Thats why I wait until every episodes are out. I just played the first episode and decided that its good but dont wanted to make the same mistakes like in twd2 and twau. Because I felt there the same. This whole wait just destroyed the game toatally. So I said to myself "just calm and wait until every episodes are out so u can play and continiue when U want."
Im kinda sad to say, but I dont even care anymore when is this coming out, it was a pretty bad wait... And I was really looking forward to this but my hype faded out
XD Ludd's not exactly Walder Frey... he's a prick that's for sure but he's not a monster. I for one am very excited to see Highpoint... also frightened but mostly excited!
I doubt Rodrik will die this soon. They already killed off two Lord Forresters, if they even decide to do it again they should probably wait until the end of the game. Also for the moment he's the only connection we have to the happenings of Ironrath.
I bet Gryff will do something horrible for sure, though.
Judging by Job's twitter update, I reckon Rodrik is a goner (or one of the others on the community) and the war has begun between the two houses.
It's gotta be that.
I don't understand why people are saying Rodrik will die. He hasn't done anything to make an impression and killing him wouldn't make sense as we need a PC in Ironrath. Plus it'd make his character a giant disappointment.
Judging by Job's twitter update, I reckon Rodrik is a goner (or one of the others on the community) and the war has begun between the two houses.
It's gotta be that.
I don't understand why people are saying Rodrik will die. He hasn't done anything to make an impression and killing him wouldn't make sense as we need a PC in Ironrath. Plus it'd make his character a giant disappointment.
Nice to see another update, thanks for sharing Ozzy!
Also, interesting workaround with the @ mentions. I'll have to try that while quoting future tweets. I think @[username] also works in addition to @.username, but I never thought to try that while quoting tweets.
I'm still guessing the 26th just to be safe. I'll only change my mind if Telltale uploads a press access build on the Steam Database, which I think has yet to happen.
I hope at least this episode Rodrik will be able to do something to improve his position, not just being pushing around like a puppy by arbitrary idiots.
I can't remember seeing her name in the credits before, maybe she is playng a new character?
Let the wild speculation begin!
haha maybe we will see a ygritte cameo? be bumbed if she wasnt voiced by rose leslie tho ... any news on a new character?
Judging by Job's twitter update, I reckon Rodrik is a goner (or one of the others on the community) and the war has begun between the two houses.
It's gotta be that.
My best guess is either a Whitehill or...a wildling.
maybe Gwyn isn't Ludd's only daughter....
Slightly unrelated, but Arthur resembles my cool teacher who can speak Chinese.
Might be Lady Whitehill as in Ludds wife.
Thats why I wait until every episodes are out. I just played the first episode and decided that its good but dont wanted to make the same mistakes like in twd2 and twau. Because I felt there the same. This whole wait just destroyed the game toatally. So I said to myself "just calm and wait until every episodes are out so u can play and continiue when U want."
I just had an instant flashback, remembering Walder Frey and his young wife.
Yeah...Not looking forward to that Highpoint party.
XD Ludd's not exactly Walder Frey... he's a prick that's for sure but he's not a monster. I for one am very excited to see Highpoint... also frightened but mostly excited!
She isn't, he has another daughter and I think another.
It's gonna be Lady Whitehill or another Whitehill, Highpoint and all there is more than just one of his daughters.
Comes back from the dark corner I've been waiting from
Is it... Is it out?
I doubt Rodrik will die this soon. They already killed off two Lord Forresters, if they even decide to do it again they should probably wait until the end of the game. Also for the moment he's the only connection we have to the happenings of Ironrath.
I bet Gryff will do something horrible for sure, though.
I get the feeling that Maegaery's replacement for Mira will be Whitehill daughter :L
i wish
I don't understand why people are saying Rodrik will die. He hasn't done anything to make an impression and killing him wouldn't make sense as we need a PC in Ironrath. Plus it'd make his character a giant disappointment.
This is probably from an Episode 5 recording session, considering how they started voice work for Episode 4 quite a while ago now.
Is there any chance of getting a trailer today?
Telltale be like
How would you like to die, Tyrion?
(Something to calm the hype by 1% or less.)
No episode this week? Looks like it might be the upcoming week, if that`s the case, it will crash with the launch of the Witcher 3. xD
Figures... x)
Awweeeeeeee sheeeeet.
Nope.. probably be the day before the release.
Well, he is going to do something bad..
No episode.
I think it may be Ser Royland. He may get Ser Rodericked.
He might fight with Gryff after Gryff kills your Sentinel. That's just my prediction though.
Ha! Thanks...?
noooooooo.. not Duncan
All these updates are coming in hot. Looks like Telltale might just give us the episode sooner than later!
Nice to see another update, thanks for sharing Ozzy!
Also, interesting workaround with the @ mentions. I'll have to try that while quoting future tweets. I think @[username] also works in addition to @.username, but I never thought to try that while quoting tweets.
I'm still guessing the 26th just to be safe. I'll only change my mind if Telltale uploads a press access build on the Steam Database, which I think has yet to happen.
New Tweet from Job. Check it out, im too lazy to make a screen and upload it here
In a teaser posted by TTG's CEO, Rodrik has a sword sheathed on his left hip, which probably means he's walking without his cane now.
Test Pilot Minecraft: SM ? ... so they ARE working three projects at once. Jesus Telltale. What are you doing?
Be sure to update the thread and title as well,