The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Oh

    ill fucking slit ur throat im done with ur waluigi bullshit liam this is kiLLING ME

  • Behind the scenes Wario will be like...

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    ComingSoon posted: »

    Yes yes yes I have found what I have been looking for

  • edited May 2015

    Today I gotta do groceries so I can't really stay as long as I like to and chat as much. Plus I got lots of stuff... thangs to do before I go. I got a lot of stories to share with you of my GTA Adventures during the break. I'll post it in a spoilah!

    EDIT: Actually... wait... it's just two stories. And... one of them is really bizarre honestly. >.>

  • (waluigi nasal solo)

    get the fuck off the internet

  • edited May 2015

    GTA Adventure Log #I don't know how many logs so puck it. xD

    Yesterday I played GTA Online again late at night (11 pm) till bed time. I decided to take a break from the action, so I changed my clothes, and decided to take a hike; traveling on foot. Unfortunately 1 guy in the city came over at me with an armored car and killed me. Then he went over to my spawn location and tried again. I shot the windows but didn't do shit, so I fired a grenade launcher. But somehow I blew myself up and not him. -- Then the guy pissed off and I continued to hike up north. In the fields there is a little park near the observatory outside the city, and three reds headed to my direction. One guy stopped to kill me... which he did. -- They drove off, and I just had enough of the bullshit. So I head to my home in the desert nearby, became the Paper Bag Killer, took a copter and flew to the city where all the reds are battling at. I parachuted down after ditching dah choppah and proceeded to demolish everyone there. I took advantage of the rooftops and sniped down some. Some came up but I blew up and shot them down. The three red ones from earlier came after me and well... I kicked all of their asses. B3 I drove off since it's nearly bed time, headed home and quit. Revenge was mine! >:D Of course this wasn't the first time I got ganged up on.

    Last week, I was just looking for battlefields and found one, so I joined in fighting with randoms. I kept moving between battlefields, I thrive for battle. I'm like a Saiyan Warrior (DBZ reference :3). One of the randoms ended up using a jet to attack players, he then targeted me. He couldn't kill me before he used a jet and he finally succeed killing but with a jet. I gave myself a rule that jets and tanks are for the weak and cowardly (like in my character's origin story), so I would never use them on other players. I taunted him and called him a coward (old trolling instincts kicked in), I tried to use homing rockets and he was so laggy I kept missing unfortunately. Then I saw another jet following that guy, I presumed he was chasing the guy. So I warned him the guy was laggy and he replied I didn't know him. I just said I was trying to be supportive. Some other player on the ground killed the laggy jet pilot who I was fighting. Then eventually the guy who was following that jet jumped out of his own. Turns out both that guy I messaged and the laggy jet pilot I fought were friends so they proceeded to gang up on me. It was just me against those two for a half hour. One of them had good sniping skills I admit, better than mine. I didn't really message much since I was fighting to survive this time. They really got me killed mostly by using their numbers to an advantage. But I did fairly well I'd say. Unfortunately at the climax, I lost connection. :/ The scores were Guy#1- 15 to my 13, Guy#2 13 to my 11. So maybe they won the battled, but all they really won was cowardice and what I won was for being a pure unadulterated badass. B3 Those who fight me shall have a challenge with me, for I seek challenges myself. Gain way people, Tobinator is running wild! xD

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    GTA Character Origin Log: The Paper Head Killer

    So on GTA Online after the heists, later on I made costume that complete fits my chaotic nature in GTA. Behold!

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    I came up for a story for my GTA Online character based on the outfit I gave her, it's pretty funny and saddening at the same time.

    The Paper Head Killer was never once a human. She's not an animal either. She is actually made of something much more.... TOILET PAPER! O_O She was first created in the sewers where radioactive waste leaked onto many pieces of used toilet paper. The reaction of the DNA embedded onto the toilet paper and the radioactive waste mixed together, forming a human shaped being. She had no memory at first, and left the sewers. She took the clothing of hobos (yeah, she was naked.... ._.), and found broken glass. She looked at it and saw her face, realizing how different she is. Then memories came to her-- The radioactive waste caused the toilet paper to have memories before being compiled. She remembers being first being created, packaged, sold away to humans, waiting endlessly of her fate, then being wiped against the dirty asses of humans after their dumping. The humiliation, the nightmares, the disgust of such acts to her. The last to use before flushing her down was a female human. Sagging away in the sewers was also horrible to remember. Remembering all this, made the being snap and want revenge for all the crimes. She found a marker, and looked at the mirror, drawing her face on with a sinister grin.

