Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Yes I have. I brought it up because it's one of the cases where the story isn't THAT good but the gameplay is super fun :)

    TWD S1 included I hope? :) Yeah, all of their games since then were solid performances, even though every one of them experienced issues of some kind :)

    TWAU's issue is lack of Season 2

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I haven´t played it myself but I watched famous youtubers´ uploads back when that game was super popular. Have you? They do it pretty wel

  • Thanks man, appreciate it!

    Quiff posted: »

    But anyways, all the work that you do and put effort into making is awesome! Cheers!!

  • Bless you.

    I know 3d Stuff YAAAAAA you know all what's my new project....Rhys x Fiona yey.

  • Well, HJ started this, not me. :P

    Quiff posted: »

    I KNEW IT! Told you I wasn't the only one here with a dirty mind!

  • @armis37

    Sorry for replying here but the other page is so large my tablet can't load it.

    Yeah. I do have to admit it looked fun. :P

    TWD S1 included, yeh, it's what got me into TTG afterall. :) Though, I enjoyed S2 more, shh.

    I'm starting to lose hope in TWAU S2, to be honest. :(

  • I already gave up on Season 2 of Wolf, but for any possible chance, I think it would need to be this week

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    @armis37 Sorry for replying here but the other page is so large my tablet can't load it. Yeah. I do have to admit it looked fun. :P

  • I already gave up. We've been getting so many TWD news and all... and 0 for Wolf.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I already gave up on Season 2 of Wolf, but for any possible chance, I think it would need to be this week

  • Have we officially reached the longest dialogue in the forums? xD

    Indeed, all the killing techniques were awesome :)

    I feel like it's somewhat heretic to say that you enjoyed S2 more xD

    Don't, bro, don't! We mustn't give up!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    @armis37 Sorry for replying here but the other page is so large my tablet can't load it. Yeah. I do have to admit it looked fun. :P

  • Yeah. Its just annoying that they always avoid the question. Imagine if everyone just spammed Telltale's twitter with, "Wolf Among Us Season 2 please." They would just delete their twitter.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I already gave up. We've been getting so many TWD news and all... and 0 for Wolf.

  • Probably, I tried to reply and the browser crashed. xD

    The drop kicks were the funniest.

    I feel like half the community will want to skin me alive with all the S2 complaints. :P

    I dunno, it's just so upsetting, you know? Everything else gets updates BUT TWAU. :(

    armis37 posted: »

    Have we officially reached the longest dialogue in the forums? xD Indeed, all the killing techniques were awesome I feel like it's somewhat heretic to say that you enjoyed S2 more xD Don't, bro, don't! We mustn't give up!

  • Best chat ever xD

    Or the ones where you land on a zombie and just stab through their head without any effort xD

    You better stay silent about your preferences for your own good ;)

    Maybe they're just waiting for Fables to end? Maybe they don't want to overshadow the big finale... Have some 'faith' ;)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Probably, I tried to reply and the browser crashed. xD The drop kicks were the funniest. I feel like half the community will want to s

  • Oh come on, that's just some stupid technicality and shouldn't be that big of a deal in... what year is it again?

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Before marriage? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • edited May 2015

    Fiona clenching that tie pretty hard there eh?

    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Amazing art btw, love your style ^-^

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    SOOOOOOOO I'm doing a thing to celebrate our success in obtaining 100 likes 'n' pages. It's still in the making but here's the rough lineart >v<

  • I really don't know what to Say BigB....this is wrong on so many levels...

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    What was I thinking?

  • Hey me too! This brought back great memories of binge-watching the entire series in a month or so.

    Merlin fan! You're welcome

  • Well she wants some of that Rhys for sure ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Alt text

    Also thanks! (His f-ing mech arm thou'. Damn...)

    Green613 posted: »

    Fiona clenching that tie pretty hard there eh? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) Amazing art btw, love your style ^-^

  • The arm looks good <3

    And obviously she wants summa dat Rhys ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    Well she wants some of that Rhys for sure ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Also thanks! (His f-ing mech arm thou'. Damn...)

  • My dear sir I cannot say as I'm waiting till marriage.

