Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Thanks again. :]

    buntingsir posted: »

    Oh my gosh, this is the most adorable thing in the entire world! So good!

  • First, I want to thank all of you who support my works. I am just not a very "forum" person.

    So, not to be dramatic but I want to say something long time ago. I had been thinking for so long to post this or not. Feel free to skip to the chibis if you don't want to read stuff which is a bit too serious, as I know this is supposed to be a fun thread.

    Around the time before episode 2 was released, due to some reasons, I was in kinda deep depression. I felt lost and did not have motivation to carry on my life, I even did not know what to do everyday. Actually, I was still able to keep my daily routine, be responsible by doing what I should do and not to cause trouble. However, my soul was creepily empty. Then, I started to access this forum as I wanted to get the news about the release date of episode 2. Browsing the forum is great fun so this becomes my new little habit, I am not frequently active though. A while after the release of episode 2, this thread was born and starting to rapidly grow. I thought this was just another thread which would sink after a week or 2, but ... you know that. From lurkers to simple commenting to communicating, and to start producing various kinds of works for this ship after I find this thread harmonious, encouraging and caring, is not a long but definitely rewarding process. I have been working on the stuff I really interested in. I even tried several new things for this ship and everyone in this thread. Thanks to your encouragements, I am way more delighted now and live more proactively.

    What I have been learning is, my skills are not great enough to be admired by all people, but there is always someone caring the efforts I put on what I do. Although I am still an anxious person, I am less worrying and tend to ask myself "How about a try?" both on the internet and in my real life. Even I have not communicated with all of you yet, your comments make me feel warm. In the future, I will keep on working, and try to comment more ;p

    And, here come two kitties cuties :D
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  • this. this is probably one of the cutest things I've ever seen.

    tessie0713 posted: »

    First, I want to thank all of you who support my works. I am just not a very "forum" person. So, not to be dramatic but I want to say som

  • I'm glad! :D I am an animal lover and like turning things that I love into animals :)

    Dracu98 posted: »

    this. this is probably one of the cutest things I've ever seen.

  • I spy with my little eye, an Hearthstone playa' or someone who knows that line from somewhere else hides under the blanket until Quiff answers

    Quiff posted: »

    Truth is my shield.

  • The chibis are wonderful and cute as always! I think I like this one possibly more than the previous one (but it's hard to decide!).

    But the most important thing I wanted to say is: I really want to thank you for having the courage to share what you just did. It's very honest and vulnerable which you don't see posted all too often anywhere. I know this is a lighthearted thread meant to be taken as a joke, but I could relate to what you wrote and it really warmed my heart to think that some of my comments were among those that have made such a difference for you. It's amazing to think what a big effect we have on each other even on a forum where we've never even seen all these people we communicate with from time to time.

    While some people might not appreciate these kinds of posts (which is completely okay, we all are different), I'm happy to see that people are not too afraid to post them if they really feel like they have something important to share with others who have affected them in a certain way. So I'm really glad you ended up posting this, after all there are a lot of people who appreciate to hear this kind of thing (including me!).

    I hope you don't feel very anxious again when it comes to sharing your work because for a lot of us it's a delight, so remember that you're doing us all a favor by sharing your work. Finally, I hope things are going to get even better for you in your life, and remember that we do care and really appreciate all the work you shared with us!

    tessie0713 posted: »

    First, I want to thank all of you who support my works. I am just not a very "forum" person. So, not to be dramatic but I want to say som

  • That guy's voice reminds me of Handsome Jack's o.o. Jack-senpai... is that you??

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    MY REACTION WHEN SOMEONE SAYS THEY SHIP RHYSHA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OGp9P6QvMjY

  • but there is always someone caring the efforts I put on what I do. Although I am still an anxious person, I am less worrying and tend to ask myself "How about a try?"

    This..this up here is pure wisdom my friend. I still have problems to understand this sometimes.

    I'm really glad to hear that this thread is making you feel happy. :3 And I agree, it feels really good to be part of something like this forum. (I wrote "forum" because people are really nice outside of this thread too)

    And don't worry about not commenting so often. Just take your time. I understand it can be hard sometimes but trust me, there are many people here, including me, that are more than happy to get to know you better. :3

    Oh and please draw more! Kittens or not kittens, doesn't matter, your art is cute...