    "These humans.... I'll make them pay for wiping their ass on me, flushing me down to my doom.... WITH BULLETS!"

    And so she became the Paper Head Killer, killing others in a warpath. She eventually found challenging players just as dangerous as her, craving for the fights, she battled anyone. No matter how many times she gets put down, she comes back for moooOOOAAAAARRRR!!! >:O One point, some used Jets and Tanks on her constantly. It annoyed her greatly, she believed such toys are the weak and cowardly. Those who can't fight her on foot, human-to-toilet paper. Eventually she got her own stash on homing rockets and RPGs, allowing her to blow up such toys for revenge of further annoyance.

    "Such toys.... You shouldn't play with them when I'm around.... Or else you may found yourselves in accidents. Ahahahhahahaha!" >:D

    One day, due to her surprise, a human just as dangerous as her, helped her out against other dangerous humans. She was much at shock of this, she though all humans were horrible. After that day, more and more she found strangers who would prove helpful. She realized all are not so bad. But her crave for battle and chaos, for the revenge of her past made things little difficult. So she decided one day... She'd just do whatever the heck she wants to do. B) She would watch for battles so she can join, take on jobs (criminal ones) like a mercenary to kill time... and unfortunate targeted people of course, troll those for laughs, help out those who are attacked by the assholes if she decides to, if anyone messes with her they'll be the ones in the sewers. Revenge is still on her list, she just wants to have a mix of fun is all. :3

    "I'm no hero. I'm no villain. I'm just a toilet paper person wanting to make something out of life for myself."

    Hope you liked my story! ^w^

  • just PM me i'll explain what i can

    FauDeef posted: »

    Damn, I feel sorry. I've got so many questions so that I can try to know a way I can help you, but I don't know if you want to say it publicly here.

  • I found this exciting fanfic enjoy : )

    waluigi was in a little chair waiting for his bf wario to come back home from work. he was knitting
    "hello waluigi i am back from the work…" wario said. he was wearing a lot of kandi
    "wario sometimes i am tired of all your kndandi" said waluigi, sad tone in his voice
    "Shh… no talking now" wario said in his deep rough macho voice and kissed waluigi. "everything will be okay now, my purple plum angel…………" they kissed for a really long time and it was cool and romantic
    "jhey waluigi oyoure the hottest man" and a wink wario said "woah wario… thats hot.." and kissed wario again. he looked down to see what it was knitting and it was a wario x waluigi blaket "hey waluigi thats looking great" wario said " i know" waluigi said
    they kised… for a longer time
    "ready for action" wario said waluigi then blushed "ok.." and they did
    end of chapter

  • i had this weird dream lol
    Apparantly i got another little brother but because of my actions i was locked up
    and i saw him for the first time when he was 2, i got all emotional and shit XD
    And after that i got locked up again and could never see him grow up'
    it really hurt :( but it was a dream :D

  • what a rollercoaster

    i had this weird dream lol Apparantly i got another little brother but because of my actions i was locked up and i saw him for the first t

  • yh and the creepiest thing was my 'brother' was exactly me at that age lol like looked the same

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    what a rollercoaster

  • That was one of the big factors

    probs because i was the almighty star of the chapter and the franchise despite showing in a bonus part

  • Hey I wear that bag in GTA as well, it reminds me of Persona 2. :D

  • Look at that, Tobi is back!

