Black Widow is

  • Thank you

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Happy Belated Birthday!

  • Thank you Big Boss LOL :D

    Happy birthday.

  • I Just found out what ‪#‎Gamergate‬ Is. There are some disgusting People on the internet, But these guys are Monsters. I mean, There's Horrific, and then there's EXTREMELY Horrific, But what they do, and What the say, Is fucking awful. All People, Women, LGBT, Black, Asian, FUCKING ANYONE, Deserve equal rights, And What they do, I hope they Find a way to Live a good life, Because I couldn't live a good life with that shit on my Mind. I would go Insane. I tweeted about my opinion, and People were threatening to KILL ME.

  • Hmm, I seem to be late to the party then. XD

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