    Alt text

    DeityD posted: »

    Oh come on, that's just some stupid technicality and shouldn't be that big of a deal in... what year is it again?

  • ohh! clever one my boy, very clever indeed!

    armis37 posted: »

    Best chat ever xD Or the ones where you land on a zombie and just stab through their head without any effort xD You better stay silent

  • Thanks, I guess xD

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    ohh! clever one my boy, very clever indeed!

  • Thanks. I <3 ya guys! Best ship that I've ever seen sailing in my entire life! Just look at it go...

    Alt text

    Poogers555 posted: »

    The arm looks good And obviously she wants summa dat Rhys ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • psssttt it was for the "faith" thing wink, wink

    armis37 posted: »

    Thanks, I guess xD

  • Alt text

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    Thanks. I ya guys! Best ship that I've ever seen sailing in my entire life! Just look at it go...

  • I admit even I was horrified when I found this again.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    I really don't know what to Say BigB....this is wrong on so many levels...

  • But then we'd have no news on anything else.

    Damn it Telltale.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Yeah. Its just annoying that they always avoid the question. Imagine if everyone just spammed Telltale's twitter with, "Wolf Among Us Season 2 please." They would just delete their twitter.

  • Ohhh, well I thank you dearly my friend wink back

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    psssttt it was for the "faith" thing wink, wink

  • edited May 2015

    Rhys felt a tear drip down his cheek, the wet trail feeling cold from the breeze slipping through the window of their small kitchen.

    He couldn't believe it.

    Time flew fast, too fast and he wasn't sure if the tear he'd let slip was of despair or pride. Probably both, he decided, as the finished packing two lunches and sighed.

    "Well," he usually felt silly talking to himself but he hadn't even noticed he was talking out loud, "it is what it is. Better wake them up."

    He slowly made his way upstairs, blowing his nose so he'd look decent for them, before opening the door. It wasn't a surprise when a giant pair of arms picked him up and lifted him off the ground before spinning him around in the air.


    It happened daily and Loader Bot was gentle enough so Rhys just always patted his head with a smile.

    "Hey, kid, slept well?"

    "Father, I'm a robot. I don't sleep."

    "Oh. Right."

    Loader Bot clapped his hands, not affected by Rhys' slip up, and jumped up and down, making the floor shake and Rhys feared he was going to make a hole through the ceiling. Or drop him, but Fiona would take care of killing him if the ceiling came down so its safety took priority.

    "L-Loader Bot, put me down, okay? Your jumping's making me dizzy."

    "Forgive me, father."

    One way or another, having his feet back on the ground never felt better.

    "It's okay, Loader Bot. Just don't do it again. I know you're excited for school bur we'll get there soon. Where's Gortys?"

    She hadn't left the room, that much he knew, because there was no way Loader Bot would have let her without making the biggest ruckus known to man... or robots. So that left...

    Loader Bot simply pointed under the bed and Rhys sighed for what felt like the millionth time that morning before getting on his knees and peeking.

    Surely enough, there she was, crossing her stubby robot arms and Rhys was sure she'd be pouting if she could. She'd been this moody since they'd told her she'd be spending time away from home and they hadn't managed to sway her on the subject. It was a strange contrast between Loader Bot's excitement and her irritation but Rhys guessed it had to do with their different personalities.

    "Come on, Gortys," he tried, "I promise it won't be that bad."


    "Gortys, please." He was getting desperate. "I don't like it either, I'd love to have you guys with me all the time but it's just not possible."

    "I want mum!"

    Rhys ran his fingers through his hair frustratedly before holding his other hand out to her. She eyed it for a moment, considering being picked up, before she turned her head away.

    "Gortys, she's busy. Come with dad. Please?"

    He moved his hand in her direction again and the cuddling temptation became too much. She begrudgingly took his hand and allowed him to pick her up.

    "There you go." Rhys grinned and she gripped his neck a bit too tighly. "Ow, you get that from your mother. Anyway, you'll see you'll enjoy it. I promise you you'll be excited to go back by the end of the day, okay?"

