The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • then he should stay miles away from girls controlling like that wtf

    I don't think he knew she was like that. It's surprisingly common for some girls to go crazy once they're broken up with.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    XD dayum dem merica gurls be crazy I'd tell her parents they would put her in her place and then he should stay miles away from girls controlling like that wtf

  • why the fuCK do you have this gif burn ur house down right now

  • Damn, if only I can find this on my dash.

    Markd4547 posted: »


  • @TheGreatLeoDio Do you recognize where this song is from? :)

  • [removed]

  • When someone's fucked like that, you should have at least a small amount of fear. You may not think people will do that, but trust me, they can and will if they're insane enough.

    I would but I'm not scared of her.

  • Golden, I refer you to my previous advice.

    Throw her in the fucking trash.

    I'm just going to tag people who replied to my post yesterday in case they cared about the outcome: @Welcome_to_Woodbury @dojo32161 @Infi

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    Get mad yes but as crazy as that is not normal

    then he should stay miles away from girls controlling like that wtf I don't think he knew she was like that. It's surprisingly common for some girls to go crazy once they're broken up with.

  • edited May 2015

    nvm Elian posted the video :)

    A lot of people don't like her for the music she likes to make, which I understand since everyone has their own opinions on music. But this

  • documentary of your life

    TDMshadowCP posted: » @AWESOMEO @ComingSoon @AllThatRemains

  • Obviously crazy isn't normal, but it's common.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Get mad yes but as crazy as that is not normal

  • edited May 2015

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    I was waiting for the train today sitting beside two teenage girls chatting they were so loud XD this is what was they saying in bits

    I hate getting my face done it always breaks out in spots tho

    My feet are to long....way to long....I wish they were short

    My Mam is a bitch she shouts at me when I drink to much or wear to much make-up

    This insert person is an a-hole....that person is a whore....this person is lazy...See that girl who has a rash all over her body we know ewww

    Suddenly she randomly changes subject I HATE THESE JEANS I always look so fat in that

    That girl has such long legs mine are short

    (talking about lots of random guys they slept with drunk)

    I'm sitting their day dreaming about what I'm going to eat when I get home then I hear them being so self critical of themselves and hearing it was really hard to hear for me

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    I wish I could just give her hug and tell her you look beautiful no matter the spots, your body looks perfect, your feet are normal size I don't see a problem. Your mam loves you and wants to look out for you she doesn't like you drinking to much as it's unhealthy and it will leave you intoxicated and defenseless in dangerous situations you will have no control over

    Your mam wants you to wear less make up because your beautiful and the make up taints your face it makes you look like all the others girls when your natural beauty alone will make you stand out more

    Your not fat those jeans are made insanely small they should stop selling barbie doll jeans and sell some which fit real women that's the problem

    Stop being so negative about people always see the best in people if you don't, how the hell do you expect anyone to see any good in you

    Oh yeah and don't sleep with random guys drunk you will get Hiv or potentially pregnant maybe even both

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  • I don't know.


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    TDMshadowCP posted: » @AWESOMEO @ComingSoon @AllThatRemains

  • edited May 2015

    If these girls can say this about someone;

    This insert person is an a-hole....that person is a whore....this person is lazy...See that girl who has a rash all over her body we know ewww

    Then they don't deserve this said about them;

    I wish I could just give her hug and tell her you look beautiful no matter the spots, your body looks perfect, your feet are normal size I don't see a problem.

    Also, this?

    those jeans are made insanely small they should stop selling barbie doll jeans

    It's not called Barbie Doll jeans, it's called "I picked a size way too fucking small for me" jeans. Jeans (which I am assuming are skinny jeans she's talking about) come in all sizes.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I was waiting for the train today sitting beside two teenage girls chatting they were so loud XD this is what was they saying in bits I h

  • edited May 2015

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    You have a point but everyone deserves some nice things to be said about them maybe it's a self-esteem or body image problem maybe even jealousy, maybe problems at home what is making them like that fix the problem don't treat them like dirt you will only go down to there perceived level in your eyes

    It's not called Barbie Doll jeans, it's called "I picked a size way too fucking small for me" jeans. Jeans (which I am assuming are skinny jeans she's talking about) come in all sizes

    Just being nice maybe she has weight problems you have to be careful and considerate :)

    If these girls can say this about someone; This insert person is an a-hole....that person is a whore....this person is lazy...See that

  • Just being nice maybe she has weight problems you have to be careful and considerate :)

    Did you see her stand up? Was she an average weight when she did?

