The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



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    Like everywhere else in the internet, it's a jungle.

  • Go to a zoo? Safari?

  • what the fuck people

    Yup, reminds me of the one Pro would always post:

  • Shut up.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    what the fuck people

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    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Shut up.

  • Markd4547 posted: »

    @blueneon I won most improved boxer at my club tonight after training and I've only been there a few months with boxers who have been at the club for years being last to leave every training is paying off

  • @blueneon

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    I won most improved boxer at my club tonight after training and I've only been there a few months with boxers who have been at the club for years being last to leave every training is paying off :)

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  • HOLY SHIT pro I didn't recognize you, why the avatar change?

    I wonder if the Telltale staff members read some of these comments and think, "Hmm, so this is what our fans are like. Interesting..."

  • No Tyrion POV in A Feast for Crows. Why. Nine-hundred pages and only a few mentions of The Imp! I mean I know that AFFC is going over events in Kings Landing and shit, but GRRM could have at least stuck a few Tyrion chapters in there, right?

  • Lol im loving the way it goes now so far, i got a hiding spot in the woods and we built it all out, got an lounge and an big room to sit.
    Wake up at 09:00 and go their till 18:00, eat at home and go their 19:00 till 22:00 its really awesome
    campfires and shit, real sweet :)

  • edited May 2015

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    You're The Best Around

  • What are you talking about? :P

    Lol im loving the way it goes now so far, i got a hiding spot in the woods and we built it all out, got an lounge and an big room to sit. W

  • TDMshadowCPTDMshadowCP Banned
    edited May 2015

    I'm thinking because FOTD is finally over. He now lives in peace and now he is relaxing.

    HOLY SHIT pro I didn't recognize you, why the avatar change?

  • TDMshadowCPTDMshadowCP Banned
    edited May 2015

    Nice. Would you mind showing how the place looks like, if you can? Hope I'm not being weird or anything :S

    Lol im loving the way it goes now so far, i got a hiding spot in the woods and we built it all out, got an lounge and an big room to sit. W

  • The kind that doesn't care about the wellbeing of its students aka mine

    what kind of catholic school hires a fuckin' atheist at a teacher????


    I changed it because I liked the picture that was used in this song.

    HOLY SHIT pro I didn't recognize you, why the avatar change?

  • AFFC was my least favourite book from the series, and that's one of the biggest reasons why. Also that it emphasizes a ton on Cersei and I hate Cersei with every fibre of my being.

    No Tyrion POV in A Feast for Crows. Why. Nine-hundred pages and only a few mentions of The Imp! I mean I know that AFFC is going over events in Kings Landing and shit, but GRRM could have at least stuck a few Tyrion chapters in there, right?

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    Markd4547 posted: »

    @blueneon I won most improved boxer at my club tonight after training and I've only been there a few months with boxers who have been at the club for years being last to leave every training is paying off

  • edited May 2015

    Uhh yeah i got a pic but it aint really sharp tho
    At right you can see the room, at left the lounge

    Actual lounge:

    Table inside:

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Nice. Would you mind showing how the place looks like, if you can? Hope I'm not being weird or anything :S

  • edited May 2015

    I just wanted to explain yall on this thread that me, and my friends are in, a team making a animated ,series our music composer, has done alot of the music with his set of instruments if ,ya wanna check us out the links are below we will be releasing a original soundtrack very soon for the series so you can see what progress music wise we have been making our animation process ,will start very soon after we get a few voice actors.

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    You can follow us on twitter and youtube for updates

    Our twitter:

    Our youtube:

    Our team forum page:

    By the way the banner you see above was created by my pal tobi from the forums hes involved with this project

  • Seems like a nice place to talk about life and such. Neat.

    Uhh yeah i got a pic but it aint really sharp tho At right you can see the room, at left the lounge Actual lounge: Table inside:

  • Yeah well basically we all just hiding their XD

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Seems like a nice place to talk about life and such. Neat.

  • Cool place.

    Uhh yeah i got a pic but it aint really sharp tho At right you can see the room, at left the lounge Actual lounge: Table inside:

  • True enough.

    When someone's fucked like that, you should have at least a small amount of fear. You may not think people will do that, but trust me, they can and will if they're insane enough.

  • edited May 2015

    Eww, fuck Cersei. Her character is pretty masterfully written, but even then every time I read one of her chapters I die a little inside.

    AFFC was my least favourite book from the series, and that's one of the biggest reasons why. Also that it emphasizes a ton on Cersei and I hate Cersei with every fibre of my being.

  • 420

    I'm going to post an update later about the psycho. Hopefully it will be the last one.

  • Good luck, always nice to see people initiating projects and what not.

    Lehfeels posted: »

    I just wanted to explain yall on this thread that me, and my friends are in, a team making a animated ,series our music composer, has done a

  • edited May 2015

    If minecraft had this type of art style, I'd still probably be playing it!

    Lehfeels posted: »

    I just wanted to explain yall on this thread that me, and my friends are in, a team making a animated ,series our music composer, has done a

  • edited May 2015

    Yeah so far we have like 8 pieces of music done made by our italiano music composer alfmusic he has a wide variety of instruments he uses to make the music you will be able to find the music on our youtube channel when we upload it to youtube because were gonna upload a ost vid filled with all the music this is gonna be very soon

    we have like almost 2 episodes worth of written material done you can read the original material on our story page read at ur own risk of spoilers

    and finally we will be going into animation process very soon but we are in need of voice actors before we can actually get into animating it

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Good luck, always nice to see people initiating projects and what not.

  • ty!

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Cool place.

  • Actually, Miley is a pretty respectful human being. I've seen interviews with her and she's gone into detail about how she thinks it's not right to be hated for doing what she loves just because she made a drastic turn. She isn't all drugs and alcohol like some people see.

    Nice one Nikki! She's a much better person Than Miley if ya ask me.

  • burn your school to the ground

    The kind that doesn't care about the wellbeing of its students aka mine

  • waluigi is gross

    Well. In an assholes perspective, It kinda was, Plus, Waluigi is fucking awesome.

  • carve the plot into a tree and send it to mel gibson boom big movie starring mel gibson

    i dont got no money for a movie haha i live in the fucking woods i aint got shit

  • Skimmed over what you said and:

    For once why not just cool story bruh XD

    I'm not nit-picking you or your story. I'm just saying girls like that shouldn't be praised. End of.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I was nice on the issues which trouble them their looks and weight and was critical of their drinking and sleeping with random guys etc ever

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