    She bowed her head dejectedly and Rhys figured it was the best he was going to get.

    "Let's go, guys." he beckoned for Loader Bot to follow.


    Rhys gasped at her foul language when they arrived downstairs. Loader Bot giggled in a weird voice and Gortys remained impassive.

    "Fiona!" He pointed an accusing finger at her with his free arm. "Not in front of the kids."

    She jumped a bit upon hearing them and scratched the back of her hair nervously before Gortys jumped into her arms.

    "Right. Sorry. The caravan's fixed. I almost had to call Scooter, though. Next time be careful with it, okay?"

    Her tone had an underlying "do-this-again-and-there-will-be-hell-to-pay" note in it reserved just for him to understand and he gulped before nodding.

    "Mum," Gortys tugged at her shirt, hiding her face in it, "I'm scared. The other kids aren't going to be like us."

    Rhys was silently glad this talk was falling on her because he wouldn't know what to say. Fiona had always been the best of the two to talk her way out of situations.

    "Gortys," she laid a gloved hand on top of the little robot's head,"yeah, you'll be different. But if anyone makes fun of you or Loader Bot, you only have one thing to do."

    "What is it?" Gortys curiously peeked up.

    "Destroy them."

    Rhys choked on his own spit and Gortys threw her hands in the air.


    "Yes, mother!" Loader Bot gave her a thumbs up and she nodded proudly before leading all of them to the car.

    "Oh, here, I almost forgot!" Rhys snapped his fingers, handing them their new school bags. "I packed you guys lunch!"

    "But father," Loader Bot started, getting in the caravan, "we don't eat."


    Rhys almost let another tear slip.

    The ride was going to be a long one.


    @Quiff's request. ;P

    Again, excuse any typos.

  • My tablet can't even handle it.

    Weren't there mods for it? I remember seeing funny mods. :P

    Usually I do in these forums. Hell... I like Jane, imagine what'd happen to me if I say it much.

    Okay, that WAS a good one. ;P

    armis37 posted: »

    Best chat ever xD Or the ones where you land on a zombie and just stab through their head without any effort xD You better stay silent

  • I know, the implications of this photo are simply horryfing....I'd ratherr except a Rhysha shipper make something like that

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I admit even I was horrified when I found this again.

  • Oh, I'm not judging, they already got one. ;P

    DeityD posted: »

    Oh come on, that's just some stupid technicality and shouldn't be that big of a deal in... what year is it again?

  • yeesshhh... can you smell it? that... smelly smell of victory... right there.. in that picture... you can.. almost touch it...

  • Yeah that's why this photo freaked me out since that's the first thing that crossed my mind. But I guess we can blame TT for keeping us waiting so long for such things to happen...

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    ...oh god okay that is terrifying

  • I actually found the subtitles funny with the faces but then when I actually thought about what was technically being implied it was just like "...wait, this is actually really weird".

    Leluch123 posted: »

    I know, the implications of this photo are simply horryfing....I'd ratherr except a Rhysha shipper make something like that

  • XDJulieXD posted: »

    yeesshhh... can you smell it? that... smelly smell of victory... right there.. in that picture... you can.. almost touch it...

  • Now the scene where she spits at him gets on a whole new level dude...

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I actually found the subtitles funny with the faces but then when I actually thought about what was technically being implied it was just like "...wait, this is actually really weird".

  • edited May 2015

    ...oh god okay that is terrifying

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Now the scene where she spits at him gets on a whole new level dude...

  • I know you don't (considering how much you love them) :)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Oh, I'm not judging, they already got one. ;P

  • She will soon if Fiona keeps doing this. :P

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I thought it said Gortys said "fuck" and I was just like.

  • Seriously, though, I'm kimda upset it seems like GoT is taking priority again.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Yeah that's why this photo freaked me out since that's the first thing that crossed my mind. But I guess we can blame TT for keeping us waiting so long for such things to happen...

  • I thought it said Gortys said "fuck" and I was just like.

    Alt text

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Rhys felt a tear drip down his cheek, the wet trail feeling cold from the breeze slipping through the window of their small kitchen. He c

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