    Markd4547 posted: »

    You have a point but everyone deserves some nice things to be said about them maybe it's a self-esteem or body image problem maybe even jeal

  • edited May 2015

    I know girls in my past who had anorexia and they still taught they were really fat so her weight can never tell you anything, this is a really sensitive issue with girls I'd never mess around with it. Judging from her disappointment in her voice at the jeans I think she was really down and upset about it

    Just being nice maybe she has weight problems you have to be careful and considerate Did you see her stand up? Was she an average weight when she did?

  • Being a girl myself (wow omg), we do tend to get anxious over the smallest and normal things that happen. Like our thighs expanding when we sit down (hello, it's human, I mean come on), getting rolls when we bend over (also normal) and all that jazz. In fact most girls worry about this stuff. People with anorexia will show a different attitude than "these jeans make me look fat."

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I know girls in my past who had anorexia and they still taught they were really fat so her weight can never tell you anything, this is a rea

  • edited May 2015

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    anorexia means you think you are to fat irrationally and need to lose weight at all costs. They will think they are fat no matter what they wear so any weight being fat or skinny can be seriously self conscious about their weight so you can never tell and you can do serious damage to their mental health by not being careful and considerate with all girls you never know :)

    People with anorexia derive all self worth and accomplishment from their weight so they will always say things like that

    Being a girl myself (wow omg), we do tend to get anxious over the smallest and normal things that happen. Like our thighs expanding when we

  • You've got part of that right, but it's not that they choose not to eat. It's that they lose their appetite to eat after the thoughts.

    Anyway, back to my main point, I just don't see why girls who put down other people deserve praise because they think poorly of themselves. If they want praise, they should change the error in their ways.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    anorexia means you think you are to fat irrationally and need to lose weight at all costs. They will think they are fat no matter what they

  • If you put down people who are already down they will never be good we as a human race should stop being so judgmental and critical all the time if you want to make a mean person nice show them the right way and help them overcome their problems not be mean maybe their attitudes has caused them isolation which contributes to their attitude, maybe they had an awful experience with someone in their past which caused them trust issues. Maybe personal problems or depression is destroying them inside so they are expressing their hurt in the wrong way

    Don't judge someone as a person from one sentence whether they deserve praise or not everyone on the right issues for them does for them it's their self esteem problems

    Remember I only complimented the self esteem issues which troubled them not the bad behavior in fact the opposite I told them what the right way was

    Anyway, back to my main point, I just don't see why girls who put down other people deserve praise because they think poorly of themselves. If they want praise, they should change the error in their ways.

    I dealed with girls who said very mean things about me behind my back and I still they are awesome and praise worthy everyone makes mistakes accept people for who they are, people aren't designed to please you or do things the way you want them to :)

    You've got part of that right, but it's not that they choose not to eat. It's that they lose their appetite to eat after the thoughts. An

  • edited May 2015

    If you put down people who are already down they will never be good

    I never said to "put them down," I just said that they don't deserve praise until they see the error in their ways. Let's not jump to conclusions, yes?

    we as a human race should stop being so judgmental and critical all the time

    This won't happen if people didn't praise the wrong people.

    if you want to make a mean person nice show them the right way and help them overcome their problems not be mean

    That's a great idea. Don't know where you're getting the "don't be mean to them" idea from, but yeah, good idea.

    maybe their attitudes has caused them isolation which contributes to their attitude

    That confused me.

    "Maybe their shitty attitudes has caused them to feel bad which makes their personality bad"


    maybe they had an awful experience with someone in their past which caused them trust issues

    Why are we on the subject of "trust issues?" We're talking about people saying disgusting things about people behind their back.

    Don't judge someone as a person from one sentence whether they deserve praise or not everyone on the right issues for them does for them it's their self esteem problems

    I understood nothing of this.