    And here comes a random metaphor:

    Art from Uber talented person:

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    Your art:

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    tessie0713 posted: »

    First, I want to thank all of you who support my works. I am just not a very "forum" person. So, not to be dramatic but I want to say som

  • This thread is truly the most lovable! I'm glad I joined too <3 And I'm sure everyone is glad that you're past your depression, I know I am glad! And don't give up drawing, as an artist myself I know how it feels when you work on something and you love it after being kinda depressing when you receive no feedback (I've been on deviantart long enough to be in that situation). My point is, keep drawing if you love it, as a hobby, as a job, doesn't matter! as Vincent Van Gogh (or some other guy) once said (also one of my mottos) "If you hear a voice within you say 'you cannot paint,' then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced." (the word "paint" can be replaced by any other word ;D )

    tessie0713 posted: »

    First, I want to thank all of you who support my works. I am just not a very "forum" person. So, not to be dramatic but I want to say som

  • So me and @Kimmy-klu (it seems that "-klu" can't be part of the @) had a discussion once (yesterday or so) and I realized that we didn't make any human versions of Loader Bot. And, of course, my great and oh-so-powerful brain made this: DON'T KILL ME PLZ I KNOW IT'S AN AWFUL DESIGN hides face

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  • Oh friggin' pancakes you got me.

    I'm actually a very op player, I'm already at level 20 B)

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    I spy with my little eye, an Hearthstone playa' or someone who knows that line from somewhere else hides under the blanket until Quiff answers

  • ugh...Deviantart!

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    XDJulieXD posted: »

    This thread is truly the most lovable! I'm glad I joined too And I'm sure everyone is glad that you're past your depression, I know I am gl

  • edited May 2015

    Great job as always!

    "I´m going to stick something where it hurts if you don´t shut up." is all she offers but the calm tone is what scares him the most

    This is so true. You have good observation skills...

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Fiona is a cruel woman. Not in a literal sense, he corrects himself quickly, But she´s cruel because she can read him well, too well, and

  • Keeps your carrots safe, 'cause I'm hunting for some witches tonight!

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Oh didn't see that coming..

  • Ikr?

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    nohuhhuh posted: »


  • Bring it on!

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    Quiff posted: »

    Keeps your carrots safe, 'cause I'm hunting for some witches tonight!

  • HA! I KNEW IT!!! I actually played too, had one character above 20 (rogue I think) and the others between 10-20, had an beautiful deck for priest >card with attack=health + card 2+ health + card double health= 14/14 (attack/health) #rekt (so majestic only if you don't play against a rogue (assassin) or priest (+5 attack card destroy). But I left cause the matching got really imbalanced (free players vs pay players) not really fair going against full legend deck, with your 2-3-4 legends you had. I know you can earn gold and stuff (very hard thou), I was a casual, and didn't have time for 24/7 gaming :/

    Quiff posted: »

    Oh friggin' pancakes you got me. I'm actually a very op player, I'm already at level 20

  • An accidental brush of hands starts it, under the table where they´re all dining, and he knows it´s not accidental at all when she spares him a glance that he swears lasted a millisecond before turning her attention back to the food.

    That very intentional hand brush tho.

    This whole sentence screams of sexual tension ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Fiona is a cruel woman. Not in a literal sense, he corrects himself quickly, But she´s cruel because she can read him well, too well, and

  • I'm sorry, the whambulance didn't come fast enough.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Seriously, weeks? It feels like sometimes I can load older notes around once or twice and other times I can't at all. The PMs are waay down though which really sucks.

  • No no no don't hide yourself! This is really interesting and creative design! I love how his face is half metal and half...well..meat xD

    Only his expression needs something more in my opinion. I mean this is great don't get me wrong, I just think that Loader Bot is a jolly fellow. :)

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    So me and @Kimmy-klu (it seems that "-klu" can't be part of the @) had a discussion once (yesterday or so) and I realized that we didn't mak

  • Well you know.. it's just a design.. I thought it hilarious for him to have a straight face (being a robot and all) and do jolly things X3, Like jumping around screaming "YAAYYY" while having a straight face(like those passive faced anime characters that are really active in things) XD. Well of course it can be changed by people's requests. I give the people what they need! I am a good person! Wolf-senpai would be proud... By the way! LOVE your cute art! Keep up da' good work ;D!!!

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    No no no don't hide yourself! This is really interesting and creative design! I love how his face is half metal and half...well..meat xD

  • edited May 2015

    I thought it hilarious for him to have a straight face (being a robot and all) and do jolly things X3, Like jumping around screaming "YAAYYY" while having a straight face(like those passive faced anime characters that are really active in things) XD.

