Luke pulling a Jack



  • At least I have many Luke gifs.

    ಠ_ಠ....whoopie, the thought truly comforts me.

    fallandir posted: »

    This is... well... At least I have many Luke gifs.

  • I was kidding, Dawn. :>

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    No? I just said that's not the best idea you've had.

  • How about this one?

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    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    At least I have many Luke gifs. ಠ_ಠ....whoopie, the thought truly comforts me.

  • ಠ.ಠ nope, not even the mighty high five of brotp cuteness is redeemable at this point...

    fallandir posted: »

    How about this one?

  • ;__:

    lilac why pls forgiw mi

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    ಠ.ಠ nope, not even the mighty high five of brotp cuteness is redeemable at this point...

  • folow ur drems

    belive in urself

    fallandir posted: »

    I was kidding, Dawn. :>

  • If Lilac doesn't forgive you even after you've posted the high five then you have truly gone to far.

    I suggest using a gif that will capture her heat but won't make her cry, that will be hard to accomplish but if you want Lilac to forgive you, you must also sacrifice your kidneys and then you must sell your soul to her because you know... look at her profile picture. OH! And don't forget the chocolate! Or the waffles!

    Do all of that and I'm sure... 50% sure, uh. In fact I'm 5% sure it will work! :D

    fallandir posted: »

    ;__: lilac why pls forgiw mi

  • ಠ_ಠ thou cannot be forgiven like thy waffled finale!

    fallandir posted: »

    ;__: lilac why pls forgiw mi

  • clears throat

    Ladies and Gentelmen, we have gathered here to participate in the offertory to our First Lady of The Luke Worship, Lilacsbloom.

    Like @Kateis said, another great member of The Luke Worship (TLW), me, a sinning peasant, need to complete the process which allows us all to gain Lilac's favour once more.

    Following the advice, Step One is to capture her heart... and then put in in the jar and set everything on fire while shouting out loud "For the glory of Satan!"....

    ...I mean, yeah. This:

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    FUN LUKE GIFS! Totally alive, happy, with puppies, kittens and rainbow above all them!

    Step two. It's gonna be gross.

    sacrifices kidneys for the glory of Luke

    Ugh. Step three.

    Wait, no. You don't want my soul. It's already toxic. Next!

    Step four - Chocolate and Waffles!

    (I summon Chief @Karnedg2013 to help us with those sweets)

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    If anyone have any contraindications or denies greatness of The Luke Worship - who is 100% alive, fine and warm by the way), well...

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    Let Lilac hear our prayers!

    insert confetti here

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    ಠ_ಠ thou cannot be forgiven like thy waffled finale!

  • edited May 2015

    fallandir, that was great... that was very funny, I can't stop laughing! XD

    But we'll have to wait for @Lilacsbloom to give her approval.

    Also, I've got you covered, here's a confetti gif:

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    fallandir posted: »

    clears throat Ladies and Gentelmen, we have gathered here to participate in the offertory to our First Lady of The Luke Worship, Lilacsbl

  • I was bored. I tried...

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    JakeSt123 posted: »

    I thought this was going to be how Luke pulled a Handsome Jack and came back as an AI program in Clementine's head.

  • Oh Jesus I'm crying with laughter here-I mean, cough! ಠ_ಠ very well, I Lilac, approve of your offerings and your kidneys you filthy sinning peasant. It honestly touches me that you know me so well, and that nobody, and I mean NOBODY just quickly told you those things so you could say them ;.; you my filthy peasant.

    But Telltale still in the naughty corner buddy ಠ.ಠ and they're not crawling out from there easily, nope.

    fallandir posted: »

    clears throat Ladies and Gentelmen, we have gathered here to participate in the offertory to our First Lady of The Luke Worship, Lilacsbl

  • edited May 2015

    Somebody called Chef? ;)

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    fallandir posted: »

    clears throat Ladies and Gentelmen, we have gathered here to participate in the offertory to our First Lady of The Luke Worship, Lilacsbl

  • That's why Pewdiepie liked him so much.

