Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • By Rebecca Black?

    Damn. Haven't met too many of those people xD

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Well, I can't argue with that. :P There are even people who liked "Friday" :P

  • Fiona and Rhys perspectives....

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    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    But would each option show different angles for replay value? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • dank u i tel mi mam u gud an mam no kil

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    ur mam iz a saint. bles ur mam wid da Rhyiona holee lite

  • Yeahhh, that song was... yeah.

    But I kinda felt sorry for her.

    armis37 posted: »

    By Rebecca Black? Damn. Haven't met too many of those people xD

  • I'd pay 60 dollars just to see it.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Everyone will pay extra just to see it. ;P

  • But would each option show different angles for replay value? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Nah. It would be. [Steamy Make Out] Or [Steamy Make Out] No timer, you have to choose

  • thank u n ur mam r gud ppl

    Quiff posted: »

    dank u i tel mi mam u gud an mam no kil

  • She's a cutie. <3

    MeatBicycle posted: »

    also human Gortys is always good

  • Rhyiona is worth all the money.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    I'd pay 60 dollars just to see it.

  • no prublim

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    thank u n ur mam r gud ppl

  • edited May 2015

    Rhys and Fiona are those cliche protagonists from every romantic comedy that at first hate each other and then they end up making babies. :>

    Green613 posted: »

    Found this on google, instantly reminded me of Rhys and Fiona.

  • Major

    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Fiona and Rhys perspectives....

  • end up making babies. :>

    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Rhys and Fiona are those cliche protagonists from every romantic comedy that at first hate each other and then they end up making babies. :>

  • edited May 2015

    Oh didn't see that coming..

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    Quiff posted: »

    Yes yes i can deal! i tie you to pole and fire beneath i lit and watch you burn

  • I doubt it, we don't have much to go on at the moment anyway. ;P

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    still hope that she won't like Claptrap. I like Claptrap but we don't need another one.

  • still hope that she won't like Claptrap. I like Claptrap but we don't need another one.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Claptrap x Gortys was always meant to be. :P

  • Alt text


    Is this happening for anyone else?


  • Yeah. I.Just.Can't.Wait.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I doubt it, we don't have much to go on at the moment anyway. ;P

  • Meanwhile GoT steals the spotlight again...

    I'm salty about this.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Yeah. I.Just.Can't.Wait.

  • Seriously, weeks?

    It feels like sometimes I can load older notes around once or twice and other times I can't at all. The PMs are waay down though which really sucks.

    Green613 posted: »

    Yeah this is happening to me too right now, this happened a couple of months back, but once it was fixed we still had all our previous notif

  • Yeah this is happening to me too right now, this happened a couple of months back, but once it was fixed we still had all our previous notifications. Don't really remember how long it took to get fixed though, I wanna say around a few weeks but not sure :P

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    ??????? Is this happening for anyone else? I HAVE PMs TO ANSWER WHAT IS THIS

  •    A romantic comedy cliche list:
    1. Frenemies. Check.
    2. Movie Makeover. (their future outfits) Check.
    3. Two beautiful children. Usually one boy and one girl. Check.
    4. Quirky Girl Brings Adventure. You guessed it, Check
    Green613 posted: »

    end up making babies. :> ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • Sugar will neutralize the salt a bit!

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    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Meanwhile GoT steals the spotlight again... I'm salty about this.

  • A new episode would, too. ;-;

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Sugar will neutralize the salt a bit!



  • Thank you too! Glad you enjoyed it.

    Quiff posted: »

    Ohoho it's the pillow fight!! I've been waiting for this to be made! I thank you deeply!

  • Hee hee, thanks again!

    Not sure about the lines overall here, they kind of turned out rough for me, but I'm really glad you like it.

    Quiff posted: »

    Ooh I really like the way you've drawn the lines here, like those swirls in Fiona's hair. I think it's very original

  • Fiona is a cruel woman.

    Not in a literal sense, he corrects himself quickly, But she´s cruel because she can read him well, too well, and he has nothing he can use against her like she can against him.

    It is entirely his fault, although he wouldn´t dare admit it, because Rhys has never been good at following advice. But he still likes to pretend this isn´t payback and it´s just her trying to drive him insane.

    It is but it´s also not.

    Rhys is a stubborn one. That´s good sometimes but not this once. Not when he keeps teasing her about her plans of leaving, not when he mentions how a Pandoran outside their element is probably something akin to a wild animal in a city and certainly not when he says her first instinct outside her element would be to kill a man the first time things don´t go her way.

    He doesn´t mean it but she takes it a little too personally.

    "I´m going to stick something where it hurts if you don´t shut up." is all she offers but the calm tone is what scares him the most.

    He knows she didn´t like it then. But he´d rather deal with fuming anger than the silent treatment, it was far less terrifying -- and he cared too much, a little voice yelled insane his head, and he proceeded to ignore it.

    But that´s not the game she´s playing and he realises this too late to quit.

    An accidental brush of hands starts it, under the table where they´re all dining, and he knows it´s not accidental at all when she spares him a glance that he swears lasted a milisecond before turning her attention back to the food. He´s not that lucky and when people start suspecting he´s getting a fever with how red he´s getting, he excuses himself saying he´s not feeling too well. It´s not a lie, afterall, the hunger long since forgotten.