    I actually like this concept a lot! O.O That would be so funny! :D

    I love how we Rhyionas have created this alternative universe and its complex characters. xD It's like...I'm a fan of both real Tales from the Borderlands and our Tales. OUR TALES...Wow..

    Thank you, the same goes for you!

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    XDJulieXD posted: »

    Well you know.. it's just a design.. I thought it hilarious for him to have a straight face (being a robot and all) and do jolly things X3,

  • Thank you so much, for sharing your feelings! I'm really glad you're past the depression, it's a very nasty thing. And it's truly wonderful that this thread brought all of us together.

    So never give up, keep up your good work! I wish you good luck from all my heart!

    tessie0713 posted: »

    First, I want to thank all of you who support my works. I am just not a very "forum" person. So, not to be dramatic but I want to say som

  • I love how we Rhyionas have created this alternative universe and its complex characters. xD It's like...I'm a fan of both real Tales from the Borderlands and our Tales. OUR TALES...Wow..

    We're Telltale Jr. ,the son that wants to take after his father. We start with little sketches that makes our father proud. Loader bot approves! O.M.G. Telltale is our righteous father! cries proudly

    Also thank you!

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    nohuhhuh posted: »

    I thought it hilarious for him to have a straight face (being a robot and all) and do jolly things X3, Like jumping around screaming "YAAYYY

  • Thank you!

    Silence is always the worst kind of treatment.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Great job as always! "I´m going to stick something where it hurts if you don´t shut up." is all she offers but the calm tone is what scares him the most This is so true. You have good observation skills...

  • Well, that was what she was aiming for. ;)

    Quiff posted: »

    An accidental brush of hands starts it, under the table where they´re all dining, and he knows it´s not accidental at all when she spares hi

  • Alt text

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Fiona is a cruel woman. Not in a literal sense, he corrects himself quickly, But she´s cruel because she can read him well, too well, and

  • Oh yeah. The quiet helps a lot when you need to concentrate!

    buntingsir posted: »

    Yeah, I know that feeling. I keep drawing and doing some work at night and it comes out better than usual somehow. Maybe it's because there'

  • edited May 2015

    Tessie, we're really, really glad to have you with us and that you joined! Thank you for sharing this even though it must have been hard.

    The chibis are amazing, once again. <3

    tessie0713 posted: »

    First, I want to thank all of you who support my works. I am just not a very "forum" person. So, not to be dramatic but I want to say som

  • Alt text

    This is just so frickin' adorable~.

    tessie0713 posted: »

    First, I want to thank all of you who support my works. I am just not a very "forum" person. So, not to be dramatic but I want to say som

  • A extremely cute drawing! Awesome job! :D

    I have been there, Tessie. It is not a nice thing. I'm glad that you managed to get over it.

    I have been trying to figure out what kind of good advice I can give you. All I can say it, that you should focus on the positives rather than the negative. You are talented and a far superior artist than I will ever be. :)

    tessie0713 posted: »

    First, I want to thank all of you who support my works. I am just not a very "forum" person. So, not to be dramatic but I want to say som

  • edited May 2015

    Oh you've planted your last potato, witch. Prepare to get beaten!

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    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Bring it on!

  • Loader Bot approves of this splendid artwork

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    XDJulieXD posted: »

    So me and @Kimmy-klu (it seems that "-klu" can't be part of the @) had a discussion once (yesterday or so) and I realized that we didn't mak

  • Oh, hey, you're back. :)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Oh yeah. The quiet helps a lot when you need to concentrate!

  • Oh hush hush :P

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Well, that was what she was aiming for.

  • Loader Bot!


    He looks so cool, I love his design!

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    So me and @Kimmy-klu (it seems that "-klu" can't be part of the @) had a discussion once (yesterday or so) and I realized that we didn't mak

  • Thank you loader bot-senpaiii <3

    Quiff posted: »

    Loader Bot approves of this splendid artwork

  • 7 a.m, waking up in the morning, gotta be fresh gotta go downstairs...

    It sounds like a 5 year old is narrating his life xD

    Why? Because of all the hate she got?

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Yeahhh, that song was... yeah. But I kinda felt sorry for her.

  • "Which seat can I takeeeeeeeeeee?" Not many, you can clearly see there´s only one free.

    Well, yeah, it got too far sometimes.

    armis37 posted: »

    7 a.m, waking up in the morning, gotta be fresh gotta go downstairs... It sounds like a 5 year old is narrating his life xD Why? Because of all the hate she got?

  • Haha, yeah, had to sleep. But now it's only 1PM. :)

    buntingsir posted: »

    Oh, hey, you're back.

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