    Sg190th posted: »

    Nah he looks like Pewdiepie

  • Thanks Chief!

    Karnedg2013 posted: »

    Somebody called Chef?

  • Always at your service ;)

    fallandir posted: »

    Thanks Chief!

  • Alt text

    bows again and again

    Rejoice all us filthy peasans, the Mighty Lilac has spoken! Praise The Luke Worship!

    Seriously though, let Telltale be Telltale and wait for something cool and promising to redeem themselves. Time heals wounds, my friend. We must get through it.

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    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Oh Jesus I'm crying with laughter here-I mean, cough! ಠ_ಠ very well, I Lilac, approve of your offerings and your kidneys you filthy sinning

  • Thank you Kat, it's perfect :'>

    Kateis posted: »

    fallandir, that was great... that was very funny, I can't stop laughing! XD But we'll have to wait for @Lilacsbloom to give her approval. Also, I've got you covered, here's a confetti gif:

  • Kidneys were the key :>

    Kateis posted: »

    Good, I'm glad it's good enough. Also, my plan worked! I didn't know it would. :P

  • Good, I'm glad it's good enough.

    Also, my plan worked! I didn't know it would. :P

    fallandir posted: »

    Thank you Kat, it's perfect :'>

  • Have some sweet stuff that Chief brought to us :>

    And yes, you guys are The Luke.

    Kateis posted: »

    Ok, I need help. I almost cried at these gifs and they are just badass Luke... what's happening to me? And is this what your calling Luke fans now? The Luke Worship

  • Ok, I need help. I almost cried at these gifs and they are just badass Luke... what's happening to me? :(

    And is this what your calling Luke fans now?

    The Luke Worship

    fallandir posted: »

    bows again and again Rejoice all us filthy peasans, the Mighty Lilac has spoken! Praise The Luke Worship! Seriously though, let Tellta

  • That's the first of many things you need to know about Lilac.

    It's always the kidneys, chocolate and waffles. :P But kidneys are always the most important in anything.

    fallandir posted: »

    Kidneys were the key :>

  • I have to say it looks delicious. I wish I could really have some. :P

    I guess we have stayed loyal to him after 8 months. :P

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    fallandir posted: »

    Have some sweet stuff that Chief brought to us :> And yes, you guys are The Luke.

  • Ya gotta thick fuckin' skull Lucas

  • Seriously though, let Telltale be Telltale and wait for something cool and promising to redeem themselves. Time heals wounds, my friend. We must get through it.

    Or it just makes you more bitter >.> trust me, they got a mountain to climb with me to redeem themselves after the massive clock block they went and did with the whole Kenny vs Luke business.

    And you heard me right:

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    fallandir posted: »

    bows again and again Rejoice all us filthy peasans, the Mighty Lilac has spoken! Praise The Luke Worship! Seriously though, let Tellta


    Karnedg2013 posted: »

    Somebody called Chef?

  • Yessssss.

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    I was bored. I tried...

  • :)

    Lilacsbloom posted: »


  • edited May 2015

    Living in the TFTB forums, I thought he meant 'Luke pulling a (Handsome) Jack. HoloLuke confirmed?

    Wait - this has been mentioned further down. Ignore :P

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I was just chillin in the TftB section. Y'know. Minding my own business and stuff. Until- this. BITTER AS HELL.

  • Yesyesyesyesyes

    I didn't even play TWD, I just watched a playthrough :D

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I´d totally take that over him being dead.

  • I´d totally take that over him being dead.

    Living in the TFTB forums, I thought he meant 'Luke pulling a (Handsome) Jack. HoloLuke confirmed? Wait - this has been mentioned further down. Ignore :P

  • edited May 2015

    Almost a year later and I'm still bitter. :'(

    Yesyesyesyesyes I didn't even play TWD, I just watched a playthrough

  • Lik if u cri everitim

    Though he was a really good character.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Almost a year later and I'm still bitter.

  • He was, such wasted potential. :(

    Lik if u cri everitim Though he was a really good character.

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