    He doesn´t miss the way she looks triumphant when he gets up.

    Later, a couple of hours to cool off, she approaches him like nothing happened before laying her hand flat against his forehead in front of everyone (she´s a wonderful actress, that he has to give her) excusing herself as being worried for his health after his ´strange event´ earlier, her choice of words, and the other two raise their eyebrows, suddenly interested. He physically can´t help getting red to the tips of his ears and nobody misses it, not when she makes sure they don´t.

    "I thought you were getting better," he wonders if he´s the only one noticing the fake pitch she´s putting on, "I guess you´re not. You really need to rest."

    And he goes like an obedient dog because he really does need rest after this day and he doesn´t want to raise more suspicion.

    But he isn´t going to rest much. No, Fiona isn´t that kind.

    She knocks on his door and he, the poor unsuspecting soul that he is, opens it and almost closes it in her face if it weren´t for the lunch tray (he should probably call dinner tray at this point) pressed against his chest and blocking the door as if she expected this.

    "I brought you dinner."

    He can see that, he´s not stupid -- is what he wants to say but he´s in no position to talk and he knows she´s not here for this either.

    He grumbles a ´thanks´, never directly facing her and trying really hard not to blush again because he doesn´t think his ego can suffer more blows in such a little amount of time but with her he can´t try. He just fails.

    And he knows this because she pushed the tray to him, making sure to lean as close as she could without making the intended obvious too obvious, and her hair brushed against his face. He knows this because she makes sure she grabs his arm while making casual conversation, the kind that normal Fiona would never bother with. He knows this because she lightly allows herself to brush the hair at the back of his neck without permission and he´s so red he thinks he´s going to explode.

    And he does, just not as literally.

    "Are you done?"

    He means the harshness in his voice but Fiona just smirks and draws her hand back, crossing her legs casually, unaffected, and he loses, he always loses.


    She doesn´t deny it because she can´t. It was always her intention that he and only he would get it.

    "I´m sorry, okay?" He finally lets slip. "I´m sorry for what I said. I didn´t mean to offend you. I didn´t think you´d take it seriously. Now can you please stop taking advantage of my feelings? I´d appreciate it."

    He doesn´t care that he´s told her because she already knows. She knows more than she says and that´s what lets her bend the world to her advantage. Life made her this way and he understands.

    "That´s all I wanted." She nods and gets up and he´s silently grateful for this.

    But she turns around before opening the door, something clearly eating at her, before she makes her way to him, leaning close, closer than before and grabbing his face with both hands and he considers that she was just mocking him a minute ago before she whispers.

    "I wouldn´t take advantage of anything if you just did something about it."

    He gulps, a mix of a thrill and fear forming in his gut and his brain almost doesn´t register that if he just moved up an inch he would be doing something about it.

    But he doesn´t have the chance to kiss her because she´s too swift for him and she moves to the door as quick as she´d moved near him.

    All she offers him is a wink before she leaves and he´s left wondering just how to go about this.

    Fiona is a really cruel woman.

    blah blah excuse typos, the usual.

    This isn´t a request but it was already done so ehhh why not post it? ;P

  • Oh my gosh, this is the most adorable thing in the entire world! So good!

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    I really enjoy drawing this little robot.

  • Glorious work once again Wolf, you never cease to outdo yourself.

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    And yes I did need an excuse to use this gif.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Fiona is a cruel woman. Not in a literal sense, he corrects himself quickly, But she´s cruel because she can read him well, too well, and

  • Perfect, again <3

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Fiona is a cruel woman. Not in a literal sense, he corrects himself quickly, But she´s cruel because she can read him well, too well, and

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    Green613 posted: »

    Glorious work once again Wolf, you never cease to outdo yourself. And yes I did need an excuse to use this gif.

  • Alt text

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Perfect, again

  • Beautiful. I love how you describe their feelings. It's so expressive.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Fiona is a cruel woman. Not in a literal sense, he corrects himself quickly, But she´s cruel because she can read him well, too well, and

  • Thank you, I'm really happy you liked it!

    I think the character's feelings are the most important part of a story so I focus on them a lot. :)

    buntingsir posted: »

    Beautiful. I love how you describe their feelings. It's so expressive.

  • You are doing God's work, son.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Fiona is a cruel woman. Not in a literal sense, he corrects himself quickly, But she´s cruel because she can read him well, too well, and

  • I agree, you're doing an excellent work! And you portray them so believable.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Thank you, I'm really happy you liked it! I think the character's feelings are the most important part of a story so I focus on them a lot.

  • Thank you, I really appreciate it. :P

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    You are doing God's work, son.

  • I'm really glad, happy to hear that!

    I keep saying I shouldn't write at 4AM but I just feel more creative at that time. :'(

    buntingsir posted: »

    I agree, you're doing an excellent work! And you portray them so believable.

  • Yeah, I know that feeling. I keep drawing and doing some work at night and it comes out better than usual somehow. Maybe it's because there's nothing that can distract you that late.

    Don't be so hard on yourself though and sleep well. :)

    Sleeping is the best thing.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I'm really glad, happy to hear that! I keep saying I shouldn't write at 4AM but I just feel more creative at that time.

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