    Remember I only complimented the self esteem issues which troubled them not the bad behavior in fact the opposite I told them what the right way was

    Right. This is just two opinions colliding here. I think people shouldn't be praised if they act toxic behind other people's back; regardless of self esteem issues. And you think everyone should be praised. It's a matter of opinion.

    everyone makes mistakes accept people for who they are

    Uh, no? If a person is verbally insulting someone due to something they can't help, then I'm not going to accept their poisonous ass attitude.

    It's not a matter of "people aren't designed to please you" it's basic courtesy to not insult people behind their backs. If someone is being a shitty person, don't praise them (even if it's about their self esteem) because that's going to make them think that being a shitty person is good. And it's far from it.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    If you put down people who are already down they will never be good we as a human race should stop being so judgmental and critical all the

  • edited May 2015

    I was nice on the issues which trouble them their looks and weight and was critical of their drinking and sleeping with random guys etc everyone has faults

    It's not a matter of "people aren't designed to please you" it's basic courtesy to not insult people behind their backs. If someone is being a shitty person, don't praise them (even if it's about their self esteem) because that's going to make them think that being a shitty person is good. And it's far from it.

    There is a lot of people I wouldn't be talking to right now if I shared that mentality

    In fact I know a few if you annoy them you have to discuss their annoyance with all their friends first before you can even talk to them again to find out what exactly annoyed them XD And their friends were always told a biased story about a situation which they know nothing about by them lots of nasty things said about you it gets really ridiculous

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    This is the main reason I post my own stories on the vent thread instead of here nowadays but today I decided I'd try here again why not what happens arguing over every little detail of a short basic story or anything I post finding meaning where there is none

    For once why not just cool story bruh XD

    If you put down people who are already down they will never be good I never said to "put them down," I just said that they don't des

  • Pretty sure PuzzleBox does.

    I wonder if the Telltale staff members read some of these comments and think, "Hmm, so this is what our fans are like. Interesting..."

  • I wonder if the Telltale staff members read some of these comments and think, "Hmm, so this is what our fans are like. Interesting..."

  • i dont got no money for a movie haha i live in the fucking woods i aint got shit

    That's... a great but sad dream. Make it a movie.

  • Well. In an assholes perspective, It kinda was, Plus, Waluigi is fucking awesome.

  • Nice one Nikki! She's a much better person Than Miley if ya ask me.

    A lot of people don't like her for the music she likes to make, which I understand since everyone has their own opinions on music. But this

  • If so, I'm surprised they haven't privately messaged us One at a time and ask if we need Mental Help.

    I wonder if the Telltale staff members read some of these comments and think, "Hmm, so this is what our fans are like. Interesting..."

  • Yesterday I would have replied, But I was dealing with so much shit that my metaphorical shit had metaphorical shit.

    So, There is a crazy psycho bitch at your school... This brings up a lotta concern for me, You're one of the only people I can call a friend on this forum, So I wanna help. You've told the Principle and it's still this bad, If she comes anywhere Near your house, call the police. I've dealt with people like this before, Trust me when I say this, It NEVER ends well for anyone. I hope you can take care of it, and you Need to know I'm here for you buddy.

    I'm just going to tag people who replied to my post yesterday in case they cared about the outcome: @Welcome_to_Woodbury @dojo32161 @Infi

  • Like everywhere else in the internet, it's a jungle.

    I wonder if the Telltale staff members read some of these comments and think, "Hmm, so this is what our fans are like. Interesting..."

  • Well, as Many people Might've heard, The Marvel Universe has been destroyed, Every superhero is dead, And Spiderman is set to make his New film debut in "Captain America: Civil War" as Asa Buttfield. So, since Marvel is dead now, and the Cinematic Universe still remains, who here is sad and/or exited?

  • 11/10 prank master troll work right here, making his coke stash blow up in his face

    TDMshadowCP posted: » @AWESOMEO @ComingSoon @AllThatRemains

  • Did you put it in your weird videos playlist?

    11/10 prank master troll work right here, making his coke stash blow up in his face

  • TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Did you put it in your weird videos playlist?

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