The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Because Apparently you don't seem to understand that It wasn't written to be insulting.

    Because I apparently can't get you to understand that how much something is offensive is depending on the persons point of view on the side of the comment and their opinion.

  • Sooooo... It wasn't insulting then.

    Did I or did I not state earlier that I said I understand that...Just because you didn't mean for it to be insulting doesn't mean it wasn't insulting.

  • it's probably been over 24 hours but i am still playing the song


  • Omfg, I'm done.

    Sooooo... It wasn't insulting then.

  • Alt text

    I find this insulting...

  • Why?

    Omfg, I'm done.

  • dont tell me it's the waluigi song. how can a song make one so sad AND aroused at the same time

    ComingSoon posted: »

    it's probably been over 24 hours but i am still playing the song help

  • What song

    ComingSoon posted: »

    it's probably been over 24 hours but i am still playing the song help

  • nnono that's for special occasions

    dont tell me it's the waluigi song. how can a song make one so sad AND aroused at the same time

  • OMgomg Panic! <333

    ComingSoon posted: »

  • Been there.

    My friend broke up with his girlfriend a few days ago. Now she's turned fucking loco, she is threatening him and saying she hates all men an

  • Is there a good way to help my friend resolve this?

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Been there.

  • I jsut cant stop listening to it idk they're so amazing <33

    OMgomg Panic! <333

  • 2:05 me working on a group project

    they need WALUIGI is what they need

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    @ComingSoon Do it for Waluigi

  • Yes yes yes

    I have found what I have been looking for

    Alt text

  • Avoid and ignore her completely.

    Is there a good way to help my friend resolve this?

  • This would be good advice if she didn't forcefully kiss him and hug him, taking all of his stuff, and threatening him and his friends.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Avoid and ignore her completely.

  • "People sometimes forget that Let's Players aren't Just Idiots sitting at a Mic playing a game. We're Hard working Idiots sitting at a Mic playing a game for people we love to make happy. And No matter how much of a bunch of Idiots we can be, We're idiots who Love our Viewers, and respect that they can sit through 10 Minutes or more of our craziness." ~ Noah Taylor, Girbeagly and Pixplayswat.

  • yes.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Yes yes yes I have found what I have been looking for

  • What. The. Fuck.


  • My ex did the same, but I would just pull away. She never took all my stuff or threaten me though, so eh...

    This would be good advice if she didn't forcefully kiss him and hug him, taking all of his stuff, and threatening him and his friends.

  • Still, thanks for the help.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    My ex did the same, but I would just pull away. She never took all my stuff or threaten me though, so eh...

  • ComingSoonComingSoon Banned
    edited May 2015

    WAH amirite

    Alt text


    TDMshadowCP posted: »


  • Damn man, bitches be crazy.

    My friend broke up with his girlfriend a few days ago. Now she's turned fucking loco, she is threatening him and saying she hates all men an

  • Wario's chin

    Alt text

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Yes yes yes I have found what I have been looking for

  • Butt

    Wario's chin

  • Nice blue eyeliner

    ComingSoon posted: »


  • thanks, it's style

    Nice blue eyeliner

  • If he always pushes her away and says Stop, she'll get the hint eventually.

    This would be good advice if she didn't forcefully kiss him and hug him, taking all of his stuff, and threatening him and his friends.

  • Alt text

    ComingSoon posted: »

    2:05 me working on a group project they need WALUIGI is what they need

  • How much work goes into playing a game and saying whatever pops up into your noggin I wonder.

    "People sometimes forget that Let's Players aren't Just Idiots sitting at a Mic playing a game. We're Hard working Idiots sitting at a Mic p

  • I find that quite Offensive. I'm Noah Taylor btw, And also, There's a lot more than that. We set up the channel, set up the equipment, Edit the video, And we go through A LOT of emotional stress which Makes us want to start the channel, We become overworked, And the fact that you think not enough work goes into it is offensive to people who actually do that everyday. Which, Guess what! You don't!

    How much work goes into playing a game and saying whatever pops up into your noggin I wonder.

  • Not what I expected from the username "ClemyClooAndBabyboo" lol

    Alt text

    y u have to cut jaimie's hand off tho

    I find that quite Offensive. I'm Noah Taylor btw, And also, There's a lot more than that. We set up the channel, set up the equipment, Edit

  • Yeah, I liked the Name at the time, Now I just wanna change it. And who is Jaimie and why did I cut his hand off?

    Not what I expected from the username "ClemyClooAndBabyboo" lol y u have to cut jaimie's hand off tho

  • Oh, I see. Noah Taylor is indeed my real Name. Had no idea that there was another me. XD

    That picture is of GOT actor Noah Taylor, and he played a character that did that. If that's your real name, it probably isn't a good idea to post it.

  • That picture is of GOT actor Noah Taylor, and he played a character that did that. If that's your real name, it probably isn't a good idea to post it.

    Yeah, I liked the Name at the time, Now I just wanna change it. And who is Jaimie and why did I cut his hand off?

  • And Why shouldn't I post my real name? It's not like I'm posting my address with it.

    That picture is of GOT actor Noah Taylor, and he played a character that did that. If that's your real name, it probably isn't a good idea to post it.

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