    Today I gotta do groceries so I can't really stay as long as I like to and chat as much. Plus I got lots of stuff... thangs to do before I g

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    XD dayum dem merica gurls be crazy

    I'd tell her parents they would put her in her place and then he should stay miles away from girls controlling like that wtf

    My friend broke up with his girlfriend a few days ago. Now she's turned fucking loco, she is threatening him and saying she hates all men an

  • I think clarence is good in my opinion

    I've Decided that I'm going to start a Petition to Cancel Uncle Grandpa, Clarence, and Teen Titans Go, So Cartoon Network doesn't have to be shitty anymore. Anyone care to sign?


    I'm an endangered species....

    blueneon posted: » In the end scroll a bit to the bottom to read your full results. You don't need to share anything, just c

  • no

    ComingSoon posted: »

    I found this exciting fanfic enjoy : ) waluigi was in a little chair waiting for his bf wario to come back home from work. he was knittin

  • Please enjoy


  • never

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Please enjoy

  • Hey, Paps.

    papai46 posted: »

    Look at that, Tobi is back!

  • edited May 2015


    This one I mean I copy the wrong one it skipped onto the next video :P

  • When it comes to Vita I will buy it I played lego star wars years ago and it was awesome :D

    J-Master posted: » Lego Dinosaurs are so cool.

  • It's a Disgrace to the original.

    papai46 posted: »

    Plz, TTGO is amazing.

  • And You know Nothing of Mine. I work very hard everyday, And You don't realize that. -_-

    You know nothing of my work.

  • I will admit the Opening is catchy, But Just think, If Clarence, UG, and TTGo is gone, That means the 4 more serious shows can have new episodes every Thursday night!

    Lehfeels posted: »

    I think clarence is good in my opinion

  • I agree! You see, if the original Teen Titans Never existed, I probably wouldn't have added TTG, But since it did, It's a disgrace and must be removed.

    Please CN, get rid of TTGo, it's an insult to the original show.

  • Well I know what you told me your work is, which is pretty much exactly what I thought it is. My issue here is purely semantics so try not to get too bent out of shape about it. We just have different definitions of what hard work is.

    And You know Nothing of Mine. I work very hard everyday, And You don't realize that. -_-

  • Uh, Whatever you say, But we youtubers do more than you think. But whatever, Keep talking about what you think is true, when it really isn't.

    Well I know what you told me your work is, which is pretty much exactly what I thought it is. My issue here is purely semantics so try not to get too bent out of shape about it. We just have different definitions of what hard work is.

  • Let's hope it gets easier.

    Yeah, I am. Just been a bumpy ride.

  • edited May 2015

    And I activate your mother

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    Markd4547 posted: »

    @1506898 This one I mean I copy the wrong one it skipped onto the next video :P

  • edited May 2015

    Well so far, it's not exactly a really good restart. I come back and shit already happens. :/

    Let's hope it gets easier.

  • I'm just going to tag people who replied to my post yesterday in case they cared about the outcome:

    @Welcome_to_Woodbury @dojo32161 @InfiniteDawn @TDMshadowCP @Markd4547 @MetallicaRules @WarpSpeed

    In case you don't care then you can just ignore this but my friend did report his ex girlfriend to the school this morning. It seemed to be resolved fairly easily until I learned out at lunch that the girl thought I was the one who reported her and not him (Because why face the truth that you're a psycho and you're sexual harassing and threatening your ex boyfriend and his friends? Not to mention she still thinks they're in a relationship.)...So she said she was going to kill me (Haha, Death threats totally make you look sane).

    After I heard this from my friends, me and them went to the Assistant principal (Second time in one day because of this girl) and reported the threat on my life.

    This bitch has gone totally loco.

  • Is it something I don't know about or was it all that junk on the "Unpopular opinions" thread?

    Well so far, it's not exactly a really good restart. I come back and shit already happens.

  • Well, shit always happens in real life and it's stupid but I hope it gets better for you amigo.

    I guess you can say it's kind of scattered around both on and off internet.

  • I guess you can say it's kind of scattered around both on and off internet.

    Is it something I don't know about or was it all that junk on the "Unpopular opinions" thread?

  • Wait... what?

    And I activate your mother

  • Damn I need to watch this shit again!

    Markd4547 posted: »

    @1506898 This one I mean I copy the wrong one it skipped onto the next video :P

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