Why didn't Rodrik get to pick a new Sentinel?
I would understand it if his and Ethan's situations had been reversed; it makes sense that a young and inexperienced new lord whose father and elder brother had been killed in quick succession would stick to his predecessor's choice of Sentinel. This avoids reopening an inherently controversial and divisive decision by keeping the guy who was "supposed" to be Sentinel in office. However, since Rodrick was alive the entire time, Ethan was never "really" lord in the first place, and even if he had been, he's dead. Just as Ethan had to choose a new Sentinel upon Gregor's death, it follows that Rodrik should choose a new Sentinel upon Ethan's death. So why then doesn't Rodrik or anyone else talk about choosing a new Sentinel? Do Sentinels serve for life?
For one it would've made the choice meaningless and it would be basically copy paste the same scene in another episode with a different main character. For story reasons... maybe because it wasn't that long ago that a sentinel was chosen or Rodrik wants to honor Ethan's decision and doesn't feel the need to pick a different sentinel. I imagine if he really wanted to Rodrik could name a different sentinel.
They should've just had him say he'd keep the same Sentinel to honour Ethan.
Yeah, but I think honestly that's the only choice I don't want to matter. At least they should make some mention of the fact that Rodrik needs to pick his own sentinel.
I've always seen it as honoring his brother Ethan by keeping the Sentinel he chose, but it would have been nice to have some sort of scene acknowledging it.
I always imagine off-camera Rodrick's mother asks him about choosing a sentinel, and he looks at Royland/Duncan and is like, "Eh, this works."
Respecting his dead little brother's wishes? I dunno.
We don't have the answer ;-;
I think the rule might be that a new Sentinel is only chosen if the position is vacant. Chances are that Gregor's sentinel went with him and died at the Twins, meaning that a new Sentinel must be chosen to fill the role. However, Ethan's sentinel did not die, so I'm guessing that a new Sentinel is only chosen if the previous one is unfit for the role.
I'm just going to believe this.
This seems like a counterproductive rule, because it essentially means that Sentinels serve for life, even if they prove incompetent or unpopular. The Sentinel is supposed to be the man that the lord trusts above all others. What if the new lord didn't trust his predecessor's choice? I get that the game wanted to make Ethan's decision meaningful, but Rodrick's decision not to choose his own Sentinel still needs to make sense in-universe, so it seems awkward that he would be okay with a decision that Ethan technically had no authority to make.
Yeah, considering the immense importance the choice was given in Episode 1, I feel like they should have at least explained why Ethan's Sentinel remained Sentinel after Rodrik's return.
It was actually confirmed Gregor's sentinel died at the Twins.
I know but that doesn't answer my question.
Or Rodrik just agrees with Ethan's/your decision and saw no reason to make waves. It's not like it even matters anyway. He takes advice from both of them. Although I suspect Duncan is the "canon" choice, given he's the one that actually appears to do anything productive. Royland just struts around threatening people. He's perfect sergeant-at-arms material, not really a Sentinel. Royland only makes sense as a fighter/protector, because Ethan couldn't fight and Rodrik is too injured.
It could be that Rodrick had no issue with the Sentinel Ethan chose. It's probably just a plot hole by the writers.
Your argument makes no sense. If the Sentinel serves for life there is no reason the lord could not still replace him if he proved incompetent. But neither Royland or Duncan have proven incompetent. Their is absolutely no reason Rodrick would need to change his Sentinel at this point.
I don't see any reason why should he choose another Sentinel
I would like to argue otherwise. They have no way of knowing that Rodrik survived and Ethan was the oldest of his siblings that remained in Ironrath and was the head of his house in the time he had. His words still carried weight and his decision still matters. Besides, I doubt that Rodrik want to cause friction among his council in the middle of a time of danger and weakness. He have enough problem as it is.
I'm not even saying that he necessarily should choose a new Sentinel, only that his just passively allowing Ethan's choice to be foisted on him, without mentioning some justification behind it, is clumsy writing.
Yeah I suppose this is the best answer: Rodrik didn't want to reopen the Sentinel issue and make Royland and Duncan fight again.
'cause the old sentinel didn't die. The sentinal of the old lord died prop. with the rest of his army during the red wedding. So sentinel dead = new one must be chosen. I guess Rodrick could technically chose a new sentinal every week if it pleased him, but his court wouldn't take this well I guess.
I was happy to keep Royland. He's my buddy!
Ser Royland is the man guys
I chose Royland as my sentinel while I was playing with Ethan. If I'd have to choose again, I would still choose Royland since Duncan wasn't present when Ramsay arrived and I really liked Royland.
Why would I choose a different one with Rodrik?
It would be redundant gameplay wise and I figure Rodrik would honor Ethan by keeping the arrangements his little brother made. Asher however didn